View Full Version : Nov Poll... A discussion on Flagging.
11-15-2007, 08:28 AM
So it's midway through November... and in reading the November Poll it looks as if everybody likes to raid, and nobody likes to flag.
I myself don't mind the flagging so much, I enjoy the variety in the different processes... I just think there should be more of each.
What do you think?
11-15-2007, 09:01 AM
When I raid of late I either join a crew with an LFM up or put one up and grab some folks them chuck the star around.
EVERY SINGLE TIME WE FORM A RAID PARTY someone says "Oh, sorry, I thought this was a FLAGGING run. Goodbye/etc."
srsly u guise. srsly.
I hate flagging for raids. I want permaflags, especially due to the latest VON 3 Beholder change fiasco tearing through my lvl 9's XP bar. Velah isn't so bad. DQ is not fun to flag for, but is doable. SR ... I freaking LOVE the SR flag system. You never have to go back and do each quest every time and hope everyone has time to do so. I'm not touching Abbott. That's still a bit over our level cap(about 4 levels, but the quest is mislabeled... that happens a lot.), and I am so very very tired of doing orchard runs(you gave us a grind area. We are not Korean. We do not like grinds.).
In fact, the older quests and the big 4 raids are the only real reason I play DDO anymore. PvPers are all uberhaxtwinked to the uberest they can possibly be, and use only the cheapshots and uber-paralyzing-effects/spells that you might ought to just log out to a different character or quit playing altogether for the rest of the evening once you get hit by them... no point in doing anything there. It's 100% Who-got-the-first-cheapshot-off. Questing in the higher level content is more like a chore than anything else... and ... oh heck I hope I'm just tired.
I like Tempest's Spine and Stormreaver the best in that 1) You can hop in whenever, 2) Once flagged you are always flagged(timer on SR tho...). I dislike Abbott the most in that the pieces are bound, and uncommon/rare drops. I actually ran all the orchard quests 12-16 times each trying to get my sorc preraid ready. I did Ghosts of Perdition a total of 12 times, Inferno 14 times(UGH!! I hate that one so much now), Vol 24 times(pre-nerf), and Fleshmaker 16 times. I stopped doing the quests with her when I got my sigil. Then I did the Preraid 4x and was raid ready. I hopped in solo to find out what it was all about, and lo and behold a PvP area. My opponent was a doochebag PvPer(intentionally misspelled, wordfilter). Yay. This time, if I 'lost the match to a min/maxed caster with thousands of HP'... which I think is a bit obscene... I get a lovely little -10 to all my stats for 3 minutes after I res out. Not happy.
More TS type raids please.
High level, mid level whatever. More. Please.
11-15-2007, 09:08 AM
I don't mind the flagging. I do mind CONSTANT reflagging.
I like the mechanism for the SR and BA the most.
Not as quick as TF so you feel like you accomplish something.
I would like to see all the raids have the flagging mechanism of SR and BA and the quest mechanism of TF and VON6.
I like running VON 5 to get to the dragon and Twilight Forge to get to the Titan.
Have to agree with Yaga.
I like the mechanic of Von 5 and pre titan to get to the raid fight but I don't want to run von 1-4 anymore. its trivial and an annoyance of 35-40 minutes each time we want to run dragon. New raids should have a one time flagging set of quests and then a raid boss that follows a 30-40 minute quest.
my 2 cents.
11-15-2007, 09:38 AM
I no longer run ADQ or VONS because of the constant reflagging. Especially ADQ.
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