View Full Version : Dex tome + GTWF

11-10-2007, 11:20 AM
So my level 14 fighter currently has 17 dex (15 base +2 tome used well after I was capped at level 14) any1 know whether or not I will be able to switch out my level 14 feat for GTWF (I just picked up TWF, and ITWF and in 3 days I will see but would like to know now lol)

11-10-2007, 11:38 AM
So my level 14 fighter currently has 17 dex (15 base +2 tome used well after I was capped at level 14) any1 know whether or not I will be able to switch out my level 14 feat for GTWF (I just picked up TWF, and ITWF and in 3 days I will see but would like to know now lol)

You should be able to do so, Connor.

11-10-2007, 11:48 AM
So my level 14 fighter currently has 17 dex (15 base +2 tome used well after I was capped at level 14) any1 know whether or not I will be able to switch out my level 14 feat for GTWF (I just picked up TWF, and ITWF and in 3 days I will see but would like to know now lol)

Yes, and just so you kow superior two weapon figting goes in at Mod 6.

Requires 19 base (+inherent) dex, +15 BAB and Greater two weapon fighting.

Superior two weapon fighting will equal 11 attacks (6 main hand including 2 at +20 and 5 off hand attacks for a 11:5 ratio)

on a related note I heard rangers may very well not get this feat for free.

11-10-2007, 12:06 PM
Would it really be 11 attacks?

currently 1 handed weapon is:


At 16 should be:

Two weapons w/ GTWF:
+0/+0 +0/+0 +5/+5 +10 or something like this right?

so wouldn't it be 9 attacks w/ STWF:
+0/+0 +0/+0 +5/+5 +10/+10 +15? I'm very confused now lol

11-10-2007, 09:13 PM
DDO does attacks differently than PnP. Also, rangers get STWF at lvl 16 for free.

11-10-2007, 10:23 PM
DDO does attacks differently than PnP. Also, rangers get STWF at lvl 16 for free.

Not at this time they do not. It is not planned at this point. Rangers will have to buy it with their lvl 15 feat as planned now.

11-10-2007, 11:58 PM
Not at this time they do not. It is not planned at this point. Rangers will have to buy it with their lvl 15 feat as planned now.

[Citation needed]

11-11-2007, 12:23 AM
[Citation needed]

I could do that but would earn points and get the post removed.... Is that clear enough of a hint or should I elaborate?

11-11-2007, 12:24 AM
Yes, and just so you kow superior two weapon figting goes in at Mod 6.

Requires 19 base (+inherent) dex, +15 BAB and Greater two weapon fighting.

Superior two weapon fighting will equal 11 attacks (6 main hand including 2 at +20 and 5 off hand attacks for a 11:5 ratio)

on a related note I heard rangers may very well not get this feat for free.

I am not disputing that it will be in mod 6 but where is this posted.. oh i see from your above post. I think they should make it bab +16 though and not 15. Fighters and rangers need some loving..

11-11-2007, 12:27 AM
I am not disputing that it will be in mod 6 but where is this posted.. oh i see from your above post. I think they should make it bab +16 though and not 15. Fighters and rangers need some loving..

If they made it bab 16, and did not give it to rangers for free, Rangers would not be able to get it until 18 (or with a feat change and I am not sure even that would work).

11-11-2007, 10:27 AM
I meant rangers for free at bab of +16.. the groups that will get hurt are barbarians and paladins. Paladins should get love in other places - hello back to the old aura and another aura upgrade for instance.. Barbarians don't need any love - they already got some serious goodies - critical rage at 14th level for instance.. :)

11-13-2007, 12:41 PM
If they made it bab 16, and did not give it to rangers for free, Rangers would not be able to get it until 18 (or with a feat change and I am not sure even that would work).

If it is BAB +16 then they can get it at 16 rgr. This follows the trend of feat available BAB+1lvl for all the free style (twf feats) on ranger. Rangers have full BAB.

Also I dont remember reading anywhere where they will put in Sup TWF on any of the DEV threads or WDA, can you please point it out because I dont think this will happen. SUP TWF is a Epic feat really thats why. And rangers dont get any other fighting style feat after lvl 11 PNP wise.

11-13-2007, 01:20 PM
If it is BAB +16 then they can get it at 16 rgr. This follows the trend of feat available BAB+1lvl for all the free style (twf feats) on ranger. Rangers have full BAB.If you don't take an even level of Fighter (or first level of Fighter), no you can't. Pure Rangers don't get a feat until L18.

Codog let the Superior <combat style> news slip a few weeks ago. Search for "posts" containing "superior" from "Codog." :) And Perfect TWF is the epic feat in PnP. Superior TWF is made up by Turbine to go along with a 5th melee attack in their combat system.

11-13-2007, 01:23 PM
If it is BAB +16 then they can get it at 16 rgr. This follows the trend of feat available BAB+1lvl for all the free style (twf feats) on ranger. Rangers have full BAB.

Also I dont remember reading anywhere where they will put in Sup TWF on any of the DEV threads or WDA, can you please point it out because I dont think this will happen. SUP TWF is a Epic feat really thats why. And rangers dont get any other fighting style feat after lvl 11 PNP wise.

Superior two weapon fighting is not an epic feat, perfect two weapon fighting is an epic feat.

11-14-2007, 12:37 PM
Rumor Buster:

FACT: Superior Two-Weapon Fighting and Superior Two-Handed Fighting have been announced for Mod 6

FACT: We do not know what BAB or DEX/STR Requirement will be needed.

FACT: It has not been announced if Rangers will get STWF for free or not.

FACT: DDO has already changed the required DEX for Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (It should have been 19, but is 17)

SPECULATION: It is ASSUMED that STWF will require BAB 15 (ITWF is 6, GTWF is 11, but Feat @ 15 would suggest BAB 14 or 15)

SPECULATION: STWF will likely require either 17 DEX or 19 DEX. (TWF is 15, ITWF is 17, GTWF is 17, so 17 or 19 is likely)

SPECULATION: It is likely that Rangers will NOT be granted STWF. (Rangers get Combat Style @ 1, Improved Combat Style @ 6, and Combat Style Mastery @ 11 per the D20 SRD. There are no other Combat Style Feats granted per the SRD for future Ranger Levels)

11-14-2007, 12:59 PM
Cool sounds like mod 6 might be a good time to start up some new toons. Who knows whats gonna come along?! Should make for some very interesting builds as well as re-thinking multiclasses as things come available at higher levels.

11-14-2007, 03:40 PM
If you don't take an even level of Fighter (or first level of Fighter), no you can't. Pure Rangers don't get a feat until L18.

Codog let the Superior <combat style> news slip a few weeks ago. Search for "posts" containing "superior" from "Codog." :) And Perfect TWF is the epic feat in PnP. Superior TWF is made up by Turbine to go along with a 5th melee attack in their combat system.

Thx I found the post.
I dont really feel good about the direction that DDO already took with the bonus tohit and the higher number attack combat round as it is since it really unbalanced ranged and mostly spring/twitch fighters as it was. By having your highest attack on you first attack gave the advantage to builds that focused on AC and high tohit, but that is taken away when you give bonus to attack as you swing higher because now the character that has higher AC can get hit easily with 4th attack or has room to sacrifice tohit for something like power attack. On the other hand the person that only uses there first attack no longer has advantages and even less of a reason to spring attack. This was more of a PvP reasoning though( :) hit and run ).

Thinking of a 5th attack makes me think of another +5 bonus on last attack again yet more unbalancing between range and spring attacks. Oh well Mobility was already implemented wrong and I know DDO combat is far from PnP