View Full Version : The Emerald Conspiracy Continues: Chapter III

11-01-2007, 04:34 PM
Attention heroes and citizens of Stormreach:

The Stormreach Watch have received word from a cautious citizen that he had noticed an individual matching +Derneal’s description lurking about the in House Deneith today. +Derneal has recently been seen in the employ of +Tchurvul the Vulture, and it can safely be assumed that where one is, the other is not far behind.

If you find the villains in the any of the Houses, or elsewhere, please attempt to learn what their plans are but do not allow yourselves to be discovered! After you have spied upon them, please post your findings here.

11-01-2007, 07:08 PM
wooh this is live again finally =P 1st!


11-02-2007, 05:49 AM
sounds fun

11-02-2007, 07:05 PM
They came out of the woodwork about 6:50 PM, cst today.

With aid of another the following conversation was observed on Ghallanda, via my sorc Riesling.

+Tchurvul: My patience grows thin, Derneal. Report that you have good news.
+Derneal: Indeed I have, Vulture. My men have made contact with your summoner friend. They travel here now with the elven priest.
+Tchurval: Good news indeed, Derneal. I am almost impressed. The Harbormaster has been made aware of our presence, you will need to smuggle him into the region via Sorrowdusk.
+Derneal: That will be difficult, but I believe my men can handle this task. I will personally see to it taht the summoner gets to Stormreach safely.
+Tchurval: See that you do.
+Derneal: Fare well, Vulture, I must make arrangements immediately.
+Tchurval: Oh, and Derneal, fail me once more and I promise that it will be the last time... ever.
+Derneal: ...
+Tchurvul: Now off with you. I have arrangements of my own to tend to

At this point +Derneal walked/sneaked into the weapon vendor in House D, and +Tchurvul went into the doorway straight ahead.

I was able to find them again however, inside of Hammersmith's Inn. Both +Tchurvul and +Derneal decided that I was a little mouse and got a bit angry with me. (Including teleporting me back inside of the Inn to grease me again.)

This little mouse will be waiting to strike, +Tchurvul and +Derneal. You aren't the only dark thing in these parts.

11-02-2007, 08:00 PM
We have received a tip that +Derneal and +Tchurvul are planning somthing vile, and that it will go down sometime in the next week. Keep your eyes peeled, and thank you all for your assistance!

11-02-2007, 08:24 PM
I found these guys in house Deneith, casting spells at me, curiously, I never saw them, maybe they were on a roof... Well, my question is, what can happen if I talk to them or find them, so I get a reward or just a prank? I caught them saying things that were beyond my comprehension, but still I got to hear a few words,

Those guys maybe saw me and thought of me as a threat, and greased me out of their way, then teleported me to the House Deneith building wiht 6 more people... Never saw those two meddlers... Hope this helps a bit.

+Tchurvul: My patience grows thin, Derneal. Report that you have good news.
+Derneal: Indeed I have, Vulture. My men have made contact with your summoner friend. They travel here now with the elven priest.
+Tchurval: Good news indeed, Derneal. I am almost impressed. The Harbormaster has been made aware of our presence, you will need to smuggle him into the region via Sorrowdusk.
+Derneal: That will be difficult, but I believe my men can handle this task. I will personally see to it that the summoner gets to Stormreach safely.
+Tchurval: See that you do.
+Derneal: Fare well, Vulture, I must make arrangements immediately.
+Tchurval: Oh, and Derneal, fail me once more and I promise that it will be the last time... ever.
+Derneal: ...
+Tchurvul: Now off with you. I have arrangements of my own to tend to


PS. I found them in House Deneith with my lv 10 Ranger Elbandor. Thank You. :)

11-02-2007, 09:28 PM
Just because Slyt was poking around in the shadows of house Denieth does not mean he was up to no good. And it just so happened that he heard these guys talking. It went something like this.

+Tchurvul: My patience grows thin, Darneal. Report that you have good news.
+Darneal: Indeed I have, Vulture. My men have made contact with your summoner friend. They travel here now with the elven priest.
+Tchurvul: Good news indeed, Derneal. I am almost impressed. The Harbormaster has been made aware of our presence, you will need to smuggle him into the region via Sorrowdusk.
+Derneal: That will be difficult, but I believe my men can handle this task. I will personally see to it that the summoner gets to Stormreach safely.
+Tchurvul: See that you do.
+Derneal: Fare well, Vulture, I must make arrangements immediately.
+Tchurvul: Oh, and Derneal, fail me once more and I promise that it will be the last time...ever.
+Derneal: ...
+Tchurvul: Now off with you. I have arrangements of my own to tend to.

Now Slyt did not think that the treatment that was heaped upon him was necessary for someone who just happened to be minding his own business. Being teleported to the very top of House Denieth was a bit drastic in his mind.

If this information would happen to be useful to anybody that's interested, Slyt would not mind a little gratitude coming his way. A guy can always use a little help here and there.

Slyt O'vand
10th Lvl Rogue

11-02-2007, 09:42 PM
Just because Slyt was poking around in the shadows of house Denieth does not mean he was up to no good. And it just so happened that he heard these guys talking. It went something like this.

+Tchurvul: My patience grows thin, Darneal. Report that you have good news.
+Darneal: Indeed I have, Vulture. My men have made contact with your summoner friend. They travel here now with the elven priest.
+Tchurvul: Good news indeed, Derneal. I am almost impressed. The Harbormaster has been made aware of our presence, you will need to smuggle him into the region via Sorrowdusk.
+Derneal: That will be difficult, but I believe my men can handle this task. I will personally see to it that the summoner gets to Stormreach safely.
+Tchurvul: See that you do.
+Derneal: Fare well, Vulture, I must make arrangements immediately.
+Tchurvul: Oh, and Derneal, fail me once more and I promise that it will be the last time...ever.
+Derneal: ...
+Tchurvul: Now off with you. I have arrangements of my own to tend to.

Now Slyt did not think that the treatment that was heaped upon him was necessary for someone who just happened to be minding his own business. Being teleported to the very top of House Denieth was a bit drastic in his mind.

If this information would happen to be useful to anybody that's interested, Slyt would not mind a little gratitude coming his way. A guy can always use a little help here and there.

Slyt O'vand
10th Lvl Rogue

Happened to me too, I never even saw the guys, but did hear the conversation, they greased me and sent me to the top of House Deneith... Funny huh? Well, it was fun.

11-03-2007, 06:38 AM
We too, encountered these two miscreants first in the Market, while two of my guildmates followed Tchurvul, me and another followed Derneal. He lead us on a smart little game in the Market, but we stayed on his trail all the way to House Denieth.

There under the stairs, he finally met with Tchurvul, and using some magic, captured them in the midst of plotting to bring someone they refered to as the Summoner.


When caught, Tchurvul laughed at us, and ran like a dog, but not before tossing grease everywhere to hinder pursuit of him.

Derneal hung around and taunted us a while. I don't know how, but he possessed a magic that allowed him to teleport me and my guild mates to the roof tops of the buildings!


I suspose he hoped we would fall and break our necks or something. Finally he transported all of us to the top of the House Denieth Chimeria statue and fled!


11-03-2007, 05:30 PM
I will be on the hunt patroling Sorrowdusk, I swear to leave no survivors. They are just another contract.

11-03-2007, 11:07 PM
I came across them too and overheard their conversation, The Vulture ended up calling us mice and would deal with us later before running away, he greased the joint up, but i didnt get teleported.