View Full Version : Any interest in an RP Community?

11-01-2007, 05:31 PM
Just about everything I've read about RP groups thus far seems to focus on a group that meets one or two nights a week. Some of those groups also seem to try to maintain only the necessary number of participants as those that will fit into a group. This is pretty much foreign to me.

So what I’m wondering is if there are people out there that would be interested in a more community oriented RP group. I’m talking about a group that would be able to RP 24/7 and the characters would essentially be IC (In-Character) 100% of the time. So that if someone wanted to RP, checked their friends list, saw XXX was on they could send them a /tell and in most cases set up some RP either individually with that person or with a group of people (I understand this can not always be the case, as you maybe in a group gaining XP, or tied up, etc.).

I’m currently working on getting a forum put together that would make communication 24/7 very easy and help promote the community feeling. The design I have in mind is pretty much a simple phpbb type set up where you’d have something like this

Dungeons & Dragons Online
DDO General Discussion
DDO Marketplace

In-Character Postings
DDO Story Telling
DDO Character Bio’s

Jibber Jabber

The idea here is that while online gaming time sessions may very most of the time, you can still get to know other characters and people in DDO while not actually IG. This may also make it easier to find other role players that you may not have known were playing at the same time as yourself. The DDO forums here seem to me oriented mostly towards those that consider looting the end-game, and I enjoy looting just as much as the next person believe me, but I’d like to have something that was completely dedicated to RP.

Hopefully not only would this lead to more RP on a general basis but a greater enjoyment of the game for anyone interested. As well as the opportunity to explore options I haven’t seen much of here on the forums (doesn’t mean they are not IG, or that they’re not on the forums, I just haven’t found them yet). One example would be “bad guys” although you can not choose an evil or bad alignment doesn’t mean you can’t RP a “bad guy” (or girl) for the purposes of story telling and RP. I have often found that conflict (RP conflict that is) can create some of the best RP.

The only guidelines I’ve come up with thus far are as follows.

100% IC
No Race or Class Restrictions
No member restrictions (on number of members)
No Twinking*
Mature RP’ers Only (By that I mean in terms of behavior not age)
More as necessary**

*I think we could allow ONE item of twinking per character, so long as you notify me in advance, the item should be specified and it will be considered a family heirloom that has been handed down. I would prefer to have a story to accompany the item.
**Guidelines can and will be changed as necessary or as problems come up. These changes will be discussed in public forum.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or interest?

11-01-2007, 05:48 PM
My guild tries to bring as many like minded individuals under one umbrella and on the days where multiple teams play there is generally Pre & Post quest RPing between the groups going on as they congregate in the local taverns. FYI: also most have NoTwink or if you do have a good reason (each team officer has their own rules).

And the newest Guild "The Forsworn (http://www.roleplaynexus.org/forsworn/forum/)" is probably also another good place to get this message out.... and potentially see if we can leverage each others goals for a common good (or evil)!

11-02-2007, 09:34 AM
I'm in the process of setting up a website forum completely dedicated to this. Or just to Sarlona RP in General. I encourage anyone interested in RP to register as I'd love to read stories any of you might have for posting, and to get to know some of you.


Please keep in mind this is still a work in process and this is my first forum hosting attempt.


11-02-2007, 07:41 PM
The Forsworn is indeed a place to check out, Thalion! The guild was created to be a community for roleplayers to get together, as our motto states 'Bringing the Roleplayers of Sarlona Together'. We hope that by creating in game events and regular RP days we will renew the interest in RP on this server, as it has been waning slightly in recent times. An outline of who we are can be found here (http://www.roleplaynexus.org/forsworn/forum/index.php?topic=33.msg121#new) on our website. Come and check us out!

11-04-2007, 12:06 AM
I think the concept of a "meeting" grounds for RP'ers to get together beyond the boundaries of their guild is a good idea. I am just a little confused by some of your statements. Correct me if I am wrong, but you are aiming this at newer characters rather than using existing characters?

I do not know of many characters RP or otherwise that have not been twinked, unless they are part of a dedicated team, permadeath, or similar group. I have several RP characters but the only ones that have not received gifts from their "acquaintenances" are the ones I use in our dedicated groups.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying this is a bad idea, I just feel like if it involves current guilds and roleplayers on a server wide basis it is good. But if it involves having people make new characters specifically for this situation, it may take away from the direction and efforts of rp guilds and their efforts.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood your intentions.

Good Hunting Everyone!

11-05-2007, 12:00 AM
I like the guidelines by the OP. PM sent

11-05-2007, 09:58 AM
I think the concept of a "meeting" grounds for RP'ers to get together beyond the boundaries of their guild is a good idea. I am just a little confused by some of your statements. Correct me if I am wrong, but you are aiming this at newer characters rather than using existing characters?

To me honestly I have no preference, however as being rather new to the game I am still at a very low level. As such I assumed the people I might be meeting IG maybe as well. But if I came off as looking for only new characters that is not by any means the case. The only restrictions I would put on it is that anyone interested #1 be a mature RP'er in terms of behavior, and really I guess that's the only restriction I have.

Level doesn't matter to me, Race doesn't matter, class doesn't matter. As long as you are seriously interested in RP then I'd love to meet you, and I'd love to play with you.

Basically on the forum I posted above that I've just started I have about two threads. One is a guild listing, of RP guilds to promote themselves, so that like minded RP'ers could find the right RP guild for them.

The second thread is for people interested to list their main/alt character names so that they could be added to everyones friends list. The purpose of this is to promote spontaneous RP. So for instance, someone has posted their character name and had it added to the RP list. I happen to be online at odd hours due to work/school/family and XXX happens to be on today. I send them a quick /tell

/tell Hey, I'm Queleri from SoJetCot.org I saw your name on the RP list, I don't much feel like questing or grinding, so was wondering if you'd care to RP?

And then you can see where it goes. Perhaps you end up even doing a quest but turning it into an RP story for your characters. The forum I set up has a section for character bio's, and character stories such as these. They help familiarize people with the type of character you play even if it is OOC knowledge.

Sorry I think I went off on a tangent there, but hopefully you get the idea.

I do not know of many characters RP or otherwise that have not been twinked, unless they are part of a dedicated team, permadeath, or similar group. I have several RP characters but the only ones that have not received gifts from their "acquaintenances" are the ones I use in our dedicated groups.

Yes I've heard a great deal already about how twinking is suppose to be rather fun. And to a degree I can see where that would be enjoyable. And obviously there is no real way to enforce that type of thing. I just don't want there to be an attitude of uberness, or like people need to be l33t in order to have fun with everyone.

I think I had even stated to a small degree that at least one item could be twinked, I was hoping if you could at least get 1 item people wouldn't feel the need to twink themselves out. Doing so reduces the need for a group by making the character more independant. Which may fit the character they are playing, but may be counterproductive to RP. And that's my only real issue with it. Other than the l33t factor.

I'm much more open to twinking if it can at least have a decent RP story behind why your character has such a powerful item. For older character's in terms of level of course they will have that kind of stuff, as they've faced much more dangerous adventures and will have accumulated some treasure. But that in and of itself is the RP story behind their equipment, and makes it easier to believe from an in-character stand point.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying this is a bad idea, I just feel like if it involves current guilds and roleplayers on a server wide basis it is good. But if it involves having people make new characters specifically for this situation, it may take away from the direction and efforts of rp guilds and their efforts.

I'm looking for current guilds and roleplayers on a server wide basis, I'm not looking for anyone to reroll. Like I said my only concern is that the people truly be interested in an RP first mentality. In my opinion in the end everyone is going to have beaten all of the IG content provided, so the only way to make a game enjoyable for the long term is to have a good process for player developed content, which is typically RP.

It sounds like there are good RP guilds out there, and that's great, and hopefully I'll end up in one or create my own if there are a lot of younger characters out there like myself that are insterested in RP and have yet to find an alternative. My hope is to bring some of those guilds, and perhaps a few other RP people together to create something larger, and more fluid.

I hope that helps clear up a few things. And I hope to see some of you IG soon.

06-14-2010, 12:06 AM
Love the idea. Nice to see people getting together and forming groups like this. When I started playing I was surprised to see how so few people even bother to write a character bio. I was surfing around the DDO website and found this page http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Category:Guild_and_Character_listings_by_server and was even more surprised to see how few bios were even on there! Not to mention how difficult it was to find this. My server, Orion isn't even on that list... which pains me.

I think overall, turbine could be doing more to boost the RP spirit amongst its gamer community. First of all, a section of the forums dedicated to roleplaying or character bios or something. Or make these things easier to find. In a way, hiding the role play away scares the kiddies away from the role play scene, which is good I guess... but... idk, I'm rambling now.

I'm sort of new to this community so forgive me if I've said something naive or ignorant.

06-14-2010, 06:22 AM
When I was new my first problem was choosing a server I solved that by going here in the forums and searching for roleplaying guilds. And from reading all of the results I got from that search I ended up choosing Sarlona. So far I've encountered only a few RP players. I have yet to see an RP guild actually. So I really like this idea. I'm a (very) light RP player though and I think going 100% IC would be a real challenge for me.

06-14-2010, 11:15 AM
I just happened to join a pug that was mostly RPers. It was different than what I am used to, but we had a fun run. My point is they are out there, you just have to look a little.

06-14-2010, 11:13 PM
I would like to reiterate thalion's originally mentioned post (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1733978), that being the /rp channel. With the number of roleplayers showing interest (and coming across a few in-game), I think this would be a great opportunity to put more roleplayers together with each other. :D

For easy access type: /joinchannel rp

To make things even easier, here are a couple of generally accepted guidelines to operating within the limits of DDO (Sorry if some of this is a repeat of what I have covered in other posts):

- I suggest you make the /rp channel its own window, and not just a tab on another window, so you can keep track of it whenever someone says something. It is possible to click the little eye on the bottom left corner to make it nearly invisible, so it is out of your way when there is no chatter.

- /tells can be in-character (IC). Apparently there is lore supporting the fact that the Twelve have developed what are called speaking stones, which allows distant communication between several people. the /rp channel will effectively be a two-way, radio-station-type channel where several people can communicate to each other, regardless of where they physically are.

- Out-of-character (OOC) comments are generally noted by enveloping your comment with double parentheses ((like this)), or by typing "OOC:" before your comment to denote that it is not the words of your character.

Let's make Sarlona's roleplaying better than ever before. [insert rousing speech here]


06-28-2010, 01:48 AM
I just happened to join a pug that was mostly RPers. It was different than what I am used to, but we had a fun run. My point is they are out there, you just have to look a little.

No, you just have to look A LOT! I think you just got lucky.

06-28-2010, 12:11 PM


06-28-2010, 01:40 PM
What's RP?

06-28-2010, 01:43 PM
What's RP?

Role playing.

06-28-2010, 01:44 PM
Role playing.

Oh I thought it maybe some new form of piking I was missing out on...

06-28-2010, 01:48 PM
Oh I thought it maybe some new form of piking I was missing out on...

Nope. If there was a new form of piking, Quik would already have the patent on it.