View Full Version : tips for rushing Valeh

10-31-2007, 10:03 AM
hi all, for our first guild Dragon Raid we did the "hero" method, while we were successful, this left alot of members feeling bored and like they didnt really contribute.
so we have decided we will try the rush method next....
our plans were to have a tank try to get initial agro, in the middle while the othertanks move up and flank him..while two casters with empowered/maxed cone of cold or freezing spheres while the clerics use mass heals an probably raise deads....

my question is what spawns while fighting her? should we have a tank stay with the clerics, or a bard?

we might fail, but we want to try..

any suggestions are appreciated

10-31-2007, 10:32 AM
Leave 2 clerics on the bridge who's only job is to heal each other. On the charge have everyone rush and attack on her left side in between her neck and leg, ie left breast. As a caster I normally throw max & emp freezing sphere, chain lightning, niacs, or disentigrate while running to the spot. That way I can make sure I get off 400-1200 worth of damage incase I get wiped on the first breath. If on normal you should take her down fast. She should stop attacking if everyone around her is dead. The 2 clerics (assuming they are alive) can then raise/heal people on the bridge and you can then rinse and repeat. Make sure people dont raise on the platform, only on the bridge. This is pretty much the standard way i was taught of doing the dragon. Hope this helps.

10-31-2007, 10:35 AM
thx, good tips

10-31-2007, 12:30 PM
has this been method been done since the last update?

10-31-2007, 12:35 PM
the technique varies from guild to guild and from pug to pug. When we run it we all rush her, no one goes to any "safe spot". Stay together so the clerics can get off their mass cure spells and get everyone with it unitll you have one dead dragon.

A note on the clerics: Quicken or a very high concentration is your best friend here.

And yes this has been used on her since the update in a 12 man group and a 3 man group.

10-31-2007, 12:39 PM
same method applies - although i would put the clerics in the "safe" spot rather then on the bridge. With regard to normal/hard/elite - I beleive after the last mod they did make her a bit tougher on elite as her breath is quite devastating. We ran a group of 12 level 14's and it was decided to bum rush her. On her first breath she wasted 4 of the 6 tanks that ran up on her. SHe eventualyl killed the other two.

We did this twice and and had 3 clerics in our party. After the second tank slaughter we decided to hero it (old school). It worked out much better as the clerics were not burning through manna and the caster had it easy on rebuffing/hasting.

11-16-2007, 08:16 AM
same method applies - although i would put the clerics in the "safe" spot rather then on the bridge. With regard to normal/hard/elite - I beleive after the last mod they did make her a bit tougher on elite as her breath is quite devastating. We ran a group of 12 level 14's and it was decided to bum rush her. On her first breath she wasted 4 of the 6 tanks that ran up on her. SHe eventualyl killed the other two.

We did this twice and and had 3 clerics in our party. After the second tank slaughter we decided to hero it (old school). It worked out much better as the clerics were not burning through manna and the caster had it easy on rebuffing/hasting.

The first time I killed velah elite (before mod3) her breath did 200 damage per and usually dispelled all spells. Just how much worse could they have made it? Smart casters put up the important buffs first and then cast like 20 totally useless buffs from items and such before bumrushing her. This meant very often it took longer until your buffs (the only thing separating you from instant death) were dispelled. (While you could and did refresh protection from fire, thats still 80 damage per breath you're taking. Not many casters can take a few of those, with a few claw attacks thrown in for good measure). I almost killed her off after I died through my acid arrow, but the **** arrow stopped working when her health bar was no longer really visible. We still got her, but it was painful. Bloody breath.