View Full Version : SPAM SPAM SPAM. It's beyond ridiculous. Fix it already.
10-27-2007, 08:59 AM
I want to accept mail from my friends list, my guild list, and in-game service announcements.
The fix is obvious, the fix is simple, the fix is long ****ing overdue.
10-27-2007, 09:19 AM
Hrrumphhh!!! I was looking for a Monty Python reference:confused:
10-27-2007, 09:35 AM
No you weren't! :D
10-27-2007, 10:37 AM
I want to accept mail from my friends list, my guild list, and in-game service announcements.
The fix is obvious, the fix is simple, the fix is long ****ing overdue.
That's just what they are planning on doing it seems from what they said in the Town Hall meeting.
The downside is that if you need to send something to someone, return items, or repay for wands or something, and they have non friends and guild members blocked, you can't.
10-27-2007, 10:53 AM
Another fairly simply solution:
Add a button to the mail interface that lets us both delete a message and report the spammer at the same time.
Do something similar for tells. A slash command that both squelches and reports a spammer.
These two simple tools allow people to feel more in control and proactive at the same time.
Additionally, I think once someone gets banned for spamming, you guys should go through and delete every mail message from that person as well. You might even cut into their operation a bit as well by deleting some plat/item mails as well.
10-27-2007, 12:10 PM
you know what they should do and MT this would definately cut into their set up a sting operation. The people sending you the tells are not the ones holding all the items/plat, b/c those guys get deleted all the what you need to do is set up a sting. Order plat/items from the company, and as soon as you recieve the items/plat you delete that characters account(probably a bunch of mules that can cripple the business). Get on it Turbine, get on it FBI sting style.
10-27-2007, 02:07 PM
I've noticed that the /tell plat spammers have done something new. They spam /tells for a couple of minutes then logout. By the time you hit a Spam Report they're logged out and the system won't accept the spam report because so and so isn't online. I know cause I've tried to report a few of them and by the time I clicked and entered the info they were offline and it wouldn't let me report them. The system needs to just check and see if it's a valid name in the userbase for that server and allow it.
As for the ingame mails, give us another button besides Compose and Delete. Give us a Spam button as well. This would simply forward the name and mail to someone at CS and they can investigate further.
As for the sellers, yes, Turbine should spend a few dollars on litigation and either:
a) SUE THE PANTS OFF the sites selling Plat/Items for breaking the EULA/TOS
b) Spend some money, setup a sting and buy some plat from these farmers. When the login to give over the money you bought, DELETE the account. This happens a few times they'll have to figure something else out or quit.
10-27-2007, 03:01 PM
Another fairly simply solution:
Add a button to the mail interface that lets us both delete a message and report the spammer at the same time.
Example A: GMail's Report Spam button. Moves it to the Spam folder and marks it as spam so that GMail's filtering system can work even better.
DDO's Report Spam button - deletes message, automates a spam report.
I want one.
a) SUE THE PANTS OFF the sites selling Plat/Items for breaking the EULA/TOS
You try suing someone in China and tell us how it works.
10-27-2007, 03:05 PM
i spam them invites and trade requests so they cant type they got ****ed today and cussed me out called me a neckcutter and said i was interfering with his WORK lmao.
10-27-2007, 03:17 PM
called me a neckcutter
I don't even know what a "neckcutter" is.
10-27-2007, 03:23 PM
nor do i lmao:D
10-27-2007, 03:34 PM
Another fairly simply solution:
Add a button to the mail interface that lets us both delete a message and report the spammer at the same time.
Do something similar for tells. A slash command that both squelches and reports a spammer.
These two simple tools allow people to feel more in control and proactive at the same time.
Additionally, I think once someone gets banned for spamming, you guys should go through and delete every mail message from that person as well. You might even cut into their operation a bit as well by deleting some plat/item mails as well.
These are much better solutions. A simple /reportspam command, /rs for short, that works like /r, in which it automatically fills out the person's name and uses the content of the message as a body of the report to pop up a new ticket form would be ideal, as would a button that flags a message as spam. Coupled with the ability to track who sent what regardless of whether that char gets deleted or not, would help a lot.
Making it so everyone runs around unable to get mail or tells from anyone but people on their friends list is not "an obvious solution" - it is bad solution that makes the game a lot less social. I send ppl items all the time "Oh btw X, do you need a Y?" not to mention tells to 'strangers' asking for PUGs "Do you need a profession X level Y?" etc.
10-27-2007, 03:39 PM
I've noticed that the /tell plat spammers have done something new. They spam /tells for a couple of minutes then logout. By the time you hit a Spam Report they're logged out and the system won't accept the spam report because so and so isn't online. I know cause I've tried to report a few of them and by the time I clicked and entered the info they were offline and it wouldn't let me report them. The system needs to just check and see if it's a valid name in the userbase for that server and allow it.
They're doing it a lot quicker than a few minutes. More like 30 seconds (or less) and they're out, account deleted. A quick fix in the interim would be to re-enable copy and paste. I used to be able to make a report within ~7 seconds of getting the tell by using copy and paste. Now I only manage to type it quickly enough half the time :-/
What I did to improve my chances now was to hit the screen capture button, and then I write the name in the name field and then just quickly write "that player is sending plat adverts, I have a screenie to back it up"
Still, I prefer cut and paste .. quicker still. Or ideally the /reportspam command that's been talked about.
10-27-2007, 07:04 PM
Making it so everyone runs around unable to get mail or tells from anyone but people on their friends list is not "an obvious solution" - it is bad solution that makes the game a lot less social. I send ppl items all the time "Oh btw X, do you need a Y?" not to mention tells to 'strangers' asking for PUGs "Do you need a profession X level Y?" etc.
Tell you what. You guys who are in the minority sending mail and tells to random strangers can keep your interface the way you like it.
I want a checkbox to filter my mail.
It's not my job to report spammers-- and more importantly, it's completely pointless reporting them.
We've been reporting them, Turbine's been banning them, and it doesn't help.
10-27-2007, 07:19 PM
I'm all for this idea but I also still think trial accounts should be limited on tells/mail. I think that would solve 99% of the problem.
To the guy who posted to 'sue the pants off them', that would only work if they were based in the US or in a country that recognizes US laws. Unfortunately that does not apply to a lot of countries in the world.
10-27-2007, 07:23 PM
It's not my job to report spammers-- and more importantly, it's completely pointless reporting them.
We've been reporting them, Turbine's been banning them, and it doesn't help.
I suppose, since there's still crime, that policemen in real life are also pointless?
10-27-2007, 07:31 PM
I suppose, since there's still crime, that policemen in real life are also pointless?
Well duh. They only help to feed the corruption!
Wait. That means...
10-27-2007, 09:39 PM
Somebody called?
(This post is in no way a reference to the OP, it is merely a response to an emergency call!!!)
10-27-2007, 09:46 PM
I asked for exactly this feature many times in the last year and change, a spam button to the mail.
10-28-2007, 01:02 AM
never have been a fan of limiting mail, but this spam button or /reportspam command i could totally support. i DO send packages to strangers. when i get something i don't need, such as +5 thieves tools, or like a pearl of power I, i know i can't sell it, but i don't want to throw it away, so i mail it to a random 1st level unguilded character. So, in order to be alturistic, i have to convince people to put me on their friends list?
Or, hey, i was gonna donate some money to that PUG cleric last night, but by the time we were wrapping things up, it slipped my mind. Well, i did die a few times, and she did have to use a few scrolls, but since i'm not on her friends list, i can't just send her the cash to pick up at her leasure?
10-28-2007, 01:06 AM
Mostly, I'd like some options that didn't involve me having to make sure I put all my alts on all my other alts friends-lists.
10-28-2007, 01:11 AM
Mostly, I'd like some options that didn't involve me having to make sure I put all my alts on all my other alts friends-lists.
Here here! Besides, why would i want a noob like me on my friends list anyway? i'd never be online when i want to play, anyway.
10-28-2007, 01:41 AM
I suppose, since there's still crime, that policemen in real life are also pointless?
Don't be a ****, MT.
10-28-2007, 04:34 AM
Could you add cut and paste to the spam reporting form, at least the name please.
Additionally, I think once someone gets banned for spamming, you guys should go through and delete every mail message from that person as well. You might even cut into their operation a bit as well by deleting some plat/item mails as well.
An easy to create CSO tool, add notification if email has attachment. Might also identify mules.
Combined with removing the abiltity to cut and paste into the body section (make them type out each email individually) of the email dialog and spam would disappear.
EDIT: Need a client side solution, so no additional load on server.
A filter would place a lot of load on the server (is all server side).
Every email would have to (in addition to normal functionality);
get the list of permitted senders,
search the list of permitted senders,
filter email.
These searches might only take additional milliseconds...multiplied by how many emails per server per second?
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