View Full Version : Should i do this?

10-21-2007, 03:53 PM
Been playing my ranger lately and i got him to levl 11, i had an idea that i should either multiclass him to fighter for a few extra feats and hps, or i could multiclass him to pallidan for better saves and some hps, keep in mind my base char is 8. Also, i dont have to multiclass, reasons not to are fine also

my ranger is a 32point halfling

Base stats:
20(set for 36 dex)
8(could get to 16 fairly easily)

all of the stat boost have been put into dex(max dex build)

10-21-2007, 06:55 PM
Hmmm... +4 saves (while wearing a +6 CHA item, eating a CHA tome and spending 2 APs on the pally enhancement) or 2 feats...

Personally I'd go for the feats. While you may think of them as combat feats you also need to think about the possibility of opening up general feat slots with the fighter levels. (ex. I presume you took IC: peircing @ lvl 9. Right before taking a fighter level you could visit Fred and swap it for toughness and then retake IC: Peircing with your fighter level.)

I did this with my elven ranger and it's worked out nice. He has Least/Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow, Toughness, Mental Toughness and Extend Spell for his general feats and IC: Peircing and IC: Ranged for his Fighter feats.

10-21-2007, 09:04 PM
No idea how you're spending your enhancements, but if you feel your saves are lacking, you can invest in the Halfling Luck line. Your reflex save probably does not need a boost, but I would bet your will save might. For a halfling ranger, this may be better than splashing paladin levels.

10-25-2007, 04:26 PM
No idea how you're spending your enhancements, but if you feel your saves are lacking, you can invest in the Halfling Luck line. Your reflex save probably does not need a boost, but I would bet your will save might. For a halfling ranger, this may be better than splashing paladin levels.

so far... i have maxed out those all three of those enhancements(fort,reflex,will)

10-25-2007, 04:36 PM
Without knowing exactly why you think going straight Ranger is not satisfying or what you think is currently lacking with your character; I gotta agree w/ Quantum. The additional fighter feats and HP would probably give you a more balanced character, and options to change in and out of if you like visiting w/ Fred.

Aim true, hit hard.

10-26-2007, 11:00 AM
Without knowing exactly why you think going straight Ranger is not satisfying or what you think is currently lacking with your character; I gotta agree w/ Quantum. The additional fighter feats and HP would probably give you a more balanced character, and options to change in and out of if you like visiting w/ Fred.

Aim true, hit hard.
The problem i am having with my charcter is that when i am dual weilding i grab WAY to much agro, even if i let the tank attack first. i guess what im looking for is something to keep me less squishy