View Full Version : CoH vet seeks guild

10-19-2007, 05:49 PM
Greetings. I am a 3+ year CoH/V vet and occasional WoW player. Though I adore CoH, mostly for the ease of finding pickup groups, sometimes I need a break from it. I used WoW to take that break for awhile until I realized I hate that game.

Over the last few months I’ve done the free trials for DDO, LotRO, AO and Eve. Though they all have their good and bad points, I’ve settled on DDO. I used to play the pnp version as a lad and it’s probably why I’m into MMOs in the first place.

The only thing that put me off during the trial was the way groups just tore through the instances (when I was lucky enough to get on a team). It wasn’t much fun holding up the team while I tried to keep up or having to have someone come back to get me.

I am looking to join a mature, relaxed guild. I play to unwind and have fun; I’m not into powergaming or min/maxing or whatever. I would need a guild that won’t mind taking the time to help a noob get his footing. I am not an experienced RPer, in fantasy games at least, but I’m not averse to it either.

Now to sell myself a little…

Though new to this game, I’m not new to MMOs. I’m familiar with concepts like tanking, pulling, cc, etc. I’m 34, single, and typically play 2-4 hours, 4 or 5 nights a week. If I find a guild that’ll invest some time in me, I’ll gladly give back. After 3 years in CoH, helping others was about the most fun I could have.

I’m eastern time zone, if that helps, and willing to locate to any server.

Thanks, and take care.

Daerius of the Blessed Blades
10-20-2007, 01:28 PM
If you come to Ghallanda, I'd be honored to help. In my guild we have a pretty good mix of experienced veterans and several newcomers.

Check out our guild website at http://lhguild.org and see if we meet your requirements. Regardless of whether you are interested in the guild or not, I'd be happy to help if you're in the neighborhood :)

As another old pen and paper player without a regular gaming table, we're glad to have you!!

10-20-2007, 01:55 PM
If you come to Ghallanda, I'd be honored to help. In my guild we have a pretty good mix of experienced veterans and several newcomers.

Check out our guild website at http://lhguild.org and see if we meet your requirements. Regardless of whether you are interested in the guild or not, I'd be happy to help if you're in the neighborhood :)

As another old pen and paper player without a regular gaming table, we're glad to have you!!

Ha, Bran you beat me to it.

MacAvs, if you like having fun as your first goal you'd probably like Lifetakers and Heartbreakers. We are a large guild and you can almost always find someone on to group with. Frequently someone will switch out toons to run etc.
The best thing (for me at least) is that we put life first always. I frequently have to afk during my gaming to check on the baby. No problems - ever. Quite a few of us are on just about every day. If you see any of my characters from my sig on, send me a tell. If I'm free, I'll join you (I have characters in about every level range). If not, I can answer questions. I'm typically on +/- 10EST - 1EST most nights.

DDO is my first and only MMORPG, but I'm having a blast. It does have a bit of a learning curve, especially if you are not into the current ruleset. (I last played PnP when "elf" was a class)

I'm actually in the process of trying to get a bunch of us to start up new characters together, so this might be a good time.

And we like long walks on the beach at sunset...:) Sorry, couldn't resist since your title sounded like a personal ad

10-20-2007, 08:59 PM
Awesome. I was about to post yet the same thing. ;)

I'm not a 3 year vet of CoH, but I've got the samurai armor, which I think is 27 months? I love CoH very much, and also DDO. And I'm in L&H, and I'd recommend them highly.

10-20-2007, 11:42 PM
Another CoH player here, DDO was going to be the game I played on the side but it hooked me and I only visit CoH every once and a while now :)

If you're looking to get away from the zerging of pugs you may be interested in one of DDO's permadeath guilds (three listed in my sig).

The deleting characters when they die thing is hard to swallow for some :eek:, but the teamwork and memorable fights that come from it more than make up for it :D

10-21-2007, 11:45 AM
Our ten static play teams run from Little to Medium+ RP depending on the particular groups setup and leader.
The two weekend teams are newbie friendly and probably not to far advanced in level gap for you.

Want a little bit more of that PnP flavor? Meet your regular set of comrades every week and set out for adventure on the streets (or most likely the sewers) of StormReach!

Follow my signature line to learn more...

10-21-2007, 02:11 PM
Our ten static play teams run from Little to Medium+ RP depending on the particular groups setup and leader.
The two weekend teams are newbie friendly and probably not to far advanced in level gap for you.

Want a little bit more of that PnP flavor? Meet your regular set of comrades every week and set out for adventure on the streets (or most likely the sewers) of StormReach!

Follow my signature line to learn more...

I'll note that WF seem to be the easiest to do light roleplay on DDO, in the vein of CoH. CoH just opens it up to be so easy to have just a bit of characterization, especially with Battlecries and suchlike. So if you want to do a wee bit of RP, make a WF.

I Enjoy Capitalizing All The First Letters Of My Warforged's Conversation, And Using Phrases Like Meatbags, Fleshies And Inferior Race.

10-21-2007, 02:35 PM
I'll note that WF seem to be the easiest to do light roleplay on DDO, in the vein of CoH. CoH just opens it up to be so easy to have just a bit of characterization, especially with Battlecries and suchlike. So if you want to do a wee bit of RP, make a WF.

I Enjoy Capitalizing All The First Letters Of My Warforged's Conversation, And Using Phrases Like Meatbags, Fleshies And Inferior Race.

Well it just so happens the Sunday Team is ummm, fleshie free... perhaps two more sentient beings may find their way to Sarlona?

"I have had sentient Warforged actually break ranks to follow Evasion's banner, their gathering in numbers is beginning to worry the 'Fleshies'."
- Theft

10-21-2007, 03:32 PM
I, too, am a Co* vet. although I only have 15 months in, I thoroughly enjoy both City of and DDO. I am currently a member of the Order of the Silver Dragons, one of the founding guilds. Ever since my joining them, they have made me feel quite at home, taking the time to explain best builds and strategies, joining me in low to mid level content, and generally taking the time to make a stranger feel a part of a family, which, IMHO, is a rare thing in many MMO's. I suggest you take the time to browse the website, and make your own informed decision. Here is the link: http://www.silverdragons-lair.net

I do hope you join, if only for the selfish reson of having another Co* player to talk to! lol.
(yes, that was a joke. I think you will find them accomidating and friendly. They really do have a good bunch of joes there.)