View Full Version : In search of a new guild

10-10-2007, 11:09 AM
First off I would like to say I love my current guild mates and nothing they have done has provoked me to look for another guild. The Ripped Dragons have been a great Family and any guild I find will be compared to them. I worked very hard to become an officer in the Ripped Dragons and I am proud to have been one. What I want from the game I can no longer get from my current guild and it is the only reason I am posting this.

Some of you out there may know me from my main characters, Tolith, Heddar or Celidaer and I consider myself a good player and can bring allot to any guild, I am also working on leveling my other characters. I have been playing since beta and only reason I have only 3 level 14s is I play those 3 too much. I am always willing to help any guild member in need.

I am looking for a guild that has these in no particular order.

- A feeling of friendship and family
- A active Guild page
- An active Raid schedule
- The willingness to help others in the guild
- 50 + members with Global membership
- Understanding that though I play allot I will not be able to make it to every raid.

Other things that would be nice but not a necessity are

- European Members a Plus! (I am in Germany, but only speak English)
- Events other then Raids (PvP & others)

I look foward to meeting new people and making new friends :)

10-10-2007, 01:54 PM
It looks like we have all of those in spades my friend. I dont know exactly how many active members we have, but it somewhere right around there. Most of our guild is in the states, but we do actually have one member that is stationed in Germany. He's a nice guy, but dont tell him I said that....

I am known for putting on a guild vs guild pvp event every now and again as well. Check out our guild page and if you are interested, sign up and maybe do a few runs with us to see how it works out. The address is in my sig.

10-10-2007, 02:59 PM
Feel free to check us out at theironphalanx.guildportal.com we are an active large guild that raids a lot. We have a very friendly but adult atmosphere. We have a fairly decent international atmosphere. We do have one current european officer from switzerland. We have several French-Canadians. We currently dont have any aussies but have had several in guild previously.

Daerius of the Blessed Blades
10-10-2007, 03:04 PM
You are welcome to come visit us - we meet every requirement EXCEPT being a heavy raiding guild. We only run raids approximately once every two weeks...

Visit our website for more info (lhguild.org (http://lhguild.org)) or look us up online.

10-10-2007, 03:11 PM
Lelo, he's a SWEDE. Stay consistant. Calling him swiss only makes him NOT angry. :P

10-10-2007, 03:19 PM
Thanks guys.. Heading to bed now... but will check out the guild pages tomorrow!!!