View Full Version : Halfling Intimidate Penalties

10-05-2007, 09:56 AM
Does anyone know what the actual penalties are? I believe that they are -4 versus normal opponents (humans, etc.) and -8 versus giants, ogres, dragons, etc.

Is that correct?

10-05-2007, 11:38 AM
Does anyone know what the actual penalties are? I believe that they are -4 versus normal opponents (humans, etc.) and -8 versus giants, ogres, dragons, etc.

Is that correct?

Yes. -4 Four for every class size above you. So a medium size gets +4 vs Kobolds.

10-15-2007, 03:25 PM
Yeah you should see my penalty vs the Stormreaver sometimes I hit it out of reflexes, oh well just gotta do it the old fashioned way by beating the snot out of him.

10-15-2007, 04:30 PM
Have any halfers tried saying "I'm going to eat your leg, you giant entree!"?

A halfling's appetite is about the only scary thing about him....

09-06-2010, 04:16 AM
Intimidate vs. Xy'zzy (-12 or -16 for Gargantuan size)

09-06-2010, 04:30 AM
You managed to necro a nearly three years old thread. Hound was added the summer after the creation of this thread, even.

09-06-2010, 03:20 PM
I was interested to see this. I find no information on the character section of the compendium regarding any penalties at all to intim for a halfling.

it does say they are small creatures and gain 1 to ac over all...

I can see it making some sense, but the difference to be 4 is a bit much... I think it should stay the same as a human.

figure it this way, the human sized does the intim and the mob gets scared or realizes a huge threat..

the halfling does intim and the mob, who would normally add a -4 to the intim check stops and says...'awwwww cute little bugger' or 'just starts laughing' as the little halfling all dressed up in toy armor goes 'grrrrrrrr.....' and looks mean.

Edit: think of the cat rogue fighter in shrek....those eyes...that dashing swagger....either you laugh or go awwwww...
Either way, you are totally transfixed...perhaps halflings should get +4 to intim over others..?

09-06-2010, 03:33 PM
Heck, if anything Halflings should have bonuses to their intimidate. You ever have one of those little bastards rabbit hump your leg??!?!?


*resuppressing bad memories*