View Full Version : My Buddy Ninib

10-02-2007, 02:13 PM
Im probably gonn take alot of **** over this, however i seen a commercial over the weekend and couldn't help but post this.


Hope we can still be friends.........


10-02-2007, 02:20 PM
Im probably gonn take alot of **** over this, however i seen a commercial over the weekend and couldn't help but post this.


Hope we can still be friends.........


lol... damg it... you revealed my beauty secret... darn... now everyone will be a wandering around looking like moi:D

10-02-2007, 02:21 PM
That's funny! I never knew Scarsgaurd named himself after a beauty cream. :eek:

10-02-2007, 02:38 PM
Oh I got lots of beautiful cream:eek: :D

10-02-2007, 02:54 PM
lol... damg it... you revealed my beauty secret... darn... now everyone will be a wandering around looking like moi:D

No trust me most of us aren't willing to crush enough beer cans on our forehead to get that dent. Nor are we willing to have someone lay into our face with a bag of nickles to get it just like yours.


10-02-2007, 09:59 PM
No trust me most of us aren't willing to crush enough beer cans on our forehead to get that dent. Nor are we willing to have someone lay into our face with a bag of nickles to get it just like yours.

Is that supposed to be funny? Because if thats what passes as funny in your town sid ya need to get out more. Call it city folk but we actually learn by speaking with each other what is acceptable and whats not.

P.S. I'd like to see ya say that to the crazy canucks face.

10-02-2007, 11:47 PM
No trust me most of us aren't willing to crush enough beer cans on our forehead to get that dent. Nor are we willing to have someone lay into our face with a bag of nickles to get it just like yours.


If I catch him drinking beer out of a can, I'll make him move to the US and drink domestic mass market filtered swill.

I knew Ninib was too shiney, but what happened with Bootsy #1? The reroll was an improvement.:p

10-03-2007, 12:29 AM
Bootsy is in the waiting for Monks:D

10-03-2007, 07:25 AM
Oh I got lots of beautiful cream:eek: :D

Oh no you dinnit!:eek:

10-03-2007, 09:26 AM
If I catch him drinking beer out of a can, I'll make him move to the US and drink domestic mass market filtered swill.

I knew Ninib was too shiney, but what happened with Bootsy #1? The reroll was an improvement.:p

Beer in a can has it's uses.
Cooking: Make chili or stew with a can of Bud. Stuff an open can up the wazoo of a chicken carcass and roast or grill it. Shellfish just ain't right if you don't drop in an oilcan of Foster's when you boil/steam it.
Pest control: Busch makes a fine projectile to keep the squirrel population down.
Social Situations: It is a not-so-subtle way to demonstrate your contempt to whatever obligatory guest you may have when you offer them an ice-cold can of Coors.

10-03-2007, 09:42 AM
and try bringin bottled beer to a opera and see what happens!!!

waiting on age of conan.

10-03-2007, 08:52 PM
and try bringin bottled beer to a Motorhead or Spinaltap concert and see what happens!!!

waiting on age of conan.


10-03-2007, 09:34 PM
Beer in a can has it's uses.
Cooking: Make chili or stew with a can of Bud. Stuff an open can up the wazoo of a chicken carcass and roast or grill it. Shellfish just ain't right if you don't drop in an oilcan of Foster's when you boil/steam it.
Pest control: Busch makes a fine projectile to keep the squirrel population down.
Social Situations: It is a not-so-subtle way to demonstrate your contempt to whatever obligatory guest you may have when you offer them an ice-cold can of Coors.

If zombie movies have taught me anything, it's this. If you're grappling with the living dead in a convenience store, you should grab a can of beer, shake it up, stuff it in the zombie's mouth, get away, and puncture the can from range with a pen. Voila, you have successfully painted the interior some random store red.

Also, cans stack easier if you're too lazy to toss your beverage container out when you've finished.

Mapa, I believe that pana is making a reference to the urban legend that Opera singers can shatter glass by singing and holding a high note. It's a beer commercial, not sure which company.

And hennebux, say something to Scar's face? That means you've got to look at his face at close range. I, for one, don't have that kind of intestinal fortitude.

10-04-2007, 12:17 AM
If zombie movies have taught me anything, it's this. If you're grappling with the living dead in a convenience store, you should grab a can of beer, shake it up, stuff it in the zombie's mouth, get away, and puncture the can from range with a pen. Voila, you have successfully painted the interior some random store red.

Also, cans stack easier if you're too lazy to toss your beverage container out when you've finished.

Mapa, I believe that pana is making a reference to the urban legend that Opera singers can shatter glass by singing and holding a high note. It's a beer commercial, not sure which company.

And hennebux, say something to Scar's face? That means you've got to look at his face at close range. I, for one, don't have that kind of intestinal fortitude.

Now my feelings are gurt.. what am I not the sexy sexiest wf on the server?:(

10-04-2007, 01:04 AM
Now my feelings are gurt.. what am I not the sexy sexiest wf on the server?:(

WF and sexy...what an oxymoron. :D


10-04-2007, 08:25 AM
WF and sexy...what an oxymoron. :D


but I shaved my brillo pad for you Pixa.. you said you liked it:(

10-04-2007, 04:33 PM
but I shaved my brillo pad for you Pixa.. you said you liked it:(

I can't even think of how to answer that. :rolleyes:


10-04-2007, 04:37 PM
I can't even think of how to answer that. :rolleyes:


lol... I was waiting... this has sat there all day and no one posted and yet I noticed the viewership had increased:D

It is funny how many imagines can not be erased from one's mind:eek:

10-04-2007, 05:43 PM
Now my feelings are gurt.. what am I not the sexy sexiest wf on the server?:(

Don't worry, you'll always be our resident Crazy Old Cat Lady.

Well, at least you would be if you'd stop resisting your hormone treatments.

You must have one mighty razor to shave through steel wool. Remind me to never rendezvous with you in a dark parking lot.

Great, now I've got an image of a wooden man standing outside my local grocery store, holding an electric razor and grinning while cat eyes stare at me from out of the dark. I'm never going to sleep again.

10-04-2007, 07:30 PM
If zombie movies have taught me anything, it's this. If you're grappling with the living dead in a convenience store, you should grab a can of beer, shake it up, stuff it in the zombie's mouth, get away, and puncture the can from range with a pen. Voila, you have successfully painted the interior some random store red.

Also, cans stack easier if you're too lazy to toss your beverage container out when you've finished.

Mapa, I believe that pana is making a reference to the urban legend that Opera singers can shatter glass by singing and holding a high note. It's a beer commercial, not sure which company.

And hennebux, say something to Scar's face? That means you've got to look at his face at close range. I, for one, don't have that kind of intestinal fortitude.

I only fixed it because the thought of Scaars at the opera scares me to my very core. How would we keep all the snooty rich women safe?

Also I have to confess, I do cook with cheap canned beer sometimes and drink it when the beer I brought runs out.

10-04-2007, 08:01 PM
I only fixed it because the thought of Scaars at the opera scares me to my very core. How would we keep all the snooty rich women safe?

OK the thought of releasing him on a bunch of snooty rich women would honestly be worth the repercussions. :eek:


10-04-2007, 08:03 PM
lol... I was waiting... this has sat there all day and no one posted and yet I noticed the viewership had increased:D

It is funny how many imagines can not be erased from one's mind:eek:

How many of those images have you permantly implanted in my mind?


10-05-2007, 04:40 PM
Oh, shush Pixa. Warforged can't be anything BUT sexy.

10-05-2007, 05:58 PM
Oh, shush Pixa. Warforged can't be anything BUT sexy.

oooh la la... see folkes... someone recognizes the Uber-Sexiness of Ninib...

***hands Seancrane2 a big shiney moth***

10-05-2007, 06:01 PM
oooh la la... see folkes... someone recognizes the Uber-Sexiness of Ninib...

***hands Seancrane2 a big shiney moth***

Call me Uma. And I love moths.
*inspects the lovely gift, and sticks a 6 inch hatpin through the soft part of it's little body*
Thank You Scar, you cutie patootie!