View Full Version : Need Tips for Undead Beholder on Elite!

10-01-2007, 06:59 PM
Has anyone completed this baby on elite yet? If so tell me your tactics and success stories. Also put in how many times you had to recall and run back if pertinent.

10-01-2007, 09:07 PM
tips for elite, 2 clerics, zerg, zerg zerg

10-02-2007, 02:36 AM
Yea.. 30 min with optionals done 100% complete.

Tips: Take a halfling medic type build.. Dragonmark heals are awesome. Beholders cant stop those.

10-02-2007, 03:23 AM
did it on elite.A cleric or two casting offensive light and heal spells seems to be the best bet.On normal we were experimenting and chill touch i think it is was fearing the beholder when he fails his save.Would probbly work alrite on elite if he fails to save.

10-02-2007, 05:01 AM
Zerg's, Clerics, Sorc/Wiz

I doubt I'll be able to do this on my rogue ever. He's done it on normal.

10-02-2007, 08:27 AM
On normal we were experimenting and chill touch i think it is was fearing the beholder when he fails his save.

****. That would mean that chill touch would work on every red named undead out there.

10-02-2007, 09:05 AM
Got the favor from the quest after 7 party wipes. We had the paladins tanking Cholthuzz, the clerics trying to keep everyone up (and losing massive amounts of heal/raise dead spells due to antimagic), me as Sorc trying to crowd control the other mobs, and a rogue doing little.

Horrid quest on elite. Hard enough on normal.

10-02-2007, 10:06 AM
As far has spells.... Arcane... Magic Missle, Force Missle, Acid Arrow, and Acid Fog all work well. Divine, Heals heals heals and lay on hands, they can dish out a ton of damage.

10-02-2007, 11:24 AM
****. That would mean that chill touch would work on every red named undead out there.

And why wouldn't it?

10-02-2007, 11:36 AM
And why wouldn't it?
Red named = immune to just about every non-damage spell (including fear)

That's why.

10-02-2007, 03:40 PM
Red named = immune to just about every non-damage spell (including fear)

That's why.

Reds Not immune to curses either or fatigue.

10-02-2007, 03:46 PM
Reds Not immune to curses either or fatigue.

True, I curse the end boss on PoP as a matter of habit.

10-02-2007, 04:02 PM
Red Named are not immune the necromancy debuffs.

10-03-2007, 01:15 PM
In my experience and ive ran it about 15 times we break the ice and drop the caster casts d door right behond the beholder everyone d doors out

we have tanks and pallies range the beholder from the top for the first lvl then we feather fall down using searing light heals for cleric disintigrate and force missile from caster and lay on hands from pally while the tanks throw the beats. We do throw up a d door in case someone gets close to dyiny. If someone dies who can rez we have throw the rez to them and have them go threw the rune covered wall and rez to get other people up avoiding a party wipe. Did it on elite about an hour after the game came out on Ghallanda.

Cheers Da
(Dahealer, Daweilder, Dakiller Blizzzard)

10-03-2007, 01:20 PM
Guess noone likes a bard in their party.

Pity, we beat this sucker on Elite on the 1st day, total time of 16 mins, zero fatalities.

It is our loot run of choice.

10-03-2007, 02:34 PM
Cool lets see how you do it ;) I'm curious i love no feed back

10-03-2007, 02:53 PM
If you are on ghallanda, look me up and we will go kick his butt :)

10-03-2007, 03:46 PM
you using music of the dead...I dont have that on my bard so i have no idea if it actually works?

10-03-2007, 09:19 PM
truthfully the best and fastest is to have a barbarian wf lol they kick that beholders butt with no problems. two wf barbs and ur gtg. one wf barb for norm and hard, on elite one high end wf barb can solo melee the rest of the group just try to survive and keep extra mobs of him so he can do his thing. also bards are great there to facinate extra mobs

10-04-2007, 02:41 AM
In my experience and ive ran it about 15 times we break the ice and drop the caster casts d door right behond the beholder everyone d doors out

we have tanks and pallies range the beholder from the top for the first lvl then we feather fall down using searing light heals for cleric disintigrate and force missile from caster and lay on hands from pally while the tanks throw the beats. We do throw up a d door in case someone gets close to dyiny. If someone dies who can rez we have throw the rez to them and have them go threw the rune covered wall and rez to get other people up avoiding a party wipe. Did it on elite about an hour after the game came out on Ghallanda.

Cheers Da
(Dahealer, Daweilder, Dakiller Blizzzard)

Using the spawn rooms for rez is a banable offense..... Just thought I mention it :/

10-04-2007, 01:58 PM
Reds Not immune to curses either or fatigue.
Hence the use of the term .............

Red named = immune to just about every non-damage spell (including fear)

That's why.
................ which implies there are some that they are not immune to. :cool:

10-04-2007, 02:07 PM
Using the spawn rooms for rez is a banable offense..... Just thought I mention it :/

What turbine employee said this?


10-07-2007, 05:45 AM
I noticed last night that the beholder doesn't snuff out firewalls with his anti-magic cone. I cant say that he is taking any damage from them either lol, but it does make way for crowd controlling the mobs down there which are about as much of a pain.
Gonna try some fogs and glitterdust next time. Maybe the anti-magic is not so much a cone as it is just targeting nearby PC's and overlooking lingering spells

10-07-2007, 06:38 AM
Yea for now, the anti magic cone is just a mass auto dispell player debuff, doesn't effect any lingering spells.

He is imune to fire entirely, think cold and lightning too?

But yea,, wall of fire helps with the other mobs around so worth casting on him or near him.

10-07-2007, 09:26 AM
He is imune to fire entirely, think cold and lightning too?

Acid fog, Acid arrow, Disinigrate, Magic missle, Force missle. All work great for damage.

Chill Touch FTW. Fear him to help cantrol the eye stalks spamming.

10-07-2007, 09:40 AM
2 well specced clerics targeting him immediately and spamming Heal as soon as in range will take him down quickly enough so your feet never touch the floor until the bottom room (by which point he will be agreeing to help you).

6 minutes.

10-07-2007, 11:38 AM
I ran with a sorcerer last night that said he has very good success with acid fog and burning blood. I'm going to try that myself next time I'm in there.

Agreed that clerics should be think offensively in that quest. Going to run it with mine soon too; he hasn't left the Gianthold yet. :)

My build is a sorcerer/paladin, so I'm still a level away from disintegrate. Great build for the giant-hold and Vol, other places in the orchard not so much.

10-07-2007, 12:35 PM
I noticed last night that the beholder doesn't snuff out firewalls with his anti-magic cone. I cant say that he is taking any damage from them either lol, but it does make way for crowd controlling the mobs down there which are about as much of a pain.
Gonna try some fogs and glitterdust next time. Maybe the anti-magic is not so much a cone as it is just targeting nearby PC's and overlooking lingering spells

Beholders don't have an anti-magic cone. Just an Anti-casting and buff striping cone. With the Enlarge Feat, you can cast anything on them.

10-07-2007, 01:12 PM
not sure if this has been completely settled, but i JUST did this run. and we feared the bholder with chill touch. we are doing it again ill get a screenie if you want :)

10-08-2007, 09:34 AM
I know it says tips on elite, but this is fun...

Have completed this quest approximately 30 times since live. There are a few different ways to approach this quest due to optional and difficulty settings.

If you are simply looking for completion and sigil pieces run on normal in 8-10 mins start to finish...heres how:

Fill group as follows(or similar):
2 clerics
2 ftr types
2 wiz/sorc

Enter the quest and make sure everyone has deathward, cold resist, lightning resist, haste(stoneskin/cold prot are excellent also, especially for the casters)...EVERYONE must stay together!(which means close enough for mass cures to hit entire party)

Run to first spot where floor falls and speak with the 3 priests. After floor falls, ZERG to next location where floor falls, ignore all mobs, drop 1 firewall and spam mass cure light/moderate until floor falls (everyone inside the instance must be on the ice for it to break!). ZERG to spawn point of first brother drop 3-4 firewalls under his butt and everyone stay close, lots of melee and hate right about now, spam more mass cure light/moderate until first brother is released. Cast new HASTE. ZERG to next brother(if you get there fast enough and take down second brother quickly enough, you will not need to split up or pull them together) drop 3-4 firewalls at second brother, melee and spam mass cure light/moderate until second brother released. I repeat, if you get from brother one to brother 2 fast enough you will not need to split party(this is far easier than trying to target brother one thru ice or whatever way you normally do this, but it can be done and usually he will join you below). After brothers have been reunited, HASTE/ZERG to the room where beholder is held. Stop just inside of beholder room and drop a few more firewalls for any other mob following you, melee, spam mass cure light/moderate until mobs dead...

Heal up and breathe for 5 secs...

Take down each statue

Shrine/no buffs neccesary

Gather at beholder and equip feather fall items. Keep feather fall equiped at all times if you can. As you fall towards the beholder casters/clerics should be seeking to target the beholder. As soon as you can target beholder, drop 2 firewalls on beholder, clerics spam heal/heal scrolls on beholder, with mass cures thrown in for good measure. Melees should proceed directly to the beholder and begin combat. Caster firewall is there to protect your melee from the mobs, not for the beholder. Clerics and casters should be constantly trying to stay behind the beholder so as to remove themselves from the antimagic. Clerics should be focusing on the beholder with heal/ heal scrolls and mass cures which will also heal you melees. About this time the floor will want to fall. The first half of your fall to the next level should be focused on rez(if neccesary) and restorations/heals(greater restore is excellent for this quest). The second half of your feather fall trip should be focused on targeting the beholder and preparing to spam heal/heal scrolls and firewall under the beholder in preparation for the next wave. Repeat until finished.

Fastest run 7 mins/none rezzed

I will have to test this theory on chill touch. Until then try this out, is it VERY exciting for everyone involved and is one heck of a fight. If you cant ZERG I wholy remove myself from any liability caused by injury and or death.

Thank you,

10-08-2007, 09:43 AM
ah... Ok, I'm confused there, Slink. Maybe on normal he has just different resistances and such..

But the beholder on normal is immune to fire damage. Is he no longer immune to such on elite? I ask because I see you advocating some wall of fire on him. Which on normal would do nothing at all.

10-08-2007, 09:45 AM
read it again, the firewall isnt there for the beholder

10-08-2007, 09:47 AM
But the beholder on normal is immune to fire damage. Is he no longer immune to such on elite? I ask because I see you advocating some wall of fire on him. Which on normal would do nothing at all.

Caster firewall is there to protect your melee from the mobs, not for the beholder.

It's for the adds.

10-08-2007, 03:07 PM
Does chill touch still work or was it changed in the process of fixing the raid exploit?

10-15-2007, 07:14 AM
Yes chill touch still works, but even on normal his saves are up there. Havent attempted optional on elite yet, maybe later on when i get bored with the new raid.

10-15-2007, 07:53 AM
We did this pretty much just the same way Slink described. There are a couple of ledges you can hit on the way down that might be useful for the clerics and casters as well, particularly on the 4th wave. On elite the beholder was failing his chill touch save about 1/4 times from our min/maxed sorcerer.

Still haven't been able to get the optional done however at any difficulty...dang that 4th wave.

10-16-2007, 12:07 PM
Using the spawn rooms for rez is a banable offense..... Just thought I mention it :/

Since when and how ould that work big brother popping in saying your out of here like an Umpire? If they dont want us using it why put it in there?

10-16-2007, 02:04 PM
Since when and how ould that work big brother popping in saying your out of here like an Umpire? If they dont want us using it why put it in there?

Because they didn't test to see if you could walk through the walls while you were dead? It was a mistake, the fact that you can only walk back there once you die shows that they don't intend for you to be back there, silly.

10-16-2007, 02:27 PM
A few days ago I had a charmed arcane skeleton Chill Touch Delera Omaren in the second part of Delera's Tomb and she fled in fear. I'd assume that the big ol' doomsphere can be caused to flee as well.

10-22-2007, 02:06 AM
Did it on elite about an hour after the game came out on Ghallanda.

Cheers Da
(Dahealer, Daweilder, Dakiller Blizzzard)[/QUOTE]

How?? The game came out long before this quest came out...

10-29-2007, 05:17 AM
Haven't done it since the last update, so this is dated.

However, before, on elite, Doomsphere's immune to acid fog/melf's/burning blood (melf's works on normal). It's immune to elemental damage on Normal. I never tried burning blood on normal. Since it's immune to fire, you probably aren't going to get much on it.

Best team seems to be 2 clerics, 3-4 caster/sorcs with Force Missile/Disintegrate w/Superior Potency V items and Maximize/Empower + 1 fighter or bard with the undead song (if you can't get that 4'th caster).

Dropping down, casters are cycling through disintegrate/FM (and MM for casters). Clerics doing heals. Barring a lot of saves, the floor usually breaks pretty quickly. Make sure people don't bunch up and there will always be someone casting on it.

If you try to do this without the casters, you will probably wipe multiple times.

Oh, and best time on normal zerging was 4 minutes. No best time on elite because we didn't zerg it. When we completed, the loot wasn't that great, so never did it again other than for favor.

10-29-2007, 05:53 AM
My strat for that guy is the same as for any othe rmob in the game, make his red bar go empty before mine does.

10-30-2007, 08:29 AM
If you are going for the optional chest, Chill Touch is still the only way to go. He's not that hard to take down with disintegrate and heal - it's waiting him out that hurts so bad.

Very creative challenge on turbine's part. We can do it with very few deaths, but multiple D Doors and recalls for mana. that part is time consuming. Also my supply of D Door scrolls is dwindling fast! :eek:

10-30-2007, 08:31 AM
Has anyone completed this baby on elite yet? If so tell me your tactics and success stories. Also put in how many times you had to recall and run back if pertinent.

Ohhh yeah Ger, elite, no problems, 20 min, 1 recall. 3 casters 1 cleric 1 barbarian with ethereal bracers and a ranger

10-30-2007, 08:42 AM
I made this thread after my first run, since that time I've become quite an afficiondo at this quest having run my main toons on all settings. My cleric and sorc are both currently ransacked there (I need those bracers). :D

Best groups so far have been either 4 clerics spamming heal and 2 arcanes spaming disintegrate or 4 Arcanes and 2 clerics doing the same. Quickest run to date has been 5 minutes. With a proper group your feet never even touch the floor.

10-30-2007, 08:45 AM
I made this thread after my first run, since that time I've become quite an afficiondo at this quest having run my main toons on all settings. My cleric and sorc are both currently ransacked there (I need those bracers). :D

Best groups so far have been either 4 clerics spamming heal and 2 arcanes spaming disintegrate or 4 Arcanes and 2 clerics doing the same. Quickest run to date has been 5 minutes. With a proper group your feet never even touch the floor.

You're still n00bsauce!! :p

02-03-2009, 03:30 PM
Have tactics changed in 2009?

02-03-2009, 03:44 PM
The main change is you no longer have Chill Touch as a means of fearing the doomsphere. The other tactics mentioned should still be valid. The method I tend to use that isn't mentioned is here is having a cleric utilize Blade Barrier (as the doomsphere randomly moves between party members and has a poor reflex save).

02-03-2009, 04:57 PM
The main change is you no longer have Chill Touch as a means of fearing the doomsphere. The other tactics mentioned should still be valid. The method I tend to use that isn't mentioned is here is having a cleric utilize Blade Barrier (as the doomsphere randomly moves between party members and has a poor reflex save).

Ah... That explains much. Maybe I'll respec RoE again. Good observation on the BB. We'll have to try it next time.

Great insight as always Mr Cow.

02-04-2009, 01:39 AM
Clerics make this quest easy. Spam heal.

But it can certainly be done other ways.

Done it on elite twice.
First time very mixed group and struggled a lot. (I put up the LFM and took the first five to join.....my LFM said no whiners, and I got lucky to get a group to persevere through it)
Second time.....three Rangers.....no cleric. Killed everything on the way in. Didn't worry too much about the guys with the beholder....just ranged him. Arcane tried to get agro from minions and everyone helped keep everyone alive. Easy run actually...but intense.

You don't need a perfect party, but you do need people who will stick it out....work together, and certanly helps to have top notch players.

Or have you rogue(non arcane/cleric type) do like everyone else and put up an LFM for arcanes and clerics only and ride their coattails. :rolleyes: