View Full Version : Live Server Raid Ready

09-29-2007, 02:47 AM

09-29-2007, 03:15 AM
Heh...I had a feeling you guys would post this.

I'm not going to get into the fact that you guys were given the answers to the preraid by people who learned it from us on Risia even after your guild leader went out of his way to slam us for even playing on Risia.

I'm also not going to get into the rumor I heard that your guild has picked your uberest players and had the other players farm relics for them LMAO...

Aside from that, though, we smoked you to the raid by quite some time and have 16 raid ready. We're just saving our screenshots for the kill.

Game on.

09-29-2007, 03:24 AM
has nothing to do with that anyone with any knowledge of the phb could actually figure out those riddles right.

09-29-2007, 04:31 AM
Hey Loki? Calm down. Eat a butterfly. Have some visions. Chill, dude. You'll pop a blood vessel or something.

09-29-2007, 05:02 AM
Hey Loki? Calm down. Eat a butterfly. Have some visions. Chill, dude. You'll pop a blood vessel or something.

<tries to visualize Loki eating butterflies>


09-29-2007, 05:17 AM
wow, maturity levels falling, loki from what i've seen ur a good player, but this post makes you look like such an immature child its not funny.

freindly competition is ok, but slamming and slandering ur competition makes you look really bad.

09-29-2007, 05:50 AM
Im not from this server and from the looks of it good thing.Takeing things a little too serious are we?

09-29-2007, 06:38 AM
Im not from this server and from the looks of it good thing.Takeing things a little too serious are we?

Posting in another servers forum specifically to insult that server is bad form as well.

09-29-2007, 10:20 AM
i read that post ages ago, IFV acted badly, but that gives legion no right to do the same. also the idea that they copied your responses is just baseless rumourmongering, offer some proof in some way that they actually did and then i wont consider it slander, seriously for a guild that prides themselves on being the best should rise to the challenge that IFV managed to get into the raid so fast, not try to diminish their accomplishments, they may have done that to you but if you really are amongst the best, you would work harder to beat the raid. im surprised loki would lower himself to their level like he did in this thread.

09-29-2007, 10:23 AM
i like pie

lol if you had a knowledge of players hand book please... you just proved to me you didnt actually read the questions.

10 of them have to do with lore

all 15 questions are set in a pattern good vs evil chaos vs lawful and combination,

knowing the players handbook gets you 5 questions thats it.

furthermore you gained that knowledge of the players handbook from the dev post about them taking a few questions from phb

i think i really would have not cared one way or the other if you guys had not

a. bragged about the fact that you dont need info from risia to do new content. when clearly you do and did use it.
b. your leader did not bold face lie and say he did something in 12 hours it took us 3 days to do. When reading this post he clearly used the info we spent gathering in 3 days.

so again gg the pre raid was the easy part have fun in the raid

one more thing on that. Remember the flame about me posting on goggles and you flaming that it didnt matter. I can bring the thread up if needed. Well read the freekin red text when you log in. Again another helpful tool from LEGION.

waiting on age of conan,

09-29-2007, 10:32 AM
Discussion is lovely.
Disagreements happen.
Flaming however makes threads toasty, and perfect for consumption by the cube.

Remember if you are having a conflict with another user on the forums, use the report feature to alert moderators, or add them to your ignore list, or both. Bad things happen to good posts when flames start appearing in them.

09-29-2007, 10:52 AM
wow, welcome back cubie, we haven't seen you in a while.

09-29-2007, 11:44 AM
i read that post ages ago, IFV acted badly, but that gives legion no right to do the same. also the idea that they copied your responses is just baseless rumourmongering, offer some proof in some way that they actually did and then i wont consider it slander, seriously for a guild that prides themselves on being the best should rise to the challenge that IFV managed to get into the raid so fast, not try to diminish their accomplishments, they may have done that to you but if you really are amongst the best, you would work harder to beat the raid. im surprised loki would lower himself to their level like he did in this thread.

For one Smodge...go do the quest and then maybe you'll know what your talking about.

Second..."IF" you used food stamps and I called you "poor trash" for it, but then when you bought a candy bar with them...I kicked you in the nuts and ate it.
Wouldn't that make me a hypocrite?
(LOL **** good analogy if I say so myself :D)

09-29-2007, 11:48 AM
No that would make you a candy thief.
More liek if he used food stamps and you called him white trash and then he bought a candy bar. ANd you said that that was just wrong.
Then you got your Welfare check and went and bought a candy bar.
That would make you a hypocrite.

09-29-2007, 12:13 PM

I like pie too... especially when roasting marshmallows on the jalapeno side of late night drinking... it really is amazing how hot things can get down there...:confused:

But alas, this calls for my Forum Troll skills of intercession... a true success is when you do something on your own.

I'm not going to point fingers, slam anyone.. if anyone had their fellow guildies do the gathering for them, or bought the riddle answers... or basically... plaigerized/stole the work of others then they know one thing...

...the victory is hollow.

So.. if you can honestly say you did everything in your group without outside help.. then you have my respect... but, that doesn't count for much...

...you don't have to live with me... you have to live with yourself. Thats the only thing in life that matters...

...the ability to live with yourself.

And if you know that what you have done, is not done with your own skills, hardwork and experimentation... then your victory is hollow indeed.

When Legion beats the Abbot, I will know that it was done through the sweat of those who worked hard to do it... and if I'm there, I won't claim the credit as my own... I don't deserve it... Loki, Pana, Womp, Ren, Drak, Ill, Zen, Stitch and many others who's names I can't remember do... I'm just here to learn from the best players I know.

P.S. I will not slam any guild who beats this Raid... nor any member... you win, you win... and if you can say you did it on your own, then YOU know that you deserve the victory... and screw everyone else's opinion.


09-29-2007, 12:23 PM
For one Smodge...go do the quest and then maybe you'll know what your talking about.

Second..."IF" you used food stamps and I called you "poor trash" for it, but then when you bought a candy bar with them...I kicked you in the nuts and ate it.
Wouldn't that make me a hypocrite?
(LOL **** good analogy if I say so myself :D)

1. sorry your analogy is completely lost on me, can someone please translate this into aussie?, what the hell are food stamps?.

2. what does me doing the quest have to do with anything, all i'm saying is loki seems to be accusing IFV of multiple things without any proof, from what i can tell it is a puzzle, loki himself mentioned he was only a little bit out at first when he was struggling with it, is it not possible that IFV got lucky and managed to work it out in the first couple of tries?, all i was doing was stating that for loki to come here and start insulting IFV is low, if legion is the best as it claims to be, why does it seem to feel the need to stomp on others acheivements?. whether IFV did it on their own or used information from you guys i dont know, but to go accusing them on the simple grounds that they got it done quicker than you did is rediculous, they may have insulted you on the risia forums, but surely the tough warriors legion has aren't going to be hurt by a few insults, don't lower yourself to their level of immaturity by doing the same, both IFV and legion have some great players, but senseless argueing/mudslinging serves no purpose than to make the 2 top contenders and thelanis server itself look really bad.

Edit: nevermind i understand the analogy now, took a couple of read-throughs

09-29-2007, 12:36 PM
1. sorry your analogy is completely lost on me, can someone please translate this into aussie?, what the hell are food stamps?.

2. what does me doing the quest have to do with anything, all i'm saying is loki seems to be accusing IFV of multiple things without any proof, from what i can tell it is a puzzle, loki himself mentioned he was only a little bit out at first when he was struggling with it, is it not possible that IFV got lucky and managed to work it out in the first couple of tries?, all i was doing was stating that for loki to come here and start insulting IFV is low, if legion is the best as it claims to be, why does it seem to feel the need to stomp on others acheivements?. whether IFV did it on their own or used information from you guys i dont know, but to go accusing them on the simple grounds that they got it done quicker than you did is rediculous, they may have insulted you on the risia forums, but surely the tough warriors legion has aren't going to be hurt by a few insults, don't lower yourself to their level of immaturity by doing the same, both IFV and legion have some great players, but senseless argueing/mudslinging serves no purpose than to make the 2 top contenders and thelanis server itself look really bad.

Edit: nevermind i understand the analogy now, took a couple of read-throughs

I think the butthurt is coming from Flames issued regarding Loki and Gang working on this quest... and how the Flamers are possibly using the info garnered through the testing phase and possibly claiming it as their own...

Veracity? Not sure...

And the sad thing is.. I do agree that IFV does have some great players. Won't take that from them... but perhaps this aggro might not have happened if this chain of events had not been started by them...

..now we have two great guilds fighting over something that should be friendly competition, but is now just a fugly mudfight (mind you mud wrestling is sexy:D )... sure wish this was occuring in a bar, over billiards and beer rather than a game where no one can suffer a broken nose or bruised knuckles...

09-29-2007, 12:40 PM
Like I said, I'm not getting into it, naming names, etc. but there's a reason I put the word fact in bold faced type. Read what Pana posted. Sums it up nicely...

09-29-2007, 01:11 PM
Smodge, let it go buddy. The people who know us can easily tell what we did as opposed to baseless accusations.

09-29-2007, 01:38 PM
hmmm should i comment? :D

09-29-2007, 04:02 PM
Smodge, let it go buddy. The people who know us can easily tell what we did as opposed to baseless accusations.


Just got finished speaking with a former IFV member who just quit the guild over this debacle. He confirmed everything I have said so far. Just making yourself look worse by continuing to deny everything dude. I have screenies and I'm still not dropping any names.

Here's the rub.

The raid is hard. If IFV is the first to beat the raid, good on em. No amount of strats, insider info etc. are going to help. The raid is pure skill. My only problem with IFV at this point (or all along for that matter) is that your guild leader straight up slammed me for testing the raid on Risia then took the answers that we learned on Risia in order to beat the preraid quicker. No biggie, we had lots of leaks and lots of people know the answers that we figured out (mostly on Khyber).

IFV had people on Risia and those are the people your guild leader chose to represent you on the raid. IFV has people in their guild who they consider inferior players or who weren't on Risia who were told to farm sigils for their "A" team.

We will likely beat the raid today and the reason we haven't beaten it yet is because we have spent countless hours flagging all of our members.

These are facts. That's pretty much the final word...

09-29-2007, 04:06 PM
well it would look like to me that the glove did indeed fit....

now think back to how OJ would have felt if his glove fit at that moment too..

that has to be how IFF is feeling about now.

09-29-2007, 05:44 PM
After reading through this, all I gotta say is. . .

It's one encounter in one game. I understand that both guilds would like to be the first ones to complete it, but I think this is taking it a bit far. Arguing between yourselves, or whatever, does look childish as smodge said.

I mean, sure, respect to the ones that can beat it first. Good job, ya did it. As for who beats it second. . . Good job, ya did it. Does being the first one to beat a little encounter in a game mean that much? (I know some of you will say yes, so what about months later, when everyone's doing it? Will it still mean as much then?)

I dunno. . . I guess this all just seems a little extreme to me. I didn't see the first message, so I don't know the full story, but. . . If it was me, I'd drop it here, and get back to work on what you say you want to do, and that is, beat the raid.

Just my 2 copper from what I've seen here.


09-29-2007, 05:55 PM
After reading through this, all I gotta say is. . .

It's one encounter in one game. I understand that both guilds would like to be the first ones to complete it, but I think this is taking it a bit far. Arguing between yourselves, or whatever, does look childish as smodge said.

I mean, sure, respect to the ones that can beat it first. Good job, ya did it. As for who beats it second. . . Good job, ya did it. Does being the first one to beat a little encounter in a game mean that much? (I know some of you will say yes, so what about months later, when everyone's doing it? Will it still mean as much then?)

I dunno. . . I guess this all just seems a little extreme to me. I didn't see the first message, so I don't know the full story, but. . . If it was me, I'd drop it here, and get back to work on what you say you want to do, and that is, beat the raid.

Just my 2 copper from what I've seen here.


The first post was a screenshot.... Nothing else.

09-29-2007, 06:15 PM
I'm ready for the pre-raid...that count for anything? :cool:

09-29-2007, 06:16 PM
After reading through this, all I gotta say is. . .

It's one encounter in one game. I understand that both guilds would like to be the first ones to complete it, but I think this is taking it a bit far. Arguing between yourselves, or whatever, does look childish as smodge said.

I mean, sure, respect to the ones that can beat it first. Good job, ya did it. As for who beats it second. . . Good job, ya did it. Does being the first one to beat a little encounter in a game mean that much? (I know some of you will say yes, so what about months later, when everyone's doing it? Will it still mean as much then?)

I dunno. . . I guess this all just seems a little extreme to me. I didn't see the first message, so I don't know the full story, but. . . If it was me, I'd drop it here, and get back to work on what you say you want to do, and that is, beat the raid.

Just my 2 copper from what I've seen here.


I agree this arguement is pointless...

IFV says the comments in way back posts were a joke... maybe it was, maybe it wasn't... maybe it was taken wrongly by my guild as an insult.. maybe it isn't an insult..

Lots of maybes.

I'm not personally going to go to war over this.

One way or another this Raid is getting beaten. I'll kudo whoever beats it.. I personally don't care.

I know that I joined Legion because the guys I play with are way better than me as a gamer. I find them funny, brilliant and my style.

I joined because, while I am a good player, without hanging with the best... I'll never been anything but above average... Loki, Womp, and so many others everyday show me what I need to know to be better and thats why I respect my guild.

If IFV beats us.. cool man. Good for you.. what matters to me is that we beat it... I know several things about myself... I'm great in bed... I'm long, strong and oh so long:D LOL... Next, I know... that I can stand in a real fight against anyone and give a nasty beating... and thirdly.. I'm funny.. and even if I'm the only person in the world who thinks so... I don't care.

I don't need to push on all this B.S. because I have nothing to prove... and for some odd reason... people are acting like there is something to prove.

This is not directed at anyone.. I could care less what anyone thinks (maybe that's my 4th grace... know me in real life.. you'll get what I'm saying)...

...either way this swing swings.. it doesn't matter.. lets kill the Abbot and play this fricken game.

09-29-2007, 06:21 PM
I'm ready for the pre-raid...that count for anything? :cool:

Hee hee.... Yes of course it does. Hopefully you will enjoy the quest. The pre-raid quests are fun, recaps of the other quests. It helps to do the quest with a group of people you like a lot, work well with, who aren't bothered by trying to figure out strategies and helping each other. I can't see this raid/pre quests as something that is even remotely as accessible as any of the other raids (maybe in time) but if you have a team of friends, it'd be a nice challenge.

09-29-2007, 06:27 PM
...either way this swing swings.. it doesn't matter.. lets kill the Abbot and play this fricken game.

Well said bro..... I bet womp and or Loki ar in the first grp to do it....my thing is I don;t know who I want to try to flag first..... scars if your going to on tonight look me up I'll be on about 730 or so est looking to flag at least one of my 6 lvl 14 guys just don;t know who maybe hsc

09-29-2007, 06:30 PM
Well im gonna brag that i will be last to do the raid and it will be elite with a weak pug of players and we will do it after several wipes but never give up ;)

09-29-2007, 06:38 PM
Wow - for two pages it seemed like I was back on Xoriat again... :(
Now I'm homesick all over.

But really, these things only matter if you let them matter. For some, being the first to reach the checkerd flag is all that matters. Others just enjoy the thrill of the chase. And others still are just happy to be doing something they love, no matter how the race ends. I don't care which of these kinds a person may be - just so long as they represent themselves with a degree of class and respectability. If you can't do that - then just stay off the road, in my opinion. Not pointing any fingers, just trying to provide some perspective and maybe something to think about.

And I like pie too, but it makes my pony sick.

09-29-2007, 06:54 PM
Wow - for two pages it seemed like I was back on Xoriat again

It does give that feeling now that you mention it Mem.

09-29-2007, 06:58 PM
devoured by cube

um actually allendale was just posting a screenie and doesnt have much to do with any of the other issues , might wanna be a lil more informed before ya post bro ;)

09-29-2007, 07:11 PM
lol McWhatever it has everything to do with it. For the record i am informed very well about this subject. They would not be in the pre raid of they did not do the things posted above so um GG.. how about you being a bit more informed before you post.

09-29-2007, 07:15 PM
lol trust me i know just as much , if not more about it than you do, just ask malice :)

edit: and toons are in the sig, he knows venusian ;)

09-29-2007, 07:19 PM
again as i stated it has everything to do with this post therefore this issue i dont need to talk to malice i have been around for the whole ride. and yes i do know your roll in it. so again have a nice day!

09-29-2007, 07:24 PM
actually you never said it had sumthin to do with this post you said it had to do with impaqt therefore you're incorrect ;) now to you sir i say good day! if u checked previous posts you would realize it was muirt not impaqt that said any of those thing :D

09-29-2007, 07:30 PM
you may be right on the name however it stemed from the guild leader of said guild who made said claims so if thats not impaqt then fine however then i would apoligize. otherwise i do believe that impaqt was the thread poster so therefore most of the reason this is brought about. so i say good day to you sir.

09-29-2007, 07:50 PM
MMmmmmm it's getting toasty in here.My black shriveled heart glows at all the name calling and spite.I guess I'm gonna leave a quote cause it's my new favorite thing...
"What is success? It is a toy balloon among children armed with pins". ~Gene Fowler

09-29-2007, 07:52 PM
i am just trying to figure out how people can think they are the only ones that could possibly beat an encounter with out help. but hey thats just me. I wish the best to both guilds.

09-29-2007, 08:14 PM
i am just trying to figure out how people can think they are the only ones that could possibly beat an encounter with out help. but hey thats just me. I wish the best to both guilds.

Where is my gazebo!!!!!!! I pay you in cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D Extra cookies if you make it a DEADLY GAZEBO like in Ataraxia's!

09-29-2007, 09:28 PM
Yeah Pana's totally cracked lol. And Mcwhatever pwnd you. :p

09-29-2007, 10:10 PM
I'd just like to point out that DDO... is a GAME.

Relax, play for entertainment and leave the drama at home. For pete's sake people, it's time to tighten yer belts a few notches and grow the hell up.

09-29-2007, 10:34 PM
I'd just like to point out that DDO... is a GAME.

Relax, play for entertainment and leave the drama at home. For pete's sake people, it's time to tighten yer belts a few notches and grow the hell up.

Ok, sure, it's a game. But when you start spending a significant amount of your time playing the game, it becomes pretty important to you. Hardcore players of any MMO play 40+ hours a week (usually more), which is almost full time job.

So saying stuff like this is just pointless.

And as to your sig, nothing is infinite, you're not special for pointing that out.

AND 1/5 (races) * 1/14 (levels) * 1/9 (classes) * 1/32 (stat points) = .00042428571428571428571428571428571

.0004142857 * 5/120 (about how many feats you get/about how many feats there are) = .00000345238083

Throw in gear and skills and you're at BILLIONS of different combinations. Somebody that's able to come up with the best possible combination is actually (contrary to what you believe) rather brilliant.

09-30-2007, 12:08 AM
Ok, sure, it's a game. But when you start spending a significant amount of your time playing the game, it becomes pretty important to you. Hardcore players of any MMO play 40+ hours a week (usually more), which is almost full time job.

So saying stuff like this is just pointless.

And as to your sig, nothing is infinite, you're not special for pointing that out.

AND 1/5 (races) * 1/14 (levels) * 1/9 (classes) * 1/32 (stat points) = .00042428571428571428571428571428571

.0004142857 * 5/120 (about how many feats you get/about how many feats there are) = .00000345238083

Throw in gear and skills and you're at BILLIONS of different combinations. Somebody that's able to come up with the best possible combination is actually (contrary to what you believe) rather brilliant.

gotta say.. your post is cracked lol.. great post

09-30-2007, 12:32 AM
as i said impaqt i was mis spoken when i said you where the start if it is not true then i apoligize. Never the less this all started from the guild leader of your guild claimin he was bigger then his +1 robes of im better then you will fit. so again i apoligize if you arent the guild leader. I have a hard time with names that are not important to me.

waiting on age of conan,

09-30-2007, 04:38 AM
*shifty eyes.... and grease!... runs away*

09-30-2007, 05:04 AM
To both of the arguing guilds out there. Remember, if you win the Special Olympics, you're still ********. Have fun one upping each other. :D

09-30-2007, 06:03 AM
Oh, and one last thing:

"Causing or continuing any conflicts outside of the guild is unacceptable. We may be much stronger players than other guilds and we may accomplish things before them. This does not make us better and treating players in game or on the forums like they are less than us will not be tolerated."

Straight from the IFV website. Those are some good words to go by...

09-30-2007, 07:38 AM
To both of the arguing guilds out there. Remember, if you win the Special Olympics, you're still ********. Have fun one upping each other. :DQFT

09-30-2007, 11:51 AM

Those who have agreed to let by gones be by gones, or ignore those who you cannot make amends with, you are on the correct path. Those who continue to add fuel to the fire, the only path your thread walks is into the cube.