View Full Version : New Velah Strategy?
09-28-2007, 09:13 AM
Anyone run Vault of the Night since the new patch?
I'm reading the release notes:
"Velah has informed the guardians of the islands within the Plane of Night that if they leave the areas they are supposed to be protecting, she will eat them."
And I'm wondering if this means that they will respawn at their islands making base running an invalid strategy.
Any info?
09-28-2007, 09:19 AM
Anyone run Vault of the Night since the new patch?
I'm reading the release notes:
"Velah has informed the guardians of the islands within the Plane of Night that if they leave the areas they are supposed to be protecting, she will eat them."
And I'm wondering if this means that they will respawn at their islands making base running an invalid strategy.
Any info?
Sounds more like they won't leave their base, or will leash back to it, making base running invalid.
09-28-2007, 09:24 AM
09-28-2007, 10:09 AM
Greater Construct Bane Bows...Nuff Said
More specifically, run by elementals since they won't leave their base, bard fascinates 2nd base, Rangers prep 1/3rd bard drops 2nd, and ranger turns on multi-shot with the greater construct bane and kills 1/3. Bard D Doors to home. Easy peasy lemon squeasy.
09-28-2007, 11:35 AM
Greater Construct Bane Bows...Nuff Said
More specifically, run by elementals since they won't leave their base, bard fascinates 2nd base, Rangers prep 1/3rd bard drops 2nd, and ranger turns on multi-shot with the greater construct bane and kills 1/3. Bard D Doors to home. Easy peasy lemon squeasy.
sounds like a plan....
09-28-2007, 12:06 PM
Ya, the devs thought they could change the game and GET AWAY with it??
09-28-2007, 01:06 PM
Disco Disco Ball....I wannna Fascin-ate your Butt....Disco Deesco Ball, you gonna dance,... all day long, silly eleMENtals at play getting down with the ....Disco Disco Ball.... we got anew way to do this ting...and ain't a nobody gonna be a dying this time...dsico disco balll....
Its a Bard Life...
09-28-2007, 01:38 PM
Ok for those with limited imaginations (not those that have already posted some of the potential new tactics) we have:
-Bard fascinate
-flesh to stone
-disco ball
-ranged weapon with precision
those are for starters, I'm sure there are more.
09-28-2007, 02:53 PM
Ok for those with limited imaginations (not those that have already posted some of the potential new tactics) we have:
-Bard fascinate
-flesh to stone
-disco ball
-ranged weapon with precision
those are for starters, I'm sure there are more.
All valid, however to me 3 important things remain troublesome.
1. Caster going in first to cast disco ball or flesh to stone, etc. Very squishie, using spells that have slow timers and slow cast timers. 1-2 hits from those mobs and they would probably be toast.
2. Still cant have 2 people on bridge
3. 2 people at a base still causes Velah to begin hurling fireballs at you.
Disclaimer: I have not done von6 yet since the patch, I am only making assumptions that those situations have remained as normal mechanics of von6, since no mention of them being changed was made.
09-28-2007, 02:59 PM
Casters Sneak up to edge of Range for casting Disco and do it, maybe need to cast a few. Then Fascinate, you can have dancing fascinated mobs. Need to keep Disco supply up. First caster begins moving to next base.
Second Caster moves to first. Rinse and Repeat. Only second Disco expert needs to be good at taking down a pillar.
Will require good timing and some coordination to make sure nothing runs out while the pillars go down.
OR with Really good archers/bows just have the first caster sneak to 2nd, do their thing while the Archer(s) softens up both pillars. Take them down.
Actually having the mobs stay at their homes will make some parts of this even easier than before. Last few times through we had some unruly mobs that kept wandering away from where they had been lured.
09-28-2007, 03:07 PM
If the mobs won't leave the bases couldn't you just stand on the bridges and range the pillars. I know you have to stand far enough back to not get hit with the earth grab and ice storm, but seems pretty simple. 1st guy runs through 1st and stands in between 1st and 2nd. 2nd guy stands in between home and 1st. 3rd guy stands in between home and 3rd. I am sure I will try it this weekend.
09-28-2007, 03:37 PM
Wasn't there a posting earlier about the Pillars having shield around them to prevent ranged fire?
09-28-2007, 03:53 PM
If the mobs won't leave the bases couldn't you just stand on the bridges and range the pillars. I know you have to stand far enough back to not get hit with the earth grab and ice storm, but seems pretty simple. 1st guy runs through 1st and stands in between 1st and 2nd. 2nd guy stands in between home and 1st. 3rd guy stands in between home and 3rd. I am sure I will try it this weekend.
Porkchop, I've done this in a raid (pre-Mod 5) with 2 rangers, both with Greater Construct Bane bows. You don't even need to send anyone through 1st base, either. Position your rangers so that one is halfway between the intersection and 1st base, the other between the intersection and 3rd base. From here, the 1st base ranger can see 1st and 2nd while the 3rd base ranger can see 2nd and 3rd. Prep the pillars, wait for Many Shot to recycle (if you want), then take down the pillars.
The rangers may need to move up and down the paths a bit to work out the exact positioning to see their base and 2nd base, but it's doable. You don't even need rangers, per say, just people with Construct Bane bows. Rangers just make it go faster due to the Bow Strength feat. Heck, I suppose you could even have 2 barbs do it if they both had Construct Bane returning throwing weapons. :)
09-28-2007, 04:39 PM
Just a thought, but couldn't some characters with evasion be on the same island? Who cares if Velah throws fireballs if no damage is sticking?
09-28-2007, 04:42 PM
Just a thought, but couldn't some characters with evasion be on the same island? Who cares if Velah throws fireballs if no damage is sticking?
Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem.
09-28-2007, 05:10 PM
bard fascinate and send fighters out counterclockwise as the bard lands them and moves on first fighter preps 1 2 and 3 in the same fashion and stays on third while fighters 2 and 3 move out to 2nd and first base respectivly
09-28-2007, 05:12 PM
just a thought here. If someone ran around to all of the bases and got initial agro on the mobs, wouldn't they be focused on the first person, thus allowing someone else to walk in and start bashing the pillar? Perhaps you have someone run past 1st and 2nd and one lap on third base itself and runs back between 2nd and 3rd, couldn't you then send someone directly to 2nd via 1st , someone to 1st and someone to 3rd, if none of those people attack the mobs, shouldn't they not get agro? (Haven't tested this theory latey but I've got 19 Velah raid completions so I'm eager to get one more done.. :)
09-28-2007, 05:20 PM
Dunno Fourfingers, haven't been in VoN 6 yet to see how the new mechanics work. Pure speculation tells me that the easiest thing the devs did was set it up so if the mobs got more than X feet from their base, they would just leash, getting the invulnerable ability, and return home. This mechanism drops aggro, so whoever came up behind would get jumped.
Again, I haven't been in there (maybe this weekend) so I can't confirm how the mobs on the bases react, so my leashing theory is pure speculation.
09-29-2007, 11:47 AM
Have a Necro spec Sorc or Cleric death magic the level 10 mobs and laugh at how easy they are. **** a decent level 14 tank can hack it all up also.
09-29-2007, 03:53 PM
The pillars go A LOT faster now that bad players are forced to let go of the whole kite & /death nonsense. Guild Group: Took 4 Minutes 30 Seconds with my ranger and 2 tanks. PuG Group: 10 Minutes 32 Seconds with 2 rangers and 1 barbarian. (2nd Ranger kept taking the pillars all the way down rather than waiting for everyone to be ready.)
YES - you CAN range the pillars if you have Precise Shot. The pillars have have at least 10 DR/- (I suspect 15 DR/-) and ARE vulnerable to construct bane damage.
Clerics: parking yourself just inside the barrier is hazardous to your health. Took a Full Party Wipe for one of the PuG clerics to learn this.
Stealth Nerfs:
1) Velah hits harder now.
2) The 1st ladder when making the acent in VoN5 has been moved to make jumping up to it impossible. (Letting your players use the tools available to them to overcome situations is encouraged here in DDO land. :rolleyes: )
09-30-2007, 08:06 PM
Pillars in the dragon have dr 10/-
10-01-2007, 07:43 AM
just a thought here. If someone ran around to all of the bases and got initial agro on the mobs, wouldn't they be focused on the first person, thus allowing someone else to walk in and start bashing the pillar? Perhaps you have someone run past 1st and 2nd and one lap on third base itself and runs back between 2nd and 3rd, couldn't you then send someone directly to 2nd via 1st , someone to 1st and someone to 3rd, if none of those people attack the mobs, shouldn't they not get agro? (Haven't tested this theory latey but I've got 19 Velah raid completions so I'm eager to get one more done.. :)
I tried this last night with a pug. It seemed the best way to go. And actually it worked, i'm not sure if it's reliable, but... Just be sure to keep a maximum possible distance and running the same way the other did before, so they won't SEE you(i don't know if that matters or not, just mention the way we did it). Before we did that, the ranger ranged the 3 pillars.
10-01-2007, 08:09 AM
Couldnt be bothered reading other posts, heres The Vorpaliser!
1> Flesh to stone them
2> Tap them softly a few times with Dreamspitter, (this needs to be checked though some may die in the process :( )
3> Doubt they will make saves at lvl 1
aka Vorpalsword! :eek:
10-01-2007, 09:26 AM
Some good ideas here, but a few basic faults as well.
1) flesh to stone doesn't work on Earth Elementals or Ice Flencers (unless it's bugged)
2) killing the mobs and having one person on each base at a time isn't such a great solution since they respawn.
Fascinating and throwing down some disco balls are both solid ideas, and probably the best way to avoid the most trouble.
Another solution that would take a little more time and more competent melee charcters.
-2 per base
-both clear mobs
-one takes out pillar
-one takes care of respawns
Another solution that would take a little more time and more competent melee charcters.
-2 per base
-both clear mobs
-one takes out pillar
-one takes care of respawns
Doesn't she fireball the islands if two people are on them?
10-01-2007, 05:33 PM
Doesn't she fireball the islands if two people are on them?
Yes, at least she did pre Mod 5. I haven't been there yet to see if that change, but I doubt it.
10-02-2007, 02:47 AM
Some good ideas here, but a few basic faults as well.
1) flesh to stone doesn't work on Earth Elementals or Ice Flencers (unless it's bugged)
Uh why wouldn't it work on ice flensers? Works fine for my sorc, done it many times on elite. Enervation helps, but not required. Yea earth elementals are already stone and as such are imune, but I also do those easily on my sorc, just cast ray of enfeeblement and symbol of pain and they cant deal any damage or save against hypnotic patern.
You can't have 2 ppl at a base, velah gets very ****ed off if you do that. You can however have one on the bridge nearby and one on the base.
Also can easily do any base on my barbarian taking next to no dmg, either by killing everything over and over - which is fine because they do respawn but not for 5-10 seconds.. Or just by using a weakening weapon so they cant hit me.
Really all those noted stategys work fine if attempte by competant players.
10-02-2007, 05:08 PM
It's actually faster now, and no one dies. Glad we don't do the baserunning any more, and bards are great for this quest.
10-05-2007, 11:47 AM
Wasn't there a posting earlier about the Pillars having shield around them to prevent ranged fire?
Ranger with improved precise shot. Hits it anyway.
10-05-2007, 12:04 PM
did this two nights ago and it works.
1. Have a rogue or ranger run through first base to the half-way point between 1st and second base. He'll have the aggro from first base.
2. Have another rogue/ranger run through third base all the way to second base and then back to the half-way point between 2nd and 3rd base. He'll have the aggro from 2nd and third base.
3. Send tanks to each of the bases to preop the pillars.
4. Have a bard or wizard at the ready to run to bases for crowd control. The tanks must stay on the bases and the casters must stay on the bridges.
5. Take the pilars down and then one-by-one, run back to home plate. The last to go back should be the ranger/rogues with the aggro.
6. Clerics can no longer stand on the plank where the force wall comes down. If they do, they will get blown off when everyone else charges. they can however, stand in the bucket.
10-06-2007, 02:27 AM
While I am sure that disco ball works -- its not a spell that we have at level 10 -- the level of the quest -- I would love to see a strategy that didnt take advantage of the UI by someone grabbing aggo and running past where the baddies can go and stopping or using spells that level appropriate characters dont have access to.
I am sure there SHOULD be a way to do it without taking advantage of pathing or using chars that are four levels above the quest -- I'm just not sure that there is anymore---which really sucks in my humble opinion.
10-09-2007, 02:46 PM
Don't even need to range the pillars. The mobs won't leave their islands, but will stay aggroed on someone who gets their aggro and then hangs out on the bridge.
4-5 people can do the pillars pretty easily. 1-2 people to hold aggro, 3 people to drop pillars.
1st aggro holder goes to the Ice Flenser Island, gets their aggro, heads across the island and over the bridge to the Air Mephit island. Gets the Air Mephit aggro and stays out on the bridge between the two islands, intimidating or ranging them to maintain aggro.
1st Pillar dropper can got to Ice Flenser island and work on the pillar in peace.
2nd pillar dropper gets Freedom of Movement and goes through the Earth Elemental island to the Air Mephit Island and works on the pillar. He can also hold the Earth Elemental aggro, or you can have a 2nd aggro person get the elementals aggro and wait on the bridge between the Elementals and the Air Mephits (this way he can do occasional attack to make sure he maintains aggro)
3rd pillar dropper goes to Earth Elemental Island, and they all drop their pillars.
Mix in CC and Ranged attacks on the pillars as you need.
10-09-2007, 04:33 PM
I have to say, all of these strategies sound great but they only apply to a lower level group. I see no reason why one well built tank L11-14 can't get to first, kill the mobs, and prep the pillar. Since the mobs don't follow you, said tank moves to second, kills the mobs, preps pillar, ect. Then one of two scenarios take place, Rangers take down 1 & 3, tank takes 2, or 3 tanks do the usual routine. I honestly can't see a huge problem with a group of decent players. Not even good players, just decent.
10-09-2007, 04:56 PM
I have to say, all of these strategies sound great but they only apply to a lower level group. I see no reason why one well built tank L11-14 can't get to first, kill the mobs, and prep the pillar. Since the mobs don't follow you, said tank moves to second, kills the mobs, preps pillar, ect. Then one of two scenarios take place, Rangers take down 1 & 3, tank takes 2, or 3 tanks do the usual routine. I honestly can't see a huge problem with a group of decent players. Not even good players, just decent.
Yeah, but it's good to come up with some new strats for when people run in there with a party of lvl 9-10s, maybe an 8 or two throw in the mix - you know, back when 10 was the level cap. Level 14s should have no issue just beating the snot out of the mobs at each base, sure. But there are other ways to do it without just pure muscle, too, and that's where some of the fun lies, coming up with non-"smash Mob A with weapon until dead" tactics and solutions.
10-11-2007, 03:51 AM
Pillars: Bard Runs the pillers clockwise fascinating the mobs, Tank runs the pillars after him preparing the pillers. Tanks waits at 1st base, Second tank runs to Second base, Third Tank runs to Third Base, Pillers = Done.
Dragon: Run party to spot behind the pillers but within range of a single fighter, make him tank solo at the tip of the Dragons head. 3 Clerics, and UMD Wand Whippers, keep him alive, with Heals, Fire Prots etc, while other sit back and twiddler there thumbs.
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