View Full Version : COMPLETE! New Forum System - A crash course

09-26-2007, 11:50 AM
We will be upgrading the forum system in the next few weeks.

When the forum service returns, things will look quite a bit different, but have no fear, heres a rundown of what you can expect. We're working to streamline the forums and impliment tools that allow us to communicate better with the players.

The Front Page:
First and foremost, you'll notice the front page (http://forums.ddo.com) will have changed drastically. We'll now have a "portal" page which collects a plethora of useful information from the forums all on one page, like upcoming events, latest posts, latest official news, and much more. (Figure 1)

Let's break down each new section of this page and talk about what it does. (See Figure 1 for numbered sections)
News: The center section of the page displays the most recent posts by Turbine in the "News and Announcement, and Service News" forums. Here you have quick and clear access to the latest official news!
Recent Threads: Directly beneath the News section, you'll find a listing of th most recent non-news posts made on the forums by any user. You can check ALL of the new posts since your last visit in section 3:
User CP: The User "control panel" module allows you to login if you aren't already, and when you are logged in, displays your avatar, private messages, and allows you to check ALL of the latest posts since you last visited.
The Calendar: This is the module I'm most excited about. This displays the current month, and any events that are happening, which are listed on the new EVENT calendars. More on those later. The number of the day is clickable if there is any events scheduled for a certain day.
Current Poll: We'll be asking your opinion a little more often with this new Poll Module, which draws polls out of the all new POLLS forum. (More on that later too!)
And finally, the Forum Menu: Here, you'll find a list of each forum, in order in an easy to navigate format, so you can go directly to where you want to go, without sorting through an entire page of links.Ultimately, this brings useful information right to the front, but if you prefer the original forum front page, it's still there. Simply navigate and bookmark this link:
http://forums.ddo.com/forumlist.php, or simply click "Full Forum List" at the top of the Forum Menu. Also, to further reduce clutter, each module on the front page has a collapse button, which will allow you to collapse modules you don't use very often.

The Server and General Events Calendar
A few weeks ago, you may have noticed the new server events forums appear, and wondered, "what the heck is this?" They allow you to post advertisments, so to speak, for your in-game player run events! We've taken these forums a step further by eliminating them. Err... rather replacing them with actual calendars. The forums links will now lead to an actual calendar, which you can add event listings to, for all to see. Remember that Calendar module on the front page? Events posted on your server event calendar will be shown to users on their front page through that module!

(Refer to figure 2, attached)

To view a calendar:

Visit the calendar of your choice from the forum list page (see above), or visit http://forums.ddo.com/calendar.php (This link will not work until after Tuesday) and choose the appropriate calendar. From the "Calendar Jump" drop-down at the bottom right corner.
Any day that has an event listed, will show you the title of the event, which you can click for more information! (Figure 3)To add your event to a calendar:

Visit the calendar of your choice from the forum list page (see above), or visit http://forums.ddo.com/calendar.php and choose the appropriate calendar.
In the "Add New Event" section or drop down, choose whether you're going to post an all day event, ranged event, or recurring event. Most users will choose a ranged event. (i.e: September 3rd, 2pm-9pm)
You'll be prompted for the proper information, and posting an event is very similar to making a forum post.
NOTE: Once submitted, your event will be reviewed by a moderator and posted when approved. Remember to allow at least 48 hours for moderation when planning your event post.
Because each event posting is moderated, we've enabled the tag, so you can create promotional artwork for your event if you choose. These will be reviewed along with the post, so remember, these images are governed by the same forum guidelines as the rest of the forums.We hope the calendar system will help cultivate and expand the community and community events within DDO. If you ever have any questions or suggestions about it's use, feel free to let us know!

You'll notice a new forum called "Community Polls" where we'll post monthly polls for users to participate in. These polls will also appear on the new "front page". The first one is already up: Check it out here! (http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=132)

Finally, we've reorganized the forum listing to be more user-friendly and less cluttered. You'll notice the server forums are back out front, and there's a new forum called "Real-Life Events" for those of you who like to organize that sort of thing.

So there you have it, a crash course in the new forum system!

09-27-2007, 03:21 PM
Sounds like some good things on the forum horizon although I tried to click on a calender and it said I couldn't. This whole change has me thinking of a former forumer who may now be an employee MER something or another anyway sounds great whoever thought it up.

09-27-2007, 03:26 PM
It all sounds good.

But I gotta ask...

What about the character sigs? :)

09-27-2007, 03:26 PM
man, i was really hyped up for that party too... :(

09-27-2007, 03:26 PM
WOW!!! This all looks fantastic - very well organized, excellend expanded functionality -- thank you for the hard work to get this up and running!

09-27-2007, 03:42 PM

Bit of a problem, you encourage us to check out the first poll but your link goes to a page I have no permission to view. Hopefully this is not another one of those annoying founders can't do but everyone else can things.

Message states:

Geriant, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

09-27-2007, 03:44 PM
Will the "Happy Place" that has been talked about be going live? :confused:

09-27-2007, 03:45 PM
You'll notice a new forum called "Community Polls" where we'll post monthly polls for users to participate in. These polls will also appear on the new "front page". The first one is already up: Check it out here!

I tried to check out the poll, and i get this error:

Barumar, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Seems like it is not ready for prime time (or I am in trouble and just don't know it yet!), but I like the concept and look forward to when it does work.

So, is this a vote early and vote often poll like All Stat ballots for MLB, or 1 vote per account? (I hope for the latter).


09-27-2007, 04:07 PM
Not bad. Not bad.

09-27-2007, 04:23 PM
Ok we have 3 Keepers in agreement so the new forums can stay..

09-27-2007, 04:54 PM
I still want ponies and rainbows and butterflies......

:mad: /plops down on floor, crosses arms and puts on pouty face.


09-27-2007, 05:54 PM
any chance of seperateing the calender by server and where are clothes and double maces

09-27-2007, 06:18 PM
any chance of seperateing the calender by server and where are clothes and double maces

You will be able to access both a 'master calendar' for all servers together, as well as having the ability to view server specific calendars.

09-27-2007, 07:36 PM
Am I the only one that noticed Quarion has 666 pms in his mailbox?


Aside from that the changes look great. Some centralized news location sounds really nice for a change.

09-28-2007, 09:04 AM
You sould be the only one. Does this mean Quarion is a PMS BEAST? :D

09-29-2007, 01:31 AM

Bit of a problem, you encourage us to check out the first poll but your link goes to a page I have no permission to view. Hopefully this is not another one of those annoying founders can't do but everyone else can things.

Message states:

Geriant, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

I don't think i am a founder and i get that message too. :(

10-01-2007, 04:00 PM
Unfortunately, this upgrade has been postponed. We will let you know when it has been rescheduled.

Thank you for your patience!

10-01-2007, 04:03 PM
Unfortunately, this upgrade has been postponed. We will let you know when it has been rescheduled.

Thank you for your patience!


I had to get that in there first. :D

10-01-2007, 04:27 PM
Unfortunately, this upgrade has been postponed. We will let you know when it has been rescheduled.

Thank you for your patience!


10-01-2007, 04:29 PM
That was nice:

*Forums changes coming tomorrow!

*5 minutes pass*

*Forum changes postponed


10-01-2007, 05:26 PM

The new system isn't compatable with the hairless Hymilain hamsters they use.

10-01-2007, 06:40 PM
The new system isn't compatable with the hairless Hymilain hamsters they use.

Yeah, they have some Peruvian Red Fur's on order.

10-01-2007, 06:53 PM

I had to get that in there first. :D

Well they did call it a "CRASH":eek: course.

Somehow the choice of words didn't seem right to begin with.

One thing I have learned in 30 years of working with computers, is the word "crash" is never a good thing.:D

Another thing I have learned is :eek: "I HATE COMPUTERS!!!":eek:

10-01-2007, 07:07 PM
Am I the only one that noticed Quarion has 666 pms in his mailbox?


Aside from that the changes look great. Some centralized news location sounds really nice for a change.

My Sig Block is the reply to you :eek: Can I have a Horse? If not, can I have a dragon to ride?

10-02-2007, 08:02 AM
Hey, this time could you try not to delete active threads that have been around since the forums first went live?


10-02-2007, 09:04 AM
It's simple, they have to wait till my time off next week to schedule more down time as they tied up both days off this week already.

10-02-2007, 12:32 PM
It's simple, they have to wait till my time off next week to schedule more down time as they tied up both days off this week already.

Hmm since this is just a forum thing, I doubt it would have effected your play time anyway.

That is unless all you do on your day off is troll the forums. :D

10-02-2007, 05:04 PM
Is there anything else to do at work?

10-02-2007, 07:39 PM
Can you please move the Service News Thread to the top of the forum pages so new downtimes can be seen without having to especailly scroll down to check.

This used to be the case (at least it was on the ront page for me) and it was good to see a new notification at a glance.

10-02-2007, 07:53 PM
Can you please move the Service News Thread to the top of the forum pages so new downtimes can be seen without having to especailly scroll down to check.

This used to be the case (at least it was on the ront page for me) and it was good to see a new notification at a glance.

You got it!

And as for why: We found a bug in the upgrade script that needs to be fixed before we can run it on the live environment. Simple as that :)


10-02-2007, 09:21 PM
Wow...makes goofing off at work to read the forum worth while with responses like that!

Thanks for the response and feedback. Looking forward to seeing the new changes in action.

10-02-2007, 11:28 PM
You got it!

And as for why: We found a bug in the upgrade script that needs to be fixed before we can run it on the live environment. Simple as that :)


Great! Thanks for catching the bug; it's almost always worth waiting another day or two.

In the future, please tell us that first; as I've said before on other threads, volunteering information leaves a better impression than waiting for us to ask why over and over.

10-18-2007, 03:25 PM
The forum upgrade and maintenance is complete! Please see the above thread for details, and let us know if you have any questions.


10-18-2007, 03:33 PM
The forum upgrade and maintenance is complete!

Or is it COMPETE? :p

10-18-2007, 04:01 PM
Or is it COMPETE? :p

Maybe it was a compete to complete?

Oh ya Quarion, is there a way to make it so that the marketplace threads don't show on the recent threads tracker?

10-18-2007, 04:13 PM
This may have been already asked, as i did not read the entire thread.

is there anyway on the recent threads list that i can disable certain categorys of threads to pop up? I only play on thelanis, so im not to keen on seeing what some guy from argo wants to trade :/

Everything else is great, GOOD JOB :)

Edit: Custom Avatars?

10-18-2007, 04:15 PM
Is there a way to set up witch threads come up under the latest post that is editable by the user?

10-18-2007, 06:50 PM
THis thing is smooth a little touchups might be necessary but I like it.

10-18-2007, 07:01 PM
Perhaps I'm missing something here, but wasn't there supposed to be a 'collapse' button for each of the portlets so we could minimize the ones that we don't want to see? I can't seem to find said button..

10-18-2007, 07:07 PM
Also, to further reduce clutter, each module on the front page has a collapse button, which will allow you to collapse modules you don't use very often.

I think I found what I was missing, but... It's on the full forum listing page, and has always been there ..

also, from the wording in the OP it seems as if each of the front page portlets should be collapsible..

10-18-2007, 07:13 PM
How do we add our fan sites to the fan site listing? I went there and there's no apparent way to post a thread in it....

10-18-2007, 09:27 PM
What are we competing for, is this some new forum based contest?!