View Full Version : The Fate of The Universe...

09-20-2007, 01:16 AM
The Fate of The Universe... lies in your hands.

Depending on what is posted over the next 12 hours determines my next course of action!:eek:

On my way home... I saved a kitten's life from being road mulch... a cute calico, male... went around, knocked on doors and no one admitted to knowing this critter.

Now, I have 2 cats.. if I take this thing in.. I'll have 3 males.. :eek: My other cats, are not overly concerned... in fact my oldest, Morgan has been the surrogate parent for many a cat, he's a nice guy...


Do I keep this kitten and be stuck with 3 rotten critters that eat more than I do.. or do I give this cat away, to the pet shelter?

You decide... btw... if anyone wants him.. I can send him fed ex :eek:

09-20-2007, 01:22 AM
I'd keep him.

But then I'm a sucker for strays, and always end up bringing them in to my home sooner or later.

In fact, that's how I ended up engaged. :eek: :D

In all seriousness though, I've been to the animal shelter....and I could never willingly leave an animal at their mercy. :(

09-20-2007, 02:28 AM
ahhh, Scars has a soft spot in his hateful heart for kitties just like Koko the monkey... except you can play ddo too.
anyhoo, give the lil' critter a chance...
you won't have to worry about teachin' him nothin' -- with two older dudes around I'm sure they'll bop him about if he don't know where his fecal matter suppose to go...

09-20-2007, 03:29 AM
The jester in me says see if any Chinese immigrants that own a restaurant would like him. He He just kidding do you really think anyone will tell you to give up the kitten nay dude its all yours good luck I am sure you will give it a happy home :)

09-20-2007, 03:43 AM
My grandpa hates cats. HATES them. But then he sees a stray and just melts inside and can't help but take them in and care for them. He usually has at least 10 cats living with him at a time. But he still hates them.

His house stinks.

09-20-2007, 03:55 AM
Tell the heart-wrenching story of how you rescued him with every fine lady you know (and some you may not know yet). Ask if they would please, please, please take him in...

Hey man, you may keep the cat, you may also get some beaucoup points with the ladies while your at it. :cool:

09-20-2007, 03:59 AM
Tell the heart-wrenching story of how you rescued him with every fine lady you know (and some you may not know yet). Ask if they would please, please, please take him in...

Hey man, you may keep the cat, you may also get some beaucoup points with the ladies while your at it. :cool:

Yer a thinker. I like that.

09-20-2007, 04:24 AM

09-20-2007, 07:00 AM
1. Get a bucket of polyurethane.
2. Jam the cat in the bucket.
3. He'll probably die in some cooool action pose.
4. Leave the buckets lid off for 1 week, and the polyurethane will solidify incasing the cat in a glass like cylinder.
5. Cut the bucket away.
6. Sand and buff the cylindrical polyurethaned cat chunk until smooth and cat looks almost touchable.
7. Find a circular piece of glass.



09-20-2007, 07:48 AM
3. He'll probably die in some cooool action pose.


09-20-2007, 08:17 AM
Heh, I have an orphaned kitty in my house as well. Saved this one from the certain doom of being licked to death by my 110 pound dog (50 Kilos for you metric using folks). Already have 2 cats too, so I have to give the little stray away to a friend so I can check up on her ;)

I wouldn't give the cat to a shelter unless you had in writing that they were a no kill shelter, and would not transfer any animal without it being officially adopted (there was one place where I used to live that was "no kill" but after a month or two they would have the normal shelter "adopt" them where they were eventually put to sleep).

09-20-2007, 08:26 AM
Keep it is my vote.

09-20-2007, 08:34 AM
Keep. You have to now or you will lose all your "beaucoup points" with the women on the board. (I say women because not all of us are ladies)

09-20-2007, 08:52 AM
I have 10 cats.

Go ahead and send him to me. Another barn cat isn't going to kill me.

I can always use more coyote bait (and for you townies, that is NOT pronounce ki-OH-tee. It's pronounced KI-oat).

And yes, I'm a very good shot. They come sniffing around, they die of an acute case of lead poisoning from a .223 saw-tooth hollowpoint (hey, it does less pelt damage).

/emote brandishes his Remington 700 SPS Varmit
"OK People......this is my BOOM Stick......"

09-20-2007, 09:41 AM
To Moiyra: The definition of a "lady" as defined by Uma: A woman that is a duchess on the streets, and a doxy 'tween the sheets. You, my very casually noble and demure tart of a dear, are a Lady.
Other ladies include but are not limited to: Erda so Purtah,, Wishilicious, Lady Lessah, and Kashkakat Sprue.

To Paint: Shop S-Mart... and shop SMART!

09-20-2007, 10:02 AM
I brought a cat home once.. It got lost almost immediately.. I asked one of my dogs where it went, and he burped at me.

09-20-2007, 10:56 AM
Well, what are the lives of you current cats like. Indoor or Outdoor cats, fixed not fixed, clawed or declawed, these all have certain expenses related with them. Also you would have to have a vet check out the kitten to make sure that there are no infectious diseases that could harm the other cats in the house.

These can add up to a great monetary expense, if you’re tight on funds this might not be the best thing to do but if you have extra giving a cat a home is always a nice thing to do.

I have this view b/c my wife brought in a stray in December, by the time i had all the problems fixed, i had spent over $700 US dollars on him and a ruined leather sofa from the two nights he still had his claws..

Hope that helps..and if the kids want to keep it let them know that the expenses will cut into their Christmas and Weekly allowance..hehe

09-20-2007, 11:43 AM
i personally am not a big fan of cats so my vote would be to let the kitty go. theres something about cats that makes my eyes itch.

09-20-2007, 11:56 AM
i personally am not a big fan of cats so my vote would be to let the kitty go. theres something about cats that makes my eyes itch.

it's called allergies:D

Well.. no one at work can have it... and I have them calling friends... no takers there either.

Being a single guy with 2 cats is cool.. 3 and I'm fastly aopproaching neurotic never get laid again territory:eek: :D So, this critter is getting a nice home.

Anywho... I still have a few aces up my sleeve before I'm stuck with him...

..but if anyone lives close by, the cat is 5-6 weeks old, male, tortoise hair with stripes. He went straight for the litter box and ****oo'd... so he's trained... and it purrs all the time.. hell it sat on my neck purring this morning.. so it's gotta go... if anyone lives in Alberta near Edmonton... and you want a nice cat... this one is yours:D

I really don't need 3 cats... but I'll keep it if I can't find him a home:eek:

09-20-2007, 12:37 PM
Well, what are the lives of you current cats like. Indoor or Outdoor cats, fixed not fixed, clawed or declawed, these all have certain expenses related with them. Also you would have to have a vet check out the kitten to make sure that there are no infectious diseases that could harm the other cats in the house.

These can add up to a great monetary expense, if you’re tight on funds this might not be the best thing to do but if you have extra giving a cat a home is always a nice thing to do.

I have this view b/c my wife brought in a stray in December, by the time i had all the problems fixed, i had spent over $700 US dollars on him and a ruined leather sofa from the two nights he still had his claws..

Hope that helps..and if the kids want to keep it let them know that the expenses will cut into their Christmas and Weekly allowance..hehe

WOW, life sure is rough. Leather couches and $700 bucks to blow on a stray cat. Can you lend me some money to fix my van.

That's supposed to be funny, if I needed my van fixed and I was short on cash DDO subscription would be the first to go lol. :D

09-20-2007, 01:04 PM
Little Known Facts About Cats:

1. Cat's cannot swim. Especially when tied in a burlap sack with several weighty objects.

2. The deadliest feline species (according to a Discovery Channel presentation) is felix domesticus, or the common house cat who has the greatest vareity of diet. Including but not limited to: mice, rats, barn swallows, bluejays, robins, orioles, dogfood, horse feed, cattle feed, hoof trimmings, puddles of unknown goo, rabbits, squirrels, ground squirrels, snakes, moths, butterflies (Yes, they kill butterflies too), various roadkill, and in some cases, humans.

3. A large, stray, male tom (who has been over breeding my barn cats) will do approximately two and one half flips with a half twist when shot off the top rail of the porch with a .40 caliber Glock pistol.

4. When my monthly consumption of cat food exceeds 50 pounds, I will hold swimming lessons for some of the less contributing cats around the barn. Most times, I don't have to do this because of number five.

5. Fortunately, cats are stupid for the most part, and are constantly finding new and inventive ways to reinforce Darwin's theory of Survival of the Fittest. I'm sorry, but how stupid do you have to be to jump into the bin of an auger wagon and get squashed/suffocated by 1,500 bushels of corn or get stepped on by a horse because you were too stupid to realize that the animals that you've lived with since your birth weigh more and don't always watch where they're putting their feet when it's time to go to work.

6. There are more ways to skin a cat than sticking his head in a bootjack and jerking on his tail. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor who hit one with the mower/conditioner while cutting hay. Messy.

7. The easiest way to give a cat a pill is liquify it, put it in an animal control dart and shoot them with it. The cat's got it's meds, and you've still got two working hands.

8. The easiest way to give a cat a bath is lock the barn.

9. Cats cannot fly. I reference the little fellow who discovered this the hard way by pouncing on my exposed neck from the top of the saddle rack which quickly got him launched into the hayloft in an underhand toss to a big pile of loose straw sounding something like a badly cartooned firetruck. He reinforced this lesson by then attempting to levitate himself down and discovered, much to his amazement, that he has a long way to go with saying "OOOHHHHHHMMMMM" and reaffirming yet another physics principle. Gravity.

10. Cats are good for endless hours of amusement. Whether curled up in your lap purring, leaving rabbit heads on your porch, or simply sitting back in front of the fireplace enjoying the two stuffed ones on the mantle.

09-20-2007, 01:14 PM
:) Cats and sharks have the highest kill counts of all animals (not inc. humans.. who cheat)... with a 1 in 8 chance per attack... considering cats attack everything from flies to dogs... that's a lot of vicious cat attacks a day..


btw... so far... the non-kill pet shelyers will not accept cats! The Humane Society donates cats to the local University:mad: and my only lead to a person who could really give this cat a good home is unable to accept it for 3 weeks:( But, she has 2 young kids and this cat would be perfect...

still working on getting kitty a good home.. where it can wreck plants and kill bugs

09-20-2007, 02:53 PM
what statistics are yall looking at? since when did domesticated cats start killing humans? and if your talking about killing organisms in general then id have to say that i disagree.

Humans undoubtedly have the highest kill count on planet earth, and i would guess that 2nd place would have to go to some form of anteater. with an average diet of 30,000 ants and termites PER-DAY, (thanks wikipedia) im postive that a cat or sharks lifetime killcount wouldn't even compare to that of an anteater.

even if you were to combine the kill counts of sharks and cats it still wouldnt compare

09-20-2007, 03:03 PM
lol.. in the wild... a human is one of the worst killers ever...

..that's why we made weapons... they give us an edge against tigers, lions and bears.. oh my:eek:

And.. my stats... lets just say that I like animals more than I like humans.. if a plague came and wiped out half the human race I wouldn't blink an eye.. but a seal hunt make me really ****ed.

..and you are definitely right.. the ant eater kills more.. so does the whale (krill).. but in the world of predators that actually eat things bigger than an ant... and in the traditional sense of predator hunting 1 prey... the cat and shark are the most succesful predators in their respective arena (earth/water). Man wise.. until we managed to get decently sharp sticks and stuff.. our primary source of meat was scavenging the carcass from larger sated predators.

...mind you I could be inaccurate if you take into account the Niburu Theory:rolleyes:

09-20-2007, 03:10 PM
oh yeah whales! fo sho! theres your number one killer...

Niburu theory eh? is that the theory that ninib is numero uno when it come to kill count? :p

09-20-2007, 04:25 PM
oh yeah whales! fo sho! theres your number one killer...

Niburu theory eh? is that the theory that ninib is numero uno when it come to kill count? :p

Nope.. but it is the thesis that the 13th planed is the origin of our evolution... and that it is reentering our skies for Dec 12, 2012. Heck, there are even recent pics of a "hidden planet" coming from behind the sun. Neat stuff... totally Zaccaria Stitchin...

...lots to this theory... too much in fact... I'm not going to go further into this, as it will yield a never ending arguement that has nothing to do with ddo (or everything, if you're a conspiracy theorist):eek: :D

09-20-2007, 04:30 PM
it's called allergies:D

Well.. no one at work can have it... and I have them calling friends... no takers there either.

Being a single guy with 2 cats is cool.. 3 and I'm fastly aopproaching neurotic never get laid again territory:eek: :D So, this critter is getting a nice home.

Anywho... I still have a few aces up my sleeve before I'm stuck with him...

..but if anyone lives close by, the cat is 5-6 weeks old, male, tortoise hair with stripes. He went straight for the litter box and ****oo'd... so he's trained... and it purrs all the time.. hell it sat on my neck purring this morning.. so it's gotta go... if anyone lives in Alberta near Edmonton... and you want a nice cat... this one is yours:D

I really don't need 3 cats... but I'll keep it if I can't find him a home:eek:

Sorry dude,

While it is true that I'm down the QEII from you. I already have a dog, 2 cats, 1 parrot and and an aquarium!! There is a stray that my wife continues to feed on our front deck...so really without my knowledge I have 3 cats.

So keep it!!:D

09-20-2007, 04:32 PM
Two points:

1: Strays make the best and most loyal pets

2: Who in God's name declaws a cat? That's just not right man! It's probably the type of person that gets a guard dog then debarks it....

09-20-2007, 04:46 PM
..and you are definitely right.. the ant eater kills more.. so does the whale (krill).. but in the world of predators that actually eat things bigger than an ant... and in the traditional sense of predator hunting 1 prey... the cat and shark are the most succesful predators in their respective arena (earth/water). Man wise.. until we managed to get decently sharp sticks and stuff.. our primary source of meat was scavenging the carcass from larger sated predators.

...mind you I could be inaccurate if you take into account the Niburu Theory:rolleyes:

Are we differentiating between ambush predators and active predators here? I'm assuming that we're defining success based off of the ratio of attacks to kills, in which case I'd have to say almost every predator in the bathysphere beats out sharks.

Also, Nemesis > Niburu.

09-20-2007, 05:45 PM
1. I agree with strays... my Mains are farm cats.. they really really do appreciate a meal... and they are also bigger and meaner than most cats, dodging cows, tractors and evil scarecrows does that for a cat... as I mention Morgan is 20lbs and I pulled him off the throat of a dog or 2:eek:

2. Yep, declawing a cat is evil... Morgan my kitty didn't like my brother's prev gf.. so he ran across the room.. used the coffee table as a spring board and slashed her face!!!:eek: He gets a extra serving of duck pate every anniversary of their break up:D I love my cat...


Whats a Nemesis?


Hi Velorn... I'm on the QEii... oh look a nice lady feeding cats... Hi Lady... here's the kitten Velorn wanted:D

09-20-2007, 08:08 PM
If we're going to be bringing up hypothetical solar bodies then our evil twin star lurking behind the Oort cloud bears mentioning. It's a hypothesis to explain why really big chunks of ice lose momentum every 26 or so million years and fall out of the Oort cloud towards the sun. One of those chunks was responsible for the K-T event.

As for farm cats, well, we've got one that I'm almost positive could beat me in an arm wrestling contest.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to de-Cuisinart their fluffy adorable ball of semi-restrained malice. That only serves to make them angry.

09-20-2007, 08:31 PM
The Oracle has spoken. Ware the tale of the "Flying Dutchman".

I would be very carefull around Jaraliths and Razor Cats for the time being.

Your Lucky number is "20".

Don't kick the Gypsy.

09-20-2007, 09:04 PM
Keep him only if he can be trained to farm new Mod 5 collectibles. Otherwise donate him for research.

09-20-2007, 10:04 PM
Here's another perspective: Heinlein maintains that cats are just redheads in little fur coats... and that if you go so far as to pick up a stray and take it home, then feed it, that kitty is now your responsibility. He goes on to illustrate how it might be kinder to just drown it yourself if you're not going to keep it, as that kitty will look at you from now until forever and think "Mine."
Personal experience has taught me that a cat that's been lost will traverse hundreds of miles just to find you so she can fill your shoes with the tootsie roll expressions of her love, litter her kittens on your mother's hippie suede jacket that she was wearing the day Kennedy was shot, and readjust the grain on the wooden furniture that a local artisan had made from local materials.
Oh, almost forgot, that same cat (Pandora:Pure-bred Siamese) stood between a 5 year old me and a ****ed-off timber rattler, hissing and burrelling in that growly voice she made until help arrived in the form of a hatchet that removed the ophidian head. Then she played with the writhing corpse for about an hour before eating the remains.

09-20-2007, 11:14 PM
Uma, that is an amazing story, about the snake and the cat from your childhood.

Scar, if you decide to keep kitty you will probably be fine with 3 males. I have 2 rescued males and 1 female, and obviously as with all creatures one is dominant, one is submissive (the alpha male, the female, then Booprint... LOL) If it's a baby the older cats have to get used to, it should be a much easier sell than an older cat. Although from the way you describe your cat, they are pretty wicked and a little... umm... not "violent" but... physical?

I am an advocate of cat rescues. On a serious note, you don't have to drop the cat off at the local "pound", which are often kill shelters, where if an animal is not adopted after a week to two week span, they are euthanized. I am not sure what your city is like, but here in my city we have many rescue adoption agencies that are no-kill agencies, that are private, non-profit organizations that work with local pet stores (PetSmart) etc. to place these animals into caring homes through adoption.

If you do not think your "house" is big enough for a nother little guy, I would urge you to check out some of these private animal rescue agencies (some of them are just regular ppl working out of their home) as opposed to the local pound, which is probably a kill shelter.


09-20-2007, 11:21 PM
hey scar if i where you i would see if it drops a epic weapon or not.. then do what razor said.. epic cat pose ftw!!!

just remember i got dibs on the w/p raiper if it drops from it

09-21-2007, 01:01 AM
"You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats."-Colonial proverb
"A cat may look at a king". - English Proverb
"Books and cats and fair-haired little girls make the best furnishing for a room" - French Proverb

"Don't buy a cat in a bag."

"At home an elephant, abroad a cat."

"The cat shuts his eyes while he steals the cream."

"If you give your milk to the cat you must drink water out of the sink."

"The cat loves fish, but she's loth to wet her feet."

09-21-2007, 04:31 AM
For my birthday keep the kitty. Wish I could take him, but I'm in S.Fla and room-mate has allergies.


09-21-2007, 05:50 AM
In all seriousness though, I've been to the animal shelter....and I could never willingly leave an animal at their mercy. :(

What Tryp said.

09-21-2007, 11:26 AM
oh I won't give it to a shelter...

I talked to a few nice people I know and they want the kitty... I'll know soon enough... if I can't find a home by tomorrow... I keep it...

..and yep, I don't trust gov't organizations that care for animals... NOT going into my anti-establishment beliefs...


I once had a great cat named Bootsy:) She was a mean, feisty calico who could tree a racoon and beat up german shepherds (that was funny, poor doggy was scarred)... well, one day I came home from like grade 6 school and my brother was hiding upstairs with a pillow in his shirt and a face mask... pretending to be a burglar... so of course he attacks me, laughing the whole time while trying to scare me... and Bootsy, not recognizing him... jumps on his back, just howling and tearing... all 4 claws a going... blood and of course my brothers mirth turns to terror as this 6lb cat is just ripping his back...

...well, of course she recognizes his voice through the screams and goes "oh oh".... and zoom she's gone.. looking for a safe spot to escape his wrath... lol, he really respected that cat after that... well she lived 15 years, had 7 litters of kittens, raised a puppy as a friend and she died of cancer... thus, my toon named Bootsy... named after one of the greatest cats I've ever known:D

09-21-2007, 12:01 PM
My guess is he does belong to someone. The facts so far are thus: 1) you found him Yesterday, 2) he is litter-box trained.

If, when you found him, he didn't look all managy and emaciated, chances are he is just lost.

Later today, or tomorrow, grab a beer and walk around the neighborhood. Hopefully, someone will have posted a sign about lost kitty and you're golden. (maybe it will even be a cute single gal ;) )

Otherwise, if your cats like him, and he purrs a lot and is potty trained, keep him.


09-21-2007, 02:02 PM
Eh, it really doesn't take much to 'train' a cat to use a litter box. They instinctively seek out places to bury their refuse and thus mask the smell. Oh, what a biohazard the sandbox on grandma's farm was.

It probably would be a good idea to take a picture and put up fliers for a couple of weeks, though. Knocking on a few doors probably doesn't cut it as far as finding the owners goes. Unless you're in a pretty rural/secluded area with a low population.

09-21-2007, 02:33 PM
Eh, it really doesn't take much to 'train' a cat to use a litter box. They instinctively seek out places to bury their refuse and thus mask the smell. Oh, what a biohazard the sandbox on grandma's farm was.

It probably would be a good idea to take a picture and put up fliers for a couple of weeks, though. Knocking on a few doors probably doesn't cut it as far as finding the owners goes. Unless you're in a pretty rural/secluded area with a low population.

Get real... put up fliers? Walk outside and talk to real people... pshaw, I say... I have ddo to play... I'm just going to FedEX this cat to the Centaur.. he likes kitties:D

09-21-2007, 02:54 PM
You wouldn't have that problem in a rural/secluded area with a low population.

House cats don't last very long when left alone outdoors.

Coyotes or Wolves tend to make them a midnight snack.


09-21-2007, 03:18 PM
You wouldn't have that problem in a rural/secluded area with a low population.

House cats don't last very long when left alone outdoors.

Coyotes or Wolves tend to make them a midnight snack.


yeppers.. I have coyotes, red fox, jack rabbits, hawks, horned owls and other fancy critters where I live.. hell, even wolverines (the are so cute n'fuzzy:D ) all over the place...

...heck if I'm lucky I fet to see a skunk... man I'd love to have a pet skunk...

...but for some odd reason they leave my cats alone... 20lbs isn't small I guess:D

09-21-2007, 05:42 PM
So what'cha gonna name the new addition to the household??? Curious minds want to know


09-21-2007, 06:01 PM
So what'cha gonna name the new addition to the household??? Curious minds want to know



...hmmm... maybe Scarsgaard? Acorn? umm not sure... maybe I'll run a Name my Kitty Contest... and NO I won't name him cutesy butterfly names:D

09-21-2007, 09:47 PM
If you have one cat, ok you have a pet. If you have two cats... kinda much but ok you must really like cats or you want your cat to have a companion. If you have three cats... that's it, you're now an official creepy cat person. You mind as well stop going out and start stocking up on t.v. dinners.

09-22-2007, 03:32 AM

I will post pics tomorrow of my newest cat:D

Its not a boy!!!!!!!!!!!

Her name is Mila (mee-lah)...

09-22-2007, 01:51 PM
As soon as she turns 6 months old you should get her spayed - or better yet get your boys neutered now or there will be issues and possibily even more kittens.

And X-fracture - 3 cats does not make you a weird cat person. The usual reason you end up with 3 cats is the 2nd is acquired to keep the first company - the 3rd is to give it a good home - ie its a stray and your doing a good deed by helping it :D Five or Six cats is just asking for trouble.

At one time I was mother to 3 cats - 2 dogs - 1 child - 1 husband. Guess who I cleaned up after the most? Yup the husband - which is why he's an ex. Our 3rd kitty was a stray - only going to keep until we find a good home for him - it took about 5 years ;)

Mila sounds like a very nice name Scars - but how about Scarlette?? She could be a vixen just waiting to grow up :eek:


09-22-2007, 04:37 PM
mmmm....Milla Jovovich, I'd like to go resident evil on that...

09-22-2007, 04:51 PM
Hey Scar, you could always have sent the cat here to Ontario. After all our Premier has been described as a Reptilian Kitten Eater. Present the kitten to him as a political statement. Lol.

09-22-2007, 07:16 PM
Hey Scar, you could always have sent the cat here to Ontario. After all our Premier has been described as a Reptilian Kitten Eater. Present the kitten to him as a political statement. Lol.

I could say so much more about the Honourable Premier, bbut I shall refrain... I like being allowed to post on these forums, and I'm certain my invectives would equal the Halifax Disaster:eek:

09-22-2007, 08:10 PM
Watch out Scar, looks like Henne wants a piece of Mila's tail.

09-23-2007, 03:05 AM
Watch out Scar, looks like Henne wants a piece of Mila's tail.

Crossing species - eeeewww and eek :eek: :eek:


09-23-2007, 03:49 AM
Crossing species - eeeewww and eek :eek: :eek:


I'm thinking.... Mila+Henne=Henne in ICU with cat-scratch fever and missing several fingers.

09-25-2007, 11:11 AM
..lol.. 3 kittys... all I hear is...

Meow.. prrt... meow..

translation, "feed me now you useless human, get up, get up now... let me out... or I pee on your bed":D

09-25-2007, 11:29 AM
mmmm....Milla Jovovich, I'd like to go resident evil on that...

Sigh.. I didn't want to like you.
But you took the words right out of my mouth.

09-25-2007, 12:48 PM
Sigh.. I didn't want to like you.
But you took the words right out of my mouth.

...isn't love like that? The one's you Hate are often the most attractive?:D

09-25-2007, 12:51 PM
...isn't love like that? The one's you Hate are often the most attractive?:D

Hmm so in reality then Xoriats are actually full of love??

09-25-2007, 01:23 PM
Hmm so in reality then Xoriats are actually full of love??

yep:) the kind of love that is pull of pain, turmoil and confusion... like most of my relationships:D

I still remember my Ex saying, "not fair, you're not supposed to block":eek: :D

09-26-2007, 02:28 AM
Personally Mo, I'd go with the Milla on Fifth Element. Orange hair and all.

09-26-2007, 03:47 AM
Last week I cleaned my cat up off the road, she got squished good. Left a nasty little trail of intestines and ***** all up and down the road, I was not happy with her.

This week I realized how much more useful dog's are anyways, my biggest male gets me my paper in the morning, rips most intruder's and the occasional non intruder a new hole and he unloads his giant craps in my neighbour's rose's (Which works out perfect because I spite the wench). I no longer miss that **** cat upon realizing she never did sqaut for me except meow her ass off while I was reading my paper in the morning.

Mail it to me fed ex, I've been teaching my big male to eat cats again and you could save me a few bucks in dog food (I spend 150 bucks a month on the 3 of the bastards). Hook a brother up scar.

09-26-2007, 11:37 AM
Yay to doggies...

Mila escaped today and was happily playing the I'm going to make you late for work 'cause you can't catch me game...

...but a nice terrier happened to say "Hiya Scar.. want help?"

..and kitten got treed:D Doggie got a big nice beer for that:)

09-27-2007, 05:04 AM
I dont like cats too much because when I get near them and spend to much time around them I start to turn red and itch and maybe swell up. But I would take him in and put up found cat posters or try to give it to a family that wants one. That way you dont lose credit wtih some of the peopl here and you dont have to keep it. I'm sure if you try to FedEx it, it will die anyways.

09-27-2007, 06:11 AM
Soooo where are the pictures of this new addition? huh? huh? huh? hehe.

09-27-2007, 10:05 AM
lol... I'm not getting rid of Mila... ther kitten has taken over the house and been adopted by the other 2 rulers, Morgan and Memphis...

...now I just have to get the critter to slow down long enough for a pic..

..but it sure does like playing with my laser and the catnip...:D

09-27-2007, 10:20 AM
lol... I'm not getting rid of Mila... ther kitten has taken over the house and been adopted by the other 2 rulers, Morgan and Memphis...

...now I just have to get the critter to slow down long enough for a pic..

..but it sure does like playing with my laser and the catnip...:D

Catnip at her age?? How could you Scars - contributing to the delinquency of a minor :eek: :eek: Still waiting for the pics - glad she's working out for you. :D
