View Full Version : Pirate Cove Event
09-19-2007, 05:27 PM
Go here for details on a special one night event!
09-19-2007, 07:03 PM
Who would want that item..>??
You can keep it buddy.
09-19-2007, 08:10 PM
It's one of those I want to look good, who cares how good my stats are items. I imagine it will be an item a role player might be interested in. Thanks for the unique loot offer I guess. Whoever gets that item should wear it with pride. :eek:
09-20-2007, 03:23 AM
*ROFL* 1 word .... Weaksauce
09-20-2007, 09:53 AM
Call it what you will but it's a +5 hide item thats useable at lvl 1. I think it would be great for sneaky lowbies :D
*keep in mind too the event was for lvl's 4-9....*
09-20-2007, 10:36 AM
It's nice to give what a 3 hour notice? I would have actually gone just to try and get another "rare" item. But since i didn't know till i woke this morning, I missed it.
So, anyone know many bandana's were found or received?
09-20-2007, 11:20 AM
I think a party of three won them on Sarlona. Then we all partied in the Salty Wench. :)
09-20-2007, 02:42 PM
C'mon now! People that don't have a level 4-9 characters should not be penalize for a give away events! thats just wrong and inconsiderate
Even if the item its not as fetching as most... how about the people who likes to collect items just for keepsakes
Uberly weaksauce!
09-20-2007, 04:41 PM
I don't mind the level restriction, even if I do or don't have one in that range.
But c'mon... give something that people in that range will find useful!
Yeah, it's wearable at level 1. A hide of +5 on a hat is unique, but at levels 4 to 9, for people who sneak, there's usually already a very important item on the head. Int +2 and hide+5, now that would have been worthy of both the level and the rareness. Perhaps a +1 to dex, as it's light and airy and makes you feel faster? :D
As it is, it's a black bandana. It's biggest draw is its rarity.
C'mon, throw us a bone, here. You don't have to be a loot hound to know that it is pretty silly.
09-20-2007, 05:31 PM
09-20-2007, 07:17 PM
Granted it's a roleplayers item. Still, sounds like fun. Something different.
this is perhaps more insulting than anything. booooo turbine boooooo
09-21-2007, 09:10 AM
WOW some whiny people out there never satisfied with anything. I had fun in the live event saw the call switched characters found a pick up group from those in the salty wench and went looking we had a blast, and basically that is the point of a "game" to have fun. It may not have been uber loot but come on why does everything have to be, it is unique and if I got one **** straight my WF would wear it with pride!
Your faithful servant of the Silver Flame,
09-21-2007, 09:28 AM
WOW some whiny people out there never satisfied with anything. I had fun in the live event saw the call switched characters found a pick up group from those in the salty wench and went looking we had a blast, and basically that is the point of a "game" to have fun. It may not have been uber loot but come on why does everything have to be, it is unique and if I got one **** straight my WF would wear it with pride!
Your faithful servant of the Silver Flame,
You assume that loot isn't the root of fun for some or most. You assume wrong. For me the most fun I have in game is questing with pals for the best loot, named or not. I have not burned out yet and I have been here from the beginning.
If Turbine held this type of event more often it would be cool. Since once in a blue moon they do this at least give away an item that can be used though the levels. The fun of the event has passed and all that is left is the loot. An event like this once a month with unique loot for all levels would make me very happy with every event.
In my opinion this is just a poor move on Turbines part when they have more people exiting the game then they do coming in. I know, how do I know this? If there were more people coming in they would have added servers or left them alone instead of merging. So... why are people leaving? I assume mostly endgamers that are bored. From my experience all the folks I have seen leave had most of the named loot, did all the quests in the game and became bored.
So, why give out a useless item to levels 4 to 9 when you have so many maxed out toons drooling over new content and loot? Maybe because eventually roleplayers will be the only survivors is my guess if I had to make one. Eventually it will take more outside the box thinking to keep interest in this game. The black bandanna will be good for a very low level toon or roleplayer and that is it. Follow this event up with a dragon attack in the marketplace with a big fat chest and unique reward and all would be awesome.
09-21-2007, 09:52 AM
WOW some *dis-satisfied* people out there never satisfied with anything. .....
/Seconded. I missed it all, but watching yet again that any attempt by +Reps to get involved in the game gets them a rash of crud from a bunch of folks...
I woulda loved one of those black bandanas for my 14 rogue. She's a bit primpy about her looks. :rolleyes:
(Didn't check to see if they were bound.)
09-21-2007, 09:58 AM
Q posted that there will be more events like this and I am sure over a wider level range. Probably they are feeling it out getting the bugs out and taking our minds off of MOD 5 delays. I did play with a guy last night been in game for a month and a half, asked him how he liked "like it much better then the 9 years is gave to everquest". Live events like this are not for everyone some like to loot run, hell I like to loot run, and see what is in the chest, still waiting for that ring of the djinn, maybe I should not call others whiny and I do apologize all are entitled to their opinion but I feel good things are on the horizon so until then happy gaming.
Your faithful servant of the Silver Flame,
P.S. A little rambling I know but in the middle to about 10 things here.
09-21-2007, 11:28 AM
So how many mid level players would be ****ed if it was 11-14 lvl characters fighting elder beholders, storm giants and rhakshasa in the Lobster?
That's happened allready.
Because the event people wanted to include mid level characters in some event fun everybody is crapping on them? Man I do NOT envy any Turbine staff. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't....
P.S. Mud,
Sheelagh won one of the bandanas, she showed it to me it's pretty sweet looking on her lowbie!
09-21-2007, 01:08 PM
So how many mid level players would be ****ed if it was 11-14 lvl characters fighting elder beholders, storm giants and rhakshasa in the Lobster?
That's happened allready.
Because the event people wanted to include mid level characters in some event fun everybody is crapping on them? Man I do NOT envy any Turbine staff. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't....
P.S. Mud,
Sheelagh won one of the bandanas, she showed it to me it's pretty sweet looking on her lowbie!
Not as many mid levels out there I would guess. 90% of players have capped toons. Not everyone has a 4 through 9.
Advance warning in game would be great, at least more than a day or two. I don't recall a promoted event with a named item dropping for higher level folks. I know it happened but I don't recall them promoting it with the item like they did this event.
Basically Turbine is just damned when they do everything last minute and without rhyme or reason.
If you are going to step up on a box and try and make an argument at least make sure your box isn't made from balsa wood. :eek:
Good day to you.
09-21-2007, 03:31 PM
Not as many mid levels out there I would guess. 90% of players have capped toons. Not everyone has a 4 through 9.
Advance warning in game would be great, at least more than a day or two. I don't recall a promoted event with a named item dropping for higher level folks. I know it happened but I don't recall them promoting it with the item like they did this event.
Basically Turbine is just damned when they do everything last minute and without rhyme or reason.
If you are going to step up on a box and try and make an argument at least make sure your box isn't made from balsa wood. :eek:
Good day to you.
Ahh there we go 'guessing'
So your assuming that because the people you know have all their capped characters that EVERYONE has all of their characters capped and wouldn't enjoy playing a lower level? I don't think that 90% is a very fair number to base your argument on. Pop open the 'who' menu and do a search by level. When I did I counted 27 people between levels 4-9 and that was just in one moment of time. Seems like a decent number to me, I could be wrong though.
Also not every event is for every character. Staggering them with level limits is a good way to be fair to players of every level.
Having a low level event like this is a great way to get newer players involved in the community so we could have a little bit of player retention.
Not a fantastic weapon but certainly unique mid level item due to the fact it drains cha.
I personally would consider a vorpal a high level item... I could be wrong though.
I'm sorry you think that impromptu and fun little events that have a unique little session flair to "break the loot runs, favor grinding and whining about how turbine doesn't care about us" is a daming quality of turbine's. If that's how you feel, then regardless of if I agree with you or not, your entitled to it.
Also if your going to attack me directly like that, you should make sure you box can hold you and your (lack of?) ammo.
Mine feels pretty sturdy....
good day to you....
09-21-2007, 04:55 PM
Okay guys.. its a given fact that no matter what.. not everyone can be satisfied. I think it was pretty cool for Turbine to do something on the National (or maybe International?) Talk Like a Pirate Day! I don't know if it was thier intent but that is what I took it at.. yee Scurvy Dogs!! It was a fun addition and since Three Barrel Cove is for that level range on quests through elite... AND it has Pirates.. AND pirate music at the Salty Wench.. AND.. saucey wenches (*dont forget your disease immunity items*) .. that is what seemed to really be what may or may not determine it. I mean.. you cant be fighting pirates in the bogwater tavern...
For my own part.. I love community events and I really don't care if a reward is uber or not. I like having my wayfinder scepter because it looks like a sparkler when I equip it. I would have loved to get in a group for a bandana because it looks cool... I don't care what it does. I want one because it was for a specific event at a specific time.. it looks different than all the vendor loot you continute to ransack out of a chest. PLUS... the events are fun! Some of the best times I have had have included being in the pit of the pheonix taver fighting an army of beholders that +tchurval spawned... or being stuck inside a tiny foyer when a Storm Giant appeared and filled the ENTIRE room. I am hoping the festival jester comes back for another coal fight in the pit.
The community is what you make it. This is OUR community and the best way to get something out of it, instead of waiting for a game company to drop something in your lap, is to get out there and have fun.. participate and give to your community. Add to it in a positive way. If you just want to run loot runs.. go ahead! There are alot of people you can find to join in that endeavor. Want to hold an naked barefisted barroom brawl in the pit? Go for it! Run your own tournament or contest. This community is really what we all make it.. as members of the community. Noone forces yah to participate in a pirate day event anymore than they force you to run the crucible for the 5357th time. .. The main thing.. go out.. have fun.. enjoy your pals and the people you meet in game and be a part of something positive.
See you all in game!
09-21-2007, 08:43 PM
Ahh there we go 'guessing'
So your assuming that because the people you know have all their capped characters that EVERYONE has all of their characters capped and wouldn't enjoy playing a lower level? I don't think that 90% is a very fair number to base your argument on. Pop open the 'who' menu and do a search by level. When I did I counted 27 people between levels 4-9 and that was just in one moment of time. Seems like a decent number to me, I could be wrong though.
Also not every event is for every character. Staggering them with level limits is a good way to be fair to players of every level.
Having a low level event like this is a great way to get newer players involved in the community so we could have a little bit of player retention.
Not a fantastic weapon but certainly unique mid level item due to the fact it drains cha.
I personally would consider a vorpal a high level item... I could be wrong though.
I'm sorry you think that impromptu and fun little events that have a unique little session flair to "break the loot runs, favor grinding and whining about how turbine doesn't care about us" is a daming quality of turbine's. If that's how you feel, then regardless of if I agree with you or not, your entitled to it.
Also if your going to attack me directly like that, you should make sure you box can hold you and your (lack of?) ammo.
Mine feels pretty sturdy....
good day to you....
/me stands up and claps heartily. "Hear, hear!!"
"Opinions are like armpits, everyone's got a couple and they all stink!"
Sure everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the negative opinions may have the effect of ruining future events for those of us that did enjoy it. A more appropriate response would be to say "Hey , yeah, that was cool, but could ya do this next time too?" Or something to that effect.
If all a player cares about is loot runs ( in a fabricated world ... ??? oops that's just MY armpit/opinion ) then by all means, go do em and leave the events alone. Maybe you'll find the Sword of 1000 Truths, and can then rest easy, knowing you are the leetest, uberest of them all.
So, hey, have fun, have your own opinions, whatever. Just don't rain on the parade.
And BTW, MOST of my characters are lvl 7-9. I have played since Beta. I have never been criticized or otherwise indicated that I was a bad player, I just play in several static groups, and have a limited # of hours per week to play.
And I have never known Katrina to stand on anything but solid ground.
09-22-2007, 03:30 AM
I think it was pretty cool for Turbine to do something on the National (or maybe International?) Talk Like a Pirate Day! I don't know if it was thier intent but that is what I took it at.. yee Scurvy Dogs!! It was a fun addition and since Three Barrel Cove is for that level range on quests through elite... AND it has Pirates.. AND pirate music at the Salty Wench.. AND.. saucey wenches (*dont forget your disease immunity items*) .. that is what seemed to really be what may or may not determine it.
I wouldn't have done the Pirate Cove event on the 19th of September for this reason at all. Or would I? Only the Sovereigns will ever know. :p
I have run this event spontaneously in the past as well, but it was fun to spring it on everyone for a whole night! We wanted it to be a surprise! :D
09-22-2007, 02:49 PM
(here's my 2 copper peices)
*steps up onto a box and clears throat*
I have seen all the lovers and the haters make their posts... the haters are a little too down on it, the lovers are a little too fanboi-ish...
I knew nothing of it happening that day... or any other day till a friend pointed me here... Don't lurk in the forums much... if the community events were more frequent, or it appended your character sheet in some way that others looking at you saw (how about when you inspect someone that has an item equiped it shows that they have a Unique community event reward?) then I'd be more impressed....
BUT, I do like to participate in hte events... I HAVE won one item and it was cool as hell, but I don't know what it was any more and can't identify it any more as it has no SPECIAL identifier....
there were a few people that had some reccomendations on how to have these events bigger/better/faster/harder/MORE INTERESTING to the masses...
Sir Laurance- if you want to draw in more participation, how about more heads-up notice (like the log-in message?) of have them more frequently.... I have heard the rumors of the TASTY HAM hidden thingy of turning in a certain amount of hams to someone that you Sometiimes get when a XC ball hits you... I have several hams now *looks to see if Kargon is lurking nearby*
09-22-2007, 07:54 PM
(nice daft punk plug there flytrap, *snicker*)
Sounded like great good fun. I remember the first time I saw this particular event on Thelanis... (I'm horrible at remembering dates) Both times I wasn't fast enough to get in on it. I imagine the spontaneity of the thing is part of the appeal, especially considering that on both dates that I observed these events the time between +Sir Lawrence's initial request and the "we're full" announcement was less than 5 minutes. The Salty Wench was packed tight by that point... Wow, what a mob it would be if people knew about it ahead of time, and could plan to be there. Incidently... for those people that prefer a little advance warning... There is some kind of upcoming event being planned... but I don't need to tell all y'all that as I'm SURE I'm not the only one that saw the thread +Sir Lawrence started about +Turkey Vulture? (aka +Tchurvul).
(Hint: Live Event: Emerald Conspiracy sticky)
No I am not an employee/official representative of Turbine.
09-23-2007, 12:07 PM
Ahh there we go 'guessing'
So your assuming that because the people you know have all their capped characters that EVERYONE has all of their characters capped and wouldn't enjoy playing a lower level? I don't think that 90% is a very fair number to base your argument on. Pop open the 'who' menu and do a search by level. When I did I counted 27 people between levels 4-9 and that was just in one moment of time. Seems like a decent number to me, I could be wrong though.
Also not every event is for every character. Staggering them with level limits is a good way to be fair to players of every level.
Having a low level event like this is a great way to get newer players involved in the community so we could have a little bit of player retention.
Not a fantastic weapon but certainly unique mid level item due to the fact it drains cha.
I personally would consider a vorpal a high level item... I could be wrong though.
I'm sorry you think that impromptu and fun little events that have a unique little session flair to "break the loot runs, favor grinding and whining about how turbine doesn't care about us" is a daming quality of turbine's. If that's how you feel, then regardless of if I agree with you or not, your entitled to it.
Also if your going to attack me directly like that, you should make sure you box can hold you and your (lack of?) ammo.
Mine feels pretty sturdy....
good day to you....
First of all, reading comprehension goes a long way. 90% of characters, AGIAN I AM GUESSING, have capped characters not ALL CAPPED characters. :D I base this on a very simple concept.... there are less people coming into the game as new players vs. the amount of people that have been here long enough to at least cap a character.
Advance warning allows us players that don't have the levels to participate a chance to at least work on a character to prepare. If Turbine did a high level only event there would be a larger number participating because more would actually have characters prepared that qualified. Advance warning of a low level event would allow the same amount to participate because it's easy to level a character to four. I do think you need a mix of both high level and low level events, I am really most ****ed that the event goes by and the only alert that most have is the red text in their chat window.
Basically, more notice of upcoming events will solve a lot of these problems. Do you know how many people events like these would draw back to the game that are currently on hiatus until new content comes out? How are these people that log in maybe once a week supposed to get a renewed hope for the game when they log in and hear there was an event that passed them by and it was only advertised for like a day on the forums? In my opinion this is no way to handle these events. The Jester arriving around the holidays was handled perfectly. There was plenty of notice and it created a buzz around the town. That was the way to handle these events, big or small.
09-23-2007, 04:19 PM
Hey Marlik here is an ongoing event that has been posted for a bit and didn't want you to miss it. Emerald Claw Conspiracy (
I think its coming to Sarlona around 10pm est. Have fun!
That's awesome. Thanks for the heads up. I love this stuff. I will be on the lookout for sure. Thanks again.
09-23-2007, 06:49 PM
Geez… That’s really fair! Like I said earlier it’s not that the item is that entirely fetching
At least give the patron who capped out all his characters the opportunity to win the item as well
"I wouldn't mind having that bandanna on my lvl 14 WF barbarian just for the graphics!"
Don't shaft the collectors of Sarlona or the entire DDO community
09-24-2007, 05:29 PM
I wouldn't have done the Pirate Cove event on the 19th of September for this reason at all. Or would I? Only the Sovereigns will ever know. :p
I have run this event spontaneously in the past as well, but it was fun to spring it on everyone for a whole night! We wanted it to be a surprise! :D
I think it is great that you hold random live events good Sir Lawrence.
The reason I am quoting your statement, is becasue after reading most of these post and the post following yours, I can see that a lot of people didnt seem to read your post. Its good to add your opinions on what might make this game better and Im sure there is a place for that, but Sit Lawrence clearly states that he wanted this to be a SUPRISE!
If he gave you advance notice, it wouldn't be a suprise now would it!
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