View Full Version : The New Khyber Guildlisting

09-10-2007, 09:21 PM
THE Khyber Guild Listing! PLEASE PM ME if you want your guild Listed / Updated / Taken off...I'm subscribed to the thread but for some reason I don't always get notification of a new post. Please help me keep it up-to-date, so if you know a guild has been disband or you are a new guild, LET ME KNOW :). IF your guild starts with "THE" it will be listed in the "T" section due to previous similar guilds (i.e. Awesome Guild and The Awesome Guild). Also, if you could follow the basic format below, it would help, Thanks!! :)

Suggested Template
Average Playtime:
Raids We Do:
Raids per Week:
Raid Loot System:
Info: *please try to keep this fairly short, thanks*

-- A --
-A Poppy in the Dark:

Average Playtime: mostly european evening/night
Size: around 10 active players (lvl 70)
Raids we do: Mostly eVoN, ToD, Shroud - but basically any
Raids per Week: 6ish
Raid Loot System: it's just loot
Leader: Hyanne, secondary: Darkpoppy
Recruiting: not really
-Acolytes of Foluke:

Average Playtime: EST Evenings US
Size: 5-10 (Small)
Raids We Do: None, But Run Some PUGS Together
Raids Per Week: Four
Raid Loot System: Please Offer Pulls You Dont Need to Fellow Guild Members
Leader: Foluke
Successor/Officer: Bentor
Website: www.acolytesoffoluke.guildportal.com (in process)
Recruiting: Yes, Send in Game Mail to Bentor or Foluke
Info: Looking for Team Players, that want to run quests together. Currently High Level and Some Low Level Characters. Life comes first we all have other responsibilities outside of DDO that should take precedence.
-Adventurer's Asylum:

Average Playtime: 6pm until 10pm nightly CST
Size: small but growing
Loot system: If it is yours do as you wish, but give consideration to other players as well.
Leader: Tzoaxont Illictaule
Website: www.adventurersasylum.mmoguildsites.com
Recruiting: currently recruiting all classes and levels. Must be at least 18 to join guild. Please fill out an application or talk to an officer in game.
-Adventure Inc.:

Average Playtime: Varies... Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
Size: 90+ members
Raids We Do: All raids
Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood
Leader: Daruis the Blind Mage
Website: http://www.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, Sharing & Fun - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach and the citizens of Khyber.
-Alpha and Omega:

Average Playtime: Mostly during the day eastern time.
Size: 22 Active Players
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: 5-10
Raid Loot System: Need before greed must /roll d1000 highest roller wins, in the case of a tie its a reroll
Leader: Aneta / Successor: Baptism
Website: None
Recruiting: Sure. We look for people with a great sense of humor and great attitude. It is a must that you know how to take a joke, do to the fact that there is alot of sacasm in this guild, and I mean ALOT! So serious people need not apply! We only recruit people that we have partied with on more then one occassion. Also the benifit of having a good toon.
-Ancestral Guardians
-Army Of The Deep:

Average Playtime: 10PM EST and later
Size: Brand New, <20 Members
Type: Light RP with optional Perma Death Flair
Leader: Krumblee Bleu
Website: http://aotd.guildlaunch.com/index.php?gid=119828
Recruiting: Just about anyone. Read the above website and there is an application there.

Size: 4
Info:Un-organized guild. Closed to new applicants. Always ready to assist other guilds/players. Contact Cedarstone or Deathfiddle with questions...
-Aundair’s Elite
-Aundairs Freedom Fighters
-Avant Garde Mercenaries Guild:

Average Playtime: Varies; guild spans central and eastern US, usually evening times though (allied with Agents of Chaos)
Size: 15 with AGMG and 20 with AOC (all active players)
Raids We Do: Temepst Spine frequently (for loot/favor); Von occasionally
Raids per Week: varies
Raid Loot System: items go to guild members before AH or Vendor
Leader: Liyandra
Website: agmg.guildportal.com
Recruiting: We are always recruiting anyone
Info: We are serious and mature but still have plenty of fun. No preferred age just as long as you can be serious when needed. We do request that anyone under 18 let us know that you are a minor so that we can be sure to act appropriately.
-Avatars of Virtue:

Average Playtime: Mostly during US daytime.
Size: Small
Raids We Do: None, yet!
Raids per Week: None, yet!
Raid Loot System: Point System
Leader: Sunarch
Recruiting: Everyone
Info: AoV is a small founding guild focused on fun and playing the game.
-Avatars of the Witch Queen:

Avatars of the Witch Queen
Average Playtime: Evenings 1-3 nights a week. UTC -8 Pacific Time
Size: 8-10 Players. and 3-5Active
Raids We Do: Size does mater, were small so we don’t raid alone.
Raids per Week: See above
Raid Loot System: Since we are small we abide by the host raid system
Leader: Bobosmash
Website: No
Recruiting: By invitation only.
Info: We are a small group of friends that have played PnP together and formed a guild to make it easier to play together on line.

-- B --
-Bad Voodoo:

Average Playtime:
Size: 10+/-
Raids We Do: None at the moment still too new
Raids per Week: Want to do at least 1-2 per week
Raid Loot System: at this point nothing has been decided most likely DKP
Leader: Vrianna
Website: Non atm
Recruiting: All classes and Races. Need to have a subscription or have access to all content
-Band of Brothers:

Average Playtime: M - F 11am - 10pm (EST), Sat & Sun All Day/Night
Size: 30+ Members
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 8+
Leader: Iinilye
Website: http://Brothers.GuildPortal.com
Recruiting: Light recruiting
Info: Originally from Aundair. The core group has been associated for about 2 years now. The merger of WarlordsII and BoB in Nov 2007 reunited the core members of the original guild. We raid almost every day in some form or fashion.
-Band of the Hand Riedra
-Band of Skull:

Average Playtime: EST afternoon, evening, early AM (8-12 hours per day)
Size: 160
Raids We Do: all
Raids per Week: 1-2
Raid Loot System: your loot
Leader: Ravendagger
Website: www.xfire.com/clansbandofskull/
Recruiting: invite only
Info: Remnants of Skull's Dragoons from Quakeworld and Ultima Online (Chesapeake). Adults only. Old members
we are looking for you! Hite!

Average Playtime: Mostly during the day eastern time.
Size: Currently only about 5 players...
Raids We Do: I do and Know all raids!
Raids Per Week: 1-6 raids (depends on play time)
Raid Loot System: Need before greed must /roll d100 highest roller wins, in the case of a tie its a reroll
Leader: Trucia(Jket)
Website: None
Recruiting: Looking for any type of bard build only. Jket has a build posted under Bard Class forums which is a really great build. So all new members are welcome just ask him, in game or in forums!
-Beginners Luck
-Beholder's Bane Adventuring Co
-Blaze of Glory
-Black Company
-Blades of Khorvaire
-Brotherhood of Heroes
-Brotherhood of Valor:

Average Playtime: Random and rare
Size: 1 active member
Raids We Do: have so far only done VoN
Raids per Week: none
Raid Loot System: roll
Leader: Braedonnal
Website: none
Recruiting: not actively
Info: No active members so don't play this toon often, but it is a founding guild from Riedra so not letting it die. :)

-- C --
-Cavalier Cavalry

Playtime Wed, 7pm+ Pacific, Fri-Sun (various)
Size: 6 people, level 38.
Raids we do: Oryara's our ToD monk, I do Shrouds all the time, Aaronitus is our Chronoscope specialist.
Raids Per Week: ToD 2 -3. Shrouds 7+, Chrono 1 per week. DQ 2 times a week. Others are catch as catch can.
Raid Loot System: Chests are finders-keepers, guildies first call, roll for extras. We've been rolling for Shroud powershards a lot, as we're all full up.
Leader: Glyndwyr Owain, 20 Cleric. Oryara, 20 Monk is successor.
Website: ddo.cavaliercavalry.com (coming real soon)
Recruiting: Nope, but once we hit 50, we'll pretty much have open invites to the ship.
Info: We try to run as a six man band, but we do a lot of pugging as well. Ears, vox, and an ability to take direction. Have enough toons with needs that we don't mind helping to farm for some things.
-Cavalieri dei Draghi:

Average Playtime:afternoon,evening (GTM+1)
Italian guild(and 1 portugues ) inbound lvl 70
Size:100+ Active Players
Raids We Do: all
Raids per Week: 6-12(specialized leadership in TOD(Donabbondio), LOB/MA(Kalistoo), Srhoud(any officer), DQ(Llino, Ranclar), Patatina & Fede(in all of epic quests))
Raid Loot System: your loot is your choise.
Leader: Fede
Successor: Alixa
Website: http://cavalierideidraghi.forumfree.it/
Recruiting: Accepting all italians with loyalty and willing to learn.
Info: As players, we count a variety of classes (TR and not) able to cover any roles in any raids. As the only Italian guild in khyber we have the duty to be the lighthouse for those italians newbie that approach to DDO, and we try to lead them trhough the game mechanics, helping with advices. we ensure during the playing time always an Officer online, who is the interface for any problem.juste send a message in general chat(or sent tell via "who" panel) and as soon as possible we'll reply with a PM.
-Clan Blackwolfe:

Average Playtime: 8:30pm-10:30pm PST M-T later on F-S
Size: small- (core group family of 3)
Leader: Talohn
Website: http://www.guildcafe.com/GuildHome.php?guildid=4579
Recruiting: like minded dungeon crawlers always
Info: See website for more info.
-Clan Spellcaster
-Company of the Phoenix
-Crimson Eagles:

Average Playtime: GMT+10 evenings with a splattering of people online at other hours. Most players are Asia Pacific.
Size: Medium
Raids We Do: All, but Titan very very rarely.
Raids per Week: Some nights 4, other nights 1.
Raid Loot System: Your loot your call. Offer to guildies then pugs if unwanted
Leader: Felgor
Website: Inactive
Recruiting: No, unless we know you well.
Info: We also have a busy channel exclusive to CE and friends.
-Crimson Hand
-Cult of Ryliegh:

Average Playtimes: All the time - got a few aussies so someone is usually on
Size: 20+ active
Raids: Most of us are playing TR lowbies atm but all except Abbot
Raid loot system: Need before the greed but now it is d100 low or high loot holder chooses
Website: http://www.cultofryliegh.guildportal.com
Recruiting: please see website for that
Info: casually hardcore.

-- D --
-Das Syndikat:

Average Playtime: 6pm-12pm GMT+1
Size: ~25 active accounts
Guildlevel: 55+
Guildship: Stormglory Tempest
Leader: Lhidda
Recruiting: Yes (German-speaking, TS2, Premium/VIP required)
Info: German Guild
-Death From Below:

Average Playtime: sometimes days on end...most US time zones
Size: above average
Raids We Do: randomly any of them
Raids per Week: 1-3
Raid Loot System: need before greed
Leader: Breck N'Dwall
Website: www.DeathfromBelow.net
Recruiting: by invitation only
Info: "fun before dishonor"
-Death’s Shadow
-Deathwatch Guard:

Size: Small
Raids We Do: -
Unique Raids: -
Raids per Week: -
Raid Loot System: -
Leader: Gwyar Nwyfre
Captains: Niennah Vardamir, Redhood
Website: https://dwg.guildportal.com/
Recruiting: Currently not recruiting
Info: Most of our leadership has been pulled away from the game for various rl reasons, and DWG, while it still exists, is currently on hiatus. Many of our members, including our active officers, have joined Mature Adventures Club and we highly recommend that group of people.
-Defenders of the Faith
-Delightful Gentlemen:

Average Playtime:5pm to 12am EST
Website:http://delightfulgentlemen.freeforums.org (http://delightfulgentlemen.freeforums.org/)
Recruiting: Yes
Info: We are a F2P guild that is currently looking for active players.
-Deities and Demigods
-Demon Waste Runners
-Deus Nova:

Average Playtime: PST, early afternoon to the wee hours
Size: 20
Raids We Do: not organized for raids atm.
Raids per Week: n/a
Raid Loot System: n/a
Leader: Ezmo
Website: We have no website, FB page, gaming forum or otherwise.
Recruiting: yes
Info: Deus Nova was founded 2 years ago by a group of friends that played many different games together. As most of the original guild has moved on to greener pastures, it was decided to just regrow the guild by those that remained. Deus Nova is a casual, adult guild with dedicated players. There are few rules, if any. With no drama and a free society, we have the ability to quest as we please, either in PUG or guild runs.

If you would like to become a member, just contact any Deus Nova mamber and ask. The ONLY recruiting restriction we currently have is player level. You must be at least lvl 4. We want to grow in level and you can help.
Always remember to have fun .
-Dirty Feet
-Disciples of Insane Drunk Men:

Average Playtime: 6pm until 1am nightly PST
Size: about 200 members, many of which who play actively.
Loot system: If it is yours do as you wish, but give consideration to other players as well.
Leader: Phunk
Website: www.disciples.clangroups.com
Recruiting: Currently recruiting newb or vet players. Must be willing to do guild runs at times, help out your fellow guildies and have a good time. See website for more details.
-Disciples of Apocalypse:

Average Playtime: All day
Size:Currently 298
Raids We Do: Various raids, we organize when someone needs loot otherwise.. Shroud, Pikers Fate and Chrono every 3 days
Raids per Week:3-6
Raid Loot System: /roll d69
Leader: Burboink
Website: http://www.disciplesofapocalypse.net
Recruiting: Not Currently Recruiting
Info: Fairly casual group of gamers dedicated to having fun and helping one another get xp/loot. Free trade within guild which means we do not charge each other for items, if I have it and don't need it and you need it it's yours.
-Disposable Heroes:

Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones) some daytime, but can find some of us on most every night.
Size: 30+ (some more active than others)
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: 2-4
Leader: Jasperheart
Website: www.dh-guild.org
Recruiting: Yes. We are a guild that belives in skilled play, fun, low drama, and helping each other achieve in-game goals.
-Divine Calling: (See "The Trinity Guild")
-Divine Magnanimity
-DixoN Clan
-DnD’s ELITE Warlords

Leader: Balorian

Info: We're mostly military veterans and their family, but all are welcome!
Website: http://dracristguild.webs.com/
-Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood:

Average Playtime: Varies..10am - 12am Midnight PST Peak time is 4pm-11pm PST. Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
Size: 150+ members - 300 Toons (most members have jsut 1-2 toons in our guild, thou we prefer all toons) We have approx 70-80 log ons per day.
Raids We Do: All raids
Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood, thou some are scheduled in advance.
Leader: Xxdevlinxx the Protector
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/dragonrenaissancebrotherhood/index.htm
Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, and protect the King - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach.
Info: We will help all newcomers by answering your questions when you have them. We also have a Guild Treasury and a Guild Bank with plenty of items to help new players.

Size: 5
Leader: Justkidderha
Recruiting: Low levels only (1 - 6)
-Dungeon Master's Hell Spawns
-Dwarven Defenders:

Average Playtime: varies, almost always a few members on.
Size: 55 members with 300+ alt's.
Raids We Do: We have a guild raid every Sunday, we have members that regularly do the Titan every 2 days 17 hours and 42 minutes, same with The Reaver. All others are on request by members, Raids per Week: 7-10 Raid Loot System: The player who pulls the raid loot may dispose of it as he or she wishes, including the possibility of allowing the rest of the party to roll if so desired.
Leader: Durak / Successor: Dullgoth
Website: www.dwarvendefenders.net
Recruiting: We are currently looking for more folks to assist in defending Stormreach! Please speak with an officer.
Info: One of the longest standing guilds remaining from Riedra, the Dwarven Defenders have always maintained a democratic guild where everyone gets a say in what goes on. We are currently looking for more players who have varying game styles that will complement our ranks. Visit the website or speak with an officer in-game.

-- E --
-Echoes in Eternity
-Economy of Scale

Average Playtime: Usually somebody on at all hours. Most activity in the US evening hours.
Size: 226 members. I see ~75 toons have logged on in the last week.
Level: 60
Officers: Dunlop, Anybodys, Desarius, Dratt, Drowna, Hilbo, Krustee, Ozzgood, Raypin, Shlainn, Straiden, Sylvra, Tekiko
Recruiting: We don't recruit. But we accept new members.
Info: We are a non-guild guild. We solo; we PUG; we share the benefits of guild renown.
Contact any officer to join.
-Elite Farmers
-Elite Raiders:

Average Playtime: all times (some Aussie players to handle the night watch)
Size: ~15, 6-10 generally active
Raids We Do: All
Leader: Cavern
Website: http://EliteRaiders.guildportal.com
-Elven Seekers
-Eminence Forged

Average Playtime: Majority is serveral hours a day...mix of east and west costers and some in turkey... usual hours are 4-5 to 1 am EST weekdays varies on the weekend.
Size: Small
Raids We Do: All sans abbot currently
Raids per Week: 4-8
Raid Loot System: Player Generated priority list system with points towards missed opportunities.
Leader: Kirvan
Website: www.entropyguild.co.nr
Recruiting: Only skilled reliable fun individuals
Info: Closeknit bunch, goofy and fun but elite level players all about completion of quests/goals and the betterment of the whole guild.
-Errant Venture
-Evil Outsiderz:

Average Playtime: 24 hours
Size: 227
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 12 or more
Raid Loot System: Need before Greed
Leader: Tempzilla
Website: http://eo.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Actively recruiting people of all levels.
Info: Our guild officers are experienced DDO players who enjoy the game and helping new players become successful players. We offer guild voice chat, drama-free and keep a good sense of humor. While we are serious about the game, we don't take it too seriously.
-Exiled in Eberron
-Eyes of War

-- F--
-Failed Action
-Fallen Heroes:

Our Motto : "We Fight for True Love!"
Average Playtime: Prime-time thru morning
Size: 50+ with 30 usually active (550 alts)
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: 2-3
Raid Loot System: d100 simple or sometimes need.
Leader: Emili / Successor: Akirra
Website: http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=157926&TabID=1338894
Recruiting: by three officers
-Fire Eaters
-Firefly Misfits
-Forgotten Souls:

Average Playtime: 24/7 - Active 6+ Members
Size: 400
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: Varies - 30-50
Raid Loot System: None
Leader: Adeona
Website: None - We Operate on a Login/Logout Play Basis
Recruiting: Ask Via Forum/In-game Mail
Info: We are currently looking for some new members. Classes we need are Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics, Druids & Fighters. We are a long standing guild with good knowledge of all raids and content. If you want to know more contact in game: Sunstone, Sunaxe, Sunblade or Sunart. Please have access to all the new and major raids.

Average Playtime: Most players are PST. Usually play in the afternoons, and All through the night (9:00pm - 3-4 AM)
Size: 12+
Raids We Do: All of them
Raids per Week: 2-3 a day
Raid Loot System: Generally the items are distributed to those that need it most. Most toons in this guild are pretty decked out, so whatever we can do to help other guildies we do.
Leader: Vyr
Website: www.DDOFounders.org
Recruiting: By invitation only (dont be shy, we enjoy grouping with/recruiting other solid players)
Info: Fun, late night guild. We have about 10-12 very solid players that strive for success, perfection, and overall harmony amongst fellow guildies/players. Most importantly, we work extremely well together and are looking for other experienced players that are in search of the same team building ideals. Please contact Vyr, Tekbo/Tekstar, Roxie/Imreapper, Virtuous/Archaic, Tvaar, or other "Founders"

-- G --
-Gods of Heroes

Average Playtime: All different times but Most members on at 6:00-10:00 (GMT -5)
Average Level: 1-8
Size: 13+ Were growing!!
Quests We Do: No Specific Quests. We kind of do Different Quests each day
Leader: Harrypotterr
Recruiting: Most members level 1-8 any higher might power level other members. So levels 1-10 would be best. ALL classes Accepted. We welcome new members.___ /tell Leader or a Officer to Join___
Officers: Carye, Idrilden, Benyamin, ( There will be More when Guild gets Bigger )
Loot System: If you need something, Ask for it. If your low level it is more likely that Someone will have the Item your looking For.
Info: Started not so long ago. Not my first guild.
____Active + Helps guildies with Quests = Officer

Leader: Xoren
-Guild Name: Guardianes Del Tiempo

Average Playtime: 16pm-01am
Size: 40
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week:3- Just Starting Raids
Raid Loot System: What you dropped, its yours. But -consider that need should be before greed. In important raids we´ll roll 1d/100 for high loots.
Leader: Khondaru Hanzo
Website: Http://Guardianesdeltiempo.Guildportal.com
Recruiting:Spanish players.
Info: Spanish language based guild. All members live in Spain. Soo anyone who needs this just apply in our website.(Guild de habla española. Todos los miembros viven en españa. Para unirte solo deja el apply en nuestra website).
-Guardians of Faith:

Average Playtime: All Hours
Size: 15-25 People on durning all hours of the day
Raids We Do: Alot of Dragon and Reaver Raids, We do all of them
Raids Per Week: 1-2
Raid Loot System: Need first, Roll System Next
Leader: Fallien Successor: Reneweed
Recruiting: Always Looking for laid back people to join, beers and loot and a good time is our motto.
-Guardians of Fellowship:

Average Playtime: Varies
Size: About 25
Raids We Do: None yet.
Raids per Week:
Raid Loot System:
Leader: Scraggle
Website: None
Recruiting: Not actively
Info: GoF, also known elsewhere as Guardians of the Flame, is a family-oriented guild dedicated to fair play and providing a safe gaming environment for younger players. We have run in several main game environments over the years, beginning with an on-line multiplayer pioneer game, NetStorm. We had a large presence in AC1 for quite awhile.
-Guardians of Khyber:

Average Playtime: most members on all day and night
Size: about 100 active
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: most all
Raid Loot System:
Leader: Yaztromo
Website: under construction
Recruiting: Yes
Info: Brother Guild with Guildless Guild
-Guardians of the Savage Kitten
-Guildless Guild:

Average Playtime: all hours
Size: 20+
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 5 per Week
Raid Loot System: Need then Rolls
Leader: Inker
2nd: Littlefoot
Website: http://www.guildguild.net
Recruiting: Always looking for good player who like to have fun.

-- H --
-Halls of Champions
-Happy Hunters
-Heretics of the Sovereign Host
-Heroic Champion
-High Caliber Consecrators
-Hireling of Quicktoe:

Average Playtime: Anytime
Size: Small
Raids We Do: None
Raids per Week: None
Raid Loot System: N/A
Leader: contact ‘Melwright’ via in game mail or Melicat here on the forums
Website: None
Recruiting: Favour farmers and people on server holidays are invited. New players are welcome but encouraged to find a different real guild as soon as they can. People who are rude or unpleasant to other players are not welcome. Send PM to ‘Melwright’ or send a PM to this Melicat forum account: I will send you a guild invite. Once guilded you will receive plat up to 5k dependant on level (http://ddowiki.com/page/Money) and can ask for more at a later time up to 5k. Will also send 20csw pots. Unbound crafted shards available on request as can be made with crafting skills of 100 in all schools (ie up to about 110) – send essences if you can at a later date but no pressure to do so.
Info: This is an attempt to make starting out on Khyber a little easier but it’s not a real guild. If you intend to stay on Khyber it is encouraged that as soon as you can you find a real guild or even start your own. As one of my accounts is VIP I’m happy to start one and hand it over to make things easier for you if you would like to.
-Holy Warriors:

Average Playtime: Weekdays EST 1700hrs - 0200hrs and All Weekend Long
Size: 100+ individuals with uncountable alts
Raids We Do: ALL - planned raids by request via guildsite
Raids per Week: Varies
Raid Loot System: Need B4 Greed then /D100
Leader: Blakdragon
Website: www.thetrinityguild.googlepages.com
Recruiting: Always - but bring a sense of humor please
Info: "Its Not About the XP - It's About The Experience". We are a fun loving guild who emphasise the social aspects of the game and love the fun of just exploring. Our members are from diverse backgrounds all over the world (so interesting playing times abound) and have myriad interests as well. You will find loot runers,rules-lawyers, number crunchers and build engineers just having a good time with casual players who are just there to continue their love of the Dungeons and Dragon's Experience.
-Hostile Intent
-House Bloodhawk:

Average Playtime: 4pm - midnight CST
Size: 130+
Raids We Do: Vault of Night, Tempest Spine (so far)
Raids per Week: 1 to 2 on average.
Raid Loot System: We pass items to whoever needs them.
Leader: Benjimin
Website: http://housebloodhawk.mmoguildsites.com
Recruiting: Mature, team-playing, anti-zerg adults.
Info: We accept all levels of experience playing the game and all character levels as well.
-House of Sword and Song
-House of the Dire Bear

09-10-2007, 09:22 PM
-- I --
-Idle Hands of Mercury:

Average Playtime: Weekdays 6-12pm est, weekends on and off all day.
Size: Currently 5
Raids We Do: All raids
Raids Per Week: 3+ raids a week. Puged to fill as needed.
Raid Loot: Raid loot is trade within box or roll for it if you dont need, if you need it loot it.
Leader: Shinedown Na'Gath
Recruiting: Recruting mature members, please look for us online and group with us first.
Info: We are a Mature adult guild, and have chars of all lvls and are very familur with all the raids and quest in the game currently, and stay up to date with new content. We are small but have many guilds we are friends with that assit in filling our raids that are done all through the week and on the weekends. If you need somethign jsut ask i am sure we can find it or answer almost any question you have of us. Ty GL Shinedown.
-In Bad Company:

Playtime: We have players on at all times
Size: 160 plus - 16 players online at peak times
Raids: Most - have someone who knows each raid
Raids Per Week: As often as we remember
Loot: Need not greed
Leader: Badora
Website: We have a group on facebook
Recruiting: Yes - Interview / Trail / Stay or Go
Info: Posted in the forums here multiple spots for info please check them out

-I Roll Twenties
-Iron Thorn Raiders:

Average playtime: evenings US, some seem to be online 24/7
Size: 7-8 active members
Raids We Do: All...very frequently
Raids Per Week: approx 10-15 between alts or immediately after timer is up
Raid Loot System: we have everything..typically argue over who WILL take items, +3 tomes get "/roll d1000"...typically last 2 in dungeon take item
Leader: Jihad / Successor: none we are all officers in Iron Throne, even new recruits are immediately given officer status
Website: none, we have MOTD for scheduling
Recruiting: not ATM but will consider the best of the best if active/mature

-- J --
-Jester’s Court:

Average Playtime: We have members on almost all the time.
Size: 30 members and actively recruiting Raids We Do: Dragon, Titan, and the Demon Queen, working on more Raids per Week: avg of 1 per week Raid Loot System: follow the new system otherwise need before greed
Leader: Zeekadopolis Deathstalker, Gillyad Ceril 2nd in Command
Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesterscourtddoguild
Recruiting: Actively recruiting. The guild that plays DDO with out taking ourselves too seriously.
Guild Rules
#1 Have fun
#2 Respect other players
#3 Have fun
-Judgement of the Apocalypse

-- K --
-Kanky Pants
-Keepers of Vengeance:

Average Playtime: All the time but more at night.
Size: 20 active many more unactive.
Raids We Do: All and all the time.
Raids per Week: Depends on number of members online that week.
Raid Loot System: Who pulls it gets first pick otherwise whoever needs it rolls for it.
Leader: DemonDivine, DemonPriest, DemonKnight, DemonMagic, DemonShadow
Website: http://keepersofvengeance.guildportal.com/
Recruiting: Always but have a one month trial period.
Info: Close knit guild that is more like a family. Everyone knows everyone's alts. New members are treated with respect as long as they give it.
-Keepers of the Arcane:

Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones) Tue,Thr, Sun the main nights but can find some of us on most every night.
Size: 25+ (some more active than others)
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: Varies
Leader: Daomuck
Website: www.kota.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Yes, requires sponsorship (see website for info).
-Khyber DWG Permadeath:

Average Playtime: Friday nights at 11pm Eastern; random times during the week
Size: 15-20
Raids We Do: None, yet
Raids per Week: 0
Raid Loot System: -
Leader: Citymorg
Website: Forum space is under dwg.guildportal.com (no seperate site but within Deathwatch Guards' main site)
Recruiting: always recruiting level 1 untwinked characters
Info: This is a permadeath guild. You may see a complete list of our rules at http://dwg.guildportal.com. No twinking, if your character dies you must reroll or leave the guild. 1 item heirloom. If players get your stone, you may (at your discretion) let them loot 1 item each. Contact Citymorg for more information or just show up friday nights at 11pm Eastern with an untwinked level 1.
-Khyber DWG Roleplaying:

Average Playtime: 11pm-12am Thursday nights
Size: small
Raids We Do: --
Raids per Week: 0
Raid Loot System:--
Leader: Liondra and Finnagus
Website: Forum space is under dwg.guildportal.com (no seperate site but within Deathwatch Guards' main site)
Recruiting: Always recruiting roleplaying characters
Info: We are a roleplaying guild, please write a biography for your character and be willing to play in that character. For more information, see our website for roleplaying suggestions! http://dwg.guildportal.com
-Knights of Chaos:

Average Playtime: Varies throughout the week
Size: 40-70+ active, 520+ Toons
Raids We Do: All the raids
Raids per Week: Many
Raid Loot System: Usually need before greed, or rolling highest
Leader: Bigole, Co-leader: Breaken
Website: www.guildportal.com/guild/335702
Recruiting: varies
Info: Here to get our loot on.
-Knights of the Golden Blade
-Knights of Insurrection:

Average Playtime: Mid-days and evenings
Size: 50 with 25-30 active players
Raids We Do: All, but with limited Abbot engagements
Raids per Week: 10-15
Raid Loot System: Need before Greed
Leader: Longsword
Website: http://koiddo.guildportal.com/
Recruiting: Yes, but you have no idea what you’re getting into
Info: We’re primarily a group of adults, but we’ve been working on our language, lately.
-Knights of the Dragons Claw
-Knights of the Phoenix
-Knights of Winterfell:

Average Playtime: EST and PST mostly, but have members from around the world. Largest parties start around 9pm EST Everyday
Size: 60+ with 30-40 active players
LvL Range: 1-20
Raid Loot System: Roll d100 for items, 1 per Toon please
Leader: Aeldrinn
Website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=166718563531
Recruiting: Invites only. Usually like to run with you first, but open for all team players.
Info: This guild was created a little over a year ago and has players ranging in age from young to old. We strive on being fair, honest and foul launguage is asked to be kept at a minimum. We are a non-zerging guild thats takes more pride in the fun of gameplay and friends over leveling and loot. Noobs are welcome and we do not mind helping someone out that has a question, so dont be afraid to ask, "Where is that quest at and who gives it to me?".

Please Contact: Aeldrinn, Jaik, Kobalt, Breaken, Budakis, Bouwell, Areavis or any other Officer in our Guild!

-- L --
-Lava Divers:

Size: 181
Leader: Soulshaker (alts all start with "Soul...")
Info: Group of mostly friends playing together. We are about efficiency and effort. Majority of the players and raids are UTC +8 but were looking to expand our USA time zone players. We don't mind teaching players but we expect players to take initiative and put forth there best effort. We are currently looking to recruit more members but requirements are not casual players and majority of Toon's to be only in this guild. If you interested in joining or have questions, you can find me in game on Soul**** in the Lava divers guild.
-League of Part Time Gamers:

Average Playtime: Eh, 20 - 30 hours (4PM to 10PM CST Su-Th, 12PMish to 12AMish Fr and Sat)
Size: 28 toons (7 players - only 2 Full time)
Raids We Do: Shroud mainly because we're small. Will do all if we grow.
Raids per Week: 3-6
Raid Loot System: It's yours, but don't be a hoarder. Share if you don't need it.
Leader: Akrono
Website: None
Recruiting: Anyone playing in our time slot would be awesome, but good people who want to be part of growing a guild will be considered
Info: I think it's covered above, but we're pretty much a central US very small group that could use even 1 more player to contribute. No pressure to do anything other than group with the other members and build some guild renown for a cooler ship. We don't have players that know every trick of the trade, so you can learn with us and just enjoy the surprises the game brings.
-Legendary Guardians:

Average Playtime: Varies, daily
Size: 9 accounts / 30 toons
Raids We Do: up for any
Raids per Week: depends
Raid Loot System: share/roll
Leader: Legendary Guardians
Website: legendaryguardians.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Open to All Classes
Info: Looking for a few more, fun loving players to fill out voluntary raid schedule. Visit website for details.

Average Playtime: Anytime on weekends, 4pm - 12am (midnight) during the week.
Size: 40+ Active Players
Raids We Do: All raids anytime of the week but we also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: When the timer is off we raid
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise it's your choice on distribution.
Leader: Fizban / Successor: Goolan
Website: http://www.Legends.republichost.com
Recruiting: We would like to run with you a time or two but all potential members must first apply online at our website.
Additional: We offer additional playing options if desired. Some guild members participate in guild pen and paper once a week or permadeath once a week for 2-hours.
-Legends of Twilight:

Size: 10-12
Raids: All except for the Abbot
Raids per week: Depends on what we are up for that week.
Raid Loot System: Pretty flexible. If you pull something you don’t need and another guildie wants it, it’s usually traded. If more than one person would like it, a d100 roll is used.
Leader: Officers rotate leadership
Website: http://legendsoftwilight.freeforums.org/
Recruiting: If anyone has run with you and you are squared away, you can be invited in. No voting or voodoo rituals to decide. We are laid back and want to keep it that way. Always looking for new peeps. Send a tell to any LoT member if interested.
Info: Small, tight knit guild with good players. Be able to take a joke. Sarcasm is welcome. Conversation can be rated “R” at times. Please be able to follow directions in game and be a team player. We play mostly in the evenings 8-12pm EST.
-Legion of Doom Reidra:

Average Playtime: all hours, mostly EST
Size: generally 5-15 people on during normal hours
Raids We Do: all, not big on ascension massacres
Raids per Week: usually none planned, very laid back/casual
Raid Loot System: even distribution of tasty hams
Leader: Grayhawke/Crimsonhawke, 2nd in command Heinrich/Heinrick
Website: http://www.guilduniverse.com/legionofdoom/forums.aspx i guess, very out of date
Recruiting: extremely casual. if you have common sense, we'll take ya.

-Legion of the Steel Dragons
-Lets Go Get Killed
-Library of Knowledge:

Library of Knowledge - Recruiting
Average Playtime: Any
Size: 6
Raids We Do: Von, DQ, Titan, Tod, Shroud
Raids per Week: 1
Raid Loot System: NBG
Leader: Vorpalsword / Deathsbreath
Website: None
Recruiting: 4
Info: *Please only apply if your a hardcore player who spends a lot of time on, want to keep the guild small early then at higher lvls expand.
If you ever ran with Vorpalsword, Yamantaka, Deathsbreath, Battlelord, Atisha or Riverhawk and want to put a toon in the guild, pst and ill make room*
-Lifetakers and Heartbreakers:

Average Playtime: Mostly all day Sunday and Mondays; smaller presence on other days.
Size: approx. 30
Raids We Do: none at the moment; mostly lower level characters
Raids per Week: N/A
Raid Loot System: N/A
Leader: Jolley
Website: lhguild.org
Recruiting: Yes, although the guild is new to Khyber. L&H is primarily a Ghallanda guild with a growing presence on Khyber. About half of our members (about 60-70 strong) have characters on both servers .
Info: We focus on three principles: Fun, Teamwork and a recognition that real life always comes first! We want to simulate the experience of friends sitting around a gaming table.

Average Playtime: Varies. Us Nights Peak, 6-15 Online During Off Peak Usually. However, We Do Have A Nice Pacific Rim Contingent In Japan, Australia And New Zealand Allowing Nearly 24 Hour Coverage!
Size: Active Player Base Is Large, Estimate 25-40 Daily Players.
Raids We Do: All Of Them.
Raid Loot System: Basically, Need Before Greed, But Can Be Any System As Agreed Upon By The Party Before The Raid Begins.
Leader: Hordangel; Successor: Kongquesst
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Not Recruiting At This Time.
Info: There Is Really No Limit To What Type Of Play You Can Do In Loreseekers. We Have Static Groups, Some Are Very Much Into Roleplay, Others Are Dabbling With Permadeath. There Are Enough Toons Of Each Level To Allow Several Groups Every Night Doing Nearly Every Level Of The Game. Rare Are The Occasions When Everyone Is So Full As To Make A Guildie Wait For A Group Or To Pug. However, We Do Also Have Folks That Always Reserve A Few Pug Spots In Any Group They Run. We Are Always Looking To Find New Players To Group With, And Will Quest With Anyone Just For The Experience. Please, Feel Free To Check Us Out On Our Website, Or Look Any Of Us Up In-game!

-- M --

Average Playtime: Generally in the evenings, starting around 12PM EST and ending whenever, if ever.
Size: About 25 or so different players.
Raids We Do: Shroud, ToD, LoB, Titan, Reavers, Gearless-Tempest Spine, HoX, VoD, DQ and Epics.
Raids per Week: Raid nights are Saturday (6pm EST), otherwise at member discretion.
Raid Loot System: Guildies-> Friends of guild-> d100 for others.
Leaders: Basestina/Baserock (ARTI 20 GMT-7) and Exlar/Trondo (WIZ 19/BRD 20 GMT-7)
Website: www.Majestics.org
Recruiting: Open to mature, active, and fun players.
Info: Majestics was formed by the wizard Exlar and the cleric Cohalic and is currently run by Basestina. We accept any and all players who are decently mature, fun to play with, and on at least 3 days a week. Most members of Majestics have a life outside of DDO, or at least another game to play. We maintain a respectable maturity level within our guild, but age or level exceptions may be made if the member has proven him/herself worthy of joining Majestics. Interested in Majestics? Apply on our website, and run with some guildies! Our ventrilo is also posted on the website and is welcome to all non-guild members!
-Mark of the Maker
-Mature Adventures Club:

Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually
Size: Active player base is large, and includes users from several countries and time zones
Raids We Do: All of them, whenever we feel like it
Raid Loot System: Who cares. We do not stress on loot envy. We roll d100 sometimes to see who has to take the junk
Leader: Featherstone (AKA Stoney (http://www.themacguild.com/member.php?u=4))
Website: The Mature Adventures Club Forums (http://www.themacguild.com/)
Recruiting: We are always welcoming new members into our guild that fit two criteria; Must be 21 or older, 18-20 with interview with Featherstone; Must behave in a mature adult and tolerant fashion
Info: We are a group of like minded players who have banded together to form a guild of mature players. We are tolerant of all sorts of builds/style of play, and go out of our way to cater to the unexperianced or new players. Our theme is how we conduct ourselves in a mature manner. We offer Perma-Death and Role Playing opportunities, with new groups and themes forming. Our mains all play on Khyber. Our playerbase run the Gambit of styles of play. Some small groups raid solely, while others run Water Works over and over with rerolls. We in the MAC believe you play your character how you want ... see our forums (http://www.themacguild.com/), guild thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=182185), and/or compendium page (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Mature_Adventures_Club) for more.
-Mc Dojo:

Average Playtime: GMT +10 Australia
Size: 1
Raids We Do: mabe later
Raids per Week: as above
Raid Loot System: even - individual or loaned and repaid on next loot
Leader: Mome Wrath
Website: n/a
Recruiting: only if I like you and as many of you as I like
Info: F2P RPG / Black tea blended with Bergamot and Milk - no Sugar
-Mercs of Annihilation:

Average Playtime: Varies, but usually on at about 5 p.m. Central Time
Size: 4 Active Players
Raids We Do: n/a
Raids per Week: n/a
Raid Loot System: n/a
Leader: Chopmetimber: Successor: Blueizuma
Website: MercsofAnnilihation.guildlaunch.com
Recruiting: Anyone as long as they have a sense of humor and pull their own weight.
Info: Right now we're starting out and small in numbers, but we're planning to expand and we have some exciting ideas for events during the guild try us out and see if you like it
-Mighty Vikkings

Average Playtime: 13:00-04:00 est/ 08:00-23:00 gmt
Size: we have 25 charecters but only a handful of players
Raids We Do: All raids, we hit mostly harbor, house fo Denith, and house P.
Raids per Week: daily
Raid Loot System: we Share and have back ups
Leader: Disi
Website: http://mightyvikkings.no-ip.org
Recruiting: We are a european guild thats just started up, looking for social ggrouping Exp.,everyone is welcome including North Americans, we are voice enabled but not required, TELL one of our officers; Ardoric, Cartog, Encrypta, Kluh, Leechy, Matricia, Mikelious, Misdemeanor, Poes, or Snatsh to join.
Info: We help newer player to find there way to and in dungeons, and we are vary patient when it comes to waiting to get everybody there befor we start a quest, and we dont mind if you die a few times, dont recall, just sit tight and well get to you and get the job done
-Montesano's Guardians:

Average Playtime: Most are in the US (all timezones) with one member in Sweden. So whenever we can get on, we do.
Size: Small
Raids: We're still a low-level guild, gradually working our way up to Raid-level. Will likely be changing soon.
Loot System: Need over Greed.
Leader: Klork
2nd in Command: Leafy
Recruiting: Not actively.
Info: Small family & friend based guild. Pretty friendly, mostly mature unless we've had a lack of sleep. A few of our members have been in the game since Beta. If you want to join please message Klork or Leafy. We don't add new players unless we've run with you at least once before hand.
-More Than Meets The Eye
-Mrfancypants’s Armada

-- N --
-Naughty Angels:

Average Playtime: Every evening
Size: 100 or so
Raids We Do: We do not raid
Raids per Week: 0
Raid Loot System: None
Leader: Shamaoria
Recruiting: Always!
Info: We are always helping new members level up! We don't do high level content, but we love to teach new guys the ways of the game. Most of our members are level 8 or less, so we are great for new players.

Average Playtime: All time zones (players from across US, Canada, Europe, Australia), but most active in the evening EST.
Size: around 20 active accounts (level 61)
Raids We Do: Not many all guild raids yet, but should be coming soon (we often PuG them all though)! We do all guild Epics from time to time.
Raids per Week: 0
Raid Loot System: Your loot is your loot (often guildies' needs come first)
Leader: Antocapone
Recruiting: Not really
Info: We are mostly a group of friends from another game and many of us have known each other for around 4 years.
-North Trail:

Average Playtime: Portuguese/European evening/night
Size: 5+ active players, lvl 63 (as of 2011-11-11)
Raids we do: all
Raids per Week: -
Raid Loot System: your loot, your call
Leader: Nesur
Recruiting: yes (Portuguese players, check website)
Website: http://northtrail.guildlaunch.com/index.php?gid=232669
-Nudist Colony

-- O --
-Only One
-Order of the Never Empty Mugs:

Average Playtime: Time varies 2-4 hours a day
Size: 4 active mature players
Raids We Do: All when not "timed out"
Raids per Week: As many as we can do
Raid Loot System: Need b4 Greed high roll wins
Leader: Varda
Recruiting: We are a bunch of friends that live in close proximity to each other
Info: 100% pug friendly. If u see any toons named Vall..... (ex. Vallkreigg, Vallkore, Vallhallen etc) he is an Officer and "King of Pugs"

-Order of the Scarlet Leaf:

Average Playtime: mid-day and evenings (eastern times zone)
Size: 10-15 active players
Raids We Do: we're more focused on player development at the moment
Leader: Kendrix
Website: http://osl.guildportal.com
Recruiting: always looking for more
-Order of the White Gold:

Average Playtime: At least 2 members on everyday from 6PM ET - 1AM PT We do guild only raids and quest/favor runs every Sunday 8pm ET - the first person to fall asleep..LOL
Size: 11
Raids We Do: ALL
Raids Per Week: On Sunday's we run together, during the week whatever
Raid Loot System: Need before greed. Highest roll wins.
Leader: Allwyn Lothlorien
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=2484090
Recruiting: yes
Info: We are a family based guild. Father's, brother's,sons uncles ETC. We play for complete xp/loot. We take our time and explore everything and every room and kill every monster. We play to enjoy the game and camraderie not to become UBER. If you have an ego don't bother running. Age limit (20 yrs+ a must)
-Organized Confusion
-Outcast Defenders:

Average Playtime: 8:30-Whenever Central Time, most nights
Size: Currently small - New guild of Veteran players
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: Not that often yet
Raid Loot System: Need before Greed
Leader: Kolthor Stormforge
Website: http://outcastdefenders.guildportal.com
Recruiting: YES
Info: We are a group of FUN loving and team oriented people that understand that DDO is a GAME and people have REAL lives.
We enjoy learning the quests and helping each other while laughing and joking all the way.
We are always looking for like minded people to join us!
-Overlords Blades:

Average Playtime: anytime we can get online
Size: small but hoping to grow big (3 people right now)
Raids We Do: none atm
Raids per Week: See above
Raid Loot System: See above
Leader: Ameliasian RuneCaster (lvl 2 Artificer)
Website: prolly up by later on today
Recruiting: yes always
Info: we are small and social and help with leveling/questing/crafting/ anything else if interested find a guildie and ask today :)

Average Playtime: Whenever.
Size:Very Low, only 3 players now, we did have a larger player base, but the previous Guild Leader had to leave, due to work related issues, and left me in charge, and with him left the majority of the playerbase.
Raids We Do: None currently =S
Raids per Week: Again, none.
Raid Loot System: -
Leader:Vladismir Vorashnai
Website: DDOwnage.guildportal.com
Recruiting:Anyone, indiffering between class, level or age, as long as you know how to play and arent a 5 year old Im happy to have you. Please go and sign up to the website or message me in game, Vladismir Vorashnai, for an invite

-- P --
-Pacis Iunuctum:

Average Playtime: Mostly weekday evenings and random weekend times (Mountain and Central Time Zones)
Size: 2 (and always looking for more!)
Leader: Cilreith (Successor: aimeenicole)
Recruiting: Always
Info: Welcome to Pacis Iunuctum (The Peace of the Blade). We are a new guild with new players to the Stormreach setting. We're currently looking for other new players who don't want to feel intimidated or overwhelmed because they don't know every little in and out of the game. The focus here is having fun, and at the same time, maybe finish some of those hard to do quests! If this sounds like it's for you, then please, search out Cilreith or aimeenicole and they'll help you out! Pacis Iunuctum looks forward to seeing you soon!
-Patriarchs of Palmyra
-Phoenix Crusaders
-Pie Hunters
-Plague Winds:

Average Playtime: Daily (mostly nights during the week and various times during the weekend) We are in several time zones, one of us is even in the Pacific, so the average playtime is based upon my EST perspective. Activity usually starts around 9pm EST into way early in the morning during the week with play-times being much more sporadic during the weekend.
Size: 6 active accounts currently with several characters per account
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: Depends on need, but we haven't done a lot of guild raids since I have joined. This is something I hope to help change in time.
Raid Loot System: The loot you get is your loot, however, we are givers as well and usually bend over backwards to help a guild member in need, which includes sharing loot.
Leader: Preety
Website: http://my.ddo.com/guild-khyber-plague_winds/
Recruiting: Yes, but we do not do blind invites.
Info: We are quite an easy going guild filled with members of various play styles and are hoping to expand upon that, willing to do whatever is needed on a whim by any guild member. We strive to always look out for other guild mates and help them when in need. We play just about every day, forming up into a party, usually the first thing after greetings comes the question "Ok, so what are we doing?".
-Prophets of the New Republic
-Protectors of the Seventh Gate
-Protectors of the Treaty:

Guild Type: Family and Friend Oriented, we have all different levels of alts for new players
Guild Time Zone: All time zones
Raids: Weekly raid runs
Guild Leader: Medchick
Guild Slogan: As Protectors of the Treaty we are individuals appointed by the rulers of the member Nations in order to defuse potential threats to the tenuous peace that exists. All of those nations have interests in Xendrik and specifically in Stormreach and having Protectors stationed here can remove advanced threats.
Guild Website: http://pott.gamerdna.com
Guild Voice Chat: Team Speak
-Psionic Infinity:

Average Playtime: Evenings mainly from about 8pm CST until about 12 AM CST (though occasionally you can find some of us during the day)
Size: Small... 13 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: All of them
Raids per Week: 1 deffinately planned a week. Sunday night is our designated guild raid night.
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Saleena-Riedra
Website: http://psionicinfinity.webs.com
Recruiting: Mainly by invitation only. Run with us and we will see if you seem like a good match for us as well as us being a good match for you.
Our Moto: We play as we would have others see us
Info: We are a very friendly guild and we do like to help. While we are family oriented we normally do not take anyone under 18. We are adults and we do try to seperate the children from the adults.
-Purple Dragons

-- Q --
--Quasimoronic But Newly Demonic:

Website: www.qmbnd.guildportal.com (http://www.qmbnd.guildportal.com)
Info: We play in all time zones, so there are no requirements. We accept all mature players, vets or newbies.
-Quiet Death:

Average Playtime: Mostly nights, we have East Coast and West Coast
Size: not sure, probably about 20 or so active members
Raids We Do: Regular Reaver, others on request
Raids per Week: at least 2, more if characters are ready
Raid Loot System: need before greed, mostly common sense. d100 for disputes
Leader: Froggie Holywater
Website: none right now
Recruiting: Sure, we always keep an eye out for new members. Normally you need to run with a couple of us a few times.
Info: Mix of casual and hardcore, mostly you can play as often or as little as you like. Either way, you're always welcome. Keep a lid on the profanity, lots of our members have kids. We have a reputation for solid, competent, friendly members, we want to keep it that way.

09-10-2007, 09:22 PM
-- R --
-RainbowBrite Assassination Squad:

Average Playtime: Usually late night/early morning Pacific Time (-8 GMT), but can be on at various times during the day as well.
Size: VERY very small
Raids We Do: TBD (but we roll in various raids)
Raid Loot System: Rolls are done on a d100 where 1 ALWAYS trumps 100. Need before greed is preferred.
Leader: Vyoleht Reign
Website: -none-
Recruiting: RBAS is not currently recruiting. This may change in the following weeks. Recruitment is based on ability to follow directions, willingness to work as a unit, and general sense of humor.
Info: The RBAS is dedicated to providing quality tours and guidance of various areas in and around Stormreach, Xendrik, and the surrounding seas. Most members are open to hold instructional courses in various quests (exception: we currently have no Litany, Abbot, or Twilight Forge instructors). RBAS members are encouraged to spread knowledge, color (including but not limited to commentary), and a rain of blood wherever they adventure.
-Rangers for a Green Stormreach:

Average Playtime: Difficult to pin down times, but someone is online most all of the time.
Size: SM
Leader: Humblearcher - Leader // Worth - Officer
Recruiting: We have to make a run or two with you, get to know what kind of player you are and generally to get to know all of the members as best as possible. Very casual and not interested in all of you Avatar's...just the Ranger.
Info: We are new and small. No desires to contain all avatars of any player, we are also not going to be very demanding. We are interested in building Ranger only parties and eventually raids. We are adult players and always have the one rule of 'Stay Together' whenever questing. We freely offer anything we have to help others. We also have alts that can help low lvl characters, so if you are new, I bet we can help you out.
We are friends to all rangers, even if you belong to another guild, plarty up with us Rangers!

Average Playtime: Peak 4pm EST to 2am EST, there is almost perpetually a ransacker online
Size: About 30 daily active, many more part timers
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: Untold....to Ransack is to Raid
Raid Loot System: Keep whats yours or its up for roll
Leader: Toof -- Successor: Stickyfeet
Website: http://ransack.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Gotta make the run. We need to know you before invites will be given. Being a good player helps a lot, but you must be respectful, friendly, helpful and a team player. We take pride in our guild. Aspiring Ransackers should either find an officer in game or go to our website.
Info: Ransack is a guild of friends with common game goals. We love to raid as well as tear down WaterWorks. If you need something, we are there. We have toons of all levels just because grinding isnt the only thing in this game. A Ransacker stands out as a well oriented individual who isnt afraid to help out other gamers, not just our guildies. Ransackers are good people.
History: Ransack was started when the game launched (Feb. 2006) and is one of the few original guilds on Khyber still around and active.

-Rest In Piece s:

Average Playtime: Right now Monday evenings from about 8pm CST until about 10pm CST or 12am CST
Size: Very Small... 8 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: None of them yet we just got off the ground and right now all of the toons are too low to run raids.
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Treylie
Website: http://restinpiecespd.webs.com/
Recruiting: Actively recruiting anyone looking for a Perma Death guild.
Our Moto: Don't Die!
Info: We are a Perma-Death Guild... If you have any questions you can find us on monday nights, or look up on of my toons from Psionic Infinity (Saleena-riedra, Desorna, Dylila, Deairdrie, Brivan, Teruko, Morriganna, Falicity, Syvela, Lehona), and we will answer your questions.

Size: Very Small Private Guild
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: As many as we can
Raid Loot System: Need before Greed. If you don't need it put it up for roll
Leader: Lacer
Recruiting: Not actively recruiting, only the best need apply.
Guild Motto: "We don't die, cept for lag!"
Info: Very small tight knit group from Argonnessen, that runs the game at the highest level.
-Riedra’s Order

Average Playtime: eveings CST USA
Size: 25ish (10ish highly active)
Raids We Do: TBD
Raids per Week: TBD
Raid Loot System: TBD
Leader: Galaas
Website: TBC
Recruiting: Swoseldi, Dunleme, Nitestoker, Galaas
We are looking for mature friendly ambitious players any level any class.
-Role Players:

Size: 30-40
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: It varies.
Raid Loot System: had one, but about to get rid of it.
Leader: Melodee
Website: https://home.comcast.net/~roleplayers/
Recruiting: If you are interested in joining, please contact the following in-game: Melodee, Arrgus,
Zenix, Nellas, Mandingo, Kabooom, Hankolas, Krusherr

Info: The Role Players guild is being restructured to
get back to its' roots. Being fun is far more important
than being a good player to be a Role Player. You
must also be an adult (over 18).
-Role Players Mules
-Royal Blood

-- S --
-Seekers of Tomorrow’s Horizons
-Silent Steele:

Play Times : Mostly early AM and late PM EST.
Raids We Do: Most Members like to do Tempest Spine and the Chrono Raids just for the loot. I enjoy them and HoX as well.
Guild Established : Sometime during Update 4, and currently have 43 active members and 12 members away at college for total of 55, which includes 10 Officers.
Guild Leader is Nazrahgul Wartusks TR 20th Ftr/6 Barb, Sucessor is Chuuggaconro 20th Monk,New Player Advisor is Annakerri 20th Sorcerer. Thanks Very Much, Naz.

Average Playtime: Most are EU and American players, you'll also find a few Australian players,most active at European evenings and afternoons
Size: 50 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: The Chronoscope, Tempest Spine,will very soon be doing Reaver's Fate and Demon Queen!
Raids per Week: We do raids when we feel like it,dont follow a schedule,check the message of the day for guild raid announcements!
Raid Loot System: Most Officers and Leader (me) won't need a lot of the loot and will pass it on to people who do, if more than one people want it,then roll d100
Leader: Lomer
Recruiting: Yes we are, looking for around 20-45 new people!
Info: You'll often find us chatting in the guild chat for hours,you are free to join,ask questions and answer some too!
Min Reqs: Vale of Twilight, Sands of Menechetarun and/or Ruins of Gianthold, at least 3 months of gaming experience. The min reqs are so we can run raids together, if we cant...whats the point of being in a guild?
-Smash Syndicate:

Average Playtime: Daytime, evenings. Some late nights. USA
Size: Very small and looking to grow
Raids We Do: Shroud, VoD, ToD, HoX, TS, VoN6...
Raids per Week: Several
Leader: Sethgreen
Recruiting: Yes
Info: Looking to create a guild of intelligent adults who love DDO and want to develop characters that can survive and be a benefit to any party on any quest/raid. Teamwork, friendship, laughs, raids, leveling TRs and lowbies, special events, crafting, everything. Elite without the elitist attitude.
-Sons of Anarchy:

Average playtime:As often as possible
Size:59 on list some are alts and multiple personalities
Raids we do:We did Tempest Spine with 7 people from the guild working on doing more in the future.
Raids per week:Working on that
Raid loot system:who needs the most
Website:made one no one uses it
Recruiting:If you play the game to enjoy the game, maybe, best to talk to one of our other members that is online at the same time for more info.
Info:We are a smaller guild of older players that come mostly from paper version, so we adventure not race to the finish. We are basically a non zerg guild we try and get all the optionals and go a little slower so we survive and get all the xp bonus's and loot available.
-Souls of Chaos
-Sovereign Blades:

Average Playtime: Members mainly from central and eastern US, most members on around 9:00-11:00
Size: Medium
Raids We Do: Stormreaver, Shroud, Hound, Velah, and the rest...
Raids per Week: as many as possible
Raid Loot System: Who ever the item is most useful for.
Leader: Boness
Recruiting: All welcome, new player to vets.

Average Playtime: mostly european times but always someone is on
Size: 36 active accounts
Raids we do: any
Raids per Week:6-7
Raid Loot System: it's just loot
Leader: Adhs
Recruiting: An all Greek guild for Greek speaking players.
-Squirrel Terrorist Faction:

Average Playtime: 3PM - 10PM Eastern Time-US
Size: 4
Raids We Do: All (Abbot, Tempest Spine, Titan - Rarely)
Raids per Week: Depends on Week (Usually, as soon as timer expires)
Raid Loot System: 1. Self 2. Guildies 3. "Who has the biggest wallet?"
Leader: Mrsquirrel
Website: N/A to Non-Guildies
Recruiting: Yes - Look for STF Recruiting Post
Info: "We are not guildies, we are family."
-Storm Riders:

Average Playtime: Mostly during the eveing eastern time.
Size: About 15-20 active players
Raids we do: tempest, valeh soon, "quest series of the week"
Raids per week: approx 1
Raid Loot System: Need before greed
Leader: ameron/arlight
Website: None
Recruiting: people who enjoy playing any type character they want as long as they play smart...
we stress self sufficency and try to alternate characters on different days of the week so noone gets stuck in one role all the time..healboting ,etc.
-Stormreach Thieves’ Guild:

Average Playtime: Mainly Aussie Peak Times, GMT 8-12ish
Size: 10-20 most weekdays, 40+ when busy
Raids We Do: All Raids, rotation basis
Raids Per Week: one raid per week, Saturday night Aussie time
Raid Loot System: 1d100, basically for whoever wants it but with some sense of need before greed
Website: http://srtg.org.au (]http://sovereignblades.proboards.com/index.cgi[/URL)
Recruiting: Always! just nicely ask one of our memebrs if there is an officer online and you will be recruited, or can ask your questions. Open invite policy- no hoops to jump through
Info: Our guild is a place where casual off-peakers can call home. Some only get to play a couple of times a week, others play much more regularly. Fun is what we are for, and respect for other guildies is paramount :-)

Average Playtime: Varies My friend and my self are on a lot running quest and such to level.
Size: growing
Raids We Do: We do all we can when we can
Raids per Week: more soon to come
Raid Loot System: open for discussion with officers
Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr Officers: Steelkisses, Decerebrator and Sashaneal
Website: [url]http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=335140&TabID=2805196
Recruiting: open atm(Must be currently 5+ in Level and have a VIP account), Really need Rogue, Casters Dmg, and Bard Must Apply at website sign in With main toon name if name is taken plz add "ddo"at the end.(18+years old only)
Info: A friend and I decided to come here and play we are new to the game but have experience in MMO games. We would love for someone who has knowledge of the game that would like to help us newbs out. (will be updating as we can on this post)
-Sun Worshipping Dog Launchers
-Sword Of Shadows:

Leader: Muzzy
Members: 250 Plus Alts. over 350
Sucsessor: Tiberianrex
Guild Page:http://hstrial-jhumphrey4.homestead.com/
Recruiting: Always(if you are a good person who likes to have fun). We love to help new people to the game.
Raids: Always never planned!
-Systematic Chaos

-- T --
-The A List
-The A Team:

Average Playtime: Afternoon and evening EST
Size: 10-15, to varying degrees of activity
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 3-5
Raid Loot System: /roll d1000000 for whatever you want (within reason)
Leader: Kally Successor: Dewk
Website: here
Recruiting: Not actively, though anyone is welcome to apply. Send in-game mail to Kally, Mehlee, or Cruxx for more info.
Info: More or less a small group of friends which no one else can stand to run with. Backtalk and sarcasm are encouraged.
-The Ashen:

Average Playtime: All hours - peak probably between 9pm and 1am EST. Have several oversears players as well, giving us players on at all times.
Size: 30+
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: 10+
Raid Loot System: /roll d100
Leader: Nuckles / Successor: Torosar
Website: http://theashen.org
Recruiting: Yes. We generally aren't actively recruiting, but we always welcome anybody who wishes to join us whom an officer has grouped with and is observed to be someone who won't bring drama/grief to the guild.
-The Bums Rush
-The Black Company:

Average Playtime: we are all on at different times theres usually at least one or two on :)
Size: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raids We Do: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raids per Week: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raid Loot System: d100 and need b4 greed
Leader: Silent / Successor: Ellyie
Website: TheBlackCompanyOnline.com
Recruiting: Currently yes, plz see an officer for more info
We are a mecenary company of misfits, miscreants and misanthropes, but we are family. We are slowly rebuilding the Company to fielding strength by recruiting only the best. Though the Company has nearly been destroyed countless times over the millenia, we march on.
-The Breakfast Club
-The Cavalier Cavalry:

Average Playtime: 2 hours a day Mon-Thurs, as much as we can get away with Fri-Sun.
Size: Six Man Band (The Association)
Raids We Do: Shroud, ToD, Shroud, Chronoscope, Shroud, HoX, Shroud, Shroud.
Raids per Week: 7 Shrouds a week, 2 ToDs, everything else is catch-as-catch can.
Raid Loot System: What's yours is yours. Guildies can get passed items, then roll.
Leader: Glyndwyr Owain, Oryara is Successor
Website: ddo.cavaliercavalry.com (coming soon)
Recruiting: Nope. We're a six man band.
Info: For those of you afraid, yes, we're named after a horde of small late 80s Chevrolets, or a bunch of people on horses who don't give a ****. Striving for GL50. We're always ready to help other Khyber Guilds on any raid or quest.
-The Core HC Permadeath Guild:

Playtime: every evening, weekends all day
Size: 200 characters, vast majority of those alts (1-15 regular members).
Leader: Movan
Website: thecorehc.home.comcast.net (http://thecorehc.home.comcast.net)
Recruiting: yes. "Come and get some hardcore."
Info: We have been around for a year. HC means "hardcore."
-The Crusading Spankers of Death:

Guild Name: The Crusading Spankers of Death
Average Playtime: Varies as we all have to earn our keep and spanking monsters does not pay… well… anything! The Guild Founders play about 2-3 times per week and play together with our main characters whenever we can make that happen.
Size: 100 and growing…
Raids We Do: Depends on our mood and who in the guild is online and what level they are at… we try to party with guild first and let who is online cater to what we do.
Raids per Week: Varies
Raid Loot System: … if it’s yours you keep it, but we encourage sharing with those who could use an item and encourage hand-me-downs to our lower level players.
Founders: Dritzzmaul, Rockdots and Phineasferb
Acting Leader (on DDO Site): Dritzzmaul
Website: http://deathspankers.guildportal.com/
Recruiting: All the time, all levels and races
We wanted our own airship so we started a guild in early summer of 2010. We liked to “spank monsters” together and so in a meeting of the collective minds we dubbed ourselves “The Crusading Spankers of Death”… the rest is soon to be history. We try to encourage players that are new to DDO to join our guild and play with us and try to help them make a few friends they can play with and learn from along the way as we did when we started. There is so much to learn and it’s nice to have someone welcome you to the game and to help get you off the ground. We don’t care how big or small we are or if people jump ship to other guilds or even decide to create their own as they learn and progress in the game, we just want to have FUN! We just set up the website and it’s still a work in progress… will get more organized on raids and events as we go but for now we really just want to spank lots of monsters and have a good time doing it.
-The Dark Brotherhood
-The Ded:

Average Playtime: Evenings and all through the night: PST!
Size: 4-5 Members (Level 49)
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: Multiple
Raid Loot System: Priority goes to need
Leader: Dryndll Officers: Cecyll and Renamedep
Website: theded.guildportal.com
Recruiting: We all are connected in the real world, but would love some new friends!
Info: Located in the Bay Area and Los Angeles area.
-The Dern’d and the Blessed
-The Devas:

Average Playtime: Anytime. More at night.
Size: 30+ Active Players.
Raids We Do: All raids anytime of the week but we also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: About 1 per week, see members online.
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise we roll's(d100) if someone wants too.
Leader: VonKlaus Debonnair / Successor: Phaleon.
Recruiting: No arrogant players, to fix the fun and friendship in the game. We are "FRIENDS", noob or vet. TRs or adventures.
Additional: We are growing with this philosophy of friendship. Most part of guild is old ages D&D table players. Have good number of Braziliam players, can talk in : English, Spanish or Portuguese(BR).
-The Disciples of the Dark Knight:

Average Playtime: Anytime. More at night and weekends.
Size: 15+ Active Players.
Raids We Do: Mostly low level characters except a few TRs, so we do group runs mostly. Will do all raids anytime of the week but we will also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: About 1 per week, see members online.
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise we roll's(d100) if someone wants too.
Leader: Lathal / Successor: Draxulle Nightblade.
Recruiting: Yes. Small group of friends and we are a mix of noobs, vets, and TRs
Additional: We are a small guild of mature players, that like to have fun and enjoy playing the game.
-The Dragon Knights:

Average Playtime: 6pm Pacific - 10pm Pacific M-Th, After 6PM Pacific Fri - 10pm Pacific Sun
Size: ~10
Raids We Do: All are fair game.
Raids per Week: 10+ (Every one is at least on Reaver timer)
Raid Loot System: Keep it or put it up for roll.
Leader: None that we are aware of.
Website: Errr... not right now.
Recruiting: That's a strong word...
Info: We're gimps, we're insane, we're likely drunk (or drinking), and we seem to dance on tables way too much.
-The Dragon Order of Arcanix (DOA):

Average Playtime: Prime time is US Eastern evenings, but you can find Dragons on at any time. We have members from all over the world.
Size: 85+ (some more active than others).
Raids are done frequently but not pre-planned, we usually have enough on to fill.
Raid Loot System: you pull it, it's yours to do with, but d100 roll if you state "it's up for roll"
Leader: Doritto
Website: http://z7.invisionfree.com/DragonOrd...ex.php?act=idx
Recruiting: Yes, refer to website if interested. Most important is that we are a mature guild that is more concerned with a "family" feeling and helping each other out rather than how Uber you are.
-The Dragon Riders of Eberron
-The Ebon Phoenix:

Average Playtime: From 6-7 p.m. to 10-Midnight weekdays, All night till daybreak on weekends. (CST) Various Members are on at any given time, though.
Size: 25+ members, 11 or so active often
Raids we do: F2P, but buying more Adventure Packs all the time. Some mems are VIPs
Leader: Kaiyro the Golden
Recruiting: If you would like to join, find an Officer and ask, or send mail to Kaiyro, and I'll find you.
Info: We're a semi-new Guild with lvls ranging from 1-11, looking for more people to join around that level range. We're a fun-loving bunch, we love to help out anybody, if you're new, we'll show you the ropes and help get you good equipment to start. Must have good sense of humor and comraderie! Join us! We got your back!
-The Free Companions:

Avg Playtime : Ppl on 24 hrs with peak times during eastern to pacific evenings
Size: About 100 members with currently 25-35 active (this may change back to higher numbers after MOD 5)
Raids We Do: Currently Impromptu basis, 2 scheduled 12 mans during weekend and one 12 man during week.
Raid Loot System: We generally just use whoever wants it rolls for it system now.
Leader: Eightball /Successor: Tabytha
Website: Its changing with guild name but Ill edit later.
Recruiting: Not actively, 18 older, See leaders for more info.
-The Four Bearers
-The Hand of the Black Tower:

Average Playtime: EST afternoon, evening, early AM
Size: 40 Active Players
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: 6-12
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Gruntiz
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=1137576
Recruiting: Accepting applications on website. You will most likely be asked to run a few raids or quests with the guild prior to a decision regarding an invitation.
Info: The Hand is one of the longest running raiding guilds. Some first time achievements.
-The Hatchery:

Average Playtime: USA late nights/early mornings, AEST late afternoon, evenings
Size: about 15
Raids We Do: Still working on getting some of our nublets flagged but atm, Reavers, Shroud, DQ2
Raids per Week: 2-3/week
Leader: Drilltex
Recruiting: Generally on a 'I played with them and I thought they were good to join the guild' basis
Info: Half TRs, half rapidly levelling nublets. Laid back but with some serious knowledge mongers in the group. Pretty irreverant bunch but good fun.
-The Iron Enforcer’s Alliance
-The Night Masks:

Average Playtime : GMT 11pm - 5am (EST 6pm - 12am)
Size : Tiny (3 atm)
Raids We Do: Flagging for Raids actually (GH / Reaver / Shroud)
Raids per Week: -
Raid Loot System : need / keep / whatever
Leader: Kuronons (ROG 20 - GMT +1) / Officers : Thorspawn (BAR 19 - GMT -5) / Dhedly (PAL 20 - GMT -5)
Website: none atm
Recruiting: YES - Mostly high lvl characters (healer / casters needed) who haven t done most of high lvl quests.
Low lvl toons also welcomed to run with rerolls.
Info: Founded in order to get a good group of friendly active players who can run together in good spirit without pressure, with great sense of humor and self-derision. Supporting each others for loot, build and quests related questions.
Mature content ! International players (actually franco-americano-colombian...)
And remember...it's just a game heh.
-The One:

Average Playtime: 24/7
Size: 200
Raids We Do: Shroud, T-spine, DQ, Reaver,on our way to doing more as a guild. Some of us are flagged for all raids.
Raids per Week: As needed, sometimes dailey, Raid night is Saturdays.
Raid Loot System: 1d100 roll/highest wins
Leader: Murdan
Website: www.lairofthetechnolich.com
Recruiting: yes, no blind invites...we watch who and when we invite. Consider us a secret society!
-The Order of Eminence
-The Outcast's Sanctum:

Average Playtime: majority play at night, but there are some of us without lifes...
Size: 104
Raids We Do: DQ, Reaver's Fate, VoD, ToD, Hound, even a few tempest spires...lol
Raids per Week: 3-4
Raid Loot System: roll a 1d100 but only if you actually need it for that toon.
Leader: Redorn Haven
Website: http://theoutcastssanctum.guildlaunch.com/
Recruiting: always, who doesn't recruit?
Info: We are a very close knit guild of Friends, we welcome anyone wanting to join us. We are a very easy going group of people as well as very mature, never turn anyone's questions down (no matter how stupid they can be), and just very fun loving basicly. Come check us out for yourself.
-The Paper Dolls:

Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones)
Size: ~30
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 2/Mo
Raidloot system: Need before Greed
Leader: Mame
Recruiting: Actively recruiting, no, if we find someone we like, 2 officers agree, they want in, we make it happen
-The Red Dragon Inn:

Average Playtime: Varies but normally afternoons and evenings us times
Size: 40+
Raids We Do: All of them minus Abbott
Raids per Week: 2 give or take
Raid Loot System: You keep what you pull if you don't want it put it up for roll
Leader: Saleena-Riedra
Successor: Krisera
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/saleena-riedra
Recruiting: By invitation only, but always looking for new good players
Info: A crazy and insane guild who helps one another out and has alot of fun in game at all times.
-The Red Gauntlet Regiment
-The Riot Clan
-The Severed Fist:

Average Playtime: Varies as we have members from both US and Aus timezones
Size: Currently have 13 registered members
Raids We Do: We do all when available to do so
Raids per Week: No set raid times
Raid Loot System: 1D100, need before greed
Leader: Kelderon
Captains: Emerld* (he has many toons prefixed with Emerld), Spudy
Recruiting: Not actively, but applications welcome.
Info: Small guild formed by Kelderon and Emerld. Band of misfits and outcasts, but a collection nonetheless. I have personally grouped with all members prior to recruitment and recruitment is based on a case by case basis. We accept all playing styles, however group play is strongly encouraged. As membership grows we will be funning all raids with small groups, ranging from 3-6 depending on the raid.
-The Shadowhand:

Average Playtime: Varies, members are from all parts of the world.
Size: 12+ members with 40+ Alts
Raids We Do: All Raids
Raids per Week: 5+, when and where we can.
Raid Loot System: What's yours is yours, do as you wish with it.
Leader: Quanefel Celebryl
Second in Command: Avoiderto
Website: In progress
Recruiting: Yes, always. Ask leader or an officer.
Info: This guild has been active since start, and only recently have been actively recruiting to fill our ranks. We desire honest, loyal and hardworking players to join and come have fun with us. Teamwork is a must as well as some ability of being self-reliant when needed. You will be helped and in return are expected to help other members. Also, a member is expected to represent the guild at all times. What each individual member does, reflects on the whole. Act accordingly. But above all else, have fun.
-The SilverBlade Champions:

Average Playtime: varies people from across the world play here...
Size:45+ maybe more didn't feel like counting...lol
Raids We Do: when we get the urge to
Raids per Week:1-2
Raid Loot System:need way before greed. end of story.
Leader: Tanache Brea
Website: sbchampions.guildlaunch.com
Recruiting:any and all, only Req is to have your voice turned on so you can hear the rest of us... oh and like to have fun also...
Info: The SilverBlade Champions, we are a good group of people looking for others who are up for alittle fun and looking to learn the ropes of the DDO world. Look forward to seeing you all ingame.
-The Silver Leaf
-The Sisters
-The Sycko's:

Average Playtime: As often as we can
level: 16 right now
Size: so far 10 active member and at least 75 others
Raids We Do: We would love to.
Leader: Syckobabydol
Website: http://sycko.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Anyone is welcome to join.
Info: At level 5 and you be listed on the site to be promoted to officer.
- ** The Thousand Eyes **

Average Playtime: Usually ~5-11pm Eastern, all day weekends.
Size: 8-12 Active, many others periodic play.
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: Depends
Leader: Qantaqa / Kraki / Hali
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=205336&TabID=1733192
Recruiting: Yes, need to group with a member to make sure you're are a team player.
Info: Founders guild from Beta, small but tight, most are founding players. VERY Knowledgeable players. Seeking nice players. (This is the guild I'm in so extra props lol)
-The Uberones
-The Undying Court:

Average Playtime: Usually early morning, but some players are on most of the time
Size: 15 or so active players, more and more during peak times.
Raids We Do: Lots. All bar Abbot.
Raids per Week: 10 - 15 (ish) Self determined.
Raid Loot System: Offered to guildmates first, then public for rolls.
Leader: Jenapher
Website: We're on guildportal.
Recruiting: See Valanthius/Radah in game...or ask a member of the court about recruitment.
Info: Laid back, easy going guild. All about having fun first, and foremost.

-The Unforgiven
-The Unsung Heroes:

Average Playtime: 9pm -2am EST
Size: 15
Raids We Do: Not actively raiding as of yet but working on getting members raid ready.
Leader: Aramina
Recruiting: We don't actively recruit. If interested please approach a guild member.
Info: Very laid back style, we don't rush anything and prefer to master quests not race through them. Everything is in fun and nothing is serious.
-The Venerated:

Average Playtime: 6pm - 10pm CST Weekdays, majority of Satuday, early and late Sunday.
Size: Small (Newly formed Guild)
Raids We Do: None as of yet
Raids we aim to do: All of them
Raids per Week: None as of yet
Projected Raids per week: 2-3
Raid Loot System: On a drop basis. Owner of drop decides how to distribute.
Leader: Itemestale
Website: In Progress
Recruiting: Very much so
Info: Brand new guild trying to make it to the big time. Owner is very experienced (6 level 20 characters) and wants to raid, but is tired of finding a raid guild that fits his expectations.
-The Way of Balance:

Playstyle: Casual role play (for enjoyment and recreation)
Size: Small
Leader: Junsui
Website: http://theway.guildportal.com
Recruiting: All (ages 18+) (Please allow 24 hours for in-game guild invitation)
Info: Mature play, no obligations, looking to grow, open enrollment.
-The Welfare Bandets

Average Playtime: 2-6 hours a day
Raids We Do: the free ones
Raids per Week: Depends
Raid Loot System: ?
Leader: whorobbedme
Website: http://my.ddo.com/guild-khyber-the_welfare_bandets/
Recruiting: yes
Info: were all about the fun and helping out new ppl with the game. and loot, loot loot and lots of loot.
-The Zhentarim:

Guild name: Zhentarim
Size: Medium-Large (Always someone online)
Raids We Do: - All, but currently not on an active schedule (may change if website gets use for posting raids)
Raids per Week: - Anytime not on a timer so a lot.
Raid Loot System: - If you need something, say something.
Leader: Khellbenn
Captains: Flatbottom, Celldweller, Kirthan, Salmissra
Website: http://zhentarim.guildportal.com - This is a new website so it's still under-construction but it will get prettier :P
Recruiting: Open Recruitment - If interested send mail in-game to Khellbenn and I'll get back you faster than PM'ing would work as I'm in the game far more than the forums. You can also post in the forums on our website if you can't reach anyone any otherway. I can also be reached on Xfire: danknuggets1
-Those Who Smash With Grime:

Average Playtime:
Leader: Grime - Captains: Liutenant Dan(Khyron)
Recruiting: No hard and fast rules, if we have fun you may get an invite.
Info: Grime is a big role player ya gotta love his style. (Message: Help everyone smash to da best no matter how they are to smashing.)
-Timmy and the Lord of the Underworld:

Average Playtime: morning to evenings eastern to pacific times
Size: about 25ish members
Raids We Do: random stuff, small guild so we voltron up on pugs
Raids per Week: me 5 or so, guildwise not as much
Raid Loot System: need before greed
Leader: dirtypete
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=2471828
Recruiting: if your a southpark fan with a good personality and can take the jokes and joke back its alot of fun
-Travelers of the Veiled Path
-Twilight Avengers / Twilight Defenders ( TA Alt's Guild ):

Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones) but have early and late time players
Size: 45 (Max 60) (some more active than others)
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: 20+
Raid Loot System: Point Loot Score (can be explained in detail)
Leader: Riott Ad Infinitum
Website: http://www.twilightavengers.org/ddo/
Message Board Site: http://p066.ezboard.com/btwilightavengersofeberron
Recruiting: Yes, Read and follow the instructions under the Membership Application section on the message boards
-Twilight Alliance:

Average Playtime: U.S. evenings
Size: Capped at <20
Raids They Do: All
Raids per Week: 10-14 per week
Raidloot system: Need before greed /roll d100
Leader: Frets
Recruiting: Closed membership with occasional invitations sent to players that share our passion, knowledge, and enjoyment of the game.

-- U --
-Unearthed Arcana

Average Playtime: Mostly 7PST-3PST
Size: 40 active players
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 10-20
Raid Loot System: None
Leader: Aussiee
Website: Not working at the moment.
Recruiting: Respectful people willing to have fun.

-- V --
-VIP’S Only

-- W --

Average Playtime: USA early morning/late nights
Size: about 15ish
Raids We Do: All except Titan.
Raids per Week: Every night
Leader: Psychogene
Recruiting: Maybe
Info: A mostly Aussie/NZ guild with a couple of Americans and Euros thrown in the mix.
-Warlords II:

Average Playtime: Mon - Fri 5pmP/8pmE - 11pmP/2amE, Sat/Sun All Day and into the Night
Size: 20+ Members
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 8+
Leader: Sagar
Website: http://WarlordsII.GuildPortal.com
Recruiting: Light recruiting
Info: Originally from Aundair. Smallish guild, most of us have been guildies for a year now. Looking to expand and bring in players who like to have fun and raid often. We have regular raid nights established and loot run/farming nights as well. Check our site.
-Way of the Blood Eagle:

Average Playtime: Almost 24/7 about a 6hr down time
Size: 3 lev 35
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: As many as we can
Raid Loot System: Your loot is your loot roll them out if you want don't if you don't
Leader: All of us but chef is on the most (that would be me just look for a toon that has chef in his name many of you know me anyway
Recruiting: Must talk to and play with everyone fist (seriously 3 person guild should not be a porb)
Info: We are a group of friends that play the guild is there but we have people on our friends list on all the time so we do not really pug that much (we are one of the more laid back guilds very little official structure just her for low stress fun)
-Winter Wolf:

Average Playtime: mostly european evening/night
Size: 5 but still growing
Raids We Do: F2P Raids on request
Raid Loot System: Like normal party's, but if you need something you can always ask
Leader: Magicwolf / Eywen
Recruiting: Active, all lvl's welcome
Info: Guild for players looking for fun and quests.

-- X --

-- Y --

-- Z --

09-10-2007, 09:39 PM
Great Job on the guildlisting. Should be very helpful to people seeking guilds as well as guilds looking to recruit.

09-10-2007, 09:40 PM
:), I'm sure its not complete yet as far as the Westcoast guilds...but I'll try my best to maintain it :D.

09-10-2007, 10:28 PM
To the master scribe, below is some info on The Paper Dolls, please update your next revision. Thank you.

Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones)
Size: approx 30
Raids They Do: All
Raids per Week: 2/Mo
Raidloot system: Need before Greed
Leader: Mame

Recruiting: Actively recruiting, no, if we find someone we like, 2 officers agree, they want in, we make it happen

Guild Motto: If it isn't fun, why play?

09-10-2007, 11:18 PM
Nicely done, I appreciate your hard work on this Psyk0sisS! However, I'd like to make a friendly suggestion regarding your alphabetical order... I'd personally not count "The" as a word and instead move those guilds to the appropriate letter.

Anyhow, just a minor little thing (that really doesn't matter much most likely), other than that, great job!

Master Kadish

09-10-2007, 11:28 PM
I understand, however I did notice 2 ( I think) guilds were the same except for "The" (example Black Company / The Black Company...though they may be affiliated, I dont know at this point). If more people wish this to be changed however, please let me know. This is for the server and I wanna do what the majority would like to see.

Thanks for the input :)

09-11-2007, 12:26 AM
Good Job so far! Hope you can keep up with it I salute the effort.. Infact I won't even make any feeble attempts to derail it, cause like I said I like it.


09-11-2007, 01:09 AM
Very good job and... you beat me to it. ;) I also started collecting guild information, but my time to spend on a guild list is limited, it couldn't have been ready untill at least 2 weeks. I had the same idea to sort in multiple posts sorted with alphabetic names. Again, great job, I'm sure I wouldn't have done as good. :)

09-11-2007, 07:22 PM
I understand, however I did notice 2 ( I think) guilds were the same except for "The" (example Black Company / The Black Company...though they may be affiliated, I dont know at this point). If more people wish this to be changed however, please let me know. This is for the server and I wanna do what the majority would like to see.

Thanks for the input :)

Ah OK, in that case using "The" for alphabetically listed guild makes sense.

Master Kadish

09-12-2007, 12:17 PM
It is not our style to be on this list so concerned with raid loot etc, but at the personal request of the op I will submit info. It is impossible to describe or accuratly portray the MAC in this brief format. But I shall endevour to do so.

Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually.
Size: Active player base is large, Estimate 40-50 daily players. We have 193 registered members on our forums
Raids We Do: All of them, when we feel like it.
Raid Loot System: Who cares..we do not stress on loot envy. We roll d100 sometimes to see who has to take the junk from the dragon chest
Leader: Featherstone, First usurper: Torrent
Website: www.dd.blankpaper.com
Recruiting: All types are welcome that fit two criteria: Must be 21 or older, 18-20 with interview with Featherstone. Must behave in a mature adult and tolerant fashion.
Info:We are a group of like minded players who have banded together to form a guild of mature players. We are tolerant of all sorts of builds/style of play, as long as it fits our theme of mature personal behavior. We offer Perma death and RP opportunities(usually on other servers) new groups and themes are forming, check our boards. Our mains all play on Khyber. Our playerbase run the Gambit of styles of play. Some small group raid solely, while others run WW over and over with rerolls. We in the MAC believe you play your character how you want.....see our forums for more info.

---EDITED BY REQUEST--- I talked too **** much! lol.

09-12-2007, 03:15 PM
---EDITED BY REQUEST--- I talked too **** much! lol.

LOL I'm sorry, but thanks very much! :)

09-19-2007, 04:16 PM
Where Is My Guild Name

Plz Mention It

Faith In Luv (new Guild Coming Up For Hacking)..............................

09-20-2007, 11:35 AM
Warlords II

Average Playtime: Mon - Fri 5pmP/8pmE - 11pmP/2amE, Sat/Sun All Day and into the Night
Size: 20+ Members
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 8+
Raid Loot System: Ranked List of top 3 wanted items, D1000 on ties
Leader: Xandara
Website: http://WarlordsII.GuildPortal.com
Recruiting: Light recruiting
Info: Originally from Aundair. Smallish guild, most of us have been guildies for a year now. Looking to expand and bring in players who like to have fun and raid often. We have regular raid nights established and loot run/farming nights as well. Check our site.

09-21-2007, 01:41 PM
I understand, however I did notice 2 ( I think) guilds were the same except for "The" (example Black Company / The Black Company...though they may be affiliated, I dont know at this point). If more people wish this to be changed however, please let me know. This is for the server and I wanna do what the majority would like to see.

Thanks for the input :)

no these guilds are not affiliated

The Black Company
Average Playtime: we are all on at different times theres usually at least one or two on :}
Size: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raids We Do: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raids per Week: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raid Loot System: d100 and need b4 greed
Leader: Silent /Successor: Ellyie
Website: TheBlackCompanyOnline.com
Recruiting: cyrrently yes plz see an officer for more info
We are a mecenary company of misfits, miscreants and misanthropes, but we are family. We are slowly rebuilding the Company to fielding strength by recruiting only the best. Though the Company has nearly been destroyed countless times over the millenia, we march on.

09-23-2007, 05:16 PM
Just curious if you got the Loreseekers and Mature Adventurers listing mixed up at all? Looks like they have some of the same stuff (i.e. playtime and website)... just something I noticed.

09-25-2007, 09:03 PM
Guild Leader is now Sagar for the WarlordsII

09-26-2007, 08:31 PM
-The Hand of the Black Tower:

Average play time : 3:00 p.m. - 2 p.m. eastern
Size: about 40 active players
Raids per week: 20+ < most are small atm >
Raid Loot system: select top 6 items combined with a roll system, Mainly need before greed
Leader: Balian
Website: http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?Gu...&TabID=1137576
Recruiting : As far as I know yes, Sponsorship is not required but does help. Contact Gruntis

Please change the "Recruiting" category to the following: "Not actively recruiting, but accepting applications. Post on our website (link above) and/or contact Gruntis. Feel free to send a tell to any member and they'll direct you to an officer. You will most likely be asked to run a few raids or quests with the guild prior to a decision regarding an invitation."

Master Kadish

09-27-2007, 08:19 AM
Keep em comin! :D ...I cant say thank you enough to everyone for all your help and info that keeps this listing current. :)

09-27-2007, 02:04 PM
Average Playtime: Mostly during the day eastern time.
Size: Currently only about 5 players...
Raids We Do: I do and Know all raids!
Raids Per Week: 1-6 raids (depends on play time)
Raid Loot System: Need before greed must /roll d100 highest roller wins, in the case of a tie its a reroll
Leader: Trucia(Jket)
Website: None
Recruiting: Looking for any type of bard build only. Jket has a build posted under Bard Class forums which is a really great build. So all new members are welcome just ask him, in game or in forums!


10-01-2007, 09:49 AM
The Severed Fist

Average Playtime: Varies as we have members from both US and Aus timezones

Size: Currently have 13 registered members
Raids We Do: We do all when available to do so
Raids per Week: No set raid times
Raid Loot System: 1D100, need before greed
Leader: Kelderon
Captains: Emerld* (he has many toons prefixed with Emerld), Spudy
Recruiting: Not actively, but applications welcome.
Info: Small guild formed by Kelderon and Emerld. Band of misfits and outcasts, but a collection nonetheless. I have personally grouped with all members prior to recruitment and recruitment is based on a case by case basis. We accept all playing styles, however group play is strongly encouraged. As membership grows we will be funning all raids with small groups, ranging from 3-6 depending on the raid.

10-03-2007, 10:53 AM
Should we delete the "Raid Loot System" line from all of the guilds descriptions now? If not universaly changed, please remove it from the Keepers of the Arcane description. The new system has made this obsolete.

10-08-2007, 07:46 PM
Average Playtime: varies; tends to be more nights and weekends, though there are some folks on most of the time
Size: Unsure; currently merging Dwarven Defenders and UnDwarven Defenders
Raids We Do: focusing on Black Abbot right now; tend to do raids when requested by members
Raids per Week: 4-5, depending on personnel
Raid Loot System: The player who pulls the raid loot may dispose of it as he or she wishes, including the possibility of allowing the rest of the party to roll if so desired.
Leader: Durak / Successor: Fundin
Website: in progress
Recruiting: We are currently looking for more folks to assist in defending Stormreach! Please speak with an officer.
Info: One of the longest standing guilds remaining from Riedra, the Dwarven Defenders have recently decided to discontinue their sister guild, the UnDwarven Defenders, and recruit these allies within the same guild. We are pretty laid back, and focus on helping everyone achieve their goals in the game. Some folks like raiding more, some folks don't. Everyone gets help when they need it.

(If other Dwarven Defenders want something added or subtracted, let me know and I'll edit! I was winging it here)

10-10-2007, 05:38 PM
Litz is right... Please remove it from the WarlordsII entry as well.


10-15-2007, 09:51 AM
I see that we have not as yet been added to the list, i am assuming this is an oversight?

10-15-2007, 03:41 PM
Sorry for the oversight, that's the main reason I ask for PM's and not postings. I've updated the list now with your guild :)...thanks for the reminder.

11-03-2007, 03:05 AM
Adventure Inc.

Average Playtime: Varies... Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
Size: 90+ members
Raids We Do: All raids
Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood
Leader: Daruis the Blind Mage
Website: http://www.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, Sharing & Fun - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach and the citizens of Khyber.

11-05-2007, 08:07 PM
Those Who Smash With Grime
Message: Help everyone smash to da best no matter how they are to smashing.

Leader: Grime
Captains: Liutenant Dan(Khyron)
Recruiting: No hard and fast rules, if we have fun you may get an invite.
Info: Grime is a big roleplayer ya gotta love his style.

11-11-2007, 01:09 PM
FORGOT MY GUILD its just a small one though, GRAVEROBBERS

11-15-2007, 04:49 AM
The Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood Guild, Welcome


Welcome future Khyberians!

With the upcoming merger the ‘Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood Guild’ (DRB) thought that a welcome and a few words of introduction would be a step in the right direction to getting to know all the new guilds and players coming to join the Khyber server. We have tried to answer questions that anyone might be interested in about another guild, and in a non-competitive way tell you who we are so when you see our guild name hovering above members there will be a sense of recognition and approachability. :)

-What time is the guild most active?
Most of our members are from the U.S., but we have members from all parts of the globe. Our majority of membership is CST and EST'ers made up of mainly Old School Pen and Paper players. With that in mind our peak times are 3pm - 12pm PST, CST/EST peak times are our most active.

-How many players can I seriously expect to see online- and what character lvls?
On a busy weekend we will have somewhere around 10-15 online, most weeknights you will see around 8-12 ish. We usually have about 70-80 members log on per day. Of course this number fluctuates, and it makes sense that those who play more regularly than others and are most often online have high lvl toons. This goes up and down too, and currently we have many active mid lvls. There will always be a range of lvls to play with, if you are playing a low level toon most members can join you with one of their "lowbies" too if they are not busy.

-What is the general player age?
Probably 30’s to 40's, keep in mind that we are an adults guild of 18+ so we have mostly adults. Thou we welcome all new members age 18 and up. :)

-What style of play is predominant?
This guild was started as a casual peak collection of mainly Old School Pen and Paper players. Some of us are able to log on twice a week, others (guilty) are on almost every day and people get concerned and ask questions when they are not there lol. On the whole, we play for fun. We are not all exclusively: Zerg masters (I can do the titan in 30 seconds!), Virtual C*** Measurers (my toon is the most UBER! And I only play with certified Uber players), ETC. ETC...
Although, there are elements of all these things in our individual members, and we certainly don’t discourage some element of these styles, though we are still best described as a casual player’s guild.

-What are the guild rules?
Our basic rules are very simple: Our main rules are; 1) Don't be a total drain on clerics mana and don't be a jerk, other than that our biggest rule is to have fun. What this means is try to use a shield instead of two handed wepons when possible and stay within healing range of your cleric (so no running off soloing), and no dropping party in mid quest without a really good reason that the party can understand. Fun is the name of the game, and respect for other guildies is paramount. For more details check out our guild charter and forum at:


-Does the guild have any long standing credibility within the community (how established is it? how stable is it? do they have the maturity to deal with issues and does it have an active leadership team?)
The DRB Guild has been around for a year and a half now. Our guild Leader is Devlin and as the guild has grown to become possibly one of the biggest peak time Guilds on Khyber we have promoted more long standing helpful members to officers. There is almost always an officer online, but instead of listing those all here it would be easier for interested individuals to check the “who” list for guild members and send them a polite tell asking them which officers are online. Our policy is to invite on request, so you will have no issue or trial. Officers are happy to answer any questions you may have, ingame (when they become free and are not questing) or in the public area of our forum.

-What are the organized guild events?
We currently have one organized guild raid on Saturday afternoons CST and the raids are rotated. Any member of the appropriate lvl is welcome to sign up for a place on a first-in basis. As our potential membership grows or if there is demand for it, a second scheduled raid will be added. None of the Scheduled guild events are compulsory, and the guild is a friendly and helpful one for those that need to get raid ready, or really want to get something in particular done. Always keep in mind that we are working with a casual player base, and not everyone has the same amount of time to get ingame things done.

We also have a Guild Bank, Treasury and Trading Post that works on donations to help get new members on their feet and help out mainly low to mid lvl characters.

Well, that is us in a nutshell, and I (personally) and the DRB look forward too seeing and partying with all the new faces in town be they in our guild or not. Don’t be shy to say howdy if you see us about town (most likely at the auction house haha)!

Sincerely, on behalf of the DRB,

In Game:
Xxdevlinxx - Chestypuller - Corpmann


Xxdevlinxx 14 Human Tank (11 Fighter - 3 Cleric) Leader
ChestyPuller 12 Dwarven Tank (11 Barb - 1 Cleric) Officer
Serrinna 10 Human Healer (9 Cleric - 1 Sorc) Officer
Corpmann 6 Drow Healer (6 Cleric)

Palad 14 Human Tank (14 Paladin) Officer
Tagore 14 Drow Caster (12 Sorc - 2 Bard) Officer
Rabindranth 14 Human Caster (14 Wizard) Officer
Chaoswarrior 14 Warforged Tank (14 Barb) Officer

11-15-2007, 05:09 AM
Average Playtime: Varies..10am - 12am Midnight PST Peak time is 4pm-11pm PST. Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
Size: 150+ members - 300 Toons (most members have jsut 1-2 toons in our guild, thou we prefer all toons) We have approx 70-80 log ons per day.
Raids We Do: All raids
Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood, thou some are scheduled in advance.
Leader: Xxdevlinxx the Protector
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/dragonrenaissancebrotherhood/index.htm
Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, and protect the King - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach.
Info: We will help all newcomers by answering your questions when you have them. We also have a Guild Treasury and a Guild Bank with plenty of items to help new players.

11-16-2007, 09:46 AM
Ah OK, in that case using "The" for alphabetically listed guild makes sense.

Master Kadish

You can still delete the "The". Just put it after a comma on the guild name
Black Company, The

Just a thought ;)

11-20-2007, 02:10 PM
Please add our guild, thanks.

Average Playtime: Mostly nights, we have East Coast and West Coast
Size: not sure, probably about 20 or so active members
Raids We Do: Regular Reaver, others on request
Raids per Week: at least 2, more if characters are ready
Raid Loot System: need before greed, mostly common sense. d100 for disputes
Leader: Froggie Holywater
Website: none right now
Recruiting: Sure, we always keep an eye out for new members. Normally you need to run with a couple of us a few times.
Info: Mix of casual and hardcore, mostly you can play as often or as little as you like. Either way, you're always welcome. Keep a lid on the profanity, lots of our members have kids. We have a reputation for solid, competent, friendly members, we want to keep it that way.

11-22-2007, 06:37 PM
Brotherhood of the Azure Flame
Average Playtime: Mostly nights
Size: 20 active players
Raids We Do: Any depending on lvl or needs
Raids per Week: 2 or more
Raid Loot System: We give when u need. Roll of d100 for disputes
Leader: Rover
Website: none
Recruiting: Nice ppl. Most of our guild members are latin or speak spanish, english is the main lenguage tho..
Info: you're always welcome to try :)

12-10-2007, 03:00 PM
please add the knights of the golden blade

01-10-2008, 08:44 AM
Rangers for a Green Stormreach
Average Playtime: Difficult to pin down times, but someone is online most all of the time.
Size: SM
Leader: Humblearcher - Leader // Worth - Officer
Recruiting: We have to make a run or two with you, get to know what kind of player you are and generally to get to know all of the members as best as possible. Very casual and not interested in all of you Avatar's...just the Ranger.
Info: We are new and small. No desires to contain all avatars of any player, we are also not going to be very demanding. We are interested in building Ranger only parties and eventually raids. We are adult players and always have the one rule of 'Stay Together' whenever questing. We freely offer anything we have to help others. We also have alts that can help low lvl characters, so if you are new, I bet we can help you out.
We are friends to all rangers, even if you belong to another guild, plarty up with us Rangers!

01-22-2008, 03:29 PM

Average Playtime: Majority is serveral hours a day...mix of east and west costers and some in turkey... usual hours are 4-5 to 1 am EST weekdays varies on the weekend.
Size: Small
Raids We Do: All sans abbot currently
Raids per Week: 4-8
Raid Loot System: Player Generated priority list system with points towards missed opportunities.
Leader: Kirvan
Website: www.entropyguild.co.nr
Recruiting: Only skilled reliable fun individuals
Info: Closeknit bunch, goofy and fun but elite level players all about completion of quests/goals and the betterment of the whole guild.

01-22-2008, 03:36 PM
Average Playtime: Varies..10am - 12am Midnight PST Peak time is 4pm-11pm PST. Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
Size: 150+ members - 300 Toons (most members have jsut 1-2 toons in our guild, thou we prefer all toons) We have approx 70-80 log ons per day.
Raids We Do: All raids
Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood, thou some are scheduled in advance.
Leader: Xxdevlinxx the Protector
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/dragonrenaissancebrotherhood/index.htm
Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, and protect the King - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach.
Info: We will help all newcomers by answering your questions when you have them. We also have a Guild Treasury and a Guild Bank with plenty of items to help new players.
woot drb

ps: for the kgb reqest that i put up i am not in the guild but i use to be and i thought i would help them out

01-28-2008, 06:28 AM
Average Playtime: Mid-days and evenings
Size: 50 with 25-30 active players
Raids We Do: All, but with limited Abbot engagements
Raids per Week: 10-15
Raid Loot System: Need before Greed
Leader: Longsword
Website: http://koiddo.guildportal.com/
Recruiting: Yes, but you have no idea what you’re getting into
Info: We’re primarily a group of adults, but we’ve been working on our language, lately.

02-28-2008, 01:19 PM
Hey im not sure how to PM so i will just put it out it here ya missed Dungeon Master's Hell Spawns Best Guild in the game

03-07-2008, 03:25 AM
Hey mate,

The Stormreach Thieves' Guild has a new website - http://srtg.org.au. Could you please update our info?


03-30-2008, 12:51 PM
Band of Brothers
Average Playtime: M - F 11am - 10pm (EST), Sat & Sun All Day/Night
Size: 30+ Members
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 8+
Leader: Iinilye
Website: http://Brothers.GuildPortal.com
Recruiting: Light recruiting
Info: Originally from Aundair. The core group has been associated for about 2 years now. The merger of WarlordsII and BoB in Nov 2007 reunited the core members of the original guild. We raid almost every day in some form or fashion.


Note: Please remove the WarlordsII entry...there maybe a coupel of us with alts in there still, but we have officially merged with BoB back in Nov 2007.


05-23-2008, 08:17 AM
Please update my guild.....

Average Playtime: EST afternoon, evening, early AM (8-12 hours per day)
Size: 75+
Raids We Do: all
Raids per Week: 1-2
Raid Loot System: your loot
Leader: Zal de Skull
Website: http://www.bandofskull.com
Recruiting: invite only
Info: Remnants of Skull's Dragoons from Quakeworld and Ultima Online (Chesapeake). Adults only. Old members
we are looking for you! Hite!

06-17-2008, 04:26 AM
legion of doom~riedra

Average Playtime: all hours, mostly EST
Size: generally 5-15 people on during normal hours
Raids We Do: all, not big on ascension massacres
Raids per Week: usually none planned, very laid back/casual
Raid Loot System: even distribution of tasty hams
Leader: Grayhawke/Crimsonhawke, 2nd in command Heinrich/Heinrick
Website: http://www.guilduniverse.com/legionofdoom/forums.aspx i guess, very out of date
Recruiting: extremely casual. if you have common sense, we'll take ya.

06-26-2008, 04:37 PM
Average Playtime: All Hours
Size: 15-25 People on durning all hours of the day
Raids We Do: Alot of Dragon and Reaver Raids, We do all of them
Raids Per Week: 1-2
Raid Loot System: Need first, Roll System Next
Leader: Fallien Successor: Reneweed
Recruiting: Always Looking for laid back people to join, beers and loot and a good time is our motto

07-05-2008, 04:18 PM
Guildless Guild

Average Playtime: all hours
Size: 20+
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 5 per Week
Raid Loot System: Need then Rolls
Leader: Inker
2nd: Littlefoot
Website: http://www.guildguild.net
Recruiting: Always looking for good player who like to have fun.

07-21-2008, 01:57 PM
-Legends of Twilight:
Size: 10-12
Raids: All except for the Abbot
Raids per week: Depends on what we are up for that week.
Raid Loot System: Pretty flexible. If you pull something you don’t need and another guildie wants it, it’s usually traded. If more than one person would like it, a d100 roll is used.
Leader: Officers rotate leadership
Website: http://legendsoftwilight.freeforums.org/
Recruiting: If anyone has run with you and you are squared away, you can be invited in. No voting or voodoo rituals to decide. We are laid back and want to keep it that way. Always looking for new peeps. Send a tell to any LoT member if interested.
Info: Small, tight knit guild with good players. Be able to take a joke. Sarcasm is welcome. Conversation can be rated “R” at times. Please be able to follow directions in game and be a team player. We play mostly in the evenings 8-12pm EST.

07-23-2008, 05:00 PM
please add Company of the Phoenix

08-18-2008, 08:39 AM
I dpwnloaded and paid for this website and can't get in to build character and play

08-18-2008, 11:10 AM
just an update on my guild:

Active players: 22
Raids: All
Raids per week:5-10

08-18-2008, 04:22 PM
Since we're listed here... might as well post some info:

The Dragon Knights
Average Playtime: 6pm Pacific - 10pm Pacific M-Th, After 6PM Pacific Fri - 10pm Pacific Sun
Size: ~10
Raids We Do: All are fair game.
Raids per Week: 10+ (Every one is at least on Reaver timer)
Raid Loot System: Keep it or put it up for roll.
Leader: None that we are aware of.
Website: Errr... not right now.
Recruiting: That's a strong word...
Info: We're gimps, we're insane, we're likely drunk (or drinking), and we seem to dance on tables way too much.

08-28-2008, 02:25 AM
i also have a guild. it only contains 4 members and 2 that are pretty active. the guild is Legacy and you can find them on during the weekend mostly. the guildleader is Azdoc and I am always recruiting. requirements for recruitment are to run 2 quests with me and be deemed a team player and fun to hang-out with. i always look forward to meeting new people, and try to play the game as much as possible.

09-12-2008, 01:14 PM
Hmmm...a chance for guiltless self-promotion? YOU BET!

Check out Loreseekers...link in my sig!

09-13-2008, 12:50 PM
Guildless Guild

Average Playtime: all hours
Size: 20+
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 5 per Week
Raid Loot System: Need then Rolls
Leader: Inker
2nd: Littlefoot
Website: http://www.guildlessguild.net
Recruiting: Always looking for good player who like to have fun.

09-29-2008, 05:33 AM
The Red Dragon Inn

Average Playtime: Varies but normally afternoons and evenings us times
Size: 40+
Raids We Do: All of them minus Abbott
Raids per Week: 2 give or take
Raid Loot System: You keep what you pull if you don't want it put it up for roll
Leader: Saleena-Riedra
Successor: Krisera
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/saleena-riedra
Recruiting: By invitation only, but always looking for new good players
Info: A crazy and insane guild who helps one another out and has alot of fun in game at all times.

10-20-2008, 11:39 AM
Average Playtime: Varies..10am - 12am Midnight PST Peak time is 4pm-11pm PST. Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
Size: 150+ members - 300 Toons (most members have jsut 1-2 toons in our guild, thou we prefer all toons) We have approx 70-80 log ons per day.
Raids We Do: All raids
Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood, thou some are scheduled in advance.
Leader: Xxdevlinxx the Protector
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/dragonrenaissancebrotherhood/index.htm
Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, and protect the King - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach.
Info: We will help all newcomers by answering your questions when you have them. We also have a Guild Treasury and a Guild Bank with plenty of items to help new players.

aw, common man you know there is a group of us that play from well 10 am to um, 10am (xx days later) lots of bio's and drink breaks tho lol

and last time i counted we had near 6xx toons and although yes a lot are multiple toons i can think of eaisly 100 diffrent people that i see atleast once a week, usually more.

70 logs is prety close for a weekday, but on the weekends i have seen as many as 100 logs by dinner time and annother 30-50 depending on what kind of stuff we got going on that night!


that is all

10-30-2008, 12:29 AM
Ah OK, in that case using "The" for alphabetically listed guild makes sense.

Master Kadish

Technically, in cataloguing, isn't the word 'The' placed at the end of the name, after a comma?


Black Company

Black Company, The

Not of huge importance, either way.



11-17-2008, 03:25 PM

Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually. However, we do have a nice Pacific Rim contingent in Japan, Australia and New Zealand allowing nearly 24 hour coverage!
Size: 150+ Members
Raids We Do: All of them, at the least once a week, and more when we can get them in.
Raid Loot System: Basically, need before greed, but can be any system as agreed upon by the party before the raid begins.
Leader: Hordo; successor: Idieudie
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com
Recruiting: All are welcome, as long as they agree to abide by the Terms of Membership posted in an information link on the website.
Info: There is really no limit to what type of play you can do in Loreseekers. We have static groups, some are very much into roleplay, others are dabbling with permadeath. There are enough toons of each level to allow several groups every night doing nearly every level of the game. Rare are the occasions when everyone is so full as to make a guildie wait for a group or to PUG. However, we do also have folks that always reserve a few PUG spots in any group they run. We are always looking to find new players to group with, and will quest with anyone just for the experience. Please, feel free to check us out on our website, or look any of us up in-game!

Please see colored edits above. THANKS!

11-17-2008, 04:39 PM
Updates in red.

The Unsung Heroes:
Average Playtime: 9pm -2am EST
Size: 15
Raids We Do: Half of our members actively raid.
Leader: Aramina
Website: http://www.timminsweb.ca/sd/
Recruiting: We don't actively recruit. If interested please approach Frstaid, Aramina, Sbatr or Passdaale.
Info: Very laid back style, we don't rush anything and prefer to master quests not race through them. Several of our members are casual others are more dedicated. Everything is in fun and nothing is serious. We actively avoid guild politics. Basically we are a group of people who really enjoy the game. Please consult our website for more information.

11-25-2008, 09:23 PM
Average Playtime: Peak 4pm EST to 2am EST, there is almost perpetually a ransacker online
Size: About 30 daily active, many more part timers
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: Untold....to Ransack is to Raid
Raid Loot System: Keep whats yours or its up for roll
Leader: Koey
Website: http://ransack.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Gotta make the run. We need to know you before invites will be given. Being a good player helps a lot, but you must be respectful, friendly, helpful and a team player. We take pride in our guild. Aspiring Ransackers should either find an officer in game or go to our website.
Info: Ransack is a guild of friends with common game goals. We love to raid as well as tear down WaterWorks. If you need something, we are there. We have toons of all levels just because grinding isnt the only thing in this game. A Ransacker stands out as a well oriented individual who isnt afraid to help out other gamers, not just our guildies. Ransackers are good people.

11-30-2008, 05:08 PM
Average Playtime: All day, but most after 5pm EST.
Size: 15++
Raids We Do:All
Raids per Week: 3-6
Raid Loot System: Need before greed, what makes sense, open...
Leader: Vikconis
Core Players: Vikconis, Furby, Renegade, Pheonixfire, Gikeron, Yalkan, Eyeziah, Pittbulll, Eldrand,...
Recruiting: Yes, looking for good humored folks. New people welcomed, but want you in game long-term... We take care of eachother. We have very good players, but can be a bit raunchy from time to time:eek: so if you take yourself too seriously, look elsewhere. If you want to have fun with like-minded D&D people, welcome aboard!

12-01-2008, 02:04 PM
-- Q --
-Quiet Death:

Average Playtime: Mostly nights, we have East Coast and West Coast
Size: not sure, probably about 20 or so active members
Raids We Do: Regular Reaver, others on request
Raids per Week: at least 2, more if characters are ready
Raid Loot System: need before greed, mostly common sense. d100 for disputes
Leader: Froggie Holywater
Website: none right now
Recruiting: Sure, we always keep an eye out for new members. Normally you need to run with a couple of us a few times.
Info: Mix of casual and hardcore, mostly you can play as often or as little as you like. Either way, you're always welcome. Keep a lid on the profanity, lots of our members have kids. We have a reputation for solid, competent, friendly members, we want to keep it that way.

Hi can you please make a correction.. wow this is old! Under Raids we do: Shroud sunday and thursday, Titan Tuesday, at least one more a week. raids: 3 or more.. Under leadership successor is Malgorr Thunderaxe Also please mention we have a strong alliance with The Ashen and run QU-Ashen raids very frequently! Long live the guilds of Riedra!

12-06-2008, 11:35 PM
Average Playtime: Varies
Size: About 25
Raids We Do: None yet.
Raids per Week:
Raid Loot System:
Leader: Scraggle
Website: None
Recruiting: Not actively

GoF, also known elsewhere as Guardians of the Flame, is a family-oriented guild dedicated to fair play and providing a safe gaming environment for younger players. We have run in several main game environments over the years, beginning with an on-line multiplayer pioneer game, NetStorm. We had a large presence in AC1 for quite awhile.

12-20-2008, 06:42 PM
Couple of changes since previous leader disbanded.Ravendagger is leader of the Band of Skull.Size of guild is 160 atm.Information about the guild is after 5 days we are rebanded and stronger then ever.www.xfire.com/clansbandofskull/ thanks Ravendagger

12-20-2008, 11:53 PM
Hey all. I wanted to give some info about a solid up and coming guild.

Average Playtime: Most players are PST. Usually play in the afternoons, and All through the night (9:00pm - 3-4 AM)
Size: 12+
Raids We Do: All of them
Raids per Week: 2-3 a day
Raid Loot System: Generally the items are distributed to those that need it most. Most toons in this guild are pretty decked out, so whatever we can do to help other guildies we do.
Leader: Vyr
Website: http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=259951&TabID=2184190#
Recruiting: By invitation only (dont be shy, we enjoy grouping with/recruiting other solid players)
Info: Fun, late night guild. We have about 10-12 very solid players that strive for success, perfection, and overall harmony amongst fellow guildies/players. Most importantly, we work extremely well together and are looking for other experienced players that are in search of the same team building ideals. Please contact Vyr, Tekbo/Tekstar, Roxie/Imreapper, Virtuous/Archaic, Tvaar, or other "Founders"

01-15-2009, 07:09 PM
Thank you for listing us so soon!
Come and say hi to Muzzy!

01-15-2009, 07:11 PM
Thanks for posting guild so quick!
Come Say Hi To Muzzy!

01-16-2009, 08:52 AM
-- L --

Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually. However, we do have a nice Pacific Rim contingent in Japan, Australia and New Zealand allowing nearly 24 hour coverage!
Size: Active player base is large, Estimate 25-40 daily players.
Raids We Do: All of them, nearly every day.
Raid Loot System: Basically, need before greed, but can be any system as agreed upon by the party before the raid begins.
Leader: Hordo; successor: Idieudie
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com
Recruiting: All are welcome, as long as they agree to abide by the Terms of Membership posted in an information link on the website.
Info: There is really no limit to what type of play you can do in Loreseekers. We have static groups, some are very much into roleplay, others are dabbling with permadeath. There are enough toons of each level to allow several groups every night doing nearly every level of the game. Rare are the occasions when everyone is so full as to make a guildie wait for a group or to PUG. However, we do also have folks that always reserve a few PUG spots in any group they run. We are always looking to find new players to group with, and will quest with anyone just for the experience. Please, feel free to check us out on our website, or look any of us up in-game!

Minor edit and shameless plug.

01-19-2009, 02:51 PM
Hey all. I wanted to give some info about a solid up and coming guild.

Average Playtime: Most players are PST. Usually play in the afternoons, and All through the night (9:00pm - 3-4 AM)
Size: 12+
Raids We Do: All of them
Raids per Week: 2-3 a day
Raid Loot System: Generally the items are distributed to those that need it most. Most toons in this guild are pretty decked out, so whatever we can do to help other guildies we do.
Leader: Vyr
Website: http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=259951&TabID=2184190#
Recruiting: By invitation only (dont be shy, we enjoy grouping with/recruiting other solid players)
Info: Fun, late night guild. We have about 10-12 very solid players that strive for success, perfection, and overall harmony amongst fellow guildies/players. Most importantly, we work extremely well together and are looking for other experienced players that are in search of the same team building ideals. Please contact Vyr, Tekbo/Tekstar, Roxie/Imreapper, Virtuous/Archaic, Tvaar, or other "Founders"
Just a note our website has changed.. it is now www.DDOFounders.org..


04-14-2009, 06:53 PM
Our guild is new: The Core HC Permadeath Guild. And we are new in more ways than one. I think we are the first hard-core permadeath guild on Khyber. And we are the first in DDO to go without shrines.

Here is a brief summation: We wanted DDO to be as close as possible to the core ruleset of D&D 3.5. And we wanted a challenging game experience, not just for the end-game content, but throughout the entire campaign of our characters. So we settled on some principals that hopefully reflect the core rules of D&D.

1. No shrines.
2. No transfer of anything to anyone. (Including your alts).
3. No dying.
4. No solo'ing. (Keeps us honest).
5. No House Phiarlan or House Jorasco buffs.

Basically, to complete a quest it must be done with the resources you have when you entered it. Period.

To get the full ruleset, see thecorehc.home.comcast.net

The guild leader is Movolario. Nearly all players are officers. We are a small, dedicated guild with about 20 active players now. Several of us are on every day, from late afternoon to in the wee hours.

Our highest level character is 7. Getting to level 10 is pipe dream : )

04-29-2009, 04:48 PM
New Guild: Pacis Iunuctum
Average Playtime: Mostly weekday evenings and random weekend times (Mountain and Central Time Zones)
Size: 2 (and always looking for more!)
Leader: Cilreith (Successor: aimeenicole)
Recruiting: Always

Info: Welcome to Pacis Iunuctum (The Peace of the Blade). We are a new guild with new players to the Stormreach setting. We're currently looking for other new players who don't want to feel intimidated or overwhelmed because they don't know every little in and out of the game. The focus here is having fun, and at the same time, maybe finish some of those hard to do quests! If this sounds like it's for you, then please, search out Cilreith or aimeenicole and they'll help you out! Pacis Iunuctum looks forward to seeing you soon!

~Cilreith Tillson

05-02-2009, 11:21 AM
Broken links in guild listings ...

Adventure Inc:
Broken Link: http://www.guildportal.com (http://www.guildportal.com/) directs user to hosting site
Actual link to guild forums ... Adventure Inc. (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=121453)

Band of Skull:
Broken Link: www.xfire.com/clansbandofskull/ (http://www.xfire.com/clansbandofskull/) 404 error
Actual link to guild forums ... Band of Skull (http://www.xfire.com/clans/bandofskull/) (Possibly under construction)

Deathwatch Guard:
Broken Link: https://dwg.guildportal.com/ (https://dwg.guildportal.com/) cannot load page
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

Dwarven Defenders:
Broken Link: www.dwarvendefenders.net (http://www.dwarvendefenders.net/) does not exist, or unavailable.
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

Elite Raiders:
Broken Link: http://EliteRaiders.guildportal.com (http://eliteraiders.guildportal.com/) directs to hosting site
Actual link to guild forums ... Elite Raiders (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=162808)

Guildless Guild:
Broken Link: http://www.guildguild.net (http://www.guildguild.net/) cannot display page
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

Holy Warriors:
Broken Link: www.thetrinityguild.googlepages.com (http://www.thetrinityguild.googlepages.com/) 404 error
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

Keepers of Vengeance:
Broken Link: http://keepersofvengeance.guildportal.com/ (http://keepersofvengeance.guildportal.com/) hosting site
Actual link to guild forums ... Keepers of Vengeance (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=165440)

Keepers of the Arcane:
Broken Link: www.kota.guildportal.com (http://www.kota.guildportal.com/) hosting site
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

Knights of Insurrection:
Broken Link: http://koiddo.guildportal.com/ (http://koiddo.guildportal.com/) hosting site
Actual link to guild forums ... Knights of Insurrection (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=217248)

The Dragon Order of Arcanix:
Broken Link: www.thedoa.guildportal.com (http://www.thedoa.guildportal.com/) hosting site
Actual link to guild forums ... The Dragon Order of Arcanix (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=70728)

The Hand of the Black Tower:
Broken Link: http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?Gu...&TabID=1137576 doest not exist
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

The Red Dragon Inn:
Broken Link: http://www.freewebs.com/saleena-riedra (http://www.freewebs.com/saleena-riedra) doest not exist
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

Warlords II:
Broken Link: http://WarlordsII.GuildPortal.com (http://warlordsii.guildportal.com/) hosting site
Actual link to guild forums ... ???

05-10-2009, 10:44 AM
Mature Adventures Club:
Broken Link: http://www.dd.blankpaper.com (http://www.dd.blankpaper.com) old forums
Actual link to guild forums ... www.TheMACGuild.com (http://www.themacguild.com/)

05-18-2009, 01:31 PM
You have to add Pinscrew to that listing im not feeling special here lol..:D:p

06-02-2009, 07:09 PM
When the servers merged so did many of the guilds, Some jut faded out and others died violently. The PaperDoll is one guild who is not listed that has remained strong throught. We are still strong and have members who play daily.
Our Motto is if it's not fun why play We also maintain our own web site or Forums.
looking for a good guild. run with two officers and if you are out for fun and not the drama we might let you join.

07-30-2009, 02:07 PM
Average Playtime: Time varies 2-4 hours a day
Size: 4 active mature players
Raids We Do: All when not "timed out"
Raids per Week: As many as we can do
Raid Loot System: Need b4 Greed high roll wins
Leader: Varda
Recruiting: We are a bunch of friends that live in close proximity to each other
Info: 100% pug friendly. If u see any toons named Vall..... (ex. Vallkreigg, Vallkore, Vallhallen etc) he is an Officer and "King of Pugs"

09-01-2009, 01:59 AM
Very good job and... you beat me to it. ;) I also started collecting guild information, but my time to spend on a guild list is limited, it couldn't have been ready untill at least 2 weeks. I had the same idea to sort in multiple posts sorted with alphabetic names. Again, great job, I'm sure I wouldn't have done as good. :)

Guardians Of Khyber

10-11-2009, 12:14 PM
-Knights of Winterfell:

Average Playtime: EST and PST mostly, but have members from around the world. Largest parties start around 9pm EST Everyday
Size: 60+ with 30-40 active players
LvL Range: 1-20
Raid Loot System: Roll d100 for items, 1 per Toon please
Leader: Aeldrinn
Website: TBA
Recruiting: Invites only. Usually like to run with you first, but open for all team players.
Info: This guild was created a little over a year ago and has players ranging in age from young to old. We strive on being fair, honest and foul launguage is asked to be kept at a minimum. We are a non-zerging guild thats takes more pride in the fun of gameplay and friends over leveling and loot. Noobs are welcome and we do not mind helping someone out that has a question, so dont be afraid to ask, "Where is that quest at and who gives it to me?".

Please Contact: Aeldrinn, Jaik, Kobalt, Breaken, Budakis, Bouwell, Areavis or any other Officer in our Guild!

~Jaik of Clan Miyke
Officer, Knights of Winterfell

10-12-2009, 02:41 PM

Average Playtime: 13:00-04:00 est/ 08:00-23:00 gmt
Size: we have 25 charecters but only a handful of players
Raids We Do: All raids, we hit mostly harbor, house fo Denith, and house P.
Raids per Week: daily
Raid Loot System: we Share and have back ups
Leader: Disi
Website: http://mightyvikkings.no-ip.org
Recruiting: We are a european guild thats just started up, looking for social ggrouping Exp.,everyone is welcome including North Americans, we are voice enabled but not required, TELL one of our officers; Ardoric, Cartog, Encrypta, Kluh, Leechy, Matricia, Mikelious, Misdemeanor, Poes, or Snatsh to join.
Info: We help newer player to find there way to and in dungeons, and we are vary patient when it comes to waiting to get everybody there befor we start a quest, and we dont mind if you die a few times, dont recall, just sit tight and well get to you and get the job done

10-16-2009, 11:53 AM
Mid-level guild and climbing together. We are not accepting applicants. Invitation only! Website private.

10-26-2009, 10:54 AM
Average Playtime: Varies My friend and my self are on a lot running quest and such to level.
Size: growing
Raids We Do: We do all we can when we can
Raids per Week: more soon to come
Raid Loot System: open for discussion with officers
Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr
Website: working on it as we speak
Recruiting: open atm (18+years old only)
Info: A friend and I decided to come here and play we are new to the game but have experience in MMO games. We would love for someone who has knowledge of the game that would like to help us newbs out. (will be updating as we can on this post)

10-28-2009, 04:36 AM
Average Playtime: 10PM EST and later
Size: Brand New, <20 Members
Type: Light RP with optional Perma Death Flair
Leader: Krumblee Bleu
Website: http://aotd.guildlaunch.com/index.php?gid=119828
Recruiting: Just about anyone. Read the above website and there is an application there.

10-28-2009, 11:36 AM
-Knights of Winterfell:

Average Playtime: EST and PST mostly, but have members from around the world. Largest parties start around 9pm EST Everyday
Size: 60+ with 30-40 active players
LvL Range: 1-20
Raid Loot System: Roll d100 for items, 1 per Toon please
Leader: Aeldrinn
Website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=166718563531
Recruiting: Invites only. Usually like to run with you first, but open for all team players.
Info: This guild was created a little over a year ago and has players ranging in age from young to old. We strive on being fair, honest and foul launguage is asked to be kept at a minimum. We are a non-zerging guild thats takes more pride in the fun of gameplay and friends over leveling and loot. Noobs are welcome and we do not mind helping someone out that has a question, so dont be afraid to ask, "Where is that quest at and who gives it to me?".

Please Contact: Aeldrinn, Jaik, Kobalt, Breaken, Budakis, Bouwell, Areavis or any other Officer in our Guild!

~Jaik of Clan Miyke
Officer, Knights of Winterfell

10-28-2009, 11:52 PM
Average Playtime: most members on all day and night
Size: about 100 active
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: most all
Raid Loot System:
Leader: Yaztromo
Website: under construction
Recruiting: Yes

11-01-2009, 12:00 PM

Average Playtime: Varies My friend and my self are on a lot running quest and such to level.
Size: growing
Raids We Do: We do all we can when we can
Raids per Week: more soon to come
Raid Loot System: open for discussion with officers
Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr
Website: working on it as we speak
Recruiting: open atm (18+years old only)
Info: A friend and I decided to come here and play we are new to the game but have experience in MMO games. We would love for someone who has knowledge of the game that would like to help us newbs out. (will be updating as we can on this post)

Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr Officers: Steelkisses, Decerebrator and Sashaneal
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=335140&TabID=2805196
Recruiting: open atm(Must be currently 5+ in Level), Really need Rogue, Casters Dmg, and Bard Must Apply at website sign in With main toon name if name is taken plz add "ddo"at the end.(18+years old only)

11-02-2009, 11:05 AM
[indent]Average Playtime: Varies My friend and my self are on a lot running quest and such to level.
Size: growing
Raids We Do: We do all we can when we can
Raids per Week: more soon to come
Raid Loot System: open for discussion with officers
Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr
Website: working on it as we speak
Recruiting: open atm (18+years old only)
Info: A friend and I decided to come here and play we are new to the game but have experience in MMO games. We would love for someone who has knowledge of the game that would like to help us newbs out. (will be updating as we can on this post)

Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr Officers: Steelkisses, Decerebrator and Sashaneal
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=335140&TabID=2805196
Recruiting: open atm(Must be currently 5+ in Level), Really need Rogue, Casters Dmg, and Bard Must Apply at website sign in With main toon name if name is taken plz add "ddo"at the end.(18+years old only)

11-03-2009, 05:13 PM
Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr Officers: Steelkisses, Decerebrator and Sashaneal
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=335140&TabID=2805196
Recruiting: open atm(Must be currently 5+ in Level), Really need Rogue, Casters Dmg, and Bard Must Apply at website sign in With main toon name if name is taken plz add "ddo"at the end.(18+years old only)

Recruiting: open atm(Must be currently 5+ in Level and have a VIP account), Really need Rogue, Casters Dmg, and Bard Must Apply at website sign in With main toon name if name is taken plz add "ddo"at the end.(18+years old only)

12-03-2009, 11:52 PM
Average Playtime:
Size: 10+/-
Raids We Do:None at the moment still too new
Raids per Week: want to do at least 1-2 per week
Raid Loot System: at this point nothing has been decided most likely DKP
Leader: Vrianna
Website: Non atm
Recruiting: All classes and Races Need to have a subscription or have access to all content

Will update as changes are made.

01-13-2010, 11:06 AM
-Deathwatch Guard:
Size: Small
Raids We Do: -
Unique Raids: -
Raids per Week: -
Raid Loot System: -
Leader: Gwyar Nwyfre
Captains: Niennah Vardamir, Redhood
Website: https://dwg.guildportal.com/
Recruiting: Currently not recruiting
Info: Most of our leadership has been pulled away from the game for various rl reasons, and DWG, while it still exists, is currently on hiatus. Many of our members, including our active officers, have joined Mature Adventures Club and we highly recommend that group of people.

01-16-2010, 04:29 PM
Mission: To promote the Ranger class through dedication to teamwork and highly versatile excellence in the battlefield.

Send tells to:
Leader: Maladras
Second in Command: Melluso

Recruiting: Any rangers in Khyber (at least 50% if multi-classed)
Officers: Promoted at level 10

300+ members currently!

It's our job to know when to use (and not use) the bow and how to kite mobs effectively! Joining our guild is the first step to becoming a more efficient ranger and productive party-mate!

02-20-2010, 09:28 AM
Guild name: Zhentarim
Size: Medium-Large (Always someone online)
Raids We Do: - All, but currently not on an active schedule (may change if website gets use for posting raids)
Raids per Week: - Anytime not on a timer :) so a lot.
Raid Loot System: - If you need something, say something.
Leader: Khellbenn
Captains: Flatbottom, Celldweller, Kirthan, Salmissra
Website: http://zhentarim.guildportal.com - This is a new website so it's still under-construction but it will get prettier :P
Recruiting: Open Recruitment - If interested send mail in-game to Khellbenn and I'll get back you faster than PM'ing would work as I'm in the game far more than the forums. You can also post in the forums on our website if you can't reach anyone any otherway. I can also be reached on Xfire: danknuggets1

02-22-2010, 11:51 AM
Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually. However, we do have a nice Pacific Rim contingent in Japan, Australia and New Zealand allowing nearly 24 hour coverage!
Size: Active player base is large, Estimate 25-40 daily players.
Raids We Do: All of them, nearly every day.
Raid Loot System: Basically, need before greed, but can be any system as agreed upon by the party before the raid begins.
Leader: Hordo; successor: Ashirren
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com (http://loreseekers.guildportal.com/)
Recruiting: All are welcome, as long as they agree to abide by the Terms of Membership posted in an information link on the website and have at least one character that has attained a minimum level of 10.
Info: There is really no limit to what type of play you can do in Loreseekers. We have static groups, some are very much into roleplay, others are dabbling with permadeath. There are enough toons of each level to allow several groups every night doing nearly every level of the game. Rare are the occasions when everyone is so full as to make a guildie wait for a group or to PUG. However, we do also have folks that always reserve a few PUG spots in any group they run. We are always looking to find new players to group with, and will quest with anyone just for the experience. Please, feel free to check us out on our website, or look any of us up in-game!

Minor edit and shameless plug.


03-23-2010, 03:02 PM
Guild name : The Night Masks

Average Playtime : GMT 11pm - 5am (EST 6pm - 12am)

Size : Tiny (3 atm)

Raids We Do: Flagging for Raids actually (GH / Reaver / Shroud)

Raids per Week: -

Raid Loot System : need / keep / whatever

Leader: Kuronons (ROG 20 - GMT +1)
Officers : Thorspawn (BAR 19 - GMT -5) / Dhedly (PAL 20 - GMT -5)

Website: none atm

Recruiting: YES - Mostly high lvl characters (healer / casters needed) who haven t done most of high lvl quests.
Low lvl toons also welcomed to run with rerolls.

Info: Founded in order to get a good group of friendly active players who can run together in good spirit without pressure, with great sense of humor and self-derision. Supporting eachothers for loot, build and quests related questions.
Mature content ! International players (actually franco-americano-colombian...)
And remember...it s just a game heh.
Contact Leader or officers to join. (in-game mail / tell)

03-27-2010, 06:55 PM
The Knights of the Crying Spire's goal is to be capable of supporting the guild to the fullest and and promote Roleplaying within the game . In order to reach this goal we will need great participation from all members and advancement in all classes.

We are not necessarily a hardcore guild, as we are more of a casual, play to have fun and enjoy the game. This does not mean that we will not have times that we are more serious and buckle down to get work done or a Raid done There will be much time spent on keeping the support up. The difference between our more casual guild and the other more hardcore guilds is that we understand that your real life issues are more important and at many times will cause you to not be able to be on. Though we do understand this, we still expect our members to be dedicated. Meaning: getting involved and giving your all to the guild and its members.

We expect our members to be respectful to everyone, inside and outside the game. We are a guild that does not discriminate against any age, race, color, sex, religion, or play style. However, if you are a solo player who prefers to just go out and do things by yourself then this is not the guild for you.

No matter what level you are, there will always be a place for you here. Roleplaying wise, the Knights of the Crying Spire accept only Elves (any class is acceptable)We are dedicated to to the preservation and protection of elven culture and traditions.


The permadeath style of play is not required for membership, but in order to attain the highest Ranks, and therefore the highest level of priviliges within the Guild one adhere to the Permadeath rules as detailed at left.

This is done to display our Guilds staunch adherence to Roleplaying amongst the leadership.


03-29-2010, 01:30 AM
what about the healers guild? thats big

05-03-2010, 11:37 PM
Average Playtime: Whenever.
Size:Very Low, only 3 players now, we did have a larger player base, but the previous Guild Leader had to leave, due to work related issues, and left me in charge, and with him left the majority of the playerbase.
Raids We Do: None currently =S
Raids per Week: Again, none.
Raid Loot System: -
Leader:Vladismir Vorashnai
Website: DDOwnage.guildportal.com
Recruiting:Anyone, indiffering between class, level or age, as long as you know how to play and arent a 5 year old Im happy to have you. Please go and sign up to the website or message me in game, Vladismir Vorashnai, for an invite

Happy Gaming -Vlad.

05-10-2010, 11:33 PM
Average Playtime: Generally in the evenings, starting around 4PM EST and ending whenever, if ever.

Size: About 25 or so different players.

Raids We Do: VoN and Shroud right now, but we're getting ready to flag for more.

Raids per Week: As many as our members want. They voice their opinions, the officers plan.

Raid Loot System: If a member doesn't want an item, he/she tells those who do to roll a d100 for it.

Leaders: Knottaa Battle Cleric (WIZ 14 GMT-6) and Exlar/Trondo (WIZ 19/BRD 13 TR GMT-7)

Website: http://majestics.mmoguildsites.com

Recruiting: Open to mature, active, and fun players.

Info: Majestics was formed by the wizard Exlar and the cleric Cohalic and is currently run by the wizard Greyhame. We accept any and all players who are decently mature, fun to play with, and on at least 3 days a week. Most members of Majestics have a life outside of DDO, or at least another game to play. We maintain a respectable maturity level within our guild, but age or level exceptions may be made if the member has proven him/herself worthy of joining Majestics.

05-16-2010, 10:46 AM
Average Playtime: All-Times of the Day, but mainly 6pm CST through 1am CST!!
Size: 60+ active players
Raids: All Raids
Raids Per Week: 50+ and thats no joke. You want raids we have them galore
Leader: Bigolejr Guns
Website: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=248709
Recruiting: Spot-on Players and Vets!!!

06-06-2010, 06:27 PM
Average Playtime: Varies; guild spans central and eastern US, usually evening times though (allied with Agents of Chaos)
Size: 15 with AGMG and 20 with AOC (all active players)
Raids We Do: Temepst Spine frequently (for loot/favor); Von occasionally
Raids per Week: varies
Raid Loot System: items go to guild members before AH or Vendor
Leader: Liyandra
Website: agmg.guildportal.com
Recruiting: We are always recruiting anyone
Info: We are serious and mature but still have plenty of fun. No preferred age just as long as you can be serious when needed. We do request that anyone under 18 let us know that you are a minor so that we can be sure to act appropriately

06-08-2010, 02:22 PM
Average Playtime: All different times but Most members on at 6:00-10:00 (GMT -5)
Average Level: 1-8
Size: 13+ Were growing!!
Quests We Do: No Specific Quests. We kind of do Different Quests each day
Leader: Harrypotterr
Recruiting: Most members level 1-8 any higher might power level other members. So levels 1-10 would be best. ALL classes Accepted. We welcome new members.___ /tell Leader or a Officer to Join___
Officers: Carye, Idrilden, Benyamin, ( There will be More when Guild gets Bigger )
Loot System: If you need something, Ask for it. If your low level it is more likely that Someone will have the Item your looking For.
Info: Started not so long ago. Not my first guild.
____Active + Helps guildies with Quests = Officer

06-08-2010, 02:35 PM
Average Playtime: Varies throughout the week
Size: 40-70+ active, 520+ Toons
Raids We Do: All the raids
Raids per Week: Many
Raid Loot System: Usually need before greed, or rolling highest
Leader: Bigole, Co-leader: Breaken
Website: www.guildportal.com/guild/335702
Recruiting: varies
Info: Here to get our loot on.

06-08-2010, 10:10 PM
Average Playtime: Anytime on weekends, 4pm - 12am (midnight) during the week.
Size: 40+ Active Players
Raids We Do: All raids anytime of the week but we also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: When the timer is off we raid
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise it's your choice on distribution.
Leader: Fizban / Successor: Goolan
Website: http://www.Legends.republichost.com
Recruiting: We would like to run with you a time or two but all potential members must first apply online at our website.
Additional: We offer additional playing options if desired. Some guild members participate in guild pen and paper once a week or permadeath once a week for 2-hours.

06-09-2010, 12:32 AM
cult of ryliegh

playtimes: all the time- got a few aussies so some one is usally on
size: 20+ active
raids: most of us are playing TR lowbies atm but all except abbot
raid loot system: need before the greed but now it is d100 low or high loot holder chooses
recruiting: please see website for that
info: casually hardcore

07-01-2010, 11:56 AM
Average Playtime: 2-6 hours a day
Raids We Do: the free ones
Raids per Week: Depends
Raid Loot System: ?
Leader: whorobbedme
Website: http://my.ddo.com/guild-khyber-the_welfare_bandets/
Recruiting: yes
Info: were all about the fun and helping out new ppl with the game. and loot, loot loot and lots of loot

07-15-2010, 05:46 PM
Outcast Defenders
Average Playtime: 8:30-Whenever Central Time, most nights
Size: Currently small - New guild of Veteran players
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: Not that often yet
Raid Loot System: Need before Greed
Leader: Kolthor Stormforge
Website: http://outcastdefenders.guildportal.com
Recruiting: YES
Info: We are a group of FUN loving and team oriented people that understand that DDO is a GAME and people have REAL lives.
We enjoy learning the quests and helping each other while laughing and joking all the way.
We are always looking for like minded people to join us!

07-19-2010, 12:41 PM
Average Playtime: 24/7
Size: 200
Raids We Do: Shroud, T-spine, DQ, Reaver,on our way to doing more as a guild. Some of us are flagged for all raids.
Raids per Week: As needed, sometimes dailey, Raid night is Saturdays.
Raid Loot System: 1d100 roll/highest wins
Leader: Murdan
Website: www.lairofthetechnolich.com
Recruiting: yes, no blind invites...we watch who and when we invite. Consider us a secret society!

07-19-2010, 02:09 PM
Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually. However, we do have a nice Pacific Rim contingent in Japan, Australia and New Zealand allowing nearly 24 hour coverage!
Size: Active player base is large, Estimate 35-60 daily players.
Raids We Do: All of them, nearly every day.
Raid Loot System: Basically, need before greed, but can be any system as agreed upon by the party before the raid begins. Sometimes if it is a special run for someone, we give them right of first refusal from our guildies (non-guildies may exempt themselves and loot their own stuff). Anything up for a roll is highest wins on a d100.
Leader: Hordiva [yes, this toon is leader...Hordo is being worked on atm]; successor: Ashirren
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com (http://loreseekers.guildportal.com/)
Recruiting: CURRENT MORATORIUM ON RECRUITMENT, otherwise all would be welcome, as long as they agree to abide by the Terms of Membership posted in an information link on the website and have at least one character that has attained a minimum level of 10.
Info: There is really no limit to what type of play you can do in Loreseekers. We have static groups, some are very much into roleplay, others are dabbling with permadeath. There are enough toons of each level to allow several groups every night doing nearly every level of the game. Rare are the occasions when everyone is so full as to make a guildie wait for a group or to PUG. However, we do also have folks that always reserve a few PUG spots in any group they run. We are always looking to find new players to group with, and will quest with anyone just for the experience. Please, feel free to check us out on our website, or look any of us up in-game!
/and once again a shameless bump by virtue of an edit regarding a guild recruitment moratorium. How's that for irony?

07-29-2010, 04:39 AM
Average playtime:As often as possible

Size:59 on list some are alts and multiple personalities

Raids we do:We did Tempest Spine with 7 people from the guild working on doing more in the future.

Raids per week:Working on that

Raid loot system:who needs the most


Website:made one no one uses it

Recruiting:If you play the game to enjoy the game, maybe, best to talk to one of our other members that is online at the same time for more info.

Info:We are a smaller guild of older players that come mostly from paper version, so we adventure not race to the finish. We are basically a non zerg guild we try and get all the optionals and go a little slower so we survive and get all the xp bonus's and loot available.

10-08-2010, 12:21 AM
Average Playtime: Usually late night/early morning Pacific Time (-8 GMT), but can be on at various times during the day as well.
Size: VERY very small
Raids We Do: TBD (but we roll in various raids)
Raid Loot System: Rolls are done on a d100 where 1 ALWAYS trumps 100. Need before greed is preferred.
Leader: Vyoleht Reign
Website: -none-
Recruiting: RBAS is not currently recruiting. This may change in the following weeks. Recruitment is based on ability to follow directions, willingness to work as a unit, and general sense of humor.
Info: The RBAS is dedicated to providing quality tours and guidance of various areas in and around Stormreach, Xendrik, and the surrounding seas. Most members are open to hold instructional courses in various quests (exception: we currently have no Litany, Abbot, or Twilight Forge instructors). RBAS members are encouraged to spread knowledge, color (including but not limited to commentary), and a rain of blood wherever they adventure.

10-08-2010, 03:28 PM
Average Playtime: Most are in the US (all timezones) with one member in Sweden. So whenever we can get on, we do.
Size: Small
Raids: We're still a low-level guild, gradually working our way up to Raid-level. Will likely be changing soon.
Loot System: Need over Greed.
Leader: Klork
2nd in Command: Leafy
Recruiting: Not actively.
Info: Small family & friend based guild. Pretty friendly, mostly mature unless we've had a lack of sleep. A few of our members have been in the game since Beta. If you want to join please message Klork or Leafy. We don't add new players unless we've run with you at least once before hand.

10-15-2010, 09:33 PM
I tried to find you and no luck. please help

10-15-2010, 09:39 PM
Knights of the Phoenix are more or less on hiatus. Guild leader is still active, but as a member of TFC. Ask after Aknutt if you need more info.

10-16-2010, 08:19 AM
Average Playtime: As often as we can
level: 26 right now
Size: so far 15 active member and at least 75 others
Raids We Do: We would love to.
Leader: Syckobabydol
Website: http://sycko.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Anyone is welcome to join.
Info: At level 5 and you be listed on the site to be promoted to officer. We also have vent.

10-16-2010, 08:18 PM
Average Playtime: USA early morning/late nights
Size: about 15ish
Raids We Do: All except Titan.
Raids per Week: Every night
Leader: Psychogene
Recruiting: Maybe
Info: A mostly Aussie/NZ guild with a couple of Americans and Euros thrown in the mix.

10-18-2010, 10:57 PM
Sorry to all new guilds posted...for some reason my email isn't tellin me of all the new posts in here. I'll get to them asap, but I've been really busy with school (again) and my work has finally blocked the DDO forums (probably because of me surfing all the time lol). My apologies for any delays...

10-20-2010, 12:35 PM
Average Playtime: PST 4:00 - Midnight.
Size: ~100 Members
Raids All Raids, Raid nights Mon, Wed, Fri. And all day weekends ;)
Raids per Week: ^
Leader: Awesomegirl. My rofl alt toon.
Website:*Coming Soon*
Recruiting: Yep

12-06-2010, 12:17 PM

12-06-2010, 03:26 PM
Gimpin' Ain't Easy
Average Playtime: EST/PST Evenings -> One Player 24/7 (Mostly Taurean because he doesn't sleep)
Size: 5 (4 additional ursines who play in Spring and Summer)
Raids We Do: All but Abbot (still on boycott from mod 5), dependent on our snowbirds
Raids per Week: Whatever we can 4 Man
Raid Loot System: Good Luck, we almost changed our guild name to "Skunked Again"
Leader: Pita, Co-Leader Peppr
Website: http://gimpin.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Limited

We are a KOI splinter guild that has grown leaps and bounds over the last year and a half (going from 7 to 9 players). We are more focused on gameplay and entertaining ourselves than we are on the quest for loot. It's a good thing too, given how bad our loot pulls are.

We tend to be fairly generous with our imaginary toys. If we run into a new player who seems to "get" the combat system, we will go out of our way to give them advice and equipment to help them on their journey.

So if you are interested in learning the game, whether it be while leveling or running epics or short-manning a raid - hit us up.

peppr, pita, evandus, olotiln

12-06-2010, 03:39 PM
Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually. However, we do have a nice Pacific Rim contingent in Japan, Australia and New Zealand allowing nearly 24 hour coverage!
Size: Active player base is large, Estimate 25-40 daily players.
Raids We Do: All of them, nearly every day.
Raid Loot System: Basically, need before greed, but can be any system as agreed upon by the party before the raid begins.
Leader: Hordo; successor: Ashirren
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com (http://loreseekers.guildportal.com/)
Recruiting: SELECTIVE RECRUITMENT - All are welcome to apply, as long as they agree to abide by the Terms of Membership posted in an information link on the website and have at least one character that has attained a minimum level of 10 and we go from there.
Info: There is really no limit to what type of play you can do in Loreseekers. We have static groups, some are very much into roleplay, others are dabbling with permadeath. There are enough toons of each level to allow several groups every night doing nearly every level of the game. Rare are the occasions when everyone is so full as to make a guildie wait for a group or to PUG. However, we do also have folks that always reserve a few PUG spots in any group they run. We are always looking to find new players to group with, and will quest with anyone just for the experience. Please, feel free to check us out on our website, or look any of us up in-game!


/and once again a shameless bump by virtue of an edit regarding a guild recruitment moratorium. How's that for irony?

/another bump, but this time because Stainer made me do it...
Recruitment Moratorium is over, we are Selectively Recruiting.

12-08-2010, 04:29 AM
Average Playtime: morning to evenings eastern to pacific times
Size: about 25ish members
Raids We Do: random stuff, small guild so we voltron up on pugs
Raids per Week: me 5 or so, guildwise not as much
Raid Loot System: need before greed
Leader: dirtypete
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=294828&TabID=2471828
Recruiting: if your a southpark fan with a good personality and can take the jokes and joke back its alot of fun

12-08-2010, 07:05 AM
Average Playtime: USA late nights/early mornings, AEST late afternoon, evenings
Size: about 15
Raids We Do: Still working on getting some of our nublets flagged but atm, Reavers, Shroud, DQ2
Raids per Week: 2-3/week
Leader: Snorm
Recruiting: Generally on a 'I played with them and I thought they were good to join the guild' basis
Info: Half TRs, half rapidly levelling nublets. Laid back but with some serious knowledge mongers in the group. Pretty irreverant bunch but good fun.

12-13-2010, 09:15 AM
-The Devas:

Average Playtime: Anytime. More at night.
Size: 30+ Active Players.
Raids We Do: All raids anytime of the week but we also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: About 1 per week, see members online.
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise we roll's(d100) if someone wants too.
Leader: VonKlaus Debonnair / Successor: Phaleon.
Recruiting: No arrogant players, to fix the fun and friendship in the game. We are "FRIENDS", noob or vet. TRs or adventures.
Additional: We are growing with this philosophy of friendship. Most part of guild is old ages D&D table players. Have good number of Braziliam players, can talk in : English, Spanish or Portuguese(BR).

01-09-2011, 08:45 PM
Our guild was formed recently! The name is Dracrist! We're mostly military veterans and their family, but all are welcome! http://dracristguild.webs.com/

01-20-2011, 12:23 PM
To Whom It May Concern:

I will begin my query with an apology to you for NOT being absolutely sure that you are whom I should be addressing this to. But here goes... Is there anywhere in DDO Online to get a comprehensive guild list complete with leader name (or not) ?? I'm asking because I don't see my rather large guild listed, I'm NOT an officer (so I'm NOT sure that I'd have the authority to ask it be listed), AND in your preamble you state if you'd like your guild name removed from your list to let you know. I feel that there should be a listing (preferably highest membership totals to lowest OR highest experience totals to lowest OR whatever...BUT, this would certainly aid new players and us old players returning after a few years away from the game to select preferences or make inquiries! Any help or website or link that you could share (right now I am just being Khyber-specific, but it would be nice to have a truly comprehensive list of each realm's guild listings). Thank you for your time and trouble!

01-26-2011, 09:21 AM
To Whom It May Concern:

Select MyDDO. Top left is a guild leaderboard. Unfortunately MyDDO has been neglected by Turbine and no longer seems to get updated. However for a rough guide you can click on the leaderboard and select a server and then it will give you a list of guilds. You can then select a guild and it will give you information on members and leaders.

I remind you though that the information in there is several months out of date.

04-13-2011, 06:40 PM
Just an update for Ransack

Toof is now the leader

Stickyfeet is now successor

04-14-2011, 03:04 AM
Library of Knowledge - Recruiting
Average Playtime: Any
Size: 6
Raids We Do: Von, DQ, Titan, Tod, Shroud
Raids per Week: 1
Raid Loot System: NBG
Leader: Vorpalsword / Deathsbreath
Website: None
Recruiting: 4
Info: *Please only apply if your a hardcore player who spends a lot of time on, want to keep the guild small early then at higher lvls expand.
If you ever ran with Vorpalsword, Yamantaka, Deathsbreath, Battlelord, Atisha or Riverhawk and want to put a toon in the guild, pst and ill make room*

05-11-2011, 10:27 AM
Average Playtime: Most are EU and American players, you'll also find a few Australian players,most active at European evenings and afternoons
Size: 50 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: The Chronoscope, Tempest Spine,will very soon be doing Reaver's Fate and Demon Queen!
Raids per Week: We do raids when we feel like it,dont follow a schedule,check the message of the day for guild raid announcements!
Raid Loot System: Most Officers and Leader (me) won't need a lot of the loot and will pass it on to people who do, if more than one people want it,then roll d100
Leader: Lomer
Recruiting: Yes we are, looking for around 20-45 new people!
You'll often find us chatting in the guild chat for hours,you are free to join,ask questions and answer some too!
Min Reqs:
Vale of Twilight
Sands of Menechetarun and/or Ruins of Gianthold
At least 3 months of gaming experience.

The min reqs are so we can run raids together,if we cant,whats the point of being in a guild?

05-13-2011, 04:44 PM
The Cavalier Cavalry

Average Playtime: 2 hours a day Mon-Thurs, as much as we can get away with Fri-Sun.
Size: Six Man Band (The Association)
Raids We Do: Shroud, ToD, Shroud, Chronoscope, Shroud, HoX, Shroud, Shroud.
Raids per Week: 7 Shrouds a week, 2 ToDs, everything else is catch-as-catch can.
Raid Loot System: What's yours is yours. Guildies can get passed items, then roll.
Leader: Glyndwyr Owain, Oryara is Successor
Website: ddo.cavaliercavalry.com (coming soon)
Recruiting: Nope. We're a six man band.
Info: For those of you afraid, yes, we're named after a horde of small late 80s Chevrolets, or a bunch of people on horses who don't give a ****. Striving for GL50. We're always ready to help other Khyber Guilds on any raid or quest.

06-01-2011, 10:20 PM
uber troopers

average playtime- 4-6 hrs/daily players.
currently we have 40 accounts. we are actively recruiting, looking for active, fun players with a relaxed attitude!
raids- we run most if not all, though out the day. can be sporadic tho.
U.S. and Europe, all welcome.
loot- whats yours is yours, if you dont need/want we ask that you pass to guildie first/then roll if need be
leader- darthforth, successor- though not named is schwarzhemd.
just a little background on us- we believe in having fun. Enjoying the game, but not taking it too seriously. we treat all members with respect, and we like to joke around, but all in good taste. many are vip, though some are f2p.

06-08-2011, 08:52 PM
Excellent. Thank you.


Atheists is now 1 Account with 12 Toons:


Playtime is evenings (Pacific)

Closed to new members

Always ready to help.

Thanks again. =D

07-06-2011, 03:13 PM
-The Disciples of the Dark Knight:

Average Playtime: Anytime. More at night and weekends.
Size: 15+ Active Players.
Raids We Do: Mostly low level characters except a few TRs, so we do group runs mostly. Will do all raids anytime of the week but we will also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: About 1 per week, see members online.
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise we roll's(d100) if someone wants too.
Leader: Lathal / Successor: Draxulle Nightblade.
Recruiting: Yes. Small group of friends and we are a mix of noobs, vets, and TRs
Additional: We are a small guild of mature players, that like to have fun and enjoy playing the game.

08-26-2011, 04:28 PM
~Disciples of Apocalypse~

Average Playtime: All day
Size:Currently 298
Raids We Do: Various raids, we organize when someone needs loot otherwise.. Shroud, Pikers Fate and Chrono every 3 days
Raids per Week:3-6
Raid Loot System: /roll d69
Leader: Burboink
Website: Currently under construction (http://doa.mmochief.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=390263&TabID=3294289)
Temp site: http://www.xfire.com/communities/doa420/
Recruiting: Not Currently Recruiting
Info: Fairly casual group of gamers dedicated to having fun and helping one another get xp/loot. Free trade within guild which means we do not charge each other for items, if I have it and don't need it and you need it it's yours.

08-28-2011, 09:15 AM

Average Playtime: Varies. US nights peak, 6-12 online during off peak usually. However, we do have a nice Pacific Rim contingent in Japan, Australia and New Zealand allowing nearly 24 hour coverage!
Size: Active player base is large, Estimate 25-40 daily players.
Raids We Do: All of them, nearly every day.
Raid Loot System: Basically, need before greed, but can be any system as agreed upon by the party before the raid begins.
Leader: Hordeau; successor: Zimara
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Not recruiting at this time.
Info: There is really no limit to what type of play you can do in Loreseekers. We have static groups, some are very much into roleplay, others are dabbling with permadeath. There are enough toons of each level to allow several groups every night doing nearly every level of the game. Rare are the occasions when everyone is so full as to make a guildie wait for a group or to PUG. However, we do also have folks that always reserve a few PUG spots in any group they run. We are always looking to find new players to group with, and will quest with anyone just for the experience. Please, feel free to check us out on our website, or look any of us up in-game!

08-29-2011, 06:31 AM
Das Syndikat
Average Playtime: 6pm-12pm GMT+1
Size: ~25 active accounts
Guildlevel: 55+
Guildship: Stormglory Tempest
Leader: Lhidda
Recruiting: Yes (German-speaking, TS2 active, Premium/VIP required)
Info: German Guild

08-30-2011, 09:17 AM
Psionic Infinity

Average Playtime: Evenings mainly from about 8pm CST until about 12 AM CST (though occasionally you can find some of us during the day)
Size: Small... 13 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: All of them
Raids per Week: 1 deffinately planned a week. Sunday night is our designated guild raid night.
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Saleena-Riedra
Website: http://psionicinfinity.webs.com
Recruiting: Mainly by invitation only. Run with us and we will see if you seem like a good match for us as well as us being a good match for you.
Our Moto: We play as we would have others see us
Info: We are a very friendly guild and we do like to help. While we are family oriented we normally do not take anyone under 18. We are adults and we do try to seperate the children from the adults.

08-30-2011, 01:26 PM
Rest In Piece s

Average Playtime: Right now Monday evenings from about 8pm CST until about 10pm CST or 12am CST
Size: Very Small... 8 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: None of them yet we just got off the ground and right now all of the toons are too low to run raids.
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Treylie
Website: http://restinpiecespd.webs.com/
Recruiting: Actively recruiting anyone looking for a Perma Death guild.
Our Moto: Don't Die!
Info: We are a Perma-Death Guild... If you have any questions you can find us on monday nights, or look up on of my toons from Psionic Infinity (Saleena-riedra, Desorna, Dylila, Deairdrie, Brivan, Teruko, Morriganna, Falicity, Syvela, Lehona), and we will answer your questions.

08-31-2011, 06:50 PM
Plague Winds

Average Playtime: Daily (mostly nights during the week and various times during the weekend) We are in several time zones, one of us is even in the Pacific, so the average playtime is based upon my EST perspective. Activity usually starts around 9pm EST into way early in the morning during the week with play-times being much more sporadic during the weekend.
Size: 6 active accounts currently with several characters per account
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: Depends on need, but we haven't done a lot of guild raids since I have joined. This is something I hope to help change in time.
Raid Loot System: The loot you get is your loot, however, we are givers as well and usually bend over backwards to help a guild member in need, which includes sharing loot.
Leader: Preety
Website: http://my.ddo.com/guild-khyber-plague_winds/
Recruiting: Yes, but we do not do blind invites.
Info: We are quite an easy going guild filled with members of various play styles and are hoping to expand upon that, willing to do whatever is needed on a whim by any guild member. We strive to always look out for other guild mates and help them when in need. We play just about every day, forming up into a party, usually the first thing after greetings comes the question "Ok, so what are we doing?".

09-07-2011, 10:29 PM
I believe I've gotten the list updated from posts. I'm sorry for some of the ones I missed, again, for some reason I dont get an email for every reply to this thread. If I've missed your guild, PLEASE PM me and dont post about it in here to help insure I'll get it. Thanks :) and my apologies for any delay. I'm very busy with work and school and of course gaming so I dont always check the thread for new posts until I get an email. ;)

09-28-2011, 04:31 PM

Average Playtime: EST afternoon, evening, early AM
Size: 40 Active Players
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: 6-12
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Gruntiz
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=133681&TabID=1137576
Recruiting: Accepting applications on website. You will most likely be asked to run a few raids or quests with the guild prior to a decision regarding an invitation.
Info: The Hand is one of the longest running raiding guilds. Some first time achievements.

09-28-2011, 05:28 PM
Updates And Corrections Inside The Quoted Text.

Average Playtime: Varies. Us Nights Peak, 6-15 Online During Off Peak Usually. However, We Do Have A Nice Pacific Rim Contingent In Japan, Australia And New Zealand Allowing Nearly 24 Hour Coverage!
Size: Active Player Base Is Large, Estimate 25-40 Daily Players.
Raids We Do: All Of Them.
Raid Loot System: Basically, Need Before Greed, But Can Be Any System As Agreed Upon By The Party Before The Raid Begins.
Leader: Hordangel; Successor: Kongquesst
Website: http://loreseekers.guildportal.com
Recruiting: Not Recruiting At This Time.
Info: There Is Really No Limit To What Type Of Play You Can Do In Loreseekers. We Have Static Groups, Some Are Very Much Into Roleplay, Others Are Dabbling With Permadeath. There Are Enough Toons Of Each Level To Allow Several Groups Every Night Doing Nearly Every Level Of The Game. Rare Are The Occasions When Everyone Is So Full As To Make A Guildie Wait For A Group Or To Pug. However, We Do Also Have Folks That Always Reserve A Few Pug Spots In Any Group They Run. We Are Always Looking To Find New Players To Group With, And Will Quest With Anyone Just For The Experience. Please, Feel Free To Check Us Out On Our Website, Or Look Any Of Us Up In-game!

09-28-2011, 05:42 PM
can you add us please

Average Playtime:almost 24/7 about a 6hr down time
Size:3 lev 35
Raids We Do:any
Raids per Week:as many as we can
Raid Loot System:your loot is your loot roll them out if you want don't if you don't
Leader:all of us but chef is on the most (that would be me just look for a toon that has chef in his name many of you know me anyway
Recruiting:must talk to and play with everyone fist (seriously 3 person guild should not be a porb)
Info: we are a group of friends that play the guild is there but we have people on our friends list on all the time so we do not really pug that much (we are one of the more laid back guilds very little official structure just her for low stress fun)

09-29-2011, 04:09 AM
We've been here for a few months now and I figures we might get listed here as well.

A Poppy in the Dark
Average Playtime: mostly european evening/night
Size: around 10 active players (lvl 70)
Raids we do: Mostly eVoN, ToD, Shroud - but basically any
Raids per Week: 6ish
Raid Loot System: it's just loot
Leader: Hyanne, secondary: Darkpoppy
Recruiting: not really

10-31-2011, 08:38 AM
Might as well add us. Even though we aren't recruiting, it'd be nice to have our name on the list :)

Average Playtime: All time zones (players from across US, Canada, Europe, Australia), but most active in the evening EST.
Size: around 20 active accounts (level 61)
Raids We Do: Not many all guild raids yet, but should be coming soon (we often PuG them all though)! We do all guild Epics from time to time.
Raids per Week: 0
Raid Loot System: Your loot is your loot (often guildies' needs come first)
Leader: Antocapone
Recruiting: Not really
Info: We are mostly a group of friends from another game and many of us have known each other for around 4 years.

12-08-2011, 09:21 PM
Acolytes of Foluke
Average Playtime: EST Evenings US
Size: 5-10 (Small)
Raids We Do: None, But Run Some PUGS Together
Raids Per Week: Four
Raid Loot System: Please Offer Pulls You Dont Need to Fellow Guild Members
Leader: Foluke
Successor/Officer: Bentor
Website: www.acolytesoffoluke.guildportal.com (in process)
Recruiting: Yes, Send in Game Mail to Bentor or Foluke
Info: Looking for Team Players, that want to run quests together. Currently High Level and Some Low Level Characters. Life comes first we all have other responsibilities outside of DDO that should take precedence.

01-13-2012, 08:52 PM
Hireling of Quicktoe
Average Playtime: Anytime
Size: Small
Raids We Do: None
Raids per Week: None
Raid Loot System: N/A
Leader: contact ‘Melwright’ via in game mail or Melicat here on the forums
Website: None

Recruiting: Favour farmers and people on server holidays are invited. New players are welcome but encouraged to find a different real guild as soon as they can. People who are rude or unpleasant to other players are not welcome. Send PM to ‘Melwright’ or send a PM to this Melicat forum account: I will send you a guild invite. Once guilded you will receive plat up to 5k dependant on level (http://ddowiki.com/page/Money) and can ask for more at a later time up to 5k. Will also send 20csw pots. Unbound crafted shards available on request as can be made with crafting skills of 100 in all schools (ie up to about 110) – send essences if you can at a later date but no pressure to do so.

Info: This is an attempt to make starting out on Khyber a little easier but it’s not a real guild. If you intend to stay on Khyber it is encouraged that as soon as you can you find a real guild or even start your own. As one of my accounts is VIP I’m happy to start one and hand it over to make things easier for you if you would like to.

This guild concept is probationary and will be changed if it doesn't work.

02-04-2012, 07:31 PM
We are a non-guild guild. We solo; we PUG; we share the benefits of guild renown.

Average Playtime: Usually somebody on at all hours. Most activity at US peak hours.

Size: 226 members. We don't boot people so some are inactive. ~80 toons have logged on in the last week.

Level: 60

Officers: Dunlop, Anybodys, Desarius, Dratt, Drowna, Hilbo, Krustee, Ozzgood, Raypin, Shlainn, Straiden, Sylvra, Tekiko


Contact any officer in-game to join.

02-08-2012, 08:43 PM
As usual, sorry for any delay...and everyone should be up to date and listed :)

02-08-2012, 10:03 PM
Crimson Eagles
Average Playtime: GMT+10 evenings with a splattering of people online at other hours. Most players are Asia Pacific.
Size: Medium
Raids We Do: All, but Titan very very rarely.
Raids per Week: Some nights 4, other nights 1.
Raid Loot System: Your loot your call. Offer to guildies then pugs if unwanted
Leader: Felgor
Website: Inactive
Recruiting: No, unless we know you well.

We also have a busy channel exclusive to CE and friends.

03-14-2012, 11:10 PM
Playstyle: Casual role play (for enjoyment and recreation)
Size: Small
Leader: Junsui
Website: http://theway.guildportal.com
Recruiting: All (ages 18+) (Please allow 24 hours for in-game guild invitation)
Info: Mature play, no obligations, looking to grow, open enrollment

04-02-2012, 10:10 AM
Average Playtime:afternoon,evening (GTM+1)
Italian guild(and 1 portugues :)) inbound lvl 70
Size:100+ Active Players
Raids We Do: all
Raids per Week: 6-12(specialized leadership in TOD(Donabbondio), LOB/MA(Kalistoo), Srhoud(any officer), DQ(Llino, Ranclar), Patatina & Fede(in all of epic quests))
Raid Loot System: your loot is your choise.
Leader: Fede
Successor: Alixa
Website: http://cavalierideidraghi.forumfree.it/
Recruiting: Accepting all italians with loyalty and willing to learn.
Info: As players, we count a variety of classes (TR and not) able to cover any roles in any raids. As the only Italian guild in khyber we have the duty to be the lighthouse for those italians newbie that approach to DDO, and we try to lead them trhough the game mechanics, helping with advices. we ensure during the playing time always an Officer online, who is the interface for any problem.juste send a message in general chat(or sent tell via "who" panel) and as soon as possible we'll reply with a PM.

04-18-2012, 10:36 PM

08-18-2012, 02:24 PM
Deus Nova

Average Playtime: PST, early afternoon to the wee hours
Size: 20
Raids We Do: not organized for raids atm.
Raids per Week: n/a
Raid Loot System: n/a
Leader: Ezmo
Website: We have no website, FB page, gaming forum or otherwise.
Recruiting: yes

Info: Deus Nova was founded 2 years ago by a group of friends that played many different games together. As most of the original guild has moved on to greener pastures, it was decided to just regrow the guild by those that remained. Deus Nova is a casual, adult guild with dedicated players. There are few rules, if any. With no drama and a free society, we have the ability to quest as we please, either in PUG or guild runs.

If you would like to become a member, just contact any Deus Nova mamber and ask. The ONLY recruiting restriction we currently have is player level. You must be at least lvl 4. We want to grow in level and you can help.
Always remember to have fun :)

02-02-2013, 09:08 AM
Please update thx..

Forgotten Souls:

Average Playtime: 24/7 - Active 3+ Members
Size: 25 Members
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: Varies - about 5
Raid Loot System: None
Leader: Sunstone
Website: None - We may have one later this year
Recruiting: Ask Via Forum/In-game Mail
We Offer:
Plenty of fun people to play with.
Weekend Raids / Epic Quest Runs

Please send a tell to or in game mail too:
Sunstone - Australian Time Zones

10-25-2014, 12:25 PM
Is it possible to change the name of my guild?

01-16-2015, 04:30 PM
Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 24 (active) accounts (currently level 101)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Recruiting: Semi-Closed: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Dirkdiggleri.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015
level 94: 09-30-2015
level 95: 11-18-2015
level 96: 12-20-2015
level 97: 01-09-2016
level 98: 03-06-2016
level 99: 04-15-2016
level 100: 05-26-2016
level 101: 05-30-2016

02-07-2015, 09:41 PM
Cavalier Cavalry's up to 77. Most everything's the same, however.

02-11-2015, 11:50 AM
I'm only an officer but I'd like to see my guild represented here, so hopefully the leader doesn't mind!

Crusaders of Heaven

Average Playtime: Generally EST afternoon/evenings
Size: I'm not sure exact numbers at the moment, but I'd say we're medium/small. Always a few people online* will update for exact numbers when servers re open
Raids We Do: We don't really organize raids
Leader: Josetta
Website: N/A
Recruiting: Always open.
Message or mail Syllya, Pyrerose, Phoeboria, Skippypater, Josetta for an invite. Or look for a guild member in the /who tab, they should direct you to one of us.
We're a casual guild to say the very least. Most of the members go their own way, although the bulk of the officers either solo or only group with guildies. We value being nice to each other over all other things, and I think the result is a largely drama free guild.
Most of us are long time players with extensive knowledge, so we try to be as helpful as we can towards new players.

05-26-2015, 06:34 PM
updated the posting


05-30-2015, 06:28 PM
Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 32 (active) accounts (currently level 90)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Alyonna, Amandavae, Faiyaarashi , Tukerby, Uurlock, Fearmaker, Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

Welcome to guild level 90!

06-27-2015, 03:10 AM
updated - now level 91

Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 33 (active) accounts (currently level 91)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi , Tukerby, Uurlock, Fearmaker, Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

07-17-2015, 01:17 AM
Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 33 (active) accounts (currently level 92)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi , Tukerby, Uurlock, Fearmaker, Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

updated original posting

08-06-2015, 01:31 PM
Cinnamon Synonym Anemone
Average Playtime: EST Evenings
Size: Very small (Level 56)
Raids We Do: Any we can solo/shortman/PUG
Raids per Week: N/A
Raid Loot System: Your loot, your call.
Leader: Reklis
Website: None
Recruiting: Not intentionally
Info: We mostly stick to ourselves, though we do quest with Cult of Ryliegh fairly often. If you run with them regularly, you'll likely run into us.

08-06-2015, 03:27 PM
Update for Cavalier Cavalry

Playtime Pacific time 3pm-10pm,
Size: 6 people, level 84.
Raids we do: Everything but Twilight Forge
Raids Per Week: Shrouds 2-3, Chrono 1 per week. DQ 2 times a week. Deathwyrm all the time. Defilier all the time.
Raid Loot System: Chests are finders-keepers, guildies first call, roll for extras. We've been rolling for Shroud powershards a lot, as we're all full up.
Leader: Glyndwyr Owain, 20 Cleric. Oryara, 20 Monk is successor.
Website: ddo.cavaliercavalry.com (Home to Notes to Strike a Chord)
Recruiting: Nope
Info: We try to run as a six man band, but we do a lot of pugging as well. Ears, vox, and an ability to take direction. Have enough toons with needs that we don't mind helping to farm for some things.

08-16-2015, 11:29 PM
We are "Cavalier Cavalry". No article.

08-24-2015, 06:05 PM
Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 35 (active) accounts (currently level 93)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi , Tukerby, Uurlock, Fearmaker, Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015

updating original post

11-18-2015, 08:20 PM
Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 25 (active) accounts (currently level 95)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Fearmaker, Tukerby, Uurlock, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi, Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Albertrax or Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015
level 94: 09-30-2015
level 95: 11-18-2015

11-30-2015, 10:55 AM
Average Playtime: typically 5-11pm EST
Size: solo + 1 or 2 new faces.
Raids We Do: pug
Raids per Week: depends on lfm
Raid Loot System: none
Leader: alis - active officer : strangrdnger
Website: nope
Recruiting: sure why not
Info: One of the original guilds on the server - as per what i was told. level 78 biggist ship, all the buffs, 4 hour 5% shrine

12-25-2015, 12:20 AM
updating original post. Welcome to 96 !

Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 27 (active) accounts (currently level 96)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Fearmaker, Tukerby, Uurlock, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi, Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Albertrax or Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015
level 94: 09-30-2015
level 95: 11-18-2015
level 96: 12-20-2015

12-25-2015, 01:31 AM
-Evocati Augusti:

Average Playtime: Varies EST Mornings thru Evenings
Size: 3 Members and 3 Dummy Accounts
Raids We Do: Usually join other raids or post public raid and raid trains.
Raids Per Week: Varies as we focus on reincarnation.
Raid Loot System: Its your loot: Pull if you want, use 1dX with link to loot, or pass as you please. No loot auctions, fake rolling, or leaving loot in chest.
Leader: Thalzur
Successor/Officer: Loreick
Website: Fawngate's Completionist Project (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/375340-Fawngate-s-Completionist-Project)
Recruiting: No.
Info: Three old school completionist players who are willing to teach those willing to listen.

01-11-2016, 10:06 PM
updating original post. Welcome to 97 !

Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 27 (active) accounts (currently level 97)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Tukerby, Uurlock, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi, Fearmaker,Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Tukerby or Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015
level 94: 09-30-2015
level 95: 11-18-2015
level 96: 12-20-2015
level 97: 01-09-2016

03-07-2016, 02:29 PM
Welcome to 98!
Keep on having fun storming the castle and the dungeons!

Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 27 (active) accounts (currently level 98)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Tukerby, Uurlock, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi, Fearmaker,Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: Semi-Closed: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Tukerby or Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015
level 94: 09-30-2015
level 95: 11-18-2015
level 96: 12-20-2015
level 97: 01-09-2016
level 98: 03-06-2016

updated original post

04-16-2016, 12:55 PM
Now new and improved! Welcome to guild level 99!

Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 27 (active) accounts (currently level 98)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Leader: Albertrax, Tukerby, Uurlock, Alyonna, Faiyaarashi, Fearmaker,Joammie, and Valgove last three on vacation
Recruiting: Semi-Closed: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Tukerby or Alyonna.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015
level 94: 09-30-2015
level 95: 11-18-2015
level 96: 12-20-2015
level 97: 01-09-2016
level 99: 04-15-2016
level 98: 03-06-2016

06-02-2016, 07:10 PM
welcome to 100, oops 101!

Kobold Konsortium (formerly , Tha Consortium)

Average Playtime: have members on usually 20 hours a day, seven days a week. iTyrant Seas is open 24/7.
Size: average 24 (active) accounts (currently level 101)
Raids We Do: all of them (teach Chronoscope, Tempest Spine, Vault of Night, Reaver's Fate, Shroud, Ascension Chamber, Fall of Truth, Caught in the Web)
Raids per Week: depending upon members desire, self motivated
Raid Loot System: it's just loot, offer to guild first, then then to roll and then we have lots of space in the vault if you don't want it. :P
Recruiting: Semi-Closed: for the right candidates. Send in game mail to Dirkdiggleri.
What is the ‘Kobold Konsortium’

What is ‘the Kobold Konsortium’
con•sor•ti•um (noun): combination of player accounts for common purpose; an association or grouping of player accounts, usually set up for a common purpose that would be beyond the capabilities of a single member of the group.
Simply put, the Kobold Konsortium is a Khyber based guild that is formed for the benefit of its members, loosely knit and without many formalities.

(our simple membership rules)

We are a small, friendly casual guild of mature professionals. Nothing really formal. Family and Alt friendly.Simple guidelines:

Treat others as you wish to be treated - be good ambassadors just by being courteous players.
Kindly read the guild's Message of the Day (MotD). Has useful information and changes several times a week.
If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know via in-game mail or our private facebook group
Facebook group participation is optional - but recommended; however participation required for officer status.
Guild chest - no special rules. Not a trash bin. Both the Guild vault on deck 1 of Kraken iTyrant Seas and cargo hold.
Have a question? Ask. Via guild chat, in game mail, facebook etc. We want to help you have fun!
Most importantly - have fun!
Please tell us if you have any other characters you wish to have invited.
If you decide to leave the guild, kindly inform us via ingame mail or via Facebook or via email that you are and why. We want to improve.
Kindly log in all characters at least monthly.
We have first lifers who are new to the game, end game players, multi-life uber completionist tracked characters and everything in between. Real life comes first.
Multi-guilding is frowned upon and we do not want (generally) members splitting their characters into multiple guilds. We understand this is unenforceable but still make it clear.
Cargo Hold amenities - kindly renew as needed, and add if desired. Everyone's responsibility.

level 90: 05-30-2015
level 91: 06-27-2015
level 92: 07-17-2015
level 93: 08-23-2015
level 94: 09-30-2015
level 95: 11-18-2015
level 96: 12-20-2015
level 97: 01-09-2016
level 98: 03-06-2016
level 99: 04-15-2016
level 100: 05-26-2016
level 101: 05-30-2016