View Full Version : Happy Birthday...

09-08-2007, 11:15 PM

If I thought for a moment that you actually played DDO, I might be inclined to give you an in-game gift! :D

Regardless, have a wonderful birthday.

09-08-2007, 11:24 PM

If I thought for a moment that you actually played DDO, I might be inclined to give you an in-game gift! :D

Regardless, have a wonderful birthday.


You are a cruel man, Davey Crockett, and some day I will find my hand in your pocket to extract that birthday gift.

Disclaimer: Not that way you perves! I'm serious. A paralyzer or something, ya know?

The best presents so far were from Randolph AFB and Australia so far. Faernsprite sent me a Wallabies Fleece Pullover from Australia. However, Randolph AFB Sent me an OTS Class Date! 03 December 2007 Report No Later Than. Huzzah!

And thanks Davey. grynz It's nice to know the luckiest guy in DDO has wished me well. Maybe I can pull a +2 tome for once with your well-wishes!!! :D

PS: Birthday Cake Video! (http://www.msn.americangreetings.com/view.pd?i=407201625&m=6847&rr=y&source=msne999)

09-08-2007, 11:37 PM
Happy Birthday Kistilan!!!

:D :D :D

09-09-2007, 12:40 AM
Happy Birthday
Congrats on the orders for OTS
Not official till the paperwork is in hand


PS: Birthday Cake Video! (http://www.msn.americangreetings.com/view.pd?i=407201625&m=6847&rr=y&source=msne999)

Nice video
Only thing missing was Bugs Bunny directing the orchestra

09-09-2007, 01:51 PM
Happy birthday. May you finally be able to grow a beard of your own.

09-09-2007, 09:20 PM
Is it me or is there an abnormally high number of army/marine/navy/etc. people that play MMO's?

09-09-2007, 09:21 PM
gotta find something to kill the stress.. this just happens to be the major outlet

09-09-2007, 09:26 PM
gotta find something to kill the stress.. this just happens to be the major outlet

Heres something that might help eliminate the stress... Don't be in the military?

09-09-2007, 09:31 PM
easier said than done....

09-09-2007, 09:32 PM
easier said than done....

Well... yea you wouldn't join in the first place?

09-09-2007, 09:35 PM
I'm too injured to fly anymore.. and its been more than 3 years since i was even near it... so dont tell me i wouldn't join when I have...

09-09-2007, 09:39 PM
I'm too injured to fly anymore.. and its been more than 3 years since i was even near it... so dont tell me i wouldn't join when I have...

I was offering that as a suggestion to not get involved in the first place. I understand that it has already taken place though. Just seems like there are better career choices, available to everyone, than guns and violence.

09-09-2007, 09:44 PM
its not really a career... it was more of an option of free money and free education and a better pension over paying 80k out of my own pocket and trying to make it in the corparate world from the groud up self taught... there are more reasons than 1 to join the military (tho even I do not recommend it) there are viable options that some people would be better off for and the main reason of joining the military (when it was ALOT more peaceful) was mainly cause you got paid for doing nothing.... others found solice in thier work and their peers in ranks as well as a solid "pseudo"-family envionment... and believe it or not... a majority of the military/ex-military never enjoy having to fire thier gun/rifle/missles

09-09-2007, 09:51 PM
its not really a career... it was more of an option of free money and free education and a better pension over paying 80k out of my own pocket and trying to make it in the corparate world from the groud up self taught... there are more reasons than 1 to join the military (tho even I do not recommend it) there are viable options that some people would be better off for and the main reason of joining the military (when it was ALOT more peaceful) was mainly cause you got paid for doing nothing.... others found solice in thier work and their peers in ranks as well as a solid "pseudo"-family envionment... and believe it or not... a majority of the military/ex-military never enjoy having to fire thier gun/rifle/missles

I understand the other benefits of joining the military... but I just can't get it into my mind why people would want to do something they don't enjoy and would end up killing people.

09-09-2007, 09:53 PM
Its not allways you will end up in that siutation (but more so now you have a chance of finding yourself in that situation) and many people never even think of having to confront someone with a rifle/gun and with technology increasing the way it is... most people soon will just press a button and kill half a city block and never have to think twice due to the de-sensitizing of training and mindless violence

09-09-2007, 09:58 PM
Its not allways you will end up in that siutation (but more so now you have a chance of finding yourself in that situation) and many people never even think of having to confront someone with a rifle/gun and with technology increasing the way it is... most people soon will just press a button and kill half a city block and never have to think twice due to the de-sensitizing of training and mindless violence

Yea thats pretty much my main problem with it lol. The fact that what you say is a reality is extroidinarly terrible.

09-09-2007, 10:04 PM
Who needs the military? I just own lots of guns.

09-09-2007, 10:06 PM
Who needs the military? I just own lots of guns.

Why does Chuck Norris need weaponry?

Shouldn't his... Chuckieness be sufficent?

09-10-2007, 02:54 AM
I understand the other benefits of joining the military... but I just can't get it into my mind why people would want to do something they don't enjoy and would end up killing people.
Because the options are not always there for everyone, or not that visable to them at the time, to get out of a pretty crappy situation they might not have had any control over until that point.

Really if someone is a pacifist I can respect that. However until one has walked a mile in anothers shoes they really cannot have any idea of the multitude of reasons people join. And a few people I met in Boot were givin the choice by a judge between prison & The Marines, so that is always another reason.

09-10-2007, 04:38 AM
people join the military for a lot of reasons, While sure, Some are just huge losers in highschool and think joining the military will make them cooler, see kistilan, others do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives, and some do it just because they are stupid and think they will defend america by killing some poor ****er in iraq. A lot of people in the military join because they feel it is their duty to their country, or that it is the honorable thing to fight for America's freedom and defend their way of life. Or because their fathers and fathers fathers were military so it is just a way of life. So it's really not fair to hate on people in the military, people join for all reasons, some noble some not.

09-10-2007, 05:24 AM
And some people do it because they actually believe there are things in this world worth fighting for. Like the freedom to sit on your ass in front of a computer and pass judgement on the people who defend your liberties.

You know, my dad was a police swat officer for 20+ years. He carried a gun on the job every time he went in. You can **** sure bet that the people who were calling 911 didn't mind a bit that he had it when he showed up to help them.

It's real easy to say you believe guns and violence have no place in civilized society, until there's a tragedy that could have been averted by either, it hits a little too close to home, and you realize that a civilized society is about as much of a reality as this game we all play.

09-10-2007, 05:33 AM
people join the military for a lot of reasons, While sure, Some are just huge losers in highschool and think joining the military will make them cooler, see kistilan, others do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives, and some do it just because they are stupid and think they will defend america by killing some poor ****er in iraq. A lot of people in the military join because they feel it is their duty to their country, or that it is the honorable thing to fight for America's freedom and defend their way of life. Or because their fathers and fathers fathers were military so it is just a way of life. So it's really not fair to hate on people in the military, people join for all reasons, some noble some not.

I joined 2 years after graduating College.

I joined for several reasons. I became medically qualified to pursue my dream (NASA & Space Flight) after a 10-year misdiagnosis that kept me barred from all military activities. It was my mom trying to keep me out of the services. She hates that I'm in it.

I joined because my first girlfriend died serving in the United States Air Force the year before I enlisted.

I joined because I believe I can make a difference here in the Air Force.
I joined to improve myself. I joined to strive through hardship and overcome obstacles I never imagined could be placed before me.

I joined for many reasons, and none of them made me cool.

Oh and my birthday was great guys. Thanks for the well-wishes. Birthday Out.

09-10-2007, 06:14 AM
people join the military for a lot of reasons, Some are just huge losers in highschool and think joining the military will make them cooler, see kistilan, others do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives, and some do it just because they are stupid and think they will defend america by killing some poor ****er in iraq. So it's really not fair to hate on people in the military

Just when I thought I couldnt hate you more.

09-10-2007, 06:17 AM
Hey Mad, your comment was truly uncalled for. You should be ashamed.

09-10-2007, 09:02 AM
people join the military for a lot of reasons, Some are just huge losers in highschool and think joining the military will make them cooler, see kistilan, others do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives, and some do it just because they are stupid and think they will defend america by killing some poor ****er in iraq. So it's really not fair to hate on people in the military

You forgot to add that some do it because they are proud of their country and would much rather serve with honor than be some #%@#$@ that criticizes everything on a gaming forum.

I may not be originally from the US but my dad served in Vietnam and my brother is a medic with the Army. They remind me every day how lucky I am to enjoy freedom.

emiliano you're ******** man

09-10-2007, 09:08 AM
All in all I think we should drill for oil in Alaska. The more holes in the ground the better.

09-10-2007, 09:11 AM
You forgot to add that some do it because they are proud of their country and would much rather serve with honor


I may not have joined the Armed Forces at any time, but I certainly gave it some thought. Why would I have done it? Because I am proud of living where I live, and because I am thankful for all the opportunities that this country offers. Whether you agree with the politics of the War is a moot argument. Insulting our uniformed men and women and passing them off as stupid, poor, or full of bloodlust is outrageous.

I understand what you're doing Mad and I respect your right to do what you want to have fun, but I would request you refrain from insulting the individuals that protect YOUR freedoms and rights to even do what you're doing here on these forums. If it wasn't for men and women like them, this wouldn't be an option.

09-10-2007, 09:15 AM
deleted cuz I just reread the CoC.

09-10-2007, 09:24 AM
I agree, actually, but for a different reason.

A large portion of our foreign policy and foreign problems is originated in our need for oil. More self-sufficiency would allow for less dependency on politically unstable areas for our resources.

I agree with this also. Although I think we should better explore the use of alternative fuels, the reality is we are a fossil fuel society atm. I would like to drill through Mad's livingroom anyway.

...and Mad, I served in the Armed Forces, after college and prior to working on my Masters. My father served in the military for 22 years and is currently dying from exposure to checmicals from 4 years in Vietnam. I would love to arrange for you to meet him in person too. You can let him know how you feel about our soldiers. You know, Alaska is a long way from the real US...move to Canada.

09-10-2007, 09:53 AM
Madmardigan and Tovok your two idoits are whats wrong with this country. Its ignorant people like you who want your right to say anything you want and sit and play voilent game (which btw involve going and killing). With out fine american soldiers we'd be speaking german right now. Well those of us that arent jewish, asain, black, middle eastern, russian, ect.

Yes that was a past war and this is is "dumb" right?

Let me explain something about the current war that they wont tell you on tv.

I work now in an engineering firm (former Army). One of my co workers is Curd. He is from the northern mountian region of Irqa. He has been home in about 10 yrs. He his wife and kids were forced to leave with only and hour to pack because he had been working for an american contractor over there. In Irqa Curds are basicly lower than the low. When this war broke out he told me he was happy because now that the Americans have overthrown Saddam he could now go see his mother who he hadn't seen in 10 yrs.

Me, I was a soldier like my grandfather, his father, his fathers father, and so one because I belive in the princibles of this country. Not because I want to kill, but because if it come to me killing to protect it then so be it. Even if it means that ignorant cowards try to look down on me.

Edit: I forgot happy birthday Kistilan.

09-10-2007, 10:40 AM
Wow...I just was coming to see what well-wishes Kistilan was getting for his birthday. Instead, I see this. I just lost complete respect for several of you.

I'm not even going to bother defending people who serve in the military, or the military itself. I don't really need to; they stand on their own merits. Nor will I attack those who claim we don't need it. (I imagine it's hard to see it's value since you haven't had the "luxury" of living in a country without one.) I won't resort to insulting those who have a different opinion of the military as I do -- though you'd do well to remind yourself that the reason you have the ability to sit in front of your computer on your high horse is because there are men and women out there protecting you.

All I will say is that I am disgusted by those of you who claim that the military is only an option for mindless idiots or people with no career goals. You clearly don't know the caliber of people I know that serve in the military.

All joking banter with you aside, Madmardigan, your attack on Kistilan was extremely low, even for you.

09-10-2007, 10:42 AM
people join the military for a lot of reasons, Some are just huge losers in highschool and think joining the military will make them cooler, see kistilan, others do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives, and some do it just because they are stupid and think they will defend america by killing some poor ****er in iraq. So it's really not fair to hate on people in the military

You really are an ******.

09-10-2007, 10:45 AM
You really are an ******.

Wow, 2 times I agree with Chuck in one week...go figure.
Chuck, although I dont find the Norris humor funny, you should roundhouse kick Alaska into Russia.

09-10-2007, 10:45 AM
BTW this thread is turning pro/anti military trash heap. Some subjects don't need opinions on the DDO boards.

And yes, I'm saying this.

09-10-2007, 10:56 AM
BTW this thread is turning pro/anti military trash heap. Some subjects don't need opinions on the DDO boards.

And yes, I'm saying this.


As per CoC, discussions of religion and politics are prohibited on the DDO forums.

09-10-2007, 11:36 AM
Agreed, this is one of those topics that turns real ugly really quick lets just agree to drop this one m'kay?

09-10-2007, 11:50 AM

As per CoC, discussions of religion and politics are prohibited on the DDO forums.

Maybe you should personally tell this to your cancer, you know chemotherapy might save your face in the Argonnessen forums.

09-10-2007, 12:04 PM
Maybe you should personally tell this to your cancer, you know chemotherapy might save your face in the Argonnessen forums.

One person (despite what is others bios) does not speak for the entire guild.

While I completely take offense to something a in-game friend said, I wont keep quite and let others try to make this a "guild" wide fait accompli.

I think it's time for everyone to put their torches down and step away from the bon-fires.


09-10-2007, 12:08 PM
You really are an ******.

The stars are aligned if only for a brief moment. Chuck you took the words out of my mouth.

No gesture of thanks is enough for the ones who gave and are willing to put their lives on the line to keep the Stripes red with their own blood.

09-10-2007, 12:09 PM
One person (despite what is others bios) does not speak for the entire guild.

While I completely take offense to something a in-game friend said, I wont keep quite and let others try to make this a "guild" wide fait accompli.

I think it's time for everyone to put their torches down and step away from the bon-fires.


Perhaps you should get on your stepstool so we all can hear.

09-10-2007, 12:10 PM
Maybe you should personally tell this to your cancer, you know chemotherapy might save your face in the Argonnessen forums.

I'm pretty sure I just did. Your commentary is unnecessary.

09-10-2007, 12:11 PM
Perhaps you should get on your stepstool so we all can hear.


He needs a skyscraper.

09-10-2007, 12:15 PM

He needs a skyscraper.
Why did I just get a mental picture of a halfling running around with a stepstool sticking out of his pack?

09-10-2007, 12:17 PM
I'm pretty sure I just did. Your commentary is unnecessary.

Going on the forums is not personal its public IMO.

09-10-2007, 12:21 PM
Going on the forums is not personal its public IMO.

Valid point. I'm at work, and only ever talk to Mad in-game. I haven't been on Argo recently, powerleveling my Ghallanda character. This is actually the most direct route. I know he's reading this, or will at some point.

09-10-2007, 12:23 PM
Valid point. I'm at work, and only ever talk to Mad in-game. I haven't been on Argo recently, powerleveling my Ghallanda character. This is actually the most direct route. I know he's reading this, or will at some point.

Roger that Asp. I'm done with this useless thread.

09-10-2007, 12:30 PM
Roger that Asp. I'm done with this useless thread.



I got your back on the Khyber forums man ;) /flex

oh yeah, and in closing I'd like to say TF has numerous military members, of whom we are very proud. Thank you all.

09-10-2007, 01:13 PM
lol you guys gotta chill the **** out, I just said some people join the military for those reasons, not all, not even most, just some, learn some reading comprehension people. my entire post says, some people join the military for those reasons, but people join for a lot for reasons so it's not fair to hate on everyone in the military. You guys need to get yer American flag panties unwound and chill the **** out. If anything I was defending people who arint mindless idiots in the military by saying that some join for those reasons, but people join for a lot of other reasons too.

09-10-2007, 01:34 PM
lol you guys gotta chill the **** out, I just said some people join the military for those reasons, not all, not even most, just some, learn some reading comprehension people. my entire post says, some people join the military for those reasons, but people join for a lot for reasons so it's not fair to hate on everyone in the military. You guys need to get yer American flag panties unwound and chill the **** out. If anything I was defending people who arint mindless idiots in the military by saying that some join for those reasons, but people join for a lot of other reasons too.

Man, you gotta learn some discretion, and some writing skills. Your post pretty much stated you feel all people in the military are idiots or bloodthirsty, whether you feel you said that or not is irrelevant. Although, this was a nice attempt to cover up what you said.

09-10-2007, 01:37 PM
please, i know what has been said here, i know whats going on, but please can we take this to pm's or drop it in respect of the original meaning of this thread and get off the soap boxes and call it done b4 i see this thread locked and deleted... Sorry Kist for ninja'ing your thread... Happy B-Day btw (even though i said it yesterday)

09-10-2007, 01:38 PM
Sorry Steam I just had to say that. I'm done.

09-10-2007, 01:40 PM
Its cool.. its just yeah... this thread got out of hand (and even i admit that i got in on it too) but it needs to stop b4 we all look like old, bickering married couples, or worse.. grab a few dozen bans from this thread alone

09-10-2007, 01:45 PM
Sorry Kist for ninja'ing your thread... Happy B-Day btw (even though i said it yesterday)

This isn't even my thread!!!! You all owe Davey 5 silver per post unrelated to kissing my brand-spanking new 28 yr old hiney.

And again, thank-you everyone for the wishes (and the patriotism). :-) I'd like to see more "congratulatory" threads like this one (before the hijacking part).

09-10-2007, 02:10 PM
Man, you gotta learn some discretion, and some writing skills. Your post pretty much stated you feel all people in the military are idiots or bloodthirsty, whether you feel you said that or not is irrelevant. Although, this was a nice attempt to cover up what you said.

no, you read what you thought i said, maybe it isn't as clear as I should have made it, but in no way did my post say any blanket statements about the military or the people in it.

If I believed all people in the military were idiots, I probably wouldn't have just signed a contract with the D.O.D. to work in Kyrgyzstan then Afghanistan for 16 months. So hate all you want, but what you read and what I said are two different things.

09-10-2007, 02:13 PM
Better just let this one die bro.

09-10-2007, 02:16 PM
no, you read what you thought i said, maybe it isn't as clear as I should have made it, but in no way did my post say any blanket statements about the military or the people in it.

If I believed all people in the military were idiots, I probably wouldn't have just signed a contract with the D.O.D. to work in Kyrgyzstan then Afghanistan for 16 months. So hate all you want, but what you read and what I said are two different things.

I'm not trying to slight you here, but is that a civillian contract? That's not the same in my eyes. Most civs sign these contracts because the risks are compensated with incredible amounts of cash. I mean, good on ya if you made money, but if this is the case it doesn't make you military -- you'd be a civillian working for the government. Postal workers have the same luxury, but do their job in a less-risky environment than contractors overseas in war zones.

And the blanket statement read the way it did. No amount of chilling-out and rereading it would ever have quelled the flames that it started. Please feel free to edit it. I won't say you're running away from a fight if you do. I'd rather not have another person from a different server take offense to what you've posted and start up this whole thread's "patriot" cycle again.

09-10-2007, 02:20 PM
Better just let this one die bro.

Can't believe I'm doing this... QFT

Count your losses and just drop it Mad.

09-10-2007, 02:21 PM
It's a civ. contract, but I don't think controlling planes and helio's in a hostile environment can been seen as not helping the military. While sure I'm not enlisted, and i'll be making a **** ton more money than an Air force controller, My job will be just as risky and the pilots I'm controlling lives will be in my hands just the same.

And i did edit it, to represent the point I was getting across more clearly, still the exact same point however.

09-10-2007, 02:25 PM
Can't believe I'm doing this... QFT

Count your losses and just drop it Mad.

y'all are crazy if you think I'm just going to let something i said be taken out of context and completely the wrong way like that.

09-10-2007, 02:26 PM
Good on ya buddy.

I mean, if you really are doing this, awesome. With that kind of perspective, I just don't know how you made that initial statement. It would have taken all kinds of wonderful drugs for me to type out anything like that.

09-10-2007, 02:27 PM
Now that you said what you actually do, you're not scoring any more points for your side of the argument.

Retire good sir, and allow Kist a happy bday.

09-10-2007, 02:30 PM
Retire good sir, and allow Kist a happy bday.

Birthday officially closed out 1 day ago. We're rolling into the other part of September known as 9-11. I guess ironically this patriotism thread can make nice now in a unified care bear stare. You don't need WMDs when you've got care bears. :p

09-10-2007, 02:31 PM
Good on ya buddy.

I mean, if you really are doing this, awesome. With that kind of perspective, I just don't know how you made that initial statement. It would have taken all kinds of wonderful drugs for me to type out anything like that.

why, if you can point out how in anyway the statement is untrue, I'm not sure me saying that it's not fair to judge all people in the military based on lumping them into one group is at all untrue, or in any way anti-military.

09-10-2007, 02:36 PM
Just freaking drop it, or go change that offensive post. It ****es me off every time I see it or see it quoted. It's tone alone makes it a slam against anyone who has or who might choose to serve in the military - whether you intended it to or not.

09-10-2007, 02:37 PM
people join the military for a lot of reasons, While sure, Some are just huge losers in highschool and think joining the military will make them cooler, see kistilan, others do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives, and some do it just because they are stupid and think they will defend america by killing some poor ****er in iraq. A lot of people in the military join because they feel it is their duty to their country, or that it is the honorable thing to fight for America's freedom and defend their way of life. Or because their fathers and fathers fathers were military so it is just a way of life. So it's really not fair to hate on people in the military, people join for all reasons, some noble some not.

I'm not buying this. I call your bluff this is BS.

09-10-2007, 02:38 PM
Pm Powers Activate!!!!!

Hate Each Other On A Personal Level!

09-10-2007, 02:39 PM
Just freaking drop it, or go change that offensive post. It ****es me off every time I see it or see it quoted. It's tone alone makes it a slam against anyone who has or who might choose to serve in the military - whether you intended it to or not.

i did

09-10-2007, 02:43 PM
I'm not buying this. I call your bluff this is BS.

just because it's more fun to allow yerself to be ****ed off because i insulted your value system, does not mean that when i revise my statement to make it more clear, and it no longer should offend you, does not make it BS.

look man, I apologize for offending anyone in the military or with contact to the military. The statement I wrote definitaly could have been written more clearly, and wasn't thought out very well.

09-10-2007, 02:51 PM
just because it's more fun to allow yerself to be ****ed off because i insulted your value system, does not mean that when i revise my statement to make it more clear, and it no longer should offend you, does not make it BS.

look man, I apologize for offending anyone in the military or with contact to the military. The statement I wrote definitaly could have been written more clearly, and wasn't thought out very well.

I think we should rest the issue at that.

I don't know if I like you or not Mad, but I don't agree with the public moral lashings this forum tends to deal out.

09-10-2007, 02:52 PM
I think we should rest the issue at that.

I don't know if I like you or not Mad, but I don't agree with the public moral lashings this forum tends to deal out.

Chuck im sorry you werent here to see Dreamtheater get publicly destroyed.

09-10-2007, 02:56 PM
Chuck im sorry you werent here to see Dreamtheater get publicly destroyed.

True, but having been the forum pariah for most of the server history, I don't advocate tar and feathering:D

09-10-2007, 02:56 PM
just because it's more fun to allow yerself to be ****ed off because i insulted your value system, does not mean that when i revise my statement to make it more clear, and it no longer should offend you, does not make it BS.

look man, I apologize for offending anyone in the military or with contact to the military. The statement I wrote definitaly could have been written more clearly, and wasn't thought out very well.

thats like mel gibson apologizing to jews or micheal richards to blacks.

just dont talk anymore.

09-10-2007, 02:59 PM
thats like mel gibson apologizing to jews or micheal richards to blacks.

just dont talk anymore.

except, not... at all.

09-10-2007, 03:05 PM
True, but having been the forum pariah for most of the server history, I don't advocate tar and feathering:D

Unless of course, I'm the one being tarred :rolleyes: :D

09-10-2007, 03:24 PM
Unless of course, I'm the one being tarred :rolleyes: :D

lol exactly

09-10-2007, 03:48 PM
Madmardigan and Tovok Tavokyour you two idoits are whats wrong with this country. Its ignorant people like you who want your right to say anything you want and sit and play voilent game (which btw involve going and killing). With out without fine american soldiers we'd be speaking german right now. Well those of us that arent jewish, asain, black, middle eastern, russian, ect.

Yes that was a past war and this is is "dumb" right?

Let me explain something about the current war that they wont tell you on tv.

I work now in an engineering firm (former Army). One of my co workers is CurdKurd. He is from the northern mountian region of IrqaIraq. He has been home in about 10 yrs. He his wife and kids were forced to leave with only and hour to pack because he had been working for an american contractor over there. In Irqa Curds are basicly lower than the low. When this war broke out he told me he was happy because now that the Americans have overthrown Saddam he could now go see his mother who he hadn't seen in 10 yrs.

Me, I was a soldier like my grandfather, his father, his fathers father, and so one because I belive in the princibles principles of this country. Not because I want to kill, but because if it come to me killing to protect it then so be it. Even if it means that ignorant cowards try to look down on me.

Edit: I forgot happy birthday Kistilan.

How are we ignorant? You say "we want our rights to say whatever we want". Yes that is true and is one of the basic amendments of this country, granted to every citizen. Save NO ONE. I, in fact, don't play this violent video game, I merely browse the forums. I do however, play Halo, which is violent, but the fact is, its pixels on a screen. Trust me, ending the life of Boss Jitik is MUCH different than killing or harming a fellow human being. I'm not sure what your point is about the fact that we would all be speaking German right now if it wasn't for WWII, I'm not here to argue the events of WWII or the outcome of what could have happen if WWII hadn't had American Soldiers in it. You can't predict anything about history if it never happen, so don't say we would all be speaking German because theres no way of ever knowing what COULD have happen if we didn't join.

You are the type of person that makes this world a bad place. I am not willing to kill other human beings to "protect".

BTW, just found this. Completely contridictory, word for word you said "you who want your right to say anything you want" then later in the paragraph you said "I believe in the principles of this country". SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE! Please save yourself and open your mind!

09-10-2007, 03:54 PM
Just freaking drop it, or go change that offensive post. It ****es me off every time I see it or see it quoted. It's tone alone makes it a slam against anyone who has or who might choose to serve in the military - whether you intended it to or not.

I get how you take offense to people and their statements slamming the military. But no one in this thread has taken notice to TommyBoy's post slamming anti-military people, isn't there something to be said about that? (just as much grammar ignorance in TommyBoy's post as Mad's post so have fun :D)

09-10-2007, 03:54 PM
I was gonna point out he spelled kurd, curd. But then i thought maybe his buddy is a cheese making byproduct.

and just for the record, i'm not anti-military.

09-10-2007, 03:57 PM
Just because someone refuses to fight does not make them a coward. You need to read up/watch on your Gandhi. He was truely incredible. And approach it with an open mind, not your "gunslingin'-yeehaw-shoot-em-up" mode of thinking.

09-10-2007, 03:58 PM
I was gonna point out he spelled kurd, curd. But then i thought maybe his buddy is a cheese making byproduct.


09-10-2007, 04:03 PM
These forums are absolutely no place for all of this. This thread in particular was to wish a DDO player (who happens to be in the military) a Happy Birthday. What you children have done to it with your personal opinions is just absolutely unnecessary.

There are thousands of forums available for you to declare your opinions and debate them with others (political/religious/military/personal beliefs/etc). A forum for a video game is not the place at all, and in fact, is against the CoC established for these forums.

So, I am asking nicely. S T F U

09-10-2007, 04:11 PM
Just because someone refuses to fight does not make them a coward. You need to read up/watch on your Gandhi. He was truely incredible. And approach it with an open mind, not your "gunslingin'-yeehaw-shoot-em-up" mode of thinking.

Yeah, I agree. He defeated the British empire with a million 7-11 workers.

-- from the movie "Whopee Boys"

09-10-2007, 04:16 PM
You are the type of person that makes this world a bad place. I am not willing to kill other human beings to "protect".

BTW, just found this. Completely contridictory, word for word you said "you who want your right to say anything you want" then later in the paragraph you said "I believe in the principles of this country". SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE! Please save yourself and open your mind!

First thank you for correcting my spelling and typos.

Second I'll give you 1% chance that my assumption on Germany is wrong. Only because you do never know.

Now my reply:
I'm all for non-violence. I have an "open mind". Mine just happens to be open enough to under stand that sometimes there is a need for violence. And by all means be anti-military, that’s your right. But just remember who died for you to have that right. A little resects for them isn't uncalled for.

Also try opening your mind a bit, because not everyone in the military are "gunslingin'-yeehaw-shoot-em-up" people. We are just willing to do what is needed.

edit for spelling

09-10-2007, 04:18 PM
Shut up

09-10-2007, 04:26 PM
Shut up

ROFLMFAO....I love you Davey

09-10-2007, 04:32 PM
Just because someone refuses to fight does not make them a coward. You need to read up/watch on your Gandhi. He was truely incredible. And approach it with an open mind, not your "gunslingin'-yeehaw-shoot-em-up" mode of thinking.

Yep. Tavok's convinced me. I guess my Dad is a horrible person for being a swat officer. They have to carry guns. That's soooooo horrible.

I guess next time a knife, bomb, or gun wielding psychopath creates a hostage situation and negotiations fail, or the next officer gets gunned down, we should all just accept that it was a necessary evil, because nothing justifies carrying a weapon, or " killing someone to protect ".

/sarcasm off

Here's the deal kid. You have a lot of growing up to do. Just because someone believes there are certain situations that require the use of violence ( even killing someone ) for resolution, does not mean they have a "gunslingin-yeehaw-shoot-em-up " mode of thinking.

I used to respect you Tavok. I no longer do.

I sincerely hope you have the luxury of holding on to your principals for the rest of your life. If that proves not to be the case, I won't laugh at you. I won't even say " I told you so ". I would never ridicule another human being in the face of tragedy. But I do sincerely hope you remember these conversations.

09-10-2007, 05:01 PM
Shut up

This thread definitely is getting a nice tall glass of s t f u. :p

For those thinking about WW2, WMDS, Gahndi, 911, Martin Luther King, their dad or uncle or mom or sis in the services, or those who died in school shootings and other horrific acts of violence, please don't dilute the integrity, pride and honor of these people (post-humous and living) with contrite point-making arguments. They're all great people and great things to take pride in. No one can take your pride away -- least of all on an internet forum.

Would anyone who quoted Mad's page 1 please change it to his current post or delete whatever you quoted if it's no longer applicable? He has articulated himself in a much more clear manner and now you can see the true intent on his post (to make fun of me and say people join for ANY reason). :rolleyes: We don't need someone stumbling on a quote he didn't mean and recycling this thread into a "hail mary" play.

Here's what he said.

people join the military for a lot of reasons, While sure, Some are just huge losers in highschool and think joining the military will make them cooler, see kistilan, others do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives, and some do it just because they are stupid and think they will defend america by killing some poor ****er in iraq. A lot of people in the military join because they feel it is their duty to their country, or that it is the honorable thing to fight for America's freedom and defend their way of life. Or because their fathers and fathers fathers were military so it is just a way of life. So it's really not fair to hate on people in the military, people join for all reasons, some noble some not.

09-10-2007, 05:17 PM

09-10-2007, 08:41 PM

dude i so want the exploding briefcase