View Full Version : Barb feat choices...

09-05-2007, 08:51 AM
Rolled up my Barb, loads of fun. I am just wondering what feat choices most barbs take. I know THF line is nice for the AOE dmg. I have heard that the Cleave line is nice, maybe even some take Whirlwind line? I am leaning towards the THF line, but the cleave line is very appealing also. My feats as they are now are such:

Level 1: Toughness
level 3: Two Handed Fighting
Level 6: Improved Two Handed Fighting
Level 9: Improved Crit Slashing
Level 12: undecided, perhaps: Power Attack, Toughness, Greater Two Handed Fighting, Improved Crit, Bludgeoning, Stunning Blow.
Level 15: One of those which I haven't already taken at level 12. Leaning towards Power Attack at level 12, and GTHF at level 15.

Anywho, I just wanted to know your guys opinions on the feats, if I made any mistakes, and the pros and cons of these feat choices. Thanks ahead, /cheers

09-05-2007, 09:10 AM
I don't think you need toughness really. Barbs get plenty of hit points without it.

Power Attack
IC Slashing

Those are the cookie cutter Barb feats for a two handed build. At 15 I would take stunning blow as the next best feat. Or if you go human take stunning blow as your extra human feat.

09-05-2007, 05:05 PM
Toughness isen't really needed when you have close to 400 hp anyway, power attack is one of the most important barb feats. If you have to take toughness a build will still work but don't waste 2 feats on it.

09-05-2007, 05:10 PM
...maybe even some take Whirlwind line?

I dunno about Whirlwind. A barb would need to pick up Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, and Combat Expertise with 4 of his feats as well as need the 13 DEX for Dodge and the 13 INT for CE. While not impossible, seems fairly unlikely; I'm sure there is a barb somewhere in DDO with Whirlwind.

09-05-2007, 05:10 PM
if u are doing 2 handed fighting i woud suggest cleave and great cleave. i can go into a mobe and use both and paralyze or out right kill the ile mob that way it is very nice.

09-05-2007, 05:17 PM
Don't need toughness. My barb gets 440+ without it once you get buffs, GFL, etc. EinerMal's progression is fine, but I generally would recommend THF before PA and take PA at level 3.

If you go Human, toughness can definitely be a decent pick. I think there are others that are just as good (stunning blow, power critical, cleave, etc.) if not better.

09-05-2007, 05:50 PM
EinerNal's progression is fine, but I generally would recommend THF before PA and take PA at level 3.

I agree but not because its a more important feat, you just can't afford -5 hit at lvl 1.

if u are doing 2 handed fighting i woud suggest cleave and great cleave. i can go into a mobe and use both and paralyze or out right kill the ile mob that way it is very nice.

It would be nice if you had enough feats to take thf feats with power attack and cleave/greatcleave.

09-05-2007, 05:59 PM
I agree but not because its a more important feat, you just can't afford -5 hit at lvl 1.

It would be nice if you had enough feats to take thf feats with power attack and cleave/greatcleave.

I'm fairly Certain Power attack Scales ow.. Its not -5/+5 at Level 1 for sure... Forgot whatt he progression is offhand though.

09-05-2007, 06:27 PM
I'm fairly Certain Power attack Scales ow.. Its not -5/+5 at Level 1 for sure... Forgot whatt he progression is offhand though.Yes, PA scales with BAB. If you have less than 5 BAB, you get your -BAB to-hit and +BAB to damage.

Offhand for PA is the same as mainhand. I'm respeccing my Ranger's Extend to PA in Mod5.

09-06-2007, 09:11 AM
Rolled up my Barb, loads of fun. I am just wondering what feat choices most barbs take. I know THF line is nice for the AOE dmg. I have heard that the Cleave line is nice, maybe even some take Whirlwind line? I am leaning towards the THF line, but the cleave line is very appealing also. My feats as they are now are such:

Level 1: Toughness
level 3: Two Handed Fighting
Level 6: Improved Two Handed Fighting
Level 9: Improved Crit Slashing
Level 12: undecided, perhaps: Power Attack, Toughness, Greater Two Handed Fighting, Improved Crit, Bludgeoning, Stunning Blow.
Level 15: One of those which I haven't already taken at level 12. Leaning towards Power Attack at level 12, and GTHF at level 15.

Anywho, I just wanted to know your guys opinions on the feats, if I made any mistakes, and the pros and cons of these feat choices. Thanks ahead, /cheers

I would take Power Attack fairly early. You just have to rember to turn it on if you're hitting regularly and turn it off is you're not hitting as often as you'd like. For the most part, you'll leave it on constantly, and the extra damage is nice since it is doubled for 2-handed weapons.

THF / ITHF / GTHF - Is pretty standard barbarian. Good to take if you're new to the class.

If you take the THF chain, I wouldn't bother with the Cleave/GreatCleave chain. They do similar things - THF being a small amount of damage all the time, Cleave being a great amount of damage, but only when available and clicked.

The Mobility/Whirlwhind chain is for the most part too long for barbarians. You may see some builds with it - it used to be popular. But tumbling is almost never used for AC and barbarians rarely have problems hitting things, making the Mobility and Spring Attack feat pretty much wasted slots.

Toughness is an ok feat for a barbian - BUT, only if you're not going the THF feat chain (they will take up most your available feat slots) AND you're also willing to take the race/class toughness enhancements. The feat by itself isn't worth it - only when the enhancements are added is it possibly a decent choice.

I would probably go like this:
1) Power Attack
3) Two Handed Fighting
6) Improved Two-Handed Fighting
9) Improved Critical:Slashing
12) Greater Two-Handed Fighting
15) Stunning Blow?


09-06-2007, 09:16 AM
Don't need toughness. My barb gets 440+ without it once you get buffs, GFL, etc. EinerMal's progression is fine, but I generally would recommend THF before PA and take PA at level 3.

If you go Human, toughness can definitely be a decent pick. I think there are others that are just as good (stunning blow, power critical, cleave, etc.) if not better.

I was actually just listing them in no particular order!

09-06-2007, 09:35 AM
OK! :D ... lol... I just always find PA tough early until you hit lvl 3 or so. That was my point, not criticizing anyone.

09-06-2007, 12:31 PM
Two handed fighting:
Stunning blow (human bonus)
Power Attack
Impr THF
Improved Crit Slash
Greater THF

I originally had Cleave instead of Stunning Blow, but much prefer the orange boss killing power of Stunning Blow.

Two weapon fighting (stat dmg build - w/p rapiers):
Stunning Blow
Impr TWF
Impr Crit Pierce
Greater TWF

Elf is the best build here for the rapier bonuses and enchantment resistance. Also, don't be tricked into building a dex based barbarian. You'll get better to-hit bonuses with your raged strength plus the extra dmg when needed. Start with 18 str, 16 dex and 14 con then drop a Dex tome to open up the TWF feats.

Two weapon fighting (DPS):
Stunning Blow (human bonus)
Power Attack
Impr TWF
Impr Crit Pierce
Greater TWF

Again, stunning blow is awesome, especially when wielding bursting heavy picks for 4x dmg.
