View Full Version : Ta, Thelanis!

09-03-2007, 10:34 AM
Well hello there, mates.

First off, very nice adjustment to your Guildlistings there, tihocan. You're the first server I've found to merge their guildlistings and update everything too in a decent format. I'm not going to make any suggestions, as you know what you're doing. You're free to LOOK at the Argonnessen way of doing things (the guildlistings, that is), but from what I've read and from your audience here (these three servers merged into one, hey there Scarsgard! ^_^), I've no doubt this is a formidable format for Thelanis. Very nice.

An Introduction: I'm Kistilan from Argonnessen and currently the Guildlistings Manager over there for about 28 more days! Aargos will be taking over that position and I'll be conducting a very large project in the Player to Player: Guild Matchup Forum, hence this post.

Please check out the latest post (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1328415&postcount=476) and add any comments or suggestions you or your fellow guilds may have in this process I'm creating to streamline all datas.

Also, tihocan, if you care to personally assist with this project, I'd be glad to take you on to help me. There will be times during my Air Force training where I will be MIA for weeks (if not months) in the coming years, and I'm sure you can help me out there too. I'm just throwing this offer out there because you attempted to help with the Guild Matchup earlier.

09-04-2007, 10:43 AM
Thanks for stopping by :) I'll check out your project (just not right now, I gotta run!)

09-06-2007, 05:50 AM
Hey Tihocan-

We're good to go. I've got nearly every server on-board for this project minus Sarlona. Get in touch asap when you've got the time.


09-06-2007, 12:26 PM
Hey Kashka!

Well, Sarlona could use an updated guildlistings. I checked them out and their current stickies are out-of-date and I believe unmaintained. We're attempting ot revamp all the guildlistings (partially due to mergers, partially due to severe MIA OPs/GMs). If all of these lists go well (So far Ghallanda, Thelanis and Argonnessen are standardized, Khyber is in the works, leaivng Sarlona left), they'll also be a huge asset to reacquisitioning the Player-To-Player Guild Matchup forum's HUGE Guildlisting Page (which is generally the first one that new players hit and use to take a stab at a server forum or at least the server in an attempt to find a guild).

So, if you personally want to be involved with the Sarlona Forum's guildlistings, by all means throw your hat in the ring! Or if you know someone that is qualified for the job on Sarlona, please go talk to them for us! Thanks and maybe something fruitful can happen here thanks to you.

