09-03-2007, 09:24 AM
I'm Kistilan, the Guildlistings Manager from Argonnessen. Anyway, I took a look at your guildlistings and all three are out-of-date and a quagmire of information. It looks like the original OPs may not even be active, and two of the threads are really just a "bump and post" thread with everyone knocking the next guy out of the way so someone interested in finding one of your guilds/guildleaders/officers/contact info/etc has to sift through pages of posts in hopes of finding the guild they're looking for that round.
I'd like to offer you guys a look at the Argonnessen Guildlistings ( as a model for a NEW Guildlisting to replace the three on your newly merged-Sarlona. It's time you guys merged by now with your guildlistings anyway, after all!
And now that I've said my two-coppers on that, let me get to my standardized message that's going out to every server. Thanks for reading and please contribute to this endeavor!
I've got some suggestions for your guild list if you care to take a look at Argonnessen's Guildlistings, which has been meticulously tweaked by three generations of managers in the last 1.5 years. I've run a tight ship over there concerning it, but I offer the format and maintenance process at least by utilizing a Ghallanda Calling All Guilds Quarterly or Semi-Annually. It would probably benefit your service greatly.
Also, I'm stepping down from the Argonnessen Guildlistings on October 1, 2007 and Aargos is taking over that position. I'm attempting to move into Ret Greenwood's old position at the Player to Player: Guild Matchup Forum. Please check out the latest post ( and add any comments or suggestions you or your fellow guilds may have in this process I'm creating to streamline all datas.
I'm Kistilan, the Guildlistings Manager from Argonnessen. Anyway, I took a look at your guildlistings and all three are out-of-date and a quagmire of information. It looks like the original OPs may not even be active, and two of the threads are really just a "bump and post" thread with everyone knocking the next guy out of the way so someone interested in finding one of your guilds/guildleaders/officers/contact info/etc has to sift through pages of posts in hopes of finding the guild they're looking for that round.
I'd like to offer you guys a look at the Argonnessen Guildlistings ( as a model for a NEW Guildlisting to replace the three on your newly merged-Sarlona. It's time you guys merged by now with your guildlistings anyway, after all!
And now that I've said my two-coppers on that, let me get to my standardized message that's going out to every server. Thanks for reading and please contribute to this endeavor!
I've got some suggestions for your guild list if you care to take a look at Argonnessen's Guildlistings, which has been meticulously tweaked by three generations of managers in the last 1.5 years. I've run a tight ship over there concerning it, but I offer the format and maintenance process at least by utilizing a Ghallanda Calling All Guilds Quarterly or Semi-Annually. It would probably benefit your service greatly.
Also, I'm stepping down from the Argonnessen Guildlistings on October 1, 2007 and Aargos is taking over that position. I'm attempting to move into Ret Greenwood's old position at the Player to Player: Guild Matchup Forum. Please check out the latest post ( and add any comments or suggestions you or your fellow guilds may have in this process I'm creating to streamline all datas.