View Full Version : Iraq Weapons Of MD Finally Found - In New York

09-02-2007, 01:16 AM
UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 30 -- U.N. weapons inspectors stumbled upon evidence of Saddam Hussein's elusive weapons of mass destruction: a vial of potentially lethal chemical gas that was stored in a U.N. shipping crate in Midtown Manhattan more than 10 years ago and forgotten, U.N. officials announced Thursday.

Experts from the U.N. Monitoring and Verification Commission -- which is set to shut down its operations in the coming months-- found a small sample of phosgene, a choking agent, as they prepared to archive more than 16 years of documents on Iraq's weapons program. They said the gas, which was left by the agency's predecessor, the U.N. Special Commission, is under seal and poses no threat to the public.


So... we are safe now? :p :rolleyes: :eek: :( :mad:;)

09-06-2007, 12:08 PM
This should come as no surprise that after testing, it turns out the "vial of potentially lethal chemical gas" found in New York is just a vial of non toxic chemical solvent.

Keep searching Bush, we all know you'll eventually find those WMD's. Lol.

UNITED NATIONS, Sep. 6, 2007
(AP) A substance found at a U.N. weapons inspectors' office last month and suspected of being a chemical warfare agent appears to be a nontoxic solvent, a U.N. official said Thursday.

The material was found Aug. 24 at a U.N. office in midtown Manhattan in inventory files with a label that indicated it could be phosgene, a chemical substance used in World War I weapons. It had been in the files for 11 years and was only identified when officials checked the inventory number against the many records in the vast archives.

U.N. and U.S. officials said after the discovery that the material posed no threat to anyone's health or safety. However, it was removed by a team of hazardous materials experts from the FBI and New York City police and taken to a laboratory for testing.

Preliminary results indicate the substance was a nontoxic solvent, not the chemical agent phosgene, the U.N. official said.

"If it turns out to be something that was mislabled, we'll need to find out why it was mislabled," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the final results have not yet returned from the lab.

Link to newer article (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/09/06/ap/world/main3239277.shtml)

09-06-2007, 12:09 PM
So... we are safe now? :p :rolleyes: :eek: :( :mad:;)
Dont worry, we'll always be able to find one reason or another to convince ourselves we're in danger.

09-06-2007, 11:28 PM
What's funny is that yes he did have chemical weapons, but it would appear that the guy was actually doing what we asked when we told him to get rid of em and then we invade him. Kind of ironic and sad.

09-06-2007, 11:33 PM
They know for a fact he had wmd's; after all they still have the invoice for all the weapons they gave Sadam back when Iraq was at war with Iran. How else do you think they were able to give the UN such a detailed list of what to look for and how much of it back in '02?

09-10-2007, 12:29 PM
They know for a fact he had wmd's; after all they still have the invoice for all the weapons they gave Sadam back when Iraq was at war with Iran. How else do you think they were able to give the UN such a detailed list of what to look for and how much of it back in '02?
Ohhh I know he had them, and all evidence seems to point to the fact that he complied and no longer had them by the time of the invasion. I was there during Gulf War I, I can attest that he had them then because an Iraqi ammo dump upwind of us was hit and our chemical detectors definatly picked up traces of nerve agent in the air..... hmmm now that I think of it that might explain a lot:)