09-01-2007, 10:18 AM
So I have always wanted to make a good twf build. I made one when I was new to the game and around level 9 he started to suck. But now I know alot more about the game. So recently I have been thinking about making one of two builds. One of them being a twf pally. Why? Because you never see them and if you are already lacking in ac then you can try to make up for it with great saves and a couple lay on hands. The other possible build being a rogue2/pally3/9fighter.
2rogue/pally3/9fighter build 32 point human
start with...............................approximate endind stats
str 9.....................................str 14(this one includes +1 tome)
dex 17...................................dex 30
con 14...................................con 20
int 9......................................int 10(this includes +1 tome)
wis 9.....................................wis 10(this one includes +1 tome)
cha 16...................................cha 22
So the idea behind the build is a twf with great saves and high umd and a good balance. The first level is rogue, next 3 pally, then some fighter levels. The second level of rogue will be taken real late in the build(around level 11-13) and on all the other levels he gets 3 skill points(one for balance/two for umd).
Its a finesse build so his reflex saves will be around 36 self buffed(just heroism scrolls that is). And will have evasion.
He has 10 feats to play with(not in order):
2.improved twf
3.greater twf
4.focus umd
8.improve crit
9. weopon finesse
10. ?
Not sure about how many toughness feats but alteast one.
So I expect some comments saying my str is too low. I plan on having a str of around 14(16 with raid loot). This seems to be fine with my finesse rogue(str of 13) and my cleric(str of 14).
Anyways thats the basic plan for the build. I might do 18 dex but I lose some con and cha if I do.
Any comments? I would appreciate them.
2rogue/pally3/9fighter build 32 point human
start with...............................approximate endind stats
str 9.....................................str 14(this one includes +1 tome)
dex 17...................................dex 30
con 14...................................con 20
int 9......................................int 10(this includes +1 tome)
wis 9.....................................wis 10(this one includes +1 tome)
cha 16...................................cha 22
So the idea behind the build is a twf with great saves and high umd and a good balance. The first level is rogue, next 3 pally, then some fighter levels. The second level of rogue will be taken real late in the build(around level 11-13) and on all the other levels he gets 3 skill points(one for balance/two for umd).
Its a finesse build so his reflex saves will be around 36 self buffed(just heroism scrolls that is). And will have evasion.
He has 10 feats to play with(not in order):
2.improved twf
3.greater twf
4.focus umd
8.improve crit
9. weopon finesse
10. ?
Not sure about how many toughness feats but alteast one.
So I expect some comments saying my str is too low. I plan on having a str of around 14(16 with raid loot). This seems to be fine with my finesse rogue(str of 13) and my cleric(str of 14).
Anyways thats the basic plan for the build. I might do 18 dex but I lose some con and cha if I do.
Any comments? I would appreciate them.