View Full Version : not fair

08-31-2007, 03:48 PM
giving risia +1 loot and not the rest of us is very wrong we all sufferd wen the update is setback a month and some ppl dont have the extra disc drive to use risia and only those who do get compinsated 4 d&d mistakes totaly unfair

08-31-2007, 04:01 PM
yeah, lets get another +1 loot weekend so the value of items drops even further. good idea.

08-31-2007, 04:12 PM
giving risia +1 loot and not the rest of us is very wrong we all sufferd wen the update is setback a month and some ppl dont have the extra disc drive to use risia and only those who do get compinsated 4 d&d mistakes totaly unfair

Totally unfair??? How about totally without punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and thought???

The +1 weekend is not to compensate Risia players, it allows them to level quickly to check out the new content for bugs. So when it comes over here, the transition is as smooth as possible. If you want the +1 loot weekend feel free to visit Risia. If you do not have room for more than one, delete this one and use Risia only. Just rememeber that those toons can be reset at any time, because it is a test server.

Thanks, the forums are kinda slow today, needed something to post about.

08-31-2007, 04:24 PM
/falls on ground holding breath, kicking and screaming.

Ok all over it. :p

08-31-2007, 05:41 PM

Umm.. If I'm not mistaken, we recieved a dragonshard on the regular servers to compensate for some of the "issues" we've been having.

RISIA, from what I've heard, has been randomly unavailable for a couple of weeks. I think that having a bonus loot/exp on there is more than fair.

08-31-2007, 05:44 PM
giving risia +1 loot and not the rest of us is very wrong we all sufferd wen the update is setback a month and some ppl dont have the extra disc drive to use risia and only those who do get compinsated 4 d&d mistakes totaly unfair

Didn't you notice the 2 other threads in general, where the OPs are basicly saying the same thing you are, and everyone else is calling the OPs morons???

08-31-2007, 07:53 PM
+1 loot is a ****** idea, they should just give +50% XP weekends, that way the game won't be ruined.

08-31-2007, 08:47 PM
Lets just play the game the way it is. Seems like the "his half is bigger than mine" posts are getting rediculous.

08-31-2007, 10:07 PM
Lets just play the game the way it is. Seems like the "his half is bigger than mine" posts are getting rediculous.

But oh so much fun!

08-31-2007, 10:51 PM
Ya all smell blood don't ya? Go get 'em boys...

and cue the sarcasm...

and a few computer-club insults...


and name calling ...now!

09-01-2007, 01:18 AM
Ya all smell blood don't ya? Go get 'em boys...

and cue the sarcasm...

and a few computer-club insults...


and name calling ...now!

what ?

09-01-2007, 01:28 AM
what ?

Seriously, don't encourage him.

09-01-2007, 07:59 AM
giving risia +1 loot and not the rest of us is very wrong we all sufferd wen the update is setback a month and some ppl dont have the extra disc drive to use risia and only those who do get compinsated 4 d&d mistakes totaly unfair

Dude I'm not 100%, but fairly sure that the +1 loot means jack on Risia, because everytime they bring it up they recopy your current toons over. Hence the uber nice +6 Great club of smashing things you pull isnt going to be there next time they up date Risia and it doesnt get sent to your reg toon either.

09-01-2007, 09:16 AM
Dude I'm not 100%, but fairly sure that the +1 loot means jack on Risia, because everytime they bring it up they recopy your current toons over. Hence the uber nice +6 Great club of smashing things you pull isnt going to be there next time they up date Risia and it doesnt get sent to your reg toon either.

considering the time between most "character updates" On risia is like 5-6 months, thich is like 2 mods, that means you can use that "+6 Greatclub of smashing things" which isnt possible as you can only have +5 (prefix) (material) Greatclub of (whatever), for all those quests to get htrough them easier while runing the new content.

09-01-2007, 10:48 PM
"+6 Greatclub of smashing things" which isnt possible

You forgot the "uber nice" part it's a named

I guess your pick up sarcasm score was a little low. My point was that Riasa isn't up all that much and when it is it usally has different versions of your toon so really whats the point in fussing over a +1 loot (that you don't get to keep on your regular server toon) on the beta test server that likely to be reset soon anyways.

09-02-2007, 09:39 AM
yeah, lets get another +1 loot weekend so the value of items drops even further. good idea.

Wow, someone has made some plat recently. I think it would be a good idea to try to bring this economy back down to reality, as a matter of fact in order to rebuild and find a perfect median for this economy, I would suggest +1 loot until Mod 5 is released. Even out the playing field, degrade values on the AH, and make the time worthwhile since we have been delayed on a few occasions.

Last time I heard it was bad business to tell people when something is happening and then delaying it. If Turbine was a degenerate gambler, I'd already have run out of things to break, might as well appease your bookies somehow, and do something good for your game environment in the meantime.

09-02-2007, 10:33 AM
Wow, someone has made some plat recently. I think it would be a good idea to try to bring this economy back down to reality, as a matter of fact in order to rebuild and find a perfect median for this economy, I would suggest +1 loot until Mod 5 is released. Even out the playing field, degrade values on the AH, and make the time worthwhile since we have been delayed on a few occasions.

Last time I heard it was bad business to tell people when something is happening and then delaying it. If Turbine was a degenerate gambler, I'd already have run out of things to break, might as well appease your bookies somehow, and do something good for your game environment in the meantime.

Not sure if you were here or from Mabar, but the economy is off kilter not because of +1 Loot but more because of the un-believalbe acts of people on Argonnessen that were known "DUPERS". They made HUGE amounts of plat selling to venders and then trading or spreading tons of plat through the server via the AH after +1 loot weekends.

I am, Rameses!

09-02-2007, 12:17 PM
Same on Mabar economy wise, only dupers I saw were the Mnemonics which happened to always be in stock every 3 days hmmm...So to resolve the problem you flood the market, then when new mod comes out you basically try to median it with new items, and items uber rare...not sure if this makes sense to you but you make the items available, get rid of platters, get rid of ridiculous prices and you basically start afresh. It's not like the end of the world, but hey, why even try to even out the economy, the only other solution is people giving out items, but then they get burned on buying the items at outrageous prices.

Make it useless for those who would rather take advantage of the system than those who wouldn't. Face it, if you don't powergame, the AH is a ripoff, but sometimes you might find some cheap items, I wonder who puts those up??

09-02-2007, 12:22 PM
There was a point in time where plat flowed like water, now not as much but it's still an easy commodity to come by if you make an effort to sell your items for the highest price you can get for them, or even just a fair price for decent weapons.

09-02-2007, 01:48 PM
Same on Mabar economy wise, only dupers I saw were the Mnemonics which happened to always be in stock every 3 days hmmm...So to resolve the problem you flood the market, then when new mod comes out you basically try to median it with new items, and items uber rare...not sure if this makes sense to you but you make the items available, get rid of platters, get rid of ridiculous prices and you basically start afresh. It's not like the end of the world, but hey, why even try to even out the economy, the only other solution is people giving out items, but then they get burned on buying the items at outrageous prices.

Make it useless for those who would rather take advantage of the system than those who wouldn't. Face it, if you don't powergame, the AH is a ripoff, but sometimes you might find some cheap items, I wonder who puts those up??

It wasn't only Mnemonic Potions... this demonstrates how little mabar had happen compared to argonnessen.
The "Dupers" had Dragon Scales, Relics, Slaying arrows... basically anything that could be stacked was duped and flooded into the market.
Plat Farmers had nothing to do with our ruined enconomy. It was the player base.

I am, Rameses!

09-02-2007, 02:12 PM
It wasn't only Mnemonic Potions... this demonstrates how little mabar had happen compared to argonnessen.
The "Dupers" had Dragon Scales, Relics, Slaying arrows... basically anything that could be stacked was duped and flooded into the market.
Plat Farmers had nothing to do with our ruined enconomy. It was the player base.

I am, Rameses!

Actually it's same as Mabar, just no body gave a **** about it.

well... at least I didnt..

09-03-2007, 06:04 PM
Wow. This "issue" was Big Enough to warrant a thread? How exactly is YOUR gaming experience lessened by someone else getting different configurations of electrons? Amazing.

09-04-2007, 04:17 AM
How exactly is YOUR gaming experience lessened by someone else getting different configurations of electrons? Amazing.

Well, it's complicated. And it will take some time to explain. You see, it all started when...

Wait, there is no time!

Let me summarize.

In little less than half an hour, Natalae has declared my romancing of her a foppery. Therefore, the electrons have obviously decimated my MOJO, as she would not have gone bananas and cucumbers had equilibrium been at hand.

I rest my case, this is attrocious! HoW Dare TheY Give RiSia My +1 LooTs!?!?!

/sarcasm and melodramaticism off