View Full Version : Looking for a GOOD guild

08-31-2007, 09:43 AM
Hi. I'm the player behind the characters Niliran, Jordain, and Lucerne. (also a couple of others, but these are the recent favorites)

I played on Riedra until the merge, and now of course on Khyber.

If you recognize the names of one or more of my characters and you are in a guild that actually creates guild groups for more than just Reaver raids, I'm interested in running a few missions with you to see if I might be a match.

I've been in Ransack (which is full of very good players who ridicule me whenever I speak up in guild chat) for the past month or so, and it's really just not working out. I don't know if it's a timing issue or something personal, and frankly I don't really care anymore.

If you recognize one of my characters and think I'll recognize one of yours, please send me a PM with an invitation to join you for a run or two. I'm in Virginia, which is EDT until November, and I usually can play from 7pm till 2 am, and whenever on the weekends. (although, better in the evenings this weekend... ah rl, how you mock me...)

08-31-2007, 10:26 AM
good thing your not looking for an evil guild

Whats you play type man? Experience? Ability? Thats something that alot of guilds are specific on.

08-31-2007, 11:15 AM
Whats you play type man? Experience? Ability? Thats something that alot of guilds are specific on.

That's the biggest reason I'm looking for someone who's PUGged with me. I have no idea how to describe my play type. I've been playing for more than a year, and I think I do an alright job... but I can't be sure, since the Ransackers seem to think I suck.

I don't know how they came to that conclusion since almost none of them have grouped with me, but that seems to be the general consensus.

I joined Ransack in the first place because I used to run with one of their guys, back when he and I were both in the Pacific Knights. When Pac Knights died, he joined Ransack almost immediately. I wanted a smaller guild, something a little more community. It didn't happen. Now, I just want a guild that I can run some missions with, so I don't have to continually PUG...

I don't actually have any level 4-5 guys any more, but I'm tired of trying to take on General Xantilar with three level 5 fighters and a level 4 wizard. I'm tired of running STK with brand new guys who complain that I'm going too fast for them to keep up. I'm tired of people suggesting we run Xorian Cypher without a Charisma character.

I want a group of people who know what they're doing, are interested in playing the whole game, instead of just making Reaver runs continually with each of their capped characters, and I want sone kind of sense of comraderie, even if I have to be the rookie for a while.

I have plenty of skill, but I can only demonstrate it in the areas where no one needs skill anymore. My characters aren't capped anymore, because the cap went up and I haven't bothered to run the Gianthold much...

I've been in too many guilds since Pac Knights went down, and none has been able to measure up. Maybe it's just time to move on... cancel my subscription and just go play poker until something Tycho says catches my eye... :(

08-31-2007, 12:05 PM
There are no good guilds. We are all a bunch of backstabbing drama queens. Best to stay away from all of us.

You especially want to stay away from Jesters Court. We stick together, help each other out, leave no brother behind, and worst of all tell lots of corny jokes, laugh, and enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Be Warned.

08-31-2007, 12:06 PM
Hey welcome back to the game Niliran!
long time no see!

I can vouch for this guy. He's a good guy and a great player.
He knows the game and likes to play and have fun. Would be an excellent addition for any guild.

Look me up in the game man! I've been running my lowbies almost exclusively these days. Can always use some help in the favor/xp grind!


08-31-2007, 12:26 PM
Hey welcome back to the game Niliran!
long time no see!

I can vouch for this guy. He's a good guy and a great player.
He knows the game and likes to play and have fun. Would be an excellent addition for any guild.

Look me up in the game man! I've been running my lowbies almost exclusively these days. Can always use some help in the favor/xp grind!


I'm glad one of you crazy Canucks feels this way... Somebody decided to boot me from the Order while I was out. :mad:

08-31-2007, 01:29 PM
ya... there was a mass purging of all the inactive toons. when you left you said you weren't coming back and i think it was even me who gave the go-ahead to take you off the list. :eek:

And if i recall... everyone was sad to see you go! so it wasn't just me! lol
yup.. the guild forum proves it! :cool:

You're always welcome back to the OSL. Though we may not be meeting your guild qualifications. We lost some people due to the summer (they should be back soon with any luck) and did some heavy recruiting. So we have alot of new to the game players and a couple experienced players with low lvl toons. So atm our(my) focus is on developing our players and not so much on the raiding&looting - which is a change of pace that has revitalized my love for the game.

but again... Welcome back!

08-31-2007, 09:37 PM
I vouch for Nilliran as well, excellent team player, is able to coordinate well and knows how to do what he does best on his characters. Im deeply srry it did not work as well with ransack, but I am sure you will find a guild with better compatability, good luck and look foward to playing with you when I get a chance, perhaps in the pugging field =)

09-01-2007, 06:49 AM
The Twlight Avengers are always looking for good players. We've had a few folks quit the game recently out of boredom with the lack of content (separate subject, but I'm wondering if this is common with everyone right now).

In any case, check us out at http://www.twilightavengers.org/ddo. You can read up on our requirements and see if it seems like you will fit in.

Since the server merge, we've been letting some folks in on 2 week trials to see if they are what we're looking for (and for them to see what we're about). If you are interested, stop by or catch one of our officers in game.


09-01-2007, 01:31 PM
(separate subject, but I'm wondering if this is common with everyone right now).

Yep, I'm bored. Been playing NWN2 trying to fill my craving for what D&D is supposed to be. Also been watching the new 4.0 version of D&D developing. The online tools sounds promising. You can basically host/attend your PnP sesions over the internet with Voice, Text comunications, minitures, dice, map grids, basically everything you need to play PnP without a Pen to run out of ink, and paper which gets beer or soda spilled on it.. I got a feeling once it is released it will be the death of DDO, if it isn't dead before then. Even if Turbine pays WotC off and has them bring the ruleset more inline with what DDO has become, the lack of content will drive people to create there own missions and run them. Which in hind sight is the way it should be.

Since I've probaly derailed this already.. When I looked to DDO to fill my MMORPG needs I was sick of EQ (the original) and how they were releasing content with bugs and obvious errors, only to state they will get around to fixing it, then wait for the patches to finish before we could log in to attend our raids and then have the servers crash.. Then people complain on the forums and they were ignored or given some lame excuse something like "It's not my departments job". Anyway I was in EQ and left for DDO because, I wanted a D&D like game I could play with distant friends. I liked the idea of no fighting over loot or mobs, that raids didn't have to be huge undertakings where it became more of a chore to co-ordinate than to run, and it was going to be D&D.. We'll I'm let down in many ways. I've had fun waiting for the game to develop into what I thought would be D&D. Nope its some kind of Hybrid thing, not really D&D and not quite a EQ or WoW. They can't even agree how to develop the content. Raid missions require several differant ways to get "Flaged" if you want to call it that. Some you walk on in, some you just wait for a repeat timer to expire, some you got the timer and you have to repeat all the missions leading up to it, some you got to collect things like a easter egg hunt once then its just wait for a timer.. To me the developers aren't really working as a team. They have personalities and personal agendas. Whoever is thier boss should take charge and lay some stricter framework requirements. Get them on the same page, and get them to work on new missions, new character race/class combinations, and eventually "Player" housing, and then "Guild" housing. O-Yeah! I want my familiar too..

To the OP, I'd try to recruit you but have given that poo poo up. If someone wants to be in our guild they need to take the responsibility (or maybee a differant elder from our guild), my days of courting new recruits are over..

09-01-2007, 01:32 PM
Legends of Twilight

small guild
*very* close knit
*very* open to anyones playstlye

we aren't really a raiding guild nor a slow moving guild

we're just kinda weird

*Please* look one of us up and run.

09-01-2007, 03:41 PM
Feel free to look up any of "The Dragon Knights". We'll be happy to pull you into a group and see if it's a fit. We're more interested in the person behind the character then the character.

After all we can either teach you how to play if you need the help, or we can carry your stone. :D It's more about having fun then being uber.

09-04-2007, 11:54 AM
i would like to invite you to check out the "Storm Riders"....we are a relatively small guild who tries to organize all guild groups anytime we can...

we help each other and have a good time, we accept any type of character build as long you play smart and try to be as self sufficent as possible, most officers have healers so we take turns playing cleric so noone gets stuck "healbotting" everynight ..we have battle clerics, dwarven bards..etc..

look us up, we are usually on from 8pm e.s.t. til ?

you can pm me or look for us in game or email..ericswei27@hotmail.com

09-04-2007, 01:39 PM
Hey I will vouch for Niliran as well, grouped with him, when he was a proud memebr of OSL....(come back to us, and **** I need to start playing again)