View Full Version : ok, i've finally been tempted

08-29-2007, 06:35 PM
Hi all
After hearing about it for months from Uamhas, i have finally decided to try an rp character, im wondering what i do to join a guild, i rp irl a fair bit but i know its quite different online, so wondering how do i join a guild, what guidelines there are, how active i need to be ect.

Anyway just curios, i already have a character in mind, just need to know the groundrules and how to get started, if of course an rp guild is willing to accept me ^_^

08-29-2007, 07:12 PM
First you read here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=116330) and select a guild.

Then you contact them in whatever way they've asked you to.

Go from there.

08-29-2007, 07:50 PM
ugh, looks like none of these guilds are for me, being an aussie i have different time constraints and so cant attend some of the times it says must attend.

08-29-2007, 09:20 PM

Now folkes... if you bug my next part I'll skin you alive and feed ya to the crows... or maybe I should say cows.. they are way far more insidious:D

First, be brave. I've roleplayed for years in MMos and in Gaming. Write your stories on the forums. Create a character you want to play... and AND never diverge from it's character.

Let me be honest. An amateur will role of the ol'english tongues.. he'll stereotype.. he'll do whatever... but if you think you can go real deep into characterization... do something fantastic.

I almost got kicked out of a RP group because I played a character that they thought was a mockery of the other gamers, but I did something they realized... 1. I was in character at all times. 2. my character was continually neurotic, inconsistent and wanting. He was gimped and he was insane... I played him as Chaotic Neutral, and psychopathic. 3. push the barriers of your alignment... if you are LG... then oppose even your CG RPers when they want to do something... not if it makes sense.. but if it really opposes the toon you are playing.

Remember stereotypes are for wannabe's.

Who says a paladin is always polite, disconnected and holy all the time? Why can't he be a recovering alcoholic, lecher that has been given a command by the gods to do what is right regardless of his love for pixie tail and dwarven ail? Why does a necromancer have to be evil? Why can't he be NG and feel that it is his duty to use his Death Magic to give greater peace to the undead?

In other words... think of something you've always wanted to be, to play and do it..

In my case I want to be Shrel's Donkey... only because he get's to sniff Cameron Diaz's ...:eek: :D

08-29-2007, 09:23 PM
note...No one will knock you for RPing... it's taboo... we will knock you for being rude, for being ignorant... but NO one will kknock someone who honestly posts HOW they want to play unless they impinge on others idea of fun... so don't worry about forum opinion.. you might be surprised how many allies you have :D


08-29-2007, 10:57 PM
ugh, looks like none of these guilds are for me, being an aussie i have different time constraints and so cant attend some of the times it says must attend.

I live in Japan yet joined a perma-death character up with The Sublime (they aren't dedicated RP but they do have RP nights). There is at least one other player who is an aussie so I do have someone to run with.

Talk to the people who are in the guilds which seem interesting to you and see if they have any members who like to play at your times. You might be pleasantly surprised.

08-29-2007, 11:40 PM
Hi all
After hearing about it for months from Uamhas, i have finally decided to try an rp character, im wondering what i do to join a guild, i rp irl a fair bit but i know its quite different online, so wondering how do i join a guild, what guidelines there are, how active i need to be ect.

Anyway just curios, i already have a character in mind, just need to know the groundrules and how to get started, if of course an rp guild is willing to accept me ^_^

we (OSR, linked in the sig) have people who play at all hours of the day and night, no worries

I hope you are not a power leveler....as we take the pace a bit slower. It is alot of fun though! And easy! What kind of character are you making? Dudly Doright? Necromancer? Silly halfling? Warforged Cleric?
One is curious.
I like a character to have at least one good flaw. Makes them more likeable. Its hard to play someone who is perfect, unless he/ she is a narcisist. (spelling? nar-sa-cist?)

:D :D :D

08-30-2007, 01:22 AM
Hi all
After hearing about it for months from Uamhas, i have finally decided to try an rp character, im wondering what i do to join a guild, i rp irl a fair bit but i know its quite different online, so wondering how do i join a guild, what guidelines there are, how active i need to be ect.

Anyway just curios, i already have a character in mind, just need to know the groundrules and how to get started, if of course an rp guild is willing to accept me ^_^

Heya Smodge! Well really its very simple, there are a few guilds on Thelanis that either are devoted to rp or enjoy rp to some extent. I can recommend my own guild Fellowship of the Golden Night, as well as Order of the Sword and Rose and Crimson Nexus. I do not know what the OSR and CN have as specific guild requirements. Since I can't speak for them, I'll do a shameless plug, however they are also wonderful groups as well and we have guild alliances with them.

For the Fellowship all you really need to do is go to the Fellowship website (google FOTGN) and read the charter and fill out an 'application'. Really all the application is to serve as a way for you to develop your character, as it asks questions like.. where to you come from... etc. Nothing super serious and is merely a tool for you to think about character depth. In the meantime you can talk to an officer in FOTGN, tell them you submitted an app, read the charter.. etc.. and bingo.

How people rp is up to them. Some of us get like to dabble and do a little bit of rp in quests or in public areas. An example of light rp in a quest would be for me to type something in party chat, *Kashka looks at her incapacitated party member and performs a Coup de Grace, putting the stupid rogue out of his misery* :cool: Others prefer heavy rp and this involves lengthy in game sessions with other characters. Pretty much its up to you how you like to play and you can get into it, or not.. as much as you want. You can be as active as you want.. its all up to you.

It helps to have an idea about your character. But, when I started I didn't have a clue and my first characters basically developed as I went along. Tomorrow is Thelanis Thursday and is a perfect opportunity to meeet ppl who are into rp or check out guilds. Look in LFM or character bios' for rp friendly or ~roleplayer. Also alot of ppl will tend to hang out in the pheonix tavern at times as well.

I will be on my Co-Ambassador tomorrow with FOTGN, and feel free to look me up.. Trazden d'Medani is his name... I would be happy to introduce you to others and help you get aquainted without having to dive into the deep end if you don't want to. I can't vouch for Uamhas' schedule, but she is my Co-ambassador and you can look for Avuna (her name) as well. Feel free to PM me with any questions.. no matter what guild you decide to join.. or even not join.. I look forward to meeting you. Also.. this is a big week for end of the summer vacations.. so hard to say what things are going to be like. Once September rolls around and ppl get back into work and school.. there will be a bit more consistency. I know that there are alot of late nighters.. Including myself (west coast N.america)..

Merlask made a wonderful link to the ddocast podcast segments that pertain to rp. They helped me learn alot. They are linked in my signature to Thelanis Thursday

08-30-2007, 01:34 AM

Who says a paladin is always polite, disconnected and holy all the time? Why can't he be a recovering alcoholic, lecher that has been given a command by the gods to do what is right regardless of his love for pixie tail and dwarven ail? Why does a necromancer have to be evil? Why can't he be NG and feel that it is his duty to use his Death Magic to give greater peace to the undead?

In other words... think of something you've always wanted to be, to play and do it..

Diaz's ...:eek: :D

CHEER Scars! Eeeexactly! The only thing that limits you is your imagination.. The flaws sometimes are what give you the most fun. :cool: Ps.. It was a blast running graymoon last week with yah scars..

08-30-2007, 08:07 AM
Fotgn website said i had to attend thursday nights, which is one of the many days of the week i cannot attend, as for order of the sword and rose, i hope i dont offend, but one or two of your members i have had *ahem* disagreements with in the past, theres a few members who i have met through pugs who are great, but there are some i majorly clashed with as well, seeing as this is my first time rping on ddo, i would like to be as comfortable as possible, and i would feel intimidated with them online and feel i could not rp properly.

08-30-2007, 09:44 AM
Fotgn website said i had to attend thursday nights, which is one of the many days of the week i cannot attend, as for order of the sword and rose, i hope i dont offend, but one or two of your members i have had *ahem* disagreements with in the past, theres a few members who i have met through pugs who are great, but there are some i majorly clashed with as well, seeing as this is my first time rping on ddo, i would like to be as comfortable as possible, and i would feel intimidated with them online and feel i could not rp properly.

Okay Smodge, please allow me to clarify something. FotGN members are strongly encouraged to participate in Thelanis Thursdays, as well as Monday night roleplay in chat, but lack of attendance is not a hanging offense. Both days were implemented to help people connect, get to know each other... I believe that originally it was the answer to the cry, "I can't find anyone on!! When do we play??"
Since these designated days make the insertion of your character into group roleplay so much smoother, it may take a little extra effort for your character to find or make his place in the community without them, but I have faith that you have the smarts to do that without much difficulty at all.
We can continue this here, or... You know how to get ahold of me probably better than 90% of people in DDO, let's get some one on one time, and I'll see to addressing any lingering questions or doubts you might have.

08-30-2007, 09:50 AM
Okay Smodge, please allow me to clarify something. FotGN members are strongly encouraged to participate in Thelanis Thursdays, as well as Monday night roleplay in chat, but lack of attendance is not a hanging offense. Both days were implemented to help people connect, get to know each other... I believe that originally it was the answer to the cry, "I can't find anyone on!! When do we play??"
Since these designated days make the insertion of your character into group roleplay so much smoother, it may take a little extra effort for your character to find or make his place in the community without them, but I have faith that you have the smarts to do that without much difficulty at all.
We can continue this here, or... You know how to get ahold of me probably better than 90% of people in DDO, let's get some one on one time, and I'll see to addressing any lingering questions or doubts you might have.

Ignacio Vasquez, the Daring! at your service!

I will be searching out this.......Golden knights? for fun, merriment, and Adventure!


08-30-2007, 09:50 AM
yeah i plan to, at girlfreinds atm, and probably wont be able to get online for a cople of days as usual.

08-30-2007, 10:33 AM
we (OSR, linked in the sig) have people who play at all hours of the day and night, no worries

I hope you are not a power leveler....as we take the pace a bit slower. It is alot of fun though! And easy! What kind of character are you making? Dudly Doright? Necromancer? Silly halfling? Warforged Cleric?
One is curious.
I like a character to have at least one good flaw. Makes them more likeable. Its hard to play someone who is perfect, unless he/ she is a narcisist. (spelling? nar-sa-cist?)

:D :D :D

as for my character details, well i wont list them just yet, he still lacks a name >.> for some reason i find that the hardest part of rp irl.

08-30-2007, 03:53 PM
as for my character details, well i wont list them just yet, he still lacks a name >.> for some reason i find that the hardest part of rp irl.

heh well you could make him an amnesiac who always changes his name. Sounds freaking awesomely fun.. heee hee!

08-31-2007, 01:29 AM
ok, now i really need to join an rp guild, my bard in pnp just died so i need to find some way to get my rping fix v.v poor poor tam, owel at least he died saving the king, and the kings a cleric, so it means i wont be out of the game for more than a week or 2 ^_^

08-31-2007, 01:33 AM
*puts another check mark in the "convert" column... right after Scar's name*

08-31-2007, 01:41 AM
can i be ahead of scar?
i want to be first.

08-31-2007, 10:26 AM

Now folkes... if you bug my next part I'll skin you alive and feed ya to the crows... or maybe I should say cows.. they are way far more insidious:D

First, be brave. I've roleplayed for years in MMos and in Gaming. Write your stories on the forums. Create a character you want to play... and AND never diverge from it's character.

Let me be honest. An amateur will role of the ol'english tongues.. he'll stereotype.. he'll do whatever... but if you think you can go real deep into characterization... do something fantastic.

I almost got kicked out of a RP group because I played a character that they thought was a mockery of the other gamers, but I did something they realized... 1. I was in character at all times. 2. my character was continually neurotic, inconsistent and wanting. He was gimped and he was insane... I played him as Chaotic Neutral, and psychopathic. 3. push the barriers of your alignment... if you are LG... then oppose even your CG RPers when they want to do something... not if it makes sense.. but if it really opposes the toon you are playing.

Remember stereotypes are for wannabe's.

Who says a paladin is always polite, disconnected and holy all the time? Why can't he be a recovering alcoholic, lecher that has been given a command by the gods to do what is right regardless of his love for pixie tail and dwarven ail? Why does a necromancer have to be evil? Why can't he be NG and feel that it is his duty to use his Death Magic to give greater peace to the undead?

In other words... think of something you've always wanted to be, to play and do it..

In my case I want to be Shrel's Donkey... only because he get's to sniff Cameron Diaz's ...:eek: :D

you had me at "OK"

08-31-2007, 07:26 PM
I heart Lessah. muy muy.

09-01-2007, 12:08 AM
Had a wonderful time meeting all the new people trying out roleplaying on Thelanis Thursday. Thanks for taking some time to try something new and I hope you had as much fun as I did. It was really fun to meet get to spend some time roleplaying with the other visitors from the other servers as well; kudos to you for taking the time to come and have some fun with us.

I lost track of how many quests I was in over the day, but boy time sure flied by didn't it? Anyhow I hope those of you who were trying roleplaying and even our server for the first time had an enjoyable experience. I look forward to getting to quest with you all again.. and .. er.. I promise I will try to not murder Cabernet d'Deneith in the Leaky Dingy again .. well... I mean.. blood frenzied shifter gets paid five measly gold pieces.. BAH.. You would think a Deneith would have better smarts than that.. *wink*

09-01-2007, 09:14 PM
have i keep missing you when ur online uamhas, or do you have another alt i dont know about yet?

09-02-2007, 09:20 AM
have i keep missing you when ur online uamhas, or do you have another alt i dont know about yet?

*shifty eyes*