View Full Version : Guild popularity contest

08-28-2007, 12:22 PM
Name your favorite guilds to pug along with aside from your own.

Choices should be made based on whatever criteria you like. Be it uberness, friendliness, or just the most fun.

I'll start it.

The Horde
The Black Company
Knights of the Phoenix

(Honorable mentions to golden rule and stormreach thieves guild)

08-28-2007, 01:30 PM
Role Players
Death From Below

08-28-2007, 01:42 PM
Guildless Guild
Knights of the Insurrection
Legion of Cold Children

08-28-2007, 02:21 PM
(In no particular order)
Guildless Guild
Holy Warriors (they're almost always a real hoot to run with)
Legion of Doom (going back to my roots)

Sorry to guilds not from Riedra, don't know you as well yet.

08-28-2007, 02:27 PM
Elite Raiders
Order of Eminence
Elite Farmers

sorry if it was only supposed to be three but all these guilds rock..

08-28-2007, 04:00 PM

08-28-2007, 04:36 PM
Wouldn't be fair for me to name people, cause well I haven't grouped with all the three servers guilds yet. Of the ones I've grouped with the ones that stand out for me are:

Alpha & Omega
Knights Insurection (still think they should of named it Knights of Indiscretion)
Band of Brothers

and others..

Really there has been few guilds I've had a hard time with and the ones I've had a hard time with wasn't a big deal. The problems are usually when you talk of individual players (I won't say the M word).

08-28-2007, 06:18 PM
Thanks for the honorable mention for Golden Rule but, Golden Rule is actually 1/2 of the Horde along with The Free Companions. We merged the two guilds about 3 months ago or so.

Name your favorite guilds to pug along with aside from your own.

Choices should be made based on whatever criteria you like. Be it uberness, friendliness, or just the most fun.

I'll start it.

The Horde
The Black Company
Knights of the Phoenix

(Honorable mentions to golden rule and stormreach thieves guild)

08-28-2007, 08:53 PM
I know, but i didn't think it fair to lump you with the horde, they're so big, golden rule had some really unique and standout guys and seemed a much smaller, intimate guild like my own, Order of the Shrubbery.

08-28-2007, 11:41 PM
i wont post about the riedra guilds. we all know who were the self-proclaimed 'uber' or 'elite' guilds, so what i will say is this... i have run with a couple members of 'horde' and a couple members of 'role players'. all were excellent players, so kudos to both guilds for their representatives that i partied with.

08-29-2007, 12:23 AM
i wont post about the riedra guilds. we all know who were the self-proclaimed 'uber' or 'elite' guilds, so what i will say is this...

Ahh the rumors are true =)

08-30-2007, 01:04 PM
Alpha & Omega

08-30-2007, 01:13 PM
No particular order and unfortunately some don't exist anymore.

Legion of Doom
Crimson Guard
Dwarven Defenders
Unsung Heroes

08-30-2007, 01:29 PM
Knights Insurection (still think they should of named it Knights of Indiscretion)

its not nice to talk about ryavin like that

adventure inc
guild of one cleric (and all of phear's guilds)
inner circle
black company

08-30-2007, 01:55 PM
Inner Circle

08-30-2007, 04:43 PM

which is the best guild that helped me alot......

08-31-2007, 10:01 AM
I have had alot of fun lately with:

Mature Adventurers Club

But there are lots of good players out there in a random assortment of guilds. My thanks to all of you who are fun to group with.

08-31-2007, 02:57 PM
Hydro's Heroes
Nightsong Enforcers
Organized Confusion

08-31-2007, 04:43 PM
I'm not going to mention my own.

Black Tower
Whatever guild Mavnimo's in
Lava Divers

09-02-2007, 04:47 AM
Mavnimo is in Knights of the phoenix.

09-04-2007, 10:10 PM
Mavnimo is in Knights of the phoenix.

Yeah I ran with Mav and them on Risia last Friday. It was a good time. They're good players.

09-04-2007, 10:26 PM
Guildless Guild
Knights of the Insurrection
Legion of Cold Children

Thank you for saying so, Boldrin....but the Legion of the Cold Children prefers to stay outside of this kind of thread.

09-04-2007, 10:28 PM
Thank you for saying so, Boldrin....but the Legion of the Cold Children prefers to stay outside of this kind of thread.

You're so cold....so very, very cold.

09-04-2007, 11:10 PM
Keepers of the Arcane
Dwarven Defenders (uber Dwarves)

09-04-2007, 11:33 PM
You're so cold....so very, very cold.

I've been waiting a long time to say this: What is the WORST thing a person can say to make you think their opinion is credible? The answer is:

"I'm a founder! I have been here since Beta!"

How many of these "old-timers" do you REALLY respect? I suspect that you can count them on one hand. The "founders" can be easily dismissed "offhand" as being totally out of place here. There are very few "founders" that can be trusted at ALL....luckily, Redsiberiss is one of them.

09-04-2007, 11:59 PM
I've been waiting a long time to say this: What is the WORST thing a person can say to make you think their opinion is credible? The answer is:

"I'm a founder! I have been here since Beta!"

How many of these "old-timers" do you REALLY respect? I suspect that you can count them on one hand. The "founders" can be easily dismissed "offhand" as being totally out of place here. There are very few "founders" that can be trusted at ALL....luckily, Redsiberiss is one of them.

So you are explaining why you didn't want to mentioned in this thread? I can "respect" that. You play your game and go about your business in a humble way.

By the way, my comment towards you was a pun based on your guild name if you didn't catch it. I don't really think you're a cold person.

Either way, a good majority of the Headstart players that I play with are solid players that have learned through experience what to do and what not to do. They're also stand up guys and girls. Are there guys I DON'T respect? Yeah, but as far as founders go, there aren't many...at least in my circle.

09-05-2007, 01:07 AM
So you are explaining why you didn't want to mentioned in this thread? I can "respect" that.

I'm not really sure how to respond to this. I guess I will let the founders comment stand. I hope that this doesn't add weight to any of my previous observations. :)

09-05-2007, 01:17 AM
Jeff is there anyone you do like beyond locc?

Not flaming just wondering cause half the time you are joking and the other half, well...

09-05-2007, 03:10 AM
I'm not really sure how to respond to this. I guess I will let the founders comment stand. I hope that this doesn't add weight to any of my previous observations. :)

Hahah, then you're right. I am an elitist because I played in Beta, and have played since Headstart. I guess all those nights wearing a tin foil hat and dancing naked with your peter between your legs while listening to "Goodbye Horses" on repeat has paid off.

Your perception is second to none. Of course, I usually save my opinions of people until I've met them in person or done something with them.

...but that's just me.