View Full Version : Duel Wield greataxes????

08-27-2007, 03:00 PM
Hey all,

I heard that high lvl Barbs in PnP can Duel Wield Two hander weapons like Greataxes. Is this true? If so, do you think we'll ever see this here in DDO? I would love to build a half-Orc Greataxe duel wielding Barbarian!!! Penny for your thoughts.



08-27-2007, 03:06 PM
Hey all,

I heard that high lvl Barbs in PnP can Duel Wield Two hander weapons like Greataxes. Is this true? And if so, do you think we'll ever see this here in DDO. I would love to build a half-Orc Greataxe duel wielding Barbarian!!! Penny for your thoughts.



Yes, however, it requires "Monkey Grip", at least in 3rd Edition. I believe it was changed in 3.5, but I can't be sure. Anyone can do it (with the str/feat requirements).

I believe it is an additional -2/-2, ontop of the -4/-4 penalty for having to heavy weapons, for a total of -6/-6 to hit. Again, not sure. I'd have to double check when I get home. I've got most of the DnD books.

08-27-2007, 03:11 PM
I think the ability will come when they add Mariliths as a player race :p

08-27-2007, 03:21 PM
Yes, however, it requires "Monkey Grip", at least in 3rd Edition. I believe it was changed in 3.5, but I can't be sure. Anyone can do it (with the str/feat requirements).

It changed some. It lets you treat weapons one size category larger than you as if they were normal sized for you.

So, for example, in PnP at least, a Dwarf Fighter can wield a normal Dwarven Waraxe either one-handed or two-handed. If he were to find a Large Dwarven Waraxe, he could use it in two hands with penalties, and not one-handed at all...but with Monkey Grip he can wield it normally.

Since we don't have weapon sizes here in DDO it wouldn't do anything. Also, Monkey Grip doesn't apply to your off-hand weapon.

08-27-2007, 03:23 PM
Yes, however, it requires "Monkey Grip", at least in 3rd Edition. I believe it was changed in 3.5, but I can't be sure. Anyone can do it (with the str/feat requirements).

I believe it is an additional -2/-2, ontop of the -4/-4 penalty for having two heavy weapons, for a total of -6/-6 to hit. Again, not sure. I'd have to double check when I get home. I've got most of the DnD books.Looks spot on for to-hit numbers. And IIRC, super-technically with Monkey Grip, you're not wielding 2 medium-sized greataxes, but rather 2 large-sized battleaxes (which is better because each is 2d6 instead of 1d12 of medium greataxe).

All that said, it's a moot point because we don't have varied weapon sizes in DDO. We have a few named items that are automatically scaled to medium size (eg., "Giant's Dagger" = Greatsword) and we have Halflings that can automatically wield medium-sized 2H weapons.

08-29-2007, 08:56 AM
I thought the Monkey Grip feat specifically said it has no affect on a characters offhand weapon. Could be wrong but thats what I thought. So weilding two weapons of that size is possible but would still land you some very serious negatives to hit. Far more than the regular -2/-2 as if you had a light offhand weapon.

08-29-2007, 09:19 AM
I thought the Monkey Grip feat specifically said it has no affect on a characters offhand weapon. Could be wrong but thats what I thought. So weilding two weapons of that size is possible but would still land you some very serious negatives to hit. Far more than the regular -2/-2 as if you had a light offhand weapon.

I would have to look it up. The monkey Grip I am thinking of was from 3.0 or so Im told. I'll have to check the 3.5 books when i get home.

08-29-2007, 06:52 PM
There's also Strongarm Bracers that cost 6k, and let you use weapons one size larger, and a number of races with the Powerful Build trait,which does the same.

And also, the Oversized TWF feat lets you use normal weapons in your offhand.

So with Strongarm/Powerful Build/Monkey Grip (monkey grip is -2 to hit - not not not not not worth it) and Oversized TWF, you could dual wield the aforementioned large battleaxes at a -2/-2 penalty doing 2d6 damage with each hand, and also using power attack as needed. Also works with large longswords to do 2d6 each. However, you're better off using a warhammer. Same x3 critical, and you can cast Mighty Wallop or Greater Mighty Wallop to increase the damage category up to colossal, which would be 4d6 damage each.

08-29-2007, 06:58 PM
I hope you're patient, we're waiting for the monk since 2 years and the half-orc will surely be....another 2 years :p :D + you'll need to convince them they're stupid enough to authorize dual wielding SoS :rolleyes: