View Full Version : Grouping questions..

08-22-2007, 11:28 AM
Hi all
So after two (or around 2) weeks of flailing around helplessly I've decided my plans to reach ultimate power by soloing my Sorcerer to 14 aren't going to work.
In short -I need minions. (Or people who are much more powerful than I am, but will let me run along behind them picking up scraps, taking photos, that sort of thing)

So- quick questions- what are the general rules for grouping?
Loot (funny how that's the first question..)- The chests I've looted usually only have 1-3 items in them, is there a random roll function in the game?

Quests- Does everyone in the group need to have finished the quest on hard to be able to take the elite level? Or just one person?

-Levels- What is the biggest range of chars you can have?
Ie I'll probably be lvl 2 when I start begging to be let into groups, if we're doing WW (lvl 2I think?) and there's three of us at 2 and one at 4 is out XP messed up?

Thanks (as always) for any help or directions you can suggest!

08-22-2007, 11:40 AM
1) All loot is individual.
2) Just one person.
3) It's twofold; based on your level compared to highest player level and quest level compared to highest player level. First, you must be within 3 levels of the highest level person. 4 levels under imposes -50% XP, 5 levels imposes -100% XP (or maybe -85% and 6 levels is no XP). Second, you get a penalty if the highest level player is higher than the quest level: +1 = -10%, +2 = -20%, +3 = -35%, +4 = -50%, +5 = -85%, +6 = no XP.

But, the same goes for the highest player level being under the quest level: -1 = +10%, -2 = +20%, etc.

08-22-2007, 11:43 AM
loot- Random roll on what is generated for each char who looks in the chest. Unless its a warded raid chest, though it will be changed in mod 5, everyone will get items from a chest.

Quests- only one person needs to have beaten it on hard inorder for it to open on elite, providing the person who completed it on the harder difficulty has the quest.

Levels- Okay, listen closely. if its a level 2 quest, and you have level 4's in the group, you take 20% xp hit. now, if you have a level 6, you would take a much more massive hit, becasue of the powerlevel penalty you take if your 4 or more levels below the highest level char, now if you have level 2, 4, and 6 in the same group, the level 4's take the standard level over penalty for the level 6 being in there, but they wouldnt take the powerlevel penalty. so as long as they are 1-3 levels above you, you dont take that much of an XP hit.

08-22-2007, 11:54 AM
1) You can pretty much group with anyone you want. There are no restrictions as to who can be in your group.

Upon completing an adventure, you will receive favor points for whatever difficulty you have accomplished.

What can happen is loss of XP reward. If the highest level character in the group is 4 levels above you, you will lose 50% of the base XP. Greater than 4 levels and you will lose 100% of the XP reward for that is considered 'power levelling' where basically it is felt that your contribution to the adventure is negligible.

2) Chest pulls are based on random rolls just as they do in PnP. Each chest has a base rating which determines which loot table to roll against. The rating is adjusted for difficulty of quest, level of the character (high level chests are adjusted downward for low level characters), and the number of time you have visited that particular chest in the last 7 days. After that rolls are made (behind the scenes) as to how many items are in the chest and what items they are.

3) Quest difficulty allowed is based on the highest level of anyone in the party. If one person in a group has done the quest previously on Hard, the entire party can run the quest on Elite. A common trick is to invite a character into a group to open a quest on a higher difficulty and replace the opener with the character that is actually going to run the quest.

08-22-2007, 11:55 AM
Grouping is the best way to go IMO.

1. The great part about this game is that everyone has their oun loot, so it isn't a race to the chest before the monsters are dead. Infact you may not want to be first because some fighter might get some sorcerer spell components and in the chest pass them off to you.

2. Just one person needs to have done it on hard for the whole party to go in on elite. If you don't have the quest active (even though you can only open it on normal) then of course you wont get an end reward but will get the favor and bonus xp if it is the first time on elite.
On that note it is good to do the quest on normal, hard elite to get the bonus xp the first time you run it. You can jump in and do a quest on elite with a group and then come back later and run it on normal, hard by yourself and still get the bonus xp for the first time through.

3. It is a 3 level difference that you can have. So if you are 3rd level you can party with a 6th and be ok. But if a 7th level joins your party then they will be power leveling you and you will take a 50% loss of xp.
It's a good idea to try and get a group the same level and then do quest that are higher then you. example You are all 3rd level and do a quest on normal that is 6th level. Since you are 3 levels lower you will get a 30% increase in xp, plus if you have never done it you will get 25% more xp for having done it the first time. This can get tough with a group that hasnt worked together before so start out slow. There could be people that are raising up 2nd or 3rd etc characters and know which quests to run at what levels.

08-25-2007, 09:45 PM
Actually bit of an etiquette question now I guess-
Is it standard to ask (through a tell) the leader of a group if you can join?
Or do most people just click join when they see a group with an opening?

Just curious, noticed a number of groups filled up before I received an answer to my question so..

08-25-2007, 09:47 PM
Either way is fine. Generally I just click join unless they either post "send tell first" or I have questions. When you click join they have a message pop up telling them your name, class(es) and level, so they can choose to accept or reject you right there.

08-25-2007, 09:47 PM
Actually bit of an etiquette question now I guess-
Is it standard to ask (through a tell) the leader of a group if you can join?
Or do most people just click join when they see a group with an opening?

Just curious, noticed a number of groups filled up before I received an answer to my question so..

I usually will send a tell if it is a quest I've never done before, but more often than not I will just hit join.

08-25-2007, 10:25 PM
Actually bit of an etiquette question now I guess-
Is it standard to ask (through a tell) the leader of a group if you can join?
Or do most people just click join when they see a group with an opening?

Just curious, noticed a number of groups filled up before I received an answer to my question so..

Group leaders have to set up lfm/class/quest etc., and update it as more join. They are usually running around getting potions or getting to the quest giver, and when someone clicks join they can see the name/class/lvl on the screen and choose whomever. If you send them a /tell they can easily miss it or just not want to bother replying cuz they already have the above mentioned tasks to handle.
Now of course you not being rude asking. Not at all. But this may shed some light on why the lack of response.
By just clicking "join", he can see your class/lvl. and with on click you're in...
Say 'hello'.....and let them know that you are new. This will help you big time. And be proud that you are new. Many long time players wish that they could be in your place, where every thing is unknown and exciting.
Grouping takes a few times to get used to. Voice chat is a great feature. Typing is ok for some....but when you are in the heat of battle, communication is vital, and you can't fight and type effectivley.

Good luck to you! There is much to learn. But we all had to and to this day still are!

08-26-2007, 10:24 AM
Also I will usealy send a tell to the group leader if I intend tojoin on a different character then I am on. I might say something like"hey I can get my 14 sorc, would that be ok?

08-27-2007, 08:54 AM
Actually bit of an etiquette question now I guess-
Is it standard to ask (through a tell) the leader of a group if you can join?
Or do most people just click join when they see a group with an opening?
I'm forming groups often, and I can tell you... please use the join button, unless you plan to join on another character (in which case make it clear that you would have to swap).
It's much easier for the leader to click an "accept" button than to reply and possibly manually type a /invite command.

08-27-2007, 04:58 PM
I'm forming groups often, and I can tell you... please use the join button, unless you plan to join on another character (in which case make it clear that you would have to swap).
It's much easier for the leader to click an "accept" button than to reply and possibly manually type a /invite command.

I agree with this as well as someone that forms groups often. Using the 'join' button is the way to go. If you'd like to let the leader know you are new to the game/quest, the best thing to do is hit the 'join' button and send a tell at the same time.