View Full Version : Large guilds VS small guilds

08-20-2007, 09:50 PM
What's the general concensus on guild size. Is it better to be in a large or a small one. Each offers its own advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on what your looking for.

My current experience in a small guild of 10-15 members. People know each other, someone is always on to group with. We have alts at all levels. We know each others scheduals, playstyle, and personalities. Never met in person but everyone clicks. Run 6 - 8 man raids.
My experience in large guilds - clicks develope. As different clicks become uber, players become snobish, while others stay stagnant. People don't know everyone. People are constantly joining and leaving like a revolving door. Run 12 man raids.

What are your experiences, opinions, and insights?

Razziel - lvl 14 ELf Fighter
Morkai - lvl 14 Human Sorcerer
Guild - With Friends Like These

08-21-2007, 12:18 AM
When mod 5 comes out? Guilds with at least enough members for everyone and their alts to have 12 man raids.

Now? Small guilds.

08-21-2007, 12:42 AM
with the mod 5 changes coming out - a slightly larger guild size is more advantageous than it is at the moment...

but for those that are used to (and enjoy) the small-guild feel... just be patient.. dont be afraid to recruit.. but be very selective in your recruiting (make sure they fit in with at least 90% of your current guildies if not all of them) so as to avoid becoming the type of guild that the OP described... until you get to the point where 10-12 man raids are not hard to put together.

08-21-2007, 01:51 AM
I say small guilds. Fight Club consist of 6 people( only 3 of which play on a regular basis ). When Mod 5 comes out we will run raids with other small guilds to fill our group or PUG it.

Of course we are all friends going back 15 to 22 years so it makes it easier to get along....or when we don't to let each other know. We plan on tryin to expand an recruit more players....just not sure when or how. But we'll never get larger than 12 people.

So if you smaller guilds are even larger ones are intrested in filling up a party send us a tell....we want to meet an group with everyone(at least once). Now raids.....well until Mod 5 comes out we will be 2 or 3 mannin em.

Good Luck

08-21-2007, 11:37 AM
Small guilds, no question, IMO. Less drama, more fun. :D

08-21-2007, 11:58 AM
trust me, small guilds can have just as much drama as larger guilds.

What I've found is that your guild needs may change. I started in a small guild. 3-5 of us, all RL buddies. They all left and then I moved on to a larger guild with 20ish members. Afterwords I moved to another smaller guild with about 6-7 constant people. Now I'm in a larger guild again. I can honestly say I've IMMENSELY enjoyed every one of the guilds and each one has it's pro's and con's. Everyone's needs are different and the important thing to find is a guild where your happy!

08-21-2007, 12:30 PM
I think too, that we may all have different ideas on Large and Small guilds are.

Before I joined NSR everyone always called it a "Big" guild, but I would say that we are more moderate sized, especially since there seems to be guilds that came in with the merge with a crazy amount of members.

NSR to me is just the right size, and since we have quite a few members who can't play everyday--some who can't play for weeks at a time-- there is always a variety of people to play with. There are usually enough people online to run guild only but not always have to play with the same 4 - 6, and prime time playing hours there are 2 to 3 groups to choose from.

We have people that like to 2 and 3 man raids, but we also have enough members to fill the raids with 12 people or sometimes run 2 raids at the same time. I am the more the merrier type, and the more the merriers get along just fine with the bare min types in our guild, I think that may be rare--we don't seem to have a lot of cliques- sometimes morning people group with morning people, and late late night people group together and know each other better, but I wouldn't say that there is a preference.

So Moderate sized gets my vote.

08-21-2007, 06:11 PM
Large guild with a small guild feel > all

08-21-2007, 06:23 PM
I've been in both. I just left the large guild due to nobody ever being on plus the only member I really new was the leader. i have founded my own small guild and it's great. Now less than 4 of us are on at all times. Yes we all agree we need to bring it to a total of 12 members (currently have 7), but the small guild for me is the way to go. i have had more fun the past few weeks since I started my guild than I have had in all the time before that. We usually short man everything which adds a challenge and I almost never PUG anymore (not that PUGS are all bad). Anyway just MHO.

08-21-2007, 07:05 PM
I was in a large guild at launch and it wasn't much different than pugging. I thought it was a little funny that some members of that guild wouldn't PUG, but the only restriction on getting into the guild was age 25+ which most PUGS seem to be anyways :D

I prefer small and medium sized guilds where you actually play with most of the other members on a regular basis.

08-21-2007, 10:25 PM
Active guilds, large or small, are best. I know plenty of large and small guilds that members feel are not active enough.

08-22-2007, 02:20 PM
I have been in, and still speak to people who are in large guilds - +50 people... and I find it strange when I mention a player who is in their guild and they dont recall who they are, my response is usually ,"really? but there in your guild... how could you not know them."
This leads me to believe that large guilds are subject to impersonalization, which stated in a previous post, is fine for some....
I happen to like the guild I am in exactly because we all know each other and have a riot when we are all on. There are no anonimous players.
Many are more disciplined and see guilds as a "job" where one logs, runs quest as fast as possible, then logs off...

08-22-2007, 03:03 PM
I have to say that I really like the small guild feel. I used to be in a really, really big guild on Adar that disbanded at the beginning of '07. Some of the refugees started our own guild when that broke up and we still only have 8 members. Five of us have all of our characters in the guild, three of us only have one or two characters in Legion of Ham and the rest in other guilds.

What I like most is that we all know each other and our respective play styles quite well. We have surprising flexibility in terms of the different combinations of characters we can bring to groups and we rarely have a full group when we quest. Quite frankly, it feels a bit crowded when we have a full group.

Having see the drama of a large guild, I can honestly say that samll guilds are the only way to go.... for me.

08-22-2007, 11:29 PM
Active guilds, large or small, are best. I know plenty of large and small guilds that members feel are not active enough.

Agree its all in if a guild is active enough to keep you happy.:)

08-23-2007, 09:35 AM
I think the choice of guild depends on what kind of player you are. If you want to be an uber player who runs reaver solo, you would probably enjoy smaller guild of uber players. On the other hand, if you are more social butterfly, medium to large guild with assorted type of players might fit you better.

personally, I enjoy a medium size (10-15 players)guild made up of decent players who are good people. I see this game as more of a social game rather than something you have to "win". Go CG!!