View Full Version : The Link Build

08-20-2007, 10:55 AM
Alright, just for fun i got the idea of a link, from zelda, build. What i wanted to accomplish was:
1.) stay true to material
2.) be fun
3.) be effective
I tried to use material from as many games as I could. I had a reason for each part of the build. Any assistence would be happily accepted. I'm not going for the most uber build ever, this is just to find link build. I have no intension on ever playing this build, though if someone eles does, go for it.

The basic Idea i had was a sword-and-board meeler that is also good with a bow, has UMD, perform skills, and the whirlwind feat and being effective without forgoing the origenal material. I also want this to be sensible, so I limited top-end gear and went with a 28 point build. I guess a 32 pt build can either increase con by 2 or cha by 4.


elf- he's an elf

6ranger/6fighter/2bard- he seems to me to have a decent amount of ranger in him, and he meleees alot so some fighter. bard is from is music playing.

str 16 + 2 enh + 4 item + 3 lvls + 1 tome = 26 str- he's strong
dex 16 +4 enhs + 4 item + 2 tomes = 26- he's fast
con 12 + 4 item = 16- i've never found him to have a huge con, though he is still a meleer
int 14- need to be smart for thoose puzzles
wis 8 +4 item = 12- more for ranger spells then anything really
cha 10 + 4 = 14 cha- UMD

1-dodge- link is good at dodgeing blows
(2)fgt1-weapon focus: slash- he always uses longswords
3-mobility- he does tumble often
(5)fgt2-spring attack- required for whirlwind
6-combat expertise- he's good at defenses
9-imp. crit: slash- he focuses on longswords
(10)fgt4-weapon spec.: slash- he focuses on longswords
12- skill focus: UMD- he has been shown to use magic items without having magic abilities himself
(14)fgt6- whirlwind- the classic link whirlwind attack

max UMD
focus rest on perform, tumble, balance, hide, and move silent

13 BaB
8 str
5 weapon
2 elf enhancement
1 focus
4 greater herosim
1 haste
1 bard song
-5 combat expertise

Attack damage:
+5 weapon
+2 weap spec
+2 elf enh
+8 str
+3 bard song
1d8 + 22 dmg

10 base
7 dex (8 if you can find +5 mith chain shirt, then you can drop the fighter armor mastery)
9 +5 chain shirt
7 +5 heavy shield
3 shield of faith potion
1 haste
3 barkskin potion
3 chattering ring
1 dodge feat
44 ac
5 combat expertise
2 shield of faith from cleric
2 barkskin from ranger
4 paladin aura from paladin
2 blocking
1 holding a parrying weapon

17 ranks
3 delera's tiem
2 cha
4 gtr hero
3 feat
3 ranger skill boost


Fighter Attack Boost II
Ranger Skills Boost II
Bard Extra Song I
Bard Inspired Bravery I
Bard Inspired Damage I
Bard Lingering Song I
Elven Dexterity II
Elf Melee Attack II
Elf Melee Damage II
Elf Ranged Attack II
Elf Ranged Damage I
Fighter Armor Mastery I
Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Fighter Item Defense I
Bard Perform I
Bard Tumble I
Ranger Dexterity II
Fighter Strength II

level set-up:
alternate between ranger/fighter