View Full Version : Wow look at all that stuff!!!!!! Trapz scrapz

08-20-2007, 08:15 AM
Where do I begin... and this is not all by far: have others not listed cuz those 1's i realy don't wanna trade but at right price maybe...

+5 mith chain shirt of cause fear
+4 mith chain shirt
+4 acid guarsd mith chain of less sonic
+4 mith tower
+4 mith tower of stability

+1 vorpal kama shatter 2
+1 bastard disruption
+1 para longsword vert 2
+2 para light mace
+2 para kama rr WF
+1 para heavy mace
+1 para great axe
+1 para khopesh
+1 para light hammer
+1 para dwarven of deception
+1 para rapier of deception
+1 light mace of smiting
+1 byeshk kama of smiting
+1 banishing dagger shatter 2 rr human lvl 10
+2 banishing shortsword rr human lvl 10
+1 banishing club of right
+1 banishing light mace

+2 ghost touch shortbow of disruption
+2 para longbow PG rr dwarf
+2 para longbow backstab 1 rr WF lvl 12
+1 banishing shortbow power 1
+1 anarchic light xbow of disruption rr WF lvl 12
+1 heavy xbow smiting
+3 wounding light repeater backstab1
+4 holy light repeater PG

+3 thunder light mace G dragon
+1 ghost touch bastard of G undead
+1 icy burst scimitar G undead
+2 anarchic long sword G undead
+2 true chaos shortsword G undead
+2 true law dagger G undead
+1 shock burst kama G undead
+3 thunder rapier G undead rr dwarf
+1 axiomatic sicke G undead
+2 frost light mace G giant
+1 holy quarterstaff G giant
+2 thunder light mace G giant
+2 true chaos light mace G giant
+1 holy quarter of G elemental
+2 true chaos light mace G elemental
+1 vicious khopesh of G elemental
+1 holy flametouched greatsword G magical beast
+1 vicioue dwarven G aberration
+1 anarchic dagger G aberration rr dwarf
+2 thunder lons sword G aberration
+1 shock dagger G aberration
+1 true law sickle G aberration
+1 holy dagger G aberration
+1 vicious light mace G construct
+1 anarchic club G construct
+3 frost kama G construct
+1 anarchic dwarven G construct
+1 flaming burst heavy mace G gnoll
+1 anarchic shortsword G gnoll
+1 shock shortsword G gnoll
+1 axiomatic burst light hammer G gnoll rr WF
+1 frost light mace G dwarf
+2 true law rapier G dwarf
+2 true chaos dagger G dwarf
+1 anarchis heavy mace G reptilian
+2 shock burst hand axe G goblinoid
+1 shock burst dagger G goblinoid
+1 axiomatic byeshk heavy pick G goblinoid
+1 flame rapier G evil outsider
+1 flame khopesh G chaotic outsider
+1 flame burst dagger G chaotic outsider
+1 flame scimitar G chaotic outsider rr half
+2 thunder rapier G orc
+1 axiomatic khopesh G elf
+1 frost khopesh G elf
+1 holy light pick G elf
+3 vicious shortsword G vermin

+1 shock longbow G giant rr WF lv6
+2 thunder shortbow G evil outsider
+1 holy shortbow G lawful outsider
+3 true chaos shortbow G gnoll rr human
+1 anarchic shortbow G gnoll
+2 true law shortbow G gnoll
+3 shock shortbow G goblinoid
+3 true chaos shortbow G goblinoid
+3 shock burst light repeater Construct bane
+1 holy heavy repeater G chaotic outsider

+3 flame burst heavy repeater right
+1 shock burst light repeater backstab 4
+3 shock burst flametouched khopesh backstab1
+3 shock burst rapier right
+2 flame burst dwarven PG
+3 flame burst long sword right
+3 flame burst dwarven right
+1 holy burst battleaxe PG
+1 holy burst dagger of enfeebling
+2 holy burst adamantine dagger tendon slice 2%
+2 holy burst khopesh backstab1
+2 holy burst dagger right
+2 holy burst dwarven right
+2 holy burst bastard backstab1
+3 icy burst bastard PG rr dwarf
+4 icy burst flametouch rapier
+3 icy burst khopesh lesser orc bane
+1 flame burst kukri enfeebling
+3 shock burst dwarven PG

Jorgundal's collar
Reaver ring
Cape of Roc
Cloak of shadows
Adherant's pendant (2)
Fragment of silver flame (2)
Goggles minute seeing +13
Cha +1 G cold res cloak
G fire resist cloak
G lightning resist cloak (2)
Prot cloak +4
Cha +1 cloak resist +4
Armor bracer +6 (2)
Wis +5 Haggle +5 ring rr dwarf
Str +5 Perform +3 ring
Cha +1 resist +4 ring
Str +1 belt G false life (2)
Disease Immune belt G false life
Disease immune necklace Prot +4
Wis +1 necklace prot +4
Con +1 neckace prot +5 rr dwarf
Int +6 ring
Cloudkill scrolls 100 stack
Blade barrier scrolls 100 stack
Firewall scrolls 100 stack
Symbol persuassion scrolls 100 stack
Solid fog scrolls 100 stack
Dimension door scrolls 100 stack
Cha tome
Str tome
Int tome (3)
Wis tome (2)


Ring of ancestors
Ancient band
Planar Girds
Kardin's eye
G giant bane heavy repeater
+6 prot cloak or necklace
+6 str bracers
Deathblock H fort robe
Fearsome H fort robe
Wounding puncturing weaps
+5 mith fullplate
any scales atm
Transmuting light pick of puncturing
plat offers also (cuz as u c i buy way too much stuff)
2 handed G giant bane pref G axe
any lvl 8 rr power weps(vorp,smiter,banisher,disruptor,para) high crit pref

Any reasonable tells will be answered if i do not respond the offer is not close enough to value to negotiate....

more to come

any offers welcome

trapz, renamedi, fillu, kissit, nohealz, milkie, gotta or femme
in game tells or mail is welcome

08-20-2007, 07:44 PM
pm sent.

08-22-2007, 03:55 AM

08-22-2007, 06:58 AM
PM Sent