View Full Version : Items for Trade/Sale

08-16-2007, 08:59 PM
Here are some items for Trade/Sale. I am mostly looking to trade, but you can make me a plat offer if you like.

I am looking for banishing rapier, smiting rapier, +6 Chr (ring or cloak) items, +6 Dex (gloves or boots) items or other items of value/use. For item usability I have a Drow Bard (high UMD), Sorc and Rogue (moderate UMD).

The items to trade/sell are:
+1 Smiting Light Mace of True Chaos (lvl12)
+2 Superior Potency III Scepter (lvl8)
+2 Necromancy Club of Power VII (lvl10)
Crystalline Scepter

Tome, Wis +1
Tome, Int +1
Tome, Str +1
Tome, Con +1

Goggles Int +5, Shield 3/day (lvl13)
Goggles Int +6 (lvl13)

Boots of Striding 20%, Tumble +3 (lvl11)

Bracers Str +5 (RR: Dwarf, lvl9)

Ring Chr +4, Pro +1 (lvl13)

Belt Str +5, Light Fotification (lvl13)

Necklace Con +1, Pro +5 (RR: WF, UMD 20, lvl13)

Helm, Chr +5, Concentration +5 (RR: Halfing, UMD 20, lvl13)

+3 Mithral Chainshirt Fearsome of Light Fortification (lvl12)

Pearl of Power X (lvl9) [traded]

Send a PM, tells to Zied/Ziedon/Llewyn, or reply to this threat. :)

Hope to hear from ya..

08-17-2007, 11:19 AM
updated with new items

08-20-2007, 08:39 AM