View Full Version : Armor and Style Deficiency

08-15-2007, 02:26 PM
Since there is generally so much discussion about big things and broken things etc I thought I would talk about something in DDo that I would like to see changed at some point and thats Armor and Style

There comes a point in this game where you have really everything you need and then it becomes more about looking good while you do it. At least for me and Armor is really the core of that system.

I look at armors that are out there and are really never worn...some of them look just awesome...

Saw some banded mail the other day that was just gorgeous and nice but its not particularly functional for game play

People really only wear a few options:
Plate Mail
Mith Plate
Mith Chain
Mith Breast
robes and dragon armors

There just doesnt seem to be any use for scale mail or banded or whatever
There wasnt enough positive built into those armors to make them viable for anyone to wear into combat or have them truly be their functional armor. Allowing for more looks and style in the game.

heck as things are going soon most people will allo look alike either in black, white or blue armor.

Can we just look and see if there is some way to make other armor types attractive to players other than everyone robed up mithed up or full plated?

Can we add a raid reward to Velah - "stack of scales"(very rare drop)
You can take this to the new added guy in the Tor - Bob the Red Scale Smith
He cna turn you pile of red scales into:

Red Dragon Scale Armor (same dex restrictions as other colors):
Red Dragon Plate - +5 Full Plate AC9 base +4 resistance fireshield (you chose color 3x day) greater fire resist, fire guard (or 20% fire damage absorbtion)

Red Dragonhide Armor - leather - +5 Base 5 ac +4 resistance fireshield (you chose color 3x day) ,+1 dc to all bard songs, greater fire resist

Red Dragon Scale Armor - +5 Scale base 6 ac +4 resistance fireshield (you chose color 3x day) immunity to exhaustion, greater fire resist,

Red Dragon Docent - +5 docent +4 resistance fireshield (you chose color 3x day) greater fire resist, fire guard (or 20% fire damage absorbtion)

Red Dragon Robe - +6 AC +4 resistance, fireshield (you chose color 3x day),
greater fire resist, fire guard (or 20% fire damage absorbtion)

08-15-2007, 03:52 PM
The cosmetics industry attempts to invade another market.

"Hey, did you see my new YSL shield?"

08-16-2007, 09:40 AM
The cosmetics industry attempts to invade another market.

"Hey, did you see my new YSL shield?"

it's true though, I don't like wearing ugly armor either

08-16-2007, 07:31 PM
When they raise the level cap I'd like to see different armor styles and color combinations for anything with a lvl 16+ requirement. I'd settle for any new changes in armor but I like the concept of better looking armor, robes, and helms as you advance.

08-16-2007, 07:45 PM
They need to add in that scanty dress the sorceress is wearing on the box.