View Full Version : <Guild Name> Guild Only Raid LFMs

08-14-2007, 05:59 AM
I'm curious as to why these go up, and after a lot of extrapolation and a couple dozen bizarre theories I figured I'd just ask.

I'm pretty positive that there's no trouble seeing who's on the guild tab, although the idea that the entirety of the guild is blind and has to play via a computer compatible form of brail had crossed my mind.

I'm also fairly certain the various guild members running around with <insert raid gear here> makes it apparent that raids have indeed, happened in the guild.

I figured the situation was really out of hand today when I saw a "<Guild Name> Guild Only PoP" run.

I'm holding my breath for a Guild Only WW run at some point as well.

08-14-2007, 06:28 AM
Heya Ek,
I have always wondered what that was about too :confused: Always thought it was perhaps some guilds way of bragging that they were raiding (not sure why you would do that, but stranger things have happened) but that doesn't begin to explain the POP LFM :eek:

08-14-2007, 06:29 AM
LOL.....me and my buddies were wondering the same thing!! Guild Chat could do the same thing I would think, but hey I guess they have their reasons ya know. Must be something brought over from their old server or just to let everyone know they raid.

But PoP???? LMAO.....that takes the cake.

08-14-2007, 06:34 AM
A) Done by those who think they are in the "leet" guilds in an effort to make themselves look "all that".

B) Its easier to have your guildmates click on an LFM when you're going with a full 12 people. Inviting can be annoying especially when people are bouncing between characters. Its simpler to just tell them to click on the LFM and be done with it.

08-14-2007, 06:34 AM
I suppose it's lazy or convenient or both.
I really don't see why it's a problem when it goes up - I'd just recommend not trying to barge your way in - it's a quick and easy way to drop your name onto their /ignore list or worse.

I suppose if you know somebody really well on that lfm you might try asking directly.

08-14-2007, 07:39 AM
I'd just recommend not trying to barge your way in - it's a quick and easy way to drop your name onto their /ignore list or worse.

Several months ago I was kicked and squelched for insisting to a party leader that a high charisma character opening the chest first did not affect loot quality. I would place that idiot in the same classification as the "elite" guild only raid lfm's. So, do you really think I would lose any sleep over a "/ignore list or worse" for trying to join one of those groups?

Follow-up: Also lumped into the same category is the fool that squelced me for saying that a Tempest Spine run should not take longer than 20 minutes.

08-14-2007, 07:55 AM
There is also a guild on one of the servers, that may have merged into Sarlona, that has a tiered guild system. I cannot remember the name but, their guild is segmented into 3 or 4 guilds by level.
Would be a easy way to build a raid across a tiered guild.

08-14-2007, 08:00 AM
I really don't understand why this is such a big issue for people. If you are not in that guild, why do you care so much?

To explain the why... Instead of selecting names from a list, inviting each person one by one, it is easier and more efficient to put up a lfm and have those interested join on their own. People may be buying pots or scrolls or finishing a quest ect.. Maybe they want to switch characters and will join when they log back in. It is just more convenient to put an LFM up and allow interested guild members to join when they are ready. Additionally, a lot of guilds have more than 12 members who are ready to raid and its first come first serve.

I wonder why people feel compelled to send tells asking why an LFM is up.

08-14-2007, 08:16 AM
Ah, well, in an effort to avoid the tells, the thread was made so those curious could learn. By no means is the intent to be offensive.

Many guilds have a raid.. schedule, so members may sign up before hand, or type in 5 minutes beforehand that they want to go, etc etc etc. There are many systems.

A guild can play musical chairs for their raid spots if they want, it's no one else's business.
I did, however, find the possible risk associated with... satisfying my curiosity, acceptable, so I asked.

08-14-2007, 10:08 AM
I believe it is just to get the attention of those who are in for instance XXX guild, but are currently playing an alt in $$$ Guild. Thus the reason for these type of LFM's.

08-14-2007, 10:18 AM
I am just wondering where this tendency came from... I know it was never seen in Sarlona until after the merge. Looking at this thread we have people from both Adar and Aerenal asking about it as well. Seems a bit strange it just popped up suddenly now if any of the reasonable explanations that have been given are true and valid, Regardless it is simply a curiousity, doesn't really effect anyone one way or another.

08-14-2007, 11:50 AM
I really do hate to say this... but GUild only LFM's are AGAINT The CODE of CONDuCT. they are LFM spam and should not be there at all just like trades on the LFM. They put the INVITE button on the guild list for a REASON if you don't know about it learn about it... if u like i will start to report the Rudeness witch it guild only LFM's. and not to mention the additude that goes with them

08-14-2007, 11:53 AM
Hrm. sounds lazy. Even if people are doing other things it just seems strange to put up an LFM looking for your own guildies. It seems more like bragging that your doing a raid than a way of organizing one. And I'm not sure how getting squelched by someone who is leading one of those raids is really a threat or a deterant from trying to get in. . . especially if your guild raids with any sort of frequency what so ever. And with reaver raid, seriously if you have a lagger make /death up to the top, its not like the raid can't be done on elite with 3 people. and a tiered guild? you have to be kidding me.

08-14-2007, 12:08 PM
My guild uses LFms to organize raids such as reaver where that raid is ran 3-6 times on a scheduled night. Typically, after completing the raid several group members who are not interested in the raid loot recall out, grab the end reward, switch toons and post an LFM so those who are doing the same can join when they are ready. Some people in guild have 2-3 toons reaver ready, some have 6-7. After about 3 raids, it's hard for one person to keep track of who has burned which of their toons and who has not, so an LFM allows those who plan to participate in the next raid to join. It keeps guild chat uncluttered and saves the leader from spamming invites to everyone on in guild.


08-14-2007, 12:30 PM
I saw that last weekend...
I just thought there are some incredibly huge guilds out there and it was their way of making it easy to gather people, put in guild chat to join the group forming in progress...takes the guess work out of who wants to go. If they don't try to join in a huge guild they might get left behind.
Some guilds are so large that they could run two to three full raids at the same time. No?

The second one...I figured one of the two might be retalitory.

08-14-2007, 12:42 PM
I wondered about this myself, saw 3 in one evening for different guilds. I kinda found it annoying but whatever...

What's MORE annoying on the grouping page are people too bloody lazy to put the level requirement. Levels 1-14 EVERYWHERE!!! My level 6 is going to click on that pug Reaver Raid needing Levels 1-14 one of these days and just play stupid about it.


08-14-2007, 12:58 PM
and this one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my.........

08-14-2007, 01:33 PM
Well, annoying to others or not, it will not go away. And no, it is not a violation of the EULA since it is a valid attempt to orgainize a group for a quest; unlike those who post LFM to sell or buy items. Even if others cannot see the usefulness, it is helpful when orgainzing a raid or even a quest. I don't want to have to stare at a guild list until someone logs in and then invite them. When they are ready, they join. Easy. I am not too sure why having an LFM posted with a guild name is so annoying. Just don't click join. Easy. Move on to the next group.

08-14-2007, 01:49 PM
I really do hate to say this... but GUild only LFM's are AGAINT The CODE of CONDuCT. they are LFM spam and should not be there at all just like trades on the LFM. They put the INVITE button on the guild list for a REASON if you don't know about it learn about it... if u like i will start to report the Rudeness witch it guild only LFM's. and not to mention the additude that goes with them

Can you cite the specific section of the Code of Conduct that prohibits this use of the LFM panel?

08-14-2007, 04:31 PM
i don't mind the lfm's for a few minutes 30-40 minutes is absurd waiting on 1 take it down we don't want to see it.

08-14-2007, 04:32 PM
We are not allowed to post trade posts on the LFM because there is a place for that, here in the forums.

Yet you can post guild runs on the LFM even though there's a place for that, using the guild tab.

Eh, whatever I chalk it up as ego boosts for guilds. We used to have people do that on Aerenal, till they figured no one gave a ****.

08-14-2007, 05:02 PM
We use guild lfms to advertise a raid that has been on our website for some time so it is more for the benefit of guild 'associates' - players not of our guild who are welcomed to run with us any time have an opportunity to fill up the ranks of an upcoming raid..... not your average PUGger, mind you

EDIT: oh and when we run 2 simultaneous raids so we can smack talk each other :)

08-14-2007, 05:49 PM
EDIT: oh and when we run 2 simultaneous raids so we can smack talk each other :)

We do that to when there are 5 or 6 of us soloing it. 1st one done gets 100k pp from each of the slow ones. 200k if they fail.

08-14-2007, 06:13 PM
We do that to when there are 5 or 6 of us soloing it. 1st one done gets 100k pp from each of the slow ones. 200k if they fail.

I also once shot an 18 at Pebble Beach.

08-14-2007, 06:38 PM
We do that to when there are 5 or 6 of us soloing it. 1st one done gets 100k pp from each of the slow ones. 200k if they fail.

So wheres my money fool?

08-14-2007, 06:42 PM
What's with the negativity towards this type of LFM'ing?

Some players recognize skill or at least competence by paying attention to the players and the guilds they pug with, or have pugged with.

Putting your guild name up on the LFM is something I've never done, but I've also never been offended by it. Nor have I automatically jested sarcastically about it.

If you see that up on the LFM and right away you think 'oh LMAO some leet guild is recruiting for a pug raid' then the ego is in your court. Not theirs.

08-14-2007, 06:52 PM
I think people just get hurt becasue they cannot join in. Even if they arent raid ready, people still feel left out :(

But seriously, who cares what people put in thier LFM. There a lot of groups you cant join, so get over it.

08-14-2007, 07:40 PM
So wheres my money fool?

Deep in my front pocket, come fish it out ;)

08-14-2007, 07:48 PM
If you see that up on the LFM and right away you think 'oh LMAO some leet guild is recruiting for a pug raid' then the ego is in your court. Not theirs.No, my first thought was "oh, they're too lazy to just use guild chat".

Granted, there are excuses, where some people have characters in other guilds. But I'd think they're not going to see the LFM anyways. Most common would likely be them already in something. I know I don't bother to look at the LFMs while I'm in a quest or getting ready to go into one.

Of course, as I'm posting this, the very topic of this thread is being seen in Sarlona, and it's just sad to see the response in game. But it definitely shows what some people think of it.

08-14-2007, 07:52 PM
Deep in my front pocket, come fish it out ;)

is that canoe in your front pocket or are you just happy to see me?!? *** canuckel! you sick puppy

08-14-2007, 10:14 PM
I really do hate to say this... but GUild only LFM's are AGAINT The CODE of CONDuCT. they are LFM spam and should not be there at all just like trades on the LFM. They put the INVITE button on the guild list for a REASON if you don't know about it learn about it... if u like i will start to report the Rudeness witch it guild only LFM's. and not to mention the additude that goes with them
I suggest you remove the +5 Stick of Arrogance from out of your posterior and read some of the more reasonable responses. There have been many replies on this topic here giving a variety of reasons and explainations for this form of LFM, ranging from ease of invitation to catching the eye of alts and allies.

The practice hurts absolutely nobody. If you do not like it, then ignore it. There's lots of things going on in game every day that you either cannot or do not want to do, so just chalk these messages up as another of those and go about your business.

There is nothing to see here. Move along.

08-15-2007, 01:43 AM
aaah so it just lazyness. 2 pages of responses and it comes down to being lazy. should have just said that. much shorter post.

08-15-2007, 02:35 AM
lol the guild only lfm's are so annoying and i dont think that you should be allowed to do it. I mean people complained that the trade lfms were annoying cuz they had to scroll thru to find a group, well u know what this is now the same way.

I was on last night and there were 8 lfms up and there were a total of 6 lfm's with either a guild only raid goin on or someone using an lfm to mess with the guild only lfm's.

I mean come on use ur guild chat is it really that hard to invite someone to the raid when they sign on and type ready into guild chat? lol

I think if ur gonna allow this then u should bring back trades being allowed into lfm's so that there wont be a single lfm up about a real party.

I mean its insanely annoying to sign on and see a stk and tr lfm then 6 reaver raids that u cant join due to either being a guild only raid or just some other random guy using the Lfm panel to mess with the guilds.

08-15-2007, 06:28 AM
aaah so it just lazyness. 2 pages of responses and it comes down to being lazy. should have just said that. much shorter post.

You say lazy, I will say convenient.

Again, the LFM is used so that people can join when they want and not have to be interrupted in whatever they are doing with a party invite. It even works better for those who go afk right before a raid; which is often. I usually go make sure I take care of eating, using the bathroom, refilling my drink, spend a few minutes with the wife ect... Do I expect someone to be monitoring if I am at my pc or afk; let alone 10 other people? No. I will just join when I am ready to. But I guess that is just being lazy. :rolleyes:

It would seem that some folks just want to be upset about things. Especially since an LFM has zero impact on their gaming experience nor life in general.

08-15-2007, 09:50 AM
My question is haven't you people ever heard of Vent or Team speak? I do think it looks like a way to show off. I am a very lazy person but would have never thought of doing that. Do you really have to do it for parties as well as raids? Kinda lame and something that definately was never ever seen Aerenal so it came from somewhere else.

And while we are talking about annoying things what about the moron who has to send a tell everytime you fail the reaver. I mean does he really have that little of class? I mean Aerenal had a bunch of elitist butt holes but none like this guy. We failed our drunken naked run which was hilarious but I a have to get some stupid tell. Lame very Lame.

08-15-2007, 10:07 AM
My question is haven't you people ever heard of Vent or Team speak? I do think it looks like a way to show off.

Yes. I have heard of it, but no, we don't use it. Generally, all our guild posts is the name, such as: 'Mythical Only' as a title. I really don't think that is showing off. I will again say that it is our way of organizing it.

08-15-2007, 01:33 PM
Yes. I have heard of it, but no, we don't use it. Generally, all our guild posts is the name, such as: 'Mythical Only' as a title. I really don't think that is showing off. I will again say that it is our way of organizing it.

I think having a LFM saying (insert guild name here) only is cool. I think the thing that chaps everyones ass is (insert guild name here) only "don't hate because you can't come. That kind of **** gets on everyones nerves. It becomes annoying when I am LFG and there are 2 posts up saying guild only and 12 people putting up similiar posts because this bothers them.

My point is put the LFM saying blank guild organizing not a LFM that says hey everyone look at us we are running a all guild group and we are soooo uber you can't come.

08-15-2007, 01:52 PM
I think having a LFM saying (insert guild name here) only is cool. I think the thing that chaps everyones ass is (insert guild name here) only "don't hate because you can't come. That kind of **** gets on everyones nerves. It becomes annoying when I am LFG and there are 2 posts up saying guild only and 12 people putting up similiar posts because this bothers them.

My point is put the LFM saying blank guild organizing not a LFM that says hey everyone look at us we are running a all guild group and we are soooo uber you can't come.

I can agree with that. I also hope that there are more guilds who use the LFM in the way I described than the negative way being described. I would also venture to guess that the guilds who want to brag about raiding probably aren't very experienced. Its like my old ball coach used to say about celebrating after scoring... act like you've been there before.

The whole thing is because this game IS so group intensive and guilds do represent a large portion of the raiding groups out there, some folks may in fact feel slighted when they see an exclusive LFM. Raiding guilds do tend to be a bit exclusive, but it is how they prefer to operate. Just like roleplaying guilds/groups prefer to run only with other people they know roleplay. Some groups insist that you not be a zerger or rush. It is all about customizing your guild or group to get what you (collectively) want out of the game. For us, and many other guilds, it is to run a raid with folks you know, people who understand the philosophy and playstyle that is expected by the guild.

08-15-2007, 02:12 PM
i have no problem with the lfm's with just the guild name and forming after it.
no need to put the raid name or Pop in there or the absurd don't hate cause you can't come that was up last night.

Seems to have come from adar as aerenalites say they didn't see it and i know it's never been a part of sarlona.

08-15-2007, 02:20 PM
Yes it is indeed, an Adar custom.

08-15-2007, 02:41 PM
Last night I saw a caster only POP elite lfm group. I was so enraged because I am a fighter and couldn't join! thats against the code of conduct! I mean thats discrimination. I'm as uber as any caster?! why couldnt I join?! He was just doing it to be a show off! and wasting LFM space on the list! I couldn't ignore it, it was eating me up inside and I wanted to poke my own eyes out with a stick.

I can't believe you guys are argueing about this or even discussing this. WHO CARES if guilds are lazy, egotistical, or taking up lfm space. Go run a reaver raid with your own guild or go pug an open one. Ignore the masses that mean nothing to you. END of story.

*They literally hand you an english muffin with Jam. Thats a complete over dramatization of course, but you get the picture* car insurance...

08-15-2007, 02:50 PM
We usually run about 6 Reaver raids at a time.

Some people dont have alot of time or work different hours(like me 3rd shifter). I set my alarm clock for the posted raid time and When its time I wake up figure out what toon i want to take first before I log in and I click on the LFM. Do about 3 raids myself and then I might log off and go back to bed. It takes less time, less hassle, and we can get in more raids in per night.

Until we have a internal "LFM" like panel for guild members only, that only guild members can see, this will not go away.

The people who think this is some type of way for a guild to show off. Grow up, I think most adults, who are mature enough would not think that.

THis is no way being lazy, We are using the LFM panel the way its suppost to be used, we are Looking For More, be it from our guild or your guild, it dont matter one bit. At least we let you know before you try and clicking on it, by posting it is for Mythical only.

One more thing, its not like we are takeing valuable space posting a Guild only Raid in the LFM, last time I check there is no limit to how many people can post LFMS, be it 1 person posting or 20, it only takes a few seconds to read.

08-15-2007, 03:04 PM
We usually run about 6 Reaver raids at a time.

Some people dont have alot of time or work different hours(like me 3rd shifter). I set my alarm clock for the posted raid time and When its time I wake up figure out what toon i want to take first before I log in and I click on the LFM. Do about 3 raids myself and then I might log off and go back to bed. It takes less time, less hassle, and we can get in more raids in per night.

Until we have a internal "LFM" like panel for guild members only, that only guild members can see, this will not go away.

The people who think this is some type of way for a guild to show off. Grow up, I think most adults, who are mature enough would not think that.

THis is no way being lazy, We are using the LFM panel the way its suppost to be used, we are Looking For More, be it from our guild or your guild, it dont matter one bit. At least we let you know before you try and clicking on it, by posting it is for Mythical only.

One more thing, its not like we are takeing valuable space posting a Guild only Raid in the LFM, last time I check there is no limit to how many people can post LFMS, be it 1 person posting or 20, it only takes a few seconds to read.

SO if this is how this is MENT to be used... tell my why did they take the time to put the INVITE button on the guild roster list... THis is EVERYTHIng people are saying it is.. well everything but lazy because it take just as much to do this as it does to open the guild list and click the invite button on the list. it's braging about how your raiding it's trying to show off witch is funny.. it's just sillyness.

as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.

08-15-2007, 03:15 PM
but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.

I guess you have not gotten this far yet, because you seem to care alot what other people do.

08-15-2007, 04:00 PM
SO if this is how this is MENT to be used... tell my why did they take the time to put the INVITE button on the guild roster list... THis is EVERYTHIng people are saying it is.. well everything but lazy because it take just as much to do this as it does to open the guild list and click the invite button on the list. it's braging about how your raiding it's trying to show off witch is funny.. it's just sillyness.

as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.

The intended use of the LFM panel is for groups who do not have a complete roster can add more members. I think all of us reading this thread can agree to that basic fact. The LFM panel allows you to select restrictions as to what you want/need from potential members (ie, specific classes, levels, quests, and difficulty setting of the quests). There is even a comment field so that group leaders can add further comments about the group. Given that all the other tools in the LFM are designed to narrow criteria in such a way as to allow all involved to quickly determine if the opportunity is a good "fit", someone could reasonably argue that the comments field exists to provide "custom" criteria that can't be articulated using the existing selections.

It strikes me that most of the uproar in this thread is being driven by people who are trying to read intent into the "<insert guild name> only" comment. Quite honestly, I've never taken offense at this and can't understand why others do. People have every right to play with whomever they want.

I used to be a member of a large guild, and we used to use the LFM in the very same way people are complaining about. With people switching between characters to swap around gear, being in other quests before a raid starts, or simply logging on just before the raid starts, the LFM method for guild-only raids is often the simplest way to manage all the comings and goings leading up to the start time of a raid.

As to having an invite button in the guild panel... well, you also have an invite button on the bubble you can use to exam items and characters. Does this mean that we should all have to walk up to characters and invite them rather than using other invite buttons or the LFM? No - Turbine has provided us with a number of tools to quickly and easily assemble groups. Frankly, I appreciate people putting as many criteria as possible in the LFM panel. That way, I can take an "at a glance" approach to deciding whether or not I want to join.

This is in no way, shape, or form like using the LFM for trades. People who use the LFM for trades have no intention whatsoever of having people join a group for the purposes of questing. That is a clear mis-use of the tool. Comparing "guild only" LFMs to trade LFMs isn't even comparing apples to oranges, it's comparing apples to steak.

In circumstances like this, it's best not to speculate as to intent. Stick to the facts and you'll save yourself a lot of stress.

08-15-2007, 04:02 PM
duplicate post

08-15-2007, 04:14 PM
My question is haven't you people ever heard of Vent or Team speak?

This made me laugh. You buy a game with integrated voice chat then use a third party chat program. If that isn't egotistical I don't know what is.... Are the rest of us not good enough to hear what you have to say? Or are you already squelched by half the server?

08-15-2007, 04:20 PM
if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s

hahaha oh man did they really have this lfm up? Anyways...would i rather not see the lfm...yes. Am I going to report you to turbine if i see one up? ... no. Does it bother me or do i care? lol nope.
Just seems a little ... i dont know what the word is...lazy? or inefficient...not sure...but doesn't make much sense to me why you have that in an lfm...thats what guild chat is for. I think guilds that do this should try to be a little bit more considerate cause it does send a message...and whether you agree with it or not... that you are doing a raid and everyone else can't come...but in the whole scheme of things is it a big deal?...no.

08-15-2007, 04:23 PM
Heya Ek,
I have always wondered what that was about too :confused: Always thought it was perhaps some guilds way of bragging that they were raiding (not sure why you would do that, but stranger things have happened) but that doesn't begin to explain the POP LFM :eek:

It bugs me to, but maybe its incentive for unguilded people to join guilds because they want to raid

08-15-2007, 05:07 PM
Macfionn thank you. Beat me to the point I was going to make.:D

Lebrac the fact that you or anyone else is making fun of me is in no way going to change my behavior. especially to something that "U" would find more acceptable. On the contrary it tends bring out the mule in me. I believe someone has misinformed you that our Guild is made up of thin skinned individuals easily influnced by the finger pointing of others. I have seen, in earlier posts. That a few of my guild mates have made the attempt to answer an honest question with a brief outline of our practices and the reasons we do so. This resulted in combustion. So will try to explain it on your level.

We dUe it tht wa, beCAuse we like it. It wOrks for us. We didn't MEan to hurt UR feelings. If u don't tell Turbine on us well GIVE U a candy cane!!!!!111:rolleyes:

Now back to reasonable individuals. Slothman911. The LFM that you made mention of with " dont' hate because you can't come " , or words to that effect. I happened to be in that group. That was not intended as it was taken. When the Mythical Only LFM was posted by the party leader. He was hit with a rash of hatefull tells, some of them cussing him for it. So instead of telling Turbine on them with a harrasment complaint. He tweaked their noses a little bit. All in good fun. ;)

08-15-2007, 05:15 PM
Until we have a internal "LFM" like panel for guild members only, that only guild members can see, this will not go away.

*Posts MOTD* Reaver Raid Friday 8pm. Doing 6 runs. 1st come, 1st served

/g Hey guys forming Raid 1, first 12 are in.

/g Hey guys, raid 2 is starting.


Maybe I am missing something. Bah, who cares. Give it a week and the complaining will disappear like everything else that has been whined about.

08-15-2007, 05:17 PM
Macfionn thank you.
Aye, very well said.

08-15-2007, 05:19 PM
Last night I saw a caster only POP elite lfm group. I was so enraged because I am a fighter and couldn't join! thats against the code of conduct! I mean thats discrimination. I'm as uber as any caster?! why couldnt I join?!

Your fighter is seriously lacking in uberness. You should have just switched to your caster Morkai and become l33t enough to run with us. Heck, you could have even started the group then with that uber uberness!

08-15-2007, 06:22 PM
as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.

wow cause I know the extra 5 seconds it takes to sort out the lfm list is so painstaking and a WASTE of my valuable time. It's such an impact on my gameplay i'm going to argue about it in the forums. (Which is a waste of valuable time). Maybe I would consider it a form of spam if there were like 200 quests being advertised at 1 given time. However, the not even 1 - 10 quests being advertised takes soooo long to determine if I can join or not.... I know time is really valuable to people but come on lebrac lets be realistic. Maybe I just don't get it...but I think theres more to it than a waste of a few seconds thats bothering Lebrac...

08-15-2007, 06:26 PM
Now back to reasonable individuals. Slothman911. The LFM that you made mention of with " dont' hate because you can't come " , or words to that effect. I happened to be in that group. That was not intended as it was taken. When the Mythical Only LFM was posted by the party leader. He was hit with a rash of hatefull tells, some of them cussing him for it. So instead of telling Turbine on them with a harrasment complaint. He tweaked their noses a little bit. All in good fun. ;)

If this was the only instance of similar "flaming" guild only LFMs I'd say you had a point, but the very first time I saw these on the very first day of the merger there were ones like this. I will take your word that this was a single instance with your guild that occurred under duress but i doubt all are.

There have been some reasonable explanations for the practice, I grant you that, but many of those have been sprinkled with "the reason you question this is your just jealous" comments. Unfortunately this tends to lend credence to the posts that this seems a bit like bragging. Believe it or not most if not all those who have called this practice into question run raids regularly... and dare I say it even multiple and/or simultaneous raids in a night and have done so with little hassle not using the LFMs. I see most of the commenters are also guilded so the snubs I have seen there are also invalid.

I do think there has been one comment that has some merit to it. Although I rarely use LFMs, many do and the point that seeing a page full of LFMs all or most "guild only" would be frustrating. I am not saying this is a reason to stop the practice, but I think a little understanding for the people that find it annoying would be in order.

Regardless as it has been mentioned before this will all die down one way or another. My only suggestion would be to try not to make those LFMs anything but exactly what they are a way to organize your guild group. Any of the "flaming commentary" on them will be taken exactly as they are, elitist, whether the intention is there or not.

08-15-2007, 06:32 PM
When you use the server-wide LFM window for Guild Only groups, you come across looking like arrogant holes. When the first line of your forum response is to let everyone know that your guild runs 6 reavers at a time, you come across looking like an arrogant hole.

As an arrogant hole myself, I try to be aware of this aspect of self. I make an attempt to keep blatantly ego-boosting, public displays of uberness to a minimum. Although, sometimes self cannot help but /flex.

The people who use guild only LFMs now know that, despite their good intentions, others do not appreciate this tactic. For those of us who do not like the guild only LFMs, we at least know that the supporters of this tactic claim honorable intentions.

It is something that I personally would like to see abolished. Yes, I understand you like it and it works for you. No, I am not reporting you to Turbine nor does it hurt my feelings. It is annoying to quite a number of people and there are alternative, less obnoxious means to the same ends that may be more effective than you realize.

08-15-2007, 07:12 PM
SO if this is how this is MENT to be used... tell my why did they take the time to put the INVITE button on the guild roster list... THis is EVERYTHIng people are saying it is.. well everything but lazy because it take just as much to do this as it does to open the guild list and click the invite button on the list. it's braging about how your raiding it's trying to show off witch is funny.. it's just sillyness.

as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.

Hmmm since when did you write the Code of Conduct.. What the heck makes you think you are God here.. Look as far as I am concerned you are just a confused little boy with way to much time on your hands. Why try to stir up something that does not matter to anyone, so what you have to look at a lfm and it says " guild only " are you that insecure that it bothers you that much.. I bet if i posted and everyone in my guild posted a lfm at once that would bother you huh , but of course that would be useless unlike when we post Mythical only guild , We are a huge guild with many members, this would be the reason behind are guild only raids.. Are guild is a raiding and loot guild only..We dont pug because we are such a big guild .. This would be are second reason that we use the guild only statement..

08-15-2007, 08:17 PM
Maybe the guilds are soo big, that this is there way of letting peoples alts know that they are raiding. Alts that are non guilded or in other guilds. Makes sense to me.

There is no reason to BRAG about doing any raid, so i doubt this is anyones intent for posting a guild LFM.

Oh and btw, If you have a problem with the guild only LFM's then you should also have a problem with:

1) PVP LFM's, come play in the lobster!
2) Returning Members Only

08-15-2007, 08:33 PM
Maybe the guilds are soo big, that this is there way of letting peoples alts know that they are raiding. Alts that are non guilded or in other guilds. Makes sense to me.

There is no reason to BRAG about doing any raid, so i doubt this is anyones intent for posting a guild LFM.

Oh and btw, If you have a problem with the guild only LFM's then you should also have a problem with:

1) PVP LFM's, come play in the lobster!
2) Returning Members Only

good point man, good point

08-15-2007, 08:40 PM
Hmmm since when did you write the Code of Conduct.. What the heck makes you think you are God here.. Look as far as I am concerned you are just a confused little boy with way to much time on your hands. Why try to stir up something that does not matter to anyone, so what you have to look at a lfm and it says " guild only " are you that insecure that it bothers you that much.. I bet if i posted and everyone in my guild posted a lfm at once that would bother you huh , but of course that would be useless unlike when we post Mythical only guild , We are a huge guild with many members, this would be the reason behind are guild only raids.. Are guild is a raiding and loot guild only..We dont pug because we are such a big guild .. This would be are second reason that we use the guild only statement..

It's Adar's fault U think i am god... they called eveyone on sarlona a Roleplayer so i figured i might as well roleplay something i can be good at.

08-15-2007, 09:24 PM
I am a casual player who plays once or twice a week for a couple of hours. When I logged on last night and saw the "don't hate because you can't come" LFM, it really infuriated me. I suggest in the future if you are going to insist on using the LFM board for uber-guild chat, just stick with the <guild name> only and leave the smart^&* comments off.

It really comes across as you're bitter at having to merge with Sarlona, so you're going to "show us how it's done." I really could not care less what raids you are running or how uber you are. I play a couple hours a week to have fun, and I'm good at what I do. I've been playing over a year and still haven't done the Titan or the Reaver...I don't even know how to get flagged for them yet. That's what happens when you are a casual player. But I have fun and enjoy playing, and the last thing I want to see when I log on to see what groups I may be able to join up with is some uber 1337 braggart telling me not to hate.

Now go ahead and tell me how lame I am because I haven't done the raids yet...you just wish you weren't addicted to the game and could be a casual player like me! Don't hate because you can't walk away from DDO. :)

08-15-2007, 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by ICU
Hmmm since when did you write the Code of Conduct.. What the heck makes you think you are God here.. Look as far as I am concerned you are just a confused little boy with way to much time on your hands. Why try to stir up something that does not matter to anyone, so what you have to look at a lfm and it says " guild only " are you that insecure that it bothers you that much.. I bet if i posted and everyone in my guild posted a lfm at once that would bother you huh , but of course that would be useless unlike when we post Mythical only guild , We are a huge guild with many members, this would be the reason behind are guild only raids.. Are guild is a raiding and loot guild only..We dont pug because we are such a big guild .. This would be are second reason that we use the guild only statement..

It's Adar's fault U think i am god... they called eveyone on sarlona a Roleplayer so i figured i might as well roleplay something i can be good at.


I never started in on you .. I can if you wish. Learn to respect people and mind your own buisness and maybe peeps wont think less of you.. Remember the golden rule dude, do on to other's as you would do to yourself.

08-15-2007, 09:59 PM
I never started in on you .. I can if you wish. Learn to respect people and mind your own buisness and maybe peeps wont think less of you.. Remember the golden rule dude, do on to other's as you would do to yourself.

Hmm.. you seem really touchy here. Unless your guild was the one with the "don't hate because you can't come" LFM it doesn't seem as though Dynasty is even speaking to you. And if your guild did have that LFM then your earlier arguments are pretty much blown out of the water and Dynasty's points are both valid and being reinforced by your current threats. If you are instead refering to Lebrac you are again misstating because you did start in on him...warranted or not.

I think you should look to yourself and do unto others before issuing such threats.

08-15-2007, 10:10 PM
Hmmmm. I see how this can be annoying if multiple guild only lfm's are being posted, it is a waste of time for those interested in playing to have to sift through the guild only lfm's, but on the other hand it should only take a few seconds too scan through unless you have serious problems with reading, I don't see a real problem with it anymore than I saw a problem with people posting equipment trades, for those who says its entirely differant, I would have to disagree, a guild only lfm wastes as much time to scan through as looking at someone wanting to trade a masterwork battleaxe for a +1 scimitar. But, the powers that be have not ruled that guild lfms are illegal thus petition them if its that much of a concern, ditto if you want to trade equipment on the lfm again in the future. I've never traded on the boards, nor do I care too, but the reason people were told to stop doing it was because it distracted from the fluidity of the game, I have never seen a guild only request on Reidra, not to say it never happened, just never saw it, though there are members of my guild who choose to play guild only and we do indeed post it on our guild site.
Finally, if you are allowing characters from your guild to play with their un-guilded characters than you are being hypocritical anyways. So I do see both sides and the only people who should really be affected are those who read too slow to make it to the bottom of the list before a PUG fills.

08-15-2007, 10:16 PM
Thank you, ICU. You provided us all with quite the laugh.
Remember the golden rule dude, do on to other's as you would do to yourself.
I thought about what I do to myself and if I tried doing that to others, I would be arrested.

Have you been practicing your own misguided interpretation of the universal rule? If so, I am truly curious as to the results.

08-15-2007, 10:21 PM
My problem is when I post a guild only raid , its means its guild only, it allso is helpfull to others who may want to join but then see oh its a guild raid ok then.. Then when one does post its a guild raid they go ahead and start posting lfm in childish comments, that errks me as well. But yet this is NOT against the COC, but what is against the COC is the Vorpal for trade lfm. But yet i dont see anyone complaining about that. Hmmmm If people would just mind there own buisness things would be fine. Mythical is here to stay and Loot and Raid, dont really care what peeps say we have watched many guilds come and go and yet we are here. We will continue to post are Guild only lfm's if yah dont like it sorry. If it bothers you because it takes you to long to read it, well u have a problem then


08-15-2007, 10:22 PM
Thank you, ICU. You provided us all with quite the laugh.
I thought about what I do to myself and if I tried doing that to others, I would be arrested.

Have you been practicing your own misguided interpretation of the universal rule? If so, I am truly curious as to the results.

wording may be off but point is made

08-15-2007, 10:47 PM
This made me laugh. You buy a game with integrated voice chat then use a third party chat program. If that isn't egotistical I don't know what is.... Are the rest of us not good enough to hear what you have to say? Or are you already squelched by half the server?

But in game voice is only in group and not of the quality the xternal is. Along with the language I use when insulting my guildies is not fit for everyones ears. I think that no egotisical commnts like "don't hat you can't" come are what drove this discussion. I believe that As long as you are simply trying to start your raid without making fun of others there is no problem. But I also agree with someone earlier about actually putting the level rquirments in ther on all LFMs because when the LFM is lit up and then I see it is for WW and says 1-14 with level2-4 in the group dissapoints me and it is even better when they actually except me into group becasue they want a cleric that bad and don't look at my level. I have been nice enough not to enter but lets just put the level there.

08-15-2007, 10:52 PM
Each to their own. If I'm in group and I know they are using Vent or they advertise the fact, I leave group at the earliest chance. It just goes against the idea of a party communicating together IMO

08-16-2007, 07:22 AM
Hmm.. you seem really touchy here. Unless your guild was the one with the "don't hate because you can't come" LFM it doesn't seem as though Dynasty is even speaking to you. And if your guild did have that LFM then your earlier arguments are pretty much blown out of the water and Dynasty's points are both valid and being reinforced by your current threats. If you are instead refering to Lebrac you are again misstating because you did start in on him...warranted or not.

I think you should look to yourself and do unto others before issuing such threats.

I'll be the first to say that putting an LFM up like that is not something Mythical supports. There may have been a few times where this rule was not followed, but I would say it was probably in response to the mulitple tells we receive from people who feel compelled to question why we have an LFM up. Or, more recently, in response to this thread. I am not trying to say that behavior is what we want, but sometimes people get caught up in the frenzy and make poor decisions.

Generally, the only thing you will see from our guild is simply "Mythical Guild Only". We used to put up "Mythcial Only", but since there is a character name Mythical (not in our guild) he would jokingly request to join our group. So, we stuck Guild in there.

Anyway, I think this conversation is doing nothing but dividing this newly formed community so I am hoping that a Turbine rep closes this post soon.

08-16-2007, 07:29 AM
We will continue to post are Guild only lfm's if yah dont like it sorry.
Good to know.

Then when one does post its a guild raid they go ahead and start posting lfm in childish comments........................
Will do.

T....................... that errks me as well.
Even better to know! :D

08-16-2007, 09:53 AM
Each to their own. If I'm in group and I know they are using Vent or they advertise the fact, I leave group at the earliest chance. It just goes against the idea of a party communicating together IMO

When i get in to a group i usually switch channels so i can focus on the party unless it is a guild group. But just so you know if you group with me i will be logged in to teamspeak. I dont believ there is anything wrong with that just means i dont have to try to spell as much.

08-16-2007, 09:58 AM
Anyway, I think this conversation is doing nothing but dividing this newly formed community so I am hoping that a Turbine rep closes this post soon.


08-16-2007, 10:31 AM
But just so you know if you group with me i will be logged in to teamspeak. I dont believ there is anything wrong with that just means i dont have to try to spell as much.
.............. and I will be on Ventrilo.

You are exactly right, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being simultaneously logged onto a third party chat server.

08-16-2007, 02:49 PM
When i get in to a group i usually switch channels so i can focus on the party unless it is a guild group. But just so you know if you group with me i will be logged in to teamspeak. I dont believ there is anything wrong with that just means i dont have to try to spell as much.

I know a lot of people use vent instead of the ingame voice because the ingame voice is all buggy. Quite often I can barely hear someone in game but hear them in vent fine.

08-16-2007, 03:21 PM
External voice also assists in getting your guild raids together and doesnt annoy anyone but my other idiot friends who are ther with me.

08-16-2007, 03:43 PM
External voice also assists in getting your guild raids together and doesnt annoy anyone but my other idiot friends who are ther with me.
:eek: You mean there is another way to do that besides posting annoying "guild only, everyone else sucks" lfm's? :eek:

08-16-2007, 03:44 PM
Take my names nown i use teamspeak whenever i'm logged in.

Post your guild only lfm's but plase limit what is in them a simple

Mythical guild 14-14 would not bother me.

A Mythical guild only Reaver raid 1-14 would.

A Mythical only don't hate because you can't come ****ES me off.

Why do i care if you put 1-14 or Reaver raid in because it's not nessecary type /g titan raid <insert group leaders name here>lfm up you can't be so lazy you can't do this and find a happy middle ground with the other 2 servers you have recently merged with.

The 1-14 means it's top of the page and we have to scroll past it to get to what we want to see 14-14 means it's bottom of the list AND new people just starting the game don't have to read it or wonder *** it is there for.

Simple easy middle ground solution the ball is in your court.

08-16-2007, 04:17 PM
Take my names nown i use teamspeak whenever i'm logged in.

Post your guild only lfm's but plase limit what is in them a simple

Mythical guild 14-14 would not bother me.

A Mythical guild only Reaver raid 1-14 would.

A Mythical only don't hate because you can't come ****ES me off.

Why do i care if you put 1-14 or Reaver raid in because it's not nessecary type /g titan raid <insert group leaders name here>lfm up you can't be so lazy you can't do this and find a happy middle ground with the other 2 servers you have recently merged with.

The 1-14 means it's top of the page and we have to scroll past it to get to what we want to see 14-14 means it's bottom of the list AND new people just starting the game don't have to read it or wonder *** it is there for.

Simple easy middle ground solution the ball is in your court.

You are correct the ball is in my court. That LFM was mine last night. Sorry you have a probelm with that but its a quick lfm for a raid just the same if its a returning for a reaver raid . Its not really a big deal , the fact of the matter is , that this will continue and there is nothing you can do about it. So stop crying over it dude it will be ok really.

08-16-2007, 04:29 PM
Its not really a big deal , the fact of the matter is , that this will continue and there is nothing you can do about it. So stop crying over it dude it will be ok really.
No problem big guy. In fact, the satirical lfm's will continue as well because I know ..................

that errks me as well.

08-16-2007, 04:55 PM
No problem big guy. In fact, the satirical lfm's will continue as well because I know ..................

And that just shows what type of person you are. To play the childish games.. Thanks for the laughs though and keep up the good work ..

08-16-2007, 04:57 PM
I dont see why anyone would be annoyed at a lfm - guild only. Sounds like something a child would be peeved at.
I do it sometimes, when organizing my friends because yes, often times they only have party window open, or combat window open, etc. It is a valid way to organize groups.
Why would anyone use it as showing off? - haha, dork.

Oh, and please dont send tells saying "why only ____ guild members?" - just let it pass and we will all be better off. Saves me the time in trying to come up with a sarcastic reply.

Its really not something to discuss.

08-16-2007, 05:13 PM
I dont see why anyone would be annoyed at a lfm - guild only. Sounds like something a child would be peeved at.
I do it sometimes, when organizing my friends because yes, often times they only have party window open, or combat window open, etc. It is a valid way to organize groups.
Why would anyone use it as showing off? - haha, dork.

Oh, and please dont send tells saying "why only ____ guild members?" - just let it pass and we will all be better off. Saves me the time in trying to come up with a sarcastic reply.

Its really not something to discuss.

Thank you well put...

08-16-2007, 05:39 PM
Is that even though this guild knows it's annoying to the rest of the people on the server, they don't care. Why do it? It's seems to be easy enough for EVERYONE else on the server to use guild chat, 3rd party voice, sending tells, or whatever. So why use the LFM's? It's the same reason LFM's aren't used to trade and sell. Obviously, they should make another server besides sarlona, khyber, thelanis, ghallanda and argonnessen. They could call it, hmmm....how about the name of the guild that wants only lfm's in their name!! That way, they could start discriminating against each other! I might even join that guild, just so I could have a good chuckle as they annoy each other as much as they annoy the rest of us :)

LFM stands for LOOKING FOR MORE, not LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE FROM MY GUILD. That's what guild chat is for. Have a good day all :)

08-16-2007, 05:46 PM
Is that even though this guild knows it's annoying to the rest of the people on the server, they don't care. Why do it? It's seems to be easy enough for EVERYONE else on the server to use guild chat, 3rd party voice, sending tells, or whatever. So why use the LFM's? It's the same reason LFM's aren't used to trade and sell.

because they are large enough and self-confident enough that even though they know it annoys a large portion of the rest of the server, as you said...

they frankly dont care

08-16-2007, 06:02 PM
It could also be just a culture shock. I remember before the merge there were LFM's with guild only in Adar. Didnt bother me, in fact I saw it as kinda cool. Hey, seems like those guilds had their act together. But in the short of it, I didnt care and it did not bother me when I first saw it.

Back to the culture shock, it was common to see on the previous server, so you others, just be patient with it. I dont mean to offend, brag, or anything else.
If it really is taking away from your playing experience by me putting up a LFM guild only I can step up and try not to do it. I am reasonable.
I chuckle a bit, but I can refrain from LFM's without guild name on it.


08-16-2007, 06:05 PM
oh, and my guild has only about 30 people, so no we are not large.

08-16-2007, 06:08 PM
exactly my point, if you know it bothers ppl, why continue to do it? If you have enough ppl in your guild to run only guild groups, fine, but most ppl playing this game do not belong to, or care to belong to, large guilds like this. Many quests in the game require more than 2 or 3 ppl to complete. The lfm page is there for ppl trying to find more to complete their parties. No other reason, not to brag, not to sell, not to flame.... but to find ppl, not guildmates. Again, that's what guildchat is for, and if guild chat doesn't work to find a party, maybe you should find another guild, or even better, put up an lfm :)

08-16-2007, 06:10 PM
Is that even though this guild knows it's annoying to the rest of the people on the server, they don't care. Why do it? It's seems to be easy enough for EVERYONE else on the server to use guild chat, 3rd party voice, sending tells, or whatever. So why use the LFM's? It's the same reason LFM's aren't used to trade and sell. Obviously, they should make another server besides sarlona, khyber, thelanis, ghallanda and argonnessen. They could call it, hmmm....how about the name of the guild that wants only lfm's in their name!! That way, they could start discriminating against each other! I might even join that guild, just so I could have a good chuckle as they annoy each other as much as they annoy the rest of us :)

LFM stands for LOOKING FOR MORE, not LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE FROM MY GUILD. That's what guild chat is for. Have a good day all :)

Wow dude look sorry it bothers you but guess what it is gonna happen plain and simple sorry it offends you but this is the way are guild and plenty others have done it. Now we are not gonna stop just because some people cant handle looking at the lfm group to find something and realize they cant join. Sorry dude suck it up

08-16-2007, 06:13 PM
And that just shows what type of person you are. To play the childish games.. Thanks for the laughs though and keep up the good work ..
**** right. Enjoy the games. :D

08-16-2007, 06:17 PM
Now we are not gonna stop just because some people cant handle looking at the lfm group to find something and realize they cant join. Sorry dude suck it up

Oh, don't worry, I'll be fine whether you have your guild only lfm's up or not, I just find it an inconvenience, that's all, but what you don't understand is that you are doing something that offends, bothers, upsets, annoys, etc. other ppl. Now why wouldn't you try something else? Ahhhh, that's right, as mentioned before, you don't care what other ppl think. I hope you don't speak for the rest of your guild, because most people would try not to upset others, and would rather find a way to make things as good as can be for all involved. Have a good day :)

08-16-2007, 06:47 PM
Oh, don't worry, I'll be fine whether you have your guild only lfm's up or not, I just find it an inconvenience, that's all, but what you don't understand is that you are doing something that offends, bothers, upsets, annoys, etc. other ppl. Now why wouldn't you try something else? Ahhhh, that's right, as mentioned before, you don't care what other ppl think. I hope you don't speak for the rest of your guild, because most people would try not to upset others, and would rather find a way to make things as good as can be for all involved. Have a good day :)

For over a year of playing it has not EVER bothered anyone because of a server merge people are just gonna have to learn that other people have other ways of doing things. Who is to say what is wrong or right , but I for one have been playing since beta and i am not gonna change, its never been a problem before sorry man . But what is wrong is to sit there and attempt to mock people or guilds in the lfm . That is not right people just need to grow up and accept the change that has come before them ...

08-16-2007, 06:58 PM
Exactly. I have played for a year now and there have always been guild LFMs on Adar. Just because it's new to you guys doen't mean we should stop.

All this whining and guild envy is new to us Adarians, please stop...

08-16-2007, 07:20 PM
Exactly. I have played for a year now and there have always been guild LFMs on Adar. Just because it's new to you guys doen't mean we should stop.

All this whining and guild envy is new to us Adarians, please stop...

Lol dude:)

08-16-2007, 07:31 PM
Who is to say what is wrong or right ,.... ... But what is wrong is to sit there and attempt to mock people or guilds in the lfm. That is not right people just need to grow up and accept the change that has come before them ...

Mmmm, guess that would be you..?

08-16-2007, 07:32 PM
Mmmm, guess that would be you..?

Well i looks like you are assuming becuase i have not moked anyone yet in a lfm .. By the way we all know what assuming makes you correct

08-16-2007, 07:34 PM
The only LFM that is currently against the EULA is posting trades in the LFM. Other than that, I am afraid this whole arguement is pointless since it is going to happen... like it or not. My question is why cause all the stress? For the most part, the LFMs are not intrusive. Let it go.... you will live longer without all the stress and angst.

08-16-2007, 07:38 PM
Well i looks like you are assuming becuase i have not moked anyone yet in a lfm .. By the way we all know what assuming makes you correct

You asked who's to say what is wrong or right, then you tell us what is wrong and what is not right. So, if i follow you, you are the one that has to tell us what is wrong and right.... right?

08-16-2007, 08:08 PM
I'm amazed that one guild would alinate an entire server. It seems for the most part that the people against guild only lfm's are from multiple guilds (I say guilds because this whole adar, aerenal, sarlona seperation is plan BS, we are all Sarlonians now). One guild does the LFM's that seem to be disturbing game people who play thus disturbing game play. The strangest part about the whole thing is that you don't seem to care. Remarks like 'deal with it' 'its not going to change' 'this is how we operate' 'don't hate cause you can't join'... all of those kinds of remarks only show ignorance and disrespect to the rest of the sarlona community.(these are not quoted but have the same tone, I didnt want to go through and pull the exact wording from each and every post, honestly I feel its not necessary you get point). In the past many of the guilds have had good relations with one another and I myself have to messaged to see if I had any guildies availible for what ever quest/raid. Heck I've even disabled the traps in von 5 for a guild and then left the group so that they could get their 12th man. (I'm no saint, just an example of guild relations). The LFM complaints coming from multiple guilds is a clear sign that your 'way' of doing things might need some slight adjustment. Its hard to think how your guild/s (guild appears to have a lowbie offshoot to lvl through before you can play with the big dogs) if you so blatently disreguard the impact you have on your future guildies. Maybe this practice of not caring about the rest of the server was not always how the guild operated. The officers may need to get together and discuss a solution, heck maybe even get together with the other guild leaders/officers and figure out how to get past this. I know currently I would not be apt to help the guild using the LFM guild only posts not because the LFM but how they have conducted themselves after. I hope that in the future this will change, and in the light of optimism I believe it will. at least I hope *smile*.

08-16-2007, 08:09 PM
if enough people complain maybe it will be against the eula like trades were made i've tried to be reasonable and reach a middle ground. All i hear is i'm gonna do it my way screw you, against the rules or not i'm gonna complain till it is and you better believe you put one of those lfm's up with don't hate because you can't join i will screenshot it and mail it in so keep your my guild is better than all the other people that play on the server **** out of it.

PS please add my names to your don't group with list as i don't want to be in a group of people that could care less about the rest of the people on the server.

08-16-2007, 08:20 PM
These LFMs were not bred by the merge.

These LFMs were commonplace on Adar pre-merge but nobody complained because they were accepted as a way of life on Adar

Look at these guys, they have been doing the same things in the same style since I can remember and are still top of their game.

Let us continue our enjoyment of the game in our unique style; we freely accept use of LFH as an AFK indicator so please accept our way of attracting guild members and approved associates to raids.

08-16-2007, 08:27 PM
For over a year of playing it has not EVER bothered anyone because of a server merge people are just gonna have to learn that other people have other ways of doing things. Who is to say what is wrong or right , but I for one have been playing since beta and i am not gonna change, its never been a problem before sorry man . But what is wrong is to sit there and attempt to mock people or guilds in the lfm . That is not right people just need to grow up and accept the change that has come before them ...

Exactly. I have played for a year now and there have always been guild LFMs on Adar. Just because it's new to you guys doen't mean we should stop.

All this whining and guild envy is new to us Adarians, please stop...

Lets see what server the Original Poster that started this thread is from before we start throwing around the accusations....:eek: Adar...omg...Adar and omg....he is in a guild tooo, but no that could not be... its simply shock and awe and envy from the other servers and various guildless ones. Please read from the start of a thread before you throw accusations around. At least then you can respond in an informed manner.

And ICU if you simply didn't care what people think as you contend...then you simply would not have responded to this thread. At the very least your first protestation of "I don't care I am doing it my way" would have sufficed. Your continued ranting about how "your big guild doesn't care and will do whatever they want" proves you do care.

I am not "hating" on your guild, I have seen other very level headed posts from your guild on this, notably from barecm who responded to me in an intelligent manner. Note he never said he'd change but he didn't thumb his nose at those that were annoyed either.

08-16-2007, 08:36 PM
Actually I have been following this thread closely as we in Black Mantis also advertise this way.

However we would never only accept former Adarians, just players we know and trust and have invited to raid with us if they ever see the LFM go up.

Ekental asked a few valid questions. He received some ideas as to why this occurs and then received answers from the parties involved.

As to the ADAR ONLY part of it; as none of us have commented I think we have had a rare occurance and are blaming the generally accepted raid LFMs for a bit of server-angst.

YES we will continue to LFM this way

NO it is not acceptable to exclude anyone except on their own shortcomings.

If you see another ADAR only or SARLONA only LFM by all means report it; it has nothing to do with the majority of <insert guild> raid LFMs - These are not exclusive to the guild mentioned; just an advertisment for the 'guild and associated' players to join in the fun, just don't get upset if you get declined because we don't know you...

(Pick holes if ye may, typing quick because I'm at work. When I'm home I PLAY :) )

08-16-2007, 09:13 PM
if enough people complain maybe it will be against the eula like trades were made i've tried to be reasonable and reach a middle ground. All i hear is i'm gonna do it my way screw you, against the rules or not i'm gonna complain till it is and you better believe you put one of those lfm's up with don't hate because you can't join i will screenshot it and mail it in so keep your my guild is better than all the other people that play on the server **** out of it.

PS please add my names to your don't group with list as i don't want to be in a group of people that could care less about the rest of the people on the server.

I never said i dont care about anyone , I just stated that is how for over a year i have m ade lfm's for guild only grps deal with it dude ok

You may want drop this as it is boaring me now

08-16-2007, 10:16 PM
I never said i dont care about anyone , I just stated that is how for over a year i have m ade lfm's for guild only grps deal with it dude ok

You may want drop this as it is boaring me now

I hate to point this out to you but you are only alienating 2/3's of the servers population with your antics. Everyone I have spoken to think its juvenile and just plain lazy to do guild only LFM's

08-16-2007, 10:31 PM
I hate to point this out to you but you are only alienating 2/3's of the servers population with your antics. Everyone I have spoken to think its juvenile and just plain lazy to do guild only LFM's

So, Im mature enough, I dont care.

08-16-2007, 10:35 PM
I hate to point this out to you but you are only alienating 2/3's of the servers population with your antics. Everyone I have spoken to think its juvenile and just plain lazy to do guild only LFM's

great thanks for letting me know how you feel. I will file that info in the proper place

08-16-2007, 10:43 PM
So... how 'bout them Padres?

ed. My inebriated self, who actually plays the game, disagrees with the rather personal nature of the sober Matson's former post content.

Have fun playing this game and I will do the same.

08-16-2007, 11:34 PM
It is quite apparent that ICU and his attitude are the problem, not the entire guild Mythical. I hate to see one member, an officer even, of a popular guild drive their reputation into the ground. And I know something about poor guild reputations ;)

So, who is the leader of Mythical? If anybody can respond or PM me with that info, I will contact the leader directly to see if we cannot collectively curb ICU's negativity and curtail the use of guild only LFMs.

Lol what a joke there will be no curbing of me dude, there is nothing wrong i really dont care what you or anyone thinks. That is my opionon and know one will change it. Just like tonight i made my Mythical Guild only lfm's , and I will continue to do so, nothing you say or do can change that. So suck it up and find something else to complain about..Myself and fellow officers feel the same way as i do.

Now lets just put a end to all of this bs and enjoy the game.

08-16-2007, 11:38 PM
It is unfortunate that this post has gotten out of control. Although several early attempts to explain why the guild only LFM is used, there seemed to be hostility in return. After pages of bashing from both philosophies, things seem to be getting worse both on the boards and ingame. I think all people need to realize that there are several ways of playing the game and several customary ways of conducting their business. We need to be a little more tolerant and less abrasive to each other. We have beat the horse to death already about why we do things that way, so no need to continue.

The unfortunate part of it is I try to ignore the many derrogatory tells I get ingame from folks who just can't seem to get past a <guild name> Only LFM. So, unfortunately, I am going to have to start reporting people for it. It stinks to have to come to that extreme, but that is the way it has to be I guess...

08-16-2007, 11:47 PM
I have been off line for a few days and was just told about this thread. My main Character is Beatricks Kiddo and I'm the Leader of Mythical (originally of Adar). I'm not going to comment on what others in our guild have written, nor what people think of Myhtical in general. This appears to have started because people feel offended when guilds (and Mythical is not alone) use the LFM to set up raids. First of all, it's a simple method of forming up a raid when you have a guild that has 20+ members that want to run the raid. We let everyone know that it's going up and it's first come first served (everyone get's a fair shot). I have been asked why we bother doing this and it's simple, we don't have to pick a select few from the guild list. As for anyone thinking it's bragging, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The Reaver raid sends out a global message when you beat it anyway! There is absolutely no reason this should offend or concern anyone. You ALWAYS have the option of selecting who you want in your group and the fact that we are just utilizing the tools that Turbine has put in place to make it easier for us should not pose a problem to anyone. The fact is that there are people that have nothing better to do than create drama where there is none. We are not going out of our way to bother anyone, just using what is there to make forming our raids easier. If you don't like it, just ignore it.

08-16-2007, 11:55 PM
man this thread is crazy. The best I post I saw on this thread (forgive me i didn't quote it). Was that we are all from Sarlona now, no more individual cliques.

As it was said, this was COMMON on Adar and was never a problem. I do not believe the Adar folks who use this method are trying to PUSH this onto the rest of the server. They are just used to doing it and since its NOT hurting anyone, whats the big deal?

I think everyone is just so HYPED because of the posts prior to the server merge, people are just looking for a reason to fight. I'm not singling anyone out, I think their are guilty parties on both sides of this debate.

Ironically the OP is from Adar and quite well known. LOL

oh and BTW: ICU, when ever i see one of your threads, your character list grows! Trim that ***t!

08-17-2007, 12:01 AM
lol bro

08-17-2007, 12:37 AM
I recognize a trouble maker when I see one. It's suffice to say... ICU...I have my eye on you. :cool:

08-17-2007, 01:14 AM
I regret the fact that this thread has grown to this extent. I previously posted reasons for the guild only LFMs which I believe were and are valid. This was a practice we and other guilds used on Adar for quite some time. As an officer in Mythical, I will tell Sarlona that these practices are not meant to offend or harrass but rather our way of doing things. Although, some LFMs have gotten out of hand, offensive LFMs are not condoned by Mythical and (as Tucson Matt stated), will be handled in house. Just like any guild on this server, we too have those that are hot-headed and act before they think, both in-game and here. The server merge has been a good thing, I've met some good players and good people. I hope we can put this discussion and any hard-feelings or misunderstandings behind us.


08-17-2007, 02:10 AM
WOW!!!! I was one of the 1st to reply to this thread an did it more for amusement more than anything. Does the LFM bother me??? No not really....nor in the long run should they. Do I understand why it bothers other people???? Sure. This is no longer Aerenal, Adar, or Sarlona for that matter. It is a mix of all 3 now....for better or worse. If I we're to come over to your house and did whatever I saw fit and made it my own would you not be a bit angry or resentful?

We all need to see the other side of the arguement. Adar have thier way...tellin them not to do what they have always done is like tellin a roommate who pays you rent every month they can only use their room in the house but no other. That's not fair either.

Now to go an spout off that people need to deal or get a grip....well that's just wrong. The last few replies from Mythical members have been level headed and explained things much better. This isn't anyones backyard anymore though....it's all of ours. I come from Aerenal.....never saw Guild only LFM....came here saw em, wondered what the hell they we're about. Now I know I guess.

To get bent out of shape over anyside of this debate is both silly and rather childish. This is a video game....plain an simple. UBERness...being ELITE...having to scroll down a list for a bit...Guilds...who really cares....if any of it bothers you( and I mean both sides of this ) then take a break from the game....cause it means you really need it.

I'm in a Guild....I PUG alot too. Meet alot of cool people that way(Gotta, Raj, Ut, Marlak, Rhev, Doublefist, Tobiase, Brugar, Unearth, Tonks, Tistus.....the list could go on an on) and hope to meet many more through PUG quest...raids...favor..you name it.

P.S. I still think the PoP LFM Guild only is one of the funniest though....good luck everyone.

08-17-2007, 03:42 AM
I think it's quite simple really...just add a little something extra to all your LFM's...

...No Mythical.

08-17-2007, 03:53 AM
i personally didn't ask to remove them a simple change in the lvl req would make it alot better 14-14 so it's bottom of the list seems adding 1 number is harder than inviting from guildchat.

08-17-2007, 08:36 AM
/ends lurk mode.

Wow. Just wow.

First a few facts. I lead a medium sized Guild, just shy of 100 characters. Originally home to Adar and now proud member of Sarlona. Our Guild has, and will continue, to use LFM to form our Guild runs for Raids. I apologize to those that it offends.

It the best in game mechanic - as designed - to form Groups. PUG or Guild Only runs. It's NOT lazy nor to enrage my new community. If I had any other way as efficient as LFM to form and manage party members/invites, I would use that as well as many others that use LFM to form parties.

Again, let me reitteriate, our posting of Guild Only posts on LFM are NOT lazy, in no way bragging or l33tness, nor to upset our fellow members of Sarlona. It is the best way available to manage a Raid ATM - it's just that simple for us. However, after reading that some have an 'issue' with this practice, I will be sure that our LFM's are simple and unobtrusive as best we can in the future.


08-17-2007, 08:58 AM
I will be sure that our LFM's are simple and unobtrusive as best we can in the future.

I think that is respectable position for you to take by keeping the gaudiness out of your lfm's.

08-17-2007, 09:11 AM
I think that is respectable position for you to take by keeping the gaudiness out of your lfm's.

Just trying to lead by example. Do not ever recalling having any 'gaudiness' beyond Raid & Guild name in any of our LFM's pre or post merge. Instituting the practice of Guild name only now for future positive community relations.


08-17-2007, 09:13 AM
I think that is respectable position for you to take by keeping the gaudiness out of your lfm's.

I to believe, We in Mythical, will do the same. We don't mean to offend anybody. All we want to do is enjoy this game just like everybody else.

Until we get guild housing and have a better way of organizing Raids, this will be the only option we have. We will try to have the LFM 's up and down as fast as we can. And We will not use any other words in our LFM's that do not belong, PERIOD, end of Discussion.

08-17-2007, 09:50 AM
/ends lurk mode.

Wow. Just wow.

First a few facts. I lead a medium sized Guild, just shy of 100 characters. Originally home to Adar and now proud member of Sarlona. Our Guild has, and will continue, to use LFM to form our Guild runs for Raids. I apologize to those that it offends.

It the best in game mechanic - as designed - to form Groups. PUG or Guild Only runs. It's NOT lazy nor to enrage my new community. If I had any other way as efficient as LFM to form and manage party members/invites, I would use that as well as many others that use LFM to form parties.

Again, let me reitteriate, our posting of Guild Only posts on LFM are NOT lazy, in no way bragging or l33tness, nor to upset our fellow members of Sarlona. It is the best way available to manage a Raid ATM - it's just that simple for us. However, after reading that some have an 'issue' with this practice, I will be sure that our LFM's are simple and unobtrusive as best we can in the future.


I to believe, We in Mythical, will do the same. We don't mean to offend anybody. All we want to do is enjoy this game just like everybody else.

Until we get guild housing and have a better way of organizing Raids, this will be the only option we have. We will try to have the LFM 's up and down as fast as we can. And We will not use any other words in our LFM's that do not belong, PERIOD, end of Discussion.

Very well said by both. I believe if rude remarks aren't made in the LFMs then everyone will just forget about it. And hopefully this thread will alleviate the tells you get asking why you guys would do this practice which was never seen by probaly more than 2/3 of the server. But with you continuing to do this the raid leader also needs to understand why we would send them tells questioning and be respectful in there answers.

/cheer TheBoz for making me think there is actually someone in Mythical I could like.

08-17-2007, 10:09 AM
Very well said by both. I believe if rude remarks aren't made in the LFMs then everyone will just forget about it. And hopefully this thread will alleviate the tells you get asking why you guys would do this practice which was never seen by probaly more than 2/3 of the server. But with you continuing to do this the raid leader also needs to understand why we would send them tells questioning and be respectful in there answers.

/cheer TheBoz for making me think there is actually someone in Mythical I could like.

Why thank-you very much. We have alot of very nice people in Mythical. If you look at half of my post(Tech support) I make on these forums, Im always try to help people play this game, so they can experience it the way it should be expereinced.

Im not here to **** people off, although I sometimes do, I can be really good at that, if you could ask some of the people I work with.:D

I have never ****ed off anybody I have ever pugged with, I enjoy Pugging.

I hope My guildmates and I set high standard when we play this game. I hope, we as a guild Mythical and others can use this thread as an eye opener, to be more respectful to each other.

We have enough hate in the REAL world, lets try to keep out of a game.

08-17-2007, 10:27 AM
Very well said by both. I believe if rude remarks aren't made in the LFMs then everyone will just forget about it. And hopefully this thread will alleviate the tells you get asking why you guys would do this practice which was never seen by probaly more than 2/3 of the server. But with you continuing to do this the raid leader also needs to understand why we would send them tells questioning and be respectful in there answers.

/cheer TheBoz for making me think there is actually someone in Mythical I could like.

I am a officer in Mythical and I set up many guild raids. I allways put Mythical Guild Only.. Nothing else no comments, on one occasion i did add "If this offends you sorry" and left it at that. I can at sometimes come off rude and jerky, but that is only when my buttons are pushed. I am here to raid and loot and have fun. I will continue to put up Mythical Guild only, but will even add in the level req. 14-14 when raiding since this seems to offend peeps. I am trying the best i can to make all well. We all have to try to get along...


08-17-2007, 10:45 AM
I am a officer in Mythical and I set up many guild raids. I allways put Mythical Guild Only.. Nothing else no comments, on one occasion i did add "If this offends you sorry" and left it at that. I can at sometimes come off rude and jerky, but that is only when my buttons are pushed. I am here to raid and loot and have fun. I will continue to put up Mythical Guild only, but will even add in the level req. 14-14 when raiding since this seems to offend peeps. I am trying the best i can to make all well. We all have to try to get along...


Agreed. This makes me happy I don't know about the rest. I agree we are here and we should respect eachothers practices and just smoke a .... I mean get along.

08-17-2007, 11:03 AM
I would like to comment on a post a few back which said something about a common backyard... As this thread grows and gets more complex and interesting, I would like to say the game revolves around friendship more so than alliegance. What I mean by that is if I have a LFM - guild only and a friend from mythical sends me a tell, or from Gravis (whom many I have come to know), or Death Jesters.. they certianly can join, because I know and like them.
This is my strategy when it comes to groups... guild members first, friends from all other guilds second, random unknowns third... doesnt everyone use this logic?
I know I often get into guild only raids because I know the people in the guild, and consider them my friends... community relations in the works.

08-17-2007, 01:12 PM
I would like to comment on a post a few back which said something about a common backyard... As this thread grows and gets more complex and interesting, I would like to say the game revolves around friendship more so than alliegance. What I mean by that is if I have a LFM - guild only and a friend from mythical sends me a tell, or from Gravis (whom many I have come to know), or Death Jesters.. they certianly can join, because I know and like them.
This is my strategy when it comes to groups... guild members first, friends from all other guilds second, random unknowns third... doesnt everyone use this logic?
I know I often get into guild only raids because I know the people in the guild, and consider them my friends... community relations in the works.

I agree with you 100%. As for regular quests, I enjoy having new faces around to run with, swap ideas and strategies ect... The situation gets muddied when guilds host Raid parties for their members; especially new members or ones that do not have a lot of raid loot. It gets even more muddied when a guild has 20+ members on and only 12 spots for a raid. Further more, there are a few guilds that only run certain raids as Guild Only for whatever reasons that they see fit. I won't start a dialogue about that since each guild has the right to run itself as it so chooses.

I personally look forward to raiding with other people. I am predicting that once the loot system changes, there will be a lot more pug raids happening. In the mean time, if anyone needs a spot filled on the dragon or DQ, look me up.

08-17-2007, 02:24 PM
First, we have people who say they are going to do this no matter what and don't care what people think. If they didn't care what people think, they would never have wasted their time responding to this thread at all. Therefore, by wasting said time to respond to this thread, they are showing the amount of care they have for this problem and are simply in a state of denial.

Secondly, we have the people who are voicing their opinions in a mild jest to lighten the downtroden mood that thos in the first section are bring upon us all. These people do make me chuckle, as a few of them are taken too overly serious and thus the thread got out of control.

Thirdly, are the people who still think this is three seperate servers. Get over it, it is one server, take a tissue and stop your crying.

Conclusion, this thread is much ado over nothing. Yes the Raid LFM's are annoying and done only to simplify the lives of a few guilds who obviously get confused too easily to put together a raid run on their own. Is there anything we can do about it? No. Is there anything the Devs are gonna do about it? No. We all just have to sit back and deal with these "guild only" guilds that do not want to be a part of the server, they just want to occupy its' space. Let's just leave them in their own little corner and ignore them. Like you were likely told as a child "ignore them, maybe they'll go away."

Likely now this will generate too much hate from the "guild only" groups because I forgot to activate my subtle spellcasting.

08-17-2007, 04:45 PM
I finally got a chance to see the now notorious guild "Mystical" in action. Not 2 seconds later someone else put up a whiney response on their own lfm. It makes me laugh to see how many ultra sensitive complaining people there are now a days.

If you guys make it this easy to push your buttons, you cant blame anyone for pickin on you. You make people wanna pick on you because its so easy. Seriously...anyone who has a problem with this needs to get over it. In my mind, I now have more respect for Mythical for laughing at all of you who for some reason think every lfm should be directed at you!

08-17-2007, 08:19 PM
Lovely to log in today and have mails from friends about a <guild only> lfm stating no Roving guns.! myself have stated i don't agree with the way you guys do things not my whole guild way to be "Mature".

Can't say which guild it was against the eula ofcourse but you know who you are.Nice control the officers of this guild has over their members blatant and flagrant disreguard for decency.I'm glad to be blacklisted from anything you ever do ME not my whole guild my chars are below hope you can find them on your own if you need help i can pm them to you.

08-17-2007, 10:30 PM
Lovely to log in today and have mails from friends about a <guild only> lfm stating no Roving guns.! myself have stated i don't agree with the way you guys do things not my whole guild way to be "Mature".

Can't say which guild it was against the eula ofcourse but you know who you are.Nice control the officers of this guild has over their members blatant and flagrant disreguard for decency.I'm glad to be blacklisted from anything you ever do ME not my whole guild my chars are below hope you can find them on your own if you need help i can pm them to you.

Nobody has posted anything from our guild that was against the Eula, in a LFM.

I cant understand understand anything else you have said.

08-18-2007, 02:44 AM
I can see the convenienence in it. I dunno, it's simpler to just click accept then click invite, invite, invite and keep track of everyone's alts, if their not in guild and such. Matter of prefrence in my opinion *shrugs* I see nothing wrong with it, I just ignor them when looking for a party (not the guild the lfm =P)

08-18-2007, 10:15 AM
I asked to join a Titan raid once, no LFM notes about guilds or anything. The raid leader responds:

"Guild-only raid. We are accepting new members into the guild, do you wish to join?"

They were using the LFM as a tool to recruit players into their guild.

08-19-2007, 01:55 PM
Wow dude look sorry it bothers you but guess what it is gonna happen plain and simple sorry it offends you but this is the way are guild and plenty others have done it. Now we are not gonna stop just because some people cant handle looking at the lfm group to find something and realize they cant join. Sorry dude suck it up

You have the intelligence of a grapefruit dont you?

08-19-2007, 02:04 PM
Lol what a joke there will be no curbing of me dude, there is nothing wrong i really dont care what you or anyone thinks. That is my opionon and know one will change it. Just like tonight i made my Mythical Guild only lfm's , and I will continue to do so, nothing you say or do can change that. So suck it up and find something else to complain about..Myself and fellow officers feel the same way as i do.

Now lets just put a end to all of this bs and enjoy the game.

Yup a grapefruit. And you would be what...........13-16 age bracket?

08-19-2007, 02:08 PM
I to believe, We in Mythical, will do the same. We don't mean to offend anybody. All we want to do is enjoy this game just like everybody else.

Until we get guild housing and have a better way of organizing Raids, this will be the only option we have. We will try to have the LFM 's up and down as fast as we can. And We will not use any other words in our LFM's that do not belong, PERIOD, end of Discussion.

Then why is it only a few guilds do this if its the 'only way'. Its not the invite button in guild chat is there for a purpose. This is simply a way for a guild to show how big and bad it is. A dumb ****ing contest.

I am an officer in a rather large guild and we have never had the need to post a guild only LFM. Your simply trying to 'take over the new playground' which was sarlona.

Sad part is this is a game and only a game but tempers flare and its human nature to snap back or defend itself. Kinda like a typical animal does...........

08-19-2007, 05:02 PM
I was a member of the group that posted 'no roving guns', and am I member of the guild that posted that. I, and others in the group, may not have felt the same way as the group leader who posted that. I have never banned anyone from any group, and others in my guild have not also. This was a particular member who had issues with the guild earlier, and inappropriately expressed this in his LFM.

Personally, it made me want to run with the Roving Guns to see what the fuss was about. Hopefully, I will get a chance to do so soon.

08-19-2007, 08:37 PM
Then why is it only a few guilds do this if its the 'only way'. Its not the invite button in guild chat is there for a purpose. This is simply a way for a guild to show how big and bad it is. A dumb ****ing contest.

I am an officer in a rather large guild and we have never had the need to post a guild only LFM. Your simply trying to 'take over the new playground' which was sarlona.

Sad part is this is a game and only a game but tempers flare and its human nature to snap back or defend itself. Kinda like a typical animal does...........

Yeah, what ever you want to think is ok with me.

08-19-2007, 08:56 PM
Your simply trying to 'take over the new playground' which was sarlona.

Well, some will naturally rise to the top while others, my friend, chew bones with the dogs.

Maybe with the merge some players will have a few weeks' partying before, once again, they make everyone's squelch list.


Not just you, but please people try to spell like you are educated. Please use you're not your (example only there are many more - try using better 'than' instead of better 'then'). This is just poor english and discounts from anything intelligent you are trying to say. If you can't spell use MSword then spell check then paste into a post. It will add credibility to your posts believe me.

/rant off

08-19-2007, 08:57 PM
I'm lucky in that I have this spell check plug in for Firefox. It makes red lines under misspelled words like MS Word does :)

08-20-2007, 12:30 AM
The LFM for guild-only raids is just lame showboating. Just announce the raids in guild chat like everyone else does on the server and get over yourselves already...

08-20-2007, 01:30 AM
It works, we pay our $15 a month and we support our officers to use it. Enough said...

08-20-2007, 01:59 AM
8 pages of ..... lol. Simply put it was an accepted practice on adar. Since we are all sarlona now, you will just have to accept it. It's been done for over a year, don't remember a big conflict about it ever on adar.
Really don't understand the problem, unless you don't read very good. Doesn't take long to scroll through the list.

I believe it was already said that the sarcastic part of the lfm comment was put up after many tells condemning the "guild only lfm". True, the person should have probably been more "adult", and just told them that was just a normal on adar and meant no harm. But hey I didn't read the tells either:)

I see people who put up lfm with must have "insert third party chart program here" it didn't annoy me, their loss not mine :cool:

08-20-2007, 02:04 AM
It works, we pay our $15 a month and we support our officers to use it. Enough said...

Woot enough said!!

08-20-2007, 02:07 AM
The LFM for guild-only raids is just lame showboating. Just announce the raids in guild chat like everyone else does on the server and get over yourselves already...

Has nothing to do with showboating. Where you or anyone else gets that info at i have no idea. It is a way we have done ( as well as other guilds) since beta. Now we have tried to meet you people half way, I have started putting in 14-14 so it would not bother the people while looking for grp. That is all I am gonna do. If you cant meet another person half way then you are the problem them. We have done what we can have you????

08-20-2007, 02:27 AM
I'm just happy knowing so few things are wrong that some of you resort to arguing about having guild names in an LFM.

08-20-2007, 04:27 AM
I'm just happy knowing so few things are wrong that some of you resort to arguing about having guild names in an LFM.

It makes us feel like one big family, fighting over the little things in life.:D

08-20-2007, 04:37 AM
Has nothing to do with showboating. Where you or anyone else gets that info at i have no idea. It is a way we have done ( as well as other guilds) since beta. Now we have tried to meet you people half way, I have started putting in 14-14 so it would not bother the people while looking for grp. That is all I am gonna do. If you cant meet another person half way then you are the problem them. We have done what we can have you????

Since there were no raids at Beta or even at launch for that matter, don't buy into this. This guild-only raid LFM nonsense started on Adar not long before the server merge. My apologies to the non-Adar folks having to now deal with this very small ADD Adar population...

08-20-2007, 05:09 AM
Since there were no raids at Beta or even at launch for that matter, don't buy into this. This guild-only raid LFM nonsense started on Adar not long before the server merge. My apologies to the non-Adar folks having to now deal with this very small ADD Adar population...

I have been with DDO since the beginning(tempest and then Dragon) and I can tell you its has been going on since then. Mythical has been around for about a year now and we have been doing it for in-guild raids only and never for any other quest. All other quest we do use guild chat or have LFM for pugs.

08-20-2007, 05:22 AM

Kum Ba Yah.....

08-20-2007, 06:37 AM
My apologies to the non-Adar folks having to now deal with this very small ADD Adar population...

Funniest thing is, you're taking about probably the three biggest guilds from Adar. Lol.

08-20-2007, 07:35 AM
Since there were no raids at Beta or even at launch for that matter, don't buy into this. This guild-only raid LFM nonsense started on Adar not long before the server merge. My apologies to the non-Adar folks having to now deal with this very small ADD Adar population...

What was your character on Adar?

08-20-2007, 07:57 AM
Since there were no raids at Beta or even at launch for that matter, don't buy into this. This guild-only raid LFM nonsense started on Adar not long before the server merge. My apologies to the non-Adar folks having to now deal with this very small ADD Adar population...

I've been on Adar since the first day of HeadStart. While I didn't notice this practice right out of the gate, it did start very early. Actually, as soon as guilds started reaching over 100 members and running Tempest. Where are you getting your information about this starting just before the merge?

This topic has become incredibly tiresome. It was inflamed by people who perceived some kind of slight from Guild Raid Only comments on the LFM. This problem then became further exacerbated by Guild Raid Only proponents who reacted poorly (in-game and on the forums) to the baseless accusations that this practice is strictly derived from ego run amuck.

As someone who used to be in a large guild and got stuck with the responsibility of pulling together a couple of raids, I can tell you that it isn't as simple as using the MotD, typing in Guild Chat, and simply clicking the invite button. Quite honestly, using the LFM is the easiest and fairest way to adminster a first come, first served policy. Unless there are specific remarks in the comment field, don't presume any intent on behalf of the person posting the LFM. Yes - there was a flare-up of inflammatory comment field remarks recently that resulted in juvenile behavior on both sides of this issue. It's OK to let it all go now.

I do have a question for the people that don't like the Guild Only Raid LFMs. We can all accept that it is OK to limit interest in additional party members based upon the tools Turbine included in the LFM panel (class, quest, quest difficulty, and character level), so what is appropriate use of the comment field? It seems (yes, I'm going out on a limb and presuming - feel free to flame me for doing so if it makes you feel better) to me that the people who object to the Guild Only qualifier object to comments that unfairly limit or exclude their own participation in a group. So, what qualifiers can be used? Dwarves Only? Role-players Only? Casters Only? Mature players only? People I've played with before only? Ultimately, someone is going to be excluded - if for no other reason than the group eventually gets filled. I'd be willing to bet that where the line is drawn is very different for everyone.

Ultimately, this issue comes down to a person's freedom to play with people with whom they enjoy playing. How can anyone reasonably argue that any person who pays money to play a GAME should be prevented from playing with those people they like?

Ultimately, ef we stick to the facts, rather than jumping to conclusions based upon assumptions, this will be a far less stressful and more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

08-20-2007, 08:13 AM
The ultimately humorous part of this is that guilds from 2 other servers have never used this tactic to administer raids, yet they have successfully built their raids accordingly. So why is it that this is required by the guilds from adar whom are in their opinion larger than any guilds from the other 2 former servers? I personally have been in a large guild and worked with people to organize raids and it truly is as easy as communicating with your guild members.
Another option is the use of a guild only website in which all the members of said guild sign up for the raids and thus allow them to have the raid list set up ahead of time. Now you might ask "why pay for a website if we don't have to?" You don't have to pay for it necessarily as there are multiple sites which offer services for people to create a website for the guild at low or no cost. Honestly, this simple step would stop all criticism, although it may be too complex of a concept to understand.

08-20-2007, 08:55 AM
Since there were no raids at Beta or even at launch for that matter, don't buy into this. This guild-only raid LFM nonsense started on Adar not long before the server merge. My apologies to the non-Adar folks having to now deal with this very small ADD Adar population...

My point was I have been playing dince beta and the fact is since raiding has stated we have use the lfm system. Now if you wanna continue being a smart ***, that is your call. Dont be a hater just go with the flow dude

08-20-2007, 09:01 AM
The ultimately humorous part of this is that guilds from 2 other servers have never used this tactic to administer raids, yet they have successfully built their raids accordingly. So why is it that this is required by the guilds from adar whom are in their opinion larger than any guilds from the other 2 former servers? I personally have been in a large guild and worked with people to organize raids and it truly is as easy as communicating with your guild members.
Another option is the use of a guild only website in which all the members of said guild sign up for the raids and thus allow them to have the raid list set up ahead of time. Now you might ask "why pay for a website if we don't have to?" You don't have to pay for it necessarily as there are multiple sites which offer services for people to create a website for the guild at low or no cost. Honestly, this simple step would stop all criticism, although it may be too complex of a concept to understand.

I find it funny that you think that we just started doing this whole guild lfm. Consider that you have had 3 of the biggest guilds on adar telling you since page 1 that we have been useing. Why would we just start, news flash we have been useing it think what yah want but this is all getting pointless now.Why dont you just reread some of the post in here and you will see, its been going on for a while.

08-20-2007, 09:50 AM
The ultimately humorous part of this is that guilds from 2 other servers have never used this tactic to administer raids, yet they have successfully built their raids accordingly. So why is it that this is required by the guilds from adar whom are in their opinion larger than any guilds from the other 2 former servers? I personally have been in a large guild and worked with people to organize raids and it truly is as easy as communicating with your guild members.
Another option is the use of a guild only website in which all the members of said guild sign up for the raids and thus allow them to have the raid list set up ahead of time. Now you might ask "why pay for a website if we don't have to?" You don't have to pay for it necessarily as there are multiple sites which offer services for people to create a website for the guild at low or no cost. Honestly, this simple step would stop all criticism, although it may be too complex of a concept to understand.

Why go to all that extra effort to admin a site, post, manage, and pay for it while there is a system in game for free that does the job even better!

Now if you want to belly up the costs to pay for a guild website for me....

Not a complex concept at all. About as complex as the concept that some Guilds prefer to use the LFM system, as designed, to manage invites, requests, members, classes, etc.

08-20-2007, 12:22 PM
Maybe I'm a little confused, been gone for a few weeks, but I don't see how it is anyones business how a guild conducts their business (raids, etc.) if you are not in that guild. Some guilds are fortunate to have enough high level people to do guild only runs, my congrats to them!!! Having played with a few from Mythical and most from Black Lotus, eh sorry Black Mantis - congrats on the merger guys-, these guys are all great to play with. If the guild only LFM annoys you, then ignore it.

08-20-2007, 01:52 PM
I have been with DDO since the beginning(tempest and then Dragon) and I can tell you its has been going on since then. Mythical has been around for about a year now and we have been doing it for in-guild raids only and never for any other quest. All other quest we do use guild chat or have LFM for pugs.

First I'll say that I logged in the other day and I saw again the LFM for Guild Only... but it had the 14-14 tag... that was nice it was at the bottom and out of the way. So I tip my hat for that change. I still disagree with the LFM for guild only. And I'm sure that many other people on Sarlona do as well (we are all sarlona, so please quit with this Adar, Aerenal blah blah BS, maybe they should have changed the server name to dirt clods to alleviate all confusion).

BUT, One point that has been brought up is that it’s unneeded to use the LFM when you have guild invite buttons and so fourth. In your own post (see above) you state that you only use the LFM for raids and all other quests are done through guild chat... 12 people... 6 people... maybe there is a huge organizational hurdle that I am missing in the building of either group. I'm an officer in my own guild and I really don't have a harder time building a raid or a group.

It just may be possible to use guild means for putting a raid together too and not clutter the LFM. Maybe in the future their will be an internal guild LFM system so that larger guilds can or any guild for that matter can game even more efficiently.

08-20-2007, 02:13 PM
First I'll say that I logged in the other day and I saw again the LFM for Guild Only... but it had the 14-14 tag... that was nice it was at the bottom and out of the way. So I tip my hat for that change. I still disagree with the LFM for guild only. And I'm sure that many other people on Sarlona do as well (we are all sarlona, so please quit with this Adar, Aerenal blah blah BS, maybe they should have changed the server name to dirt clods to alleviate all confusion).

BUT, One point that has been brought up is that it’s unneeded to use the LFM when you have guild invite buttons and so fourth. In your own post (see above) you state that you only use the LFM for raids and all other quests are done through guild chat... 12 people... 6 people... maybe there is a huge organizational hurdle that I am missing in the building of either group. I'm an officer in my own guild and I really don't have a harder time building a raid or a group.

It just may be possible to use guild means for putting a raid together too and not clutter the LFM. Maybe in the future their will be an internal guild LFM system so that larger guilds can or any guild for that matter can game even more efficiently.

You do realize there are redundant sytems for invites, right? You know, more then just one way to do it? Should we get rid of ALL ways of inviting someone except for typing /invite <name>? I mean, the rest of the way are all unneeded because we can type /invite <name>. So, determining that using the LFM for a Guild to manage it's nights adventure is unneeded is way off. What you have come accustomed to doing might not be to me.

Until there is a more efficient way to manage a Guild adventure, I will have to stick with the LFM. See, for ME and our 96 members, this is what we use from time to time and it work like a charm.

I have compromised with the feelings of fellow Sarlonians and agreed to not post <Guild Name> Only, <Guild Name>, and now to <Private> in our LFM's. All that I can and at this point willing to do.


08-20-2007, 02:43 PM
Why go to all that extra effort to admin a site, post, manage, and pay for it while there is a system in game for free that does the job even better!

Now if you want to belly up the costs to pay for a guild website for me....

Not a complex concept at all. About as complex as the concept that some Guilds prefer to use the LFM system, as designed, to manage invites, requests, members, classes, etc.

What part of free did you misunderstand? Use guildportal.com, an absolutely free guild website.

basically all your post suggests is that you're too lazy to be decent and prefer to do it your way out of laziness. The LFM system was not designed to be anyone's personal guild organizer, that's what the guild page is for.

08-20-2007, 03:23 PM
What part of free did you misunderstand? Use guildportal.com, an absolutely free guild website.

basically all your post suggests is that you're too lazy to be decent and prefer to do it your way out of laziness. The LFM system was not designed to be anyone's personal guild organizer, that's what the guild page is for.

where is this proof that it was not meant to be used that way. You are stating something you can not prove, just because you say or dont like something does not mean its wrong or against any known policy because there is no policy except for selling things.

What about the Guilds who advertise for more people in LFM, I think that is more of a problem.

And I have a question how often do you guys raid and how many per day?

08-20-2007, 03:39 PM
The LFM system was not designed to be anyone's personal guild organizer, that's what the guild page is for.

Please show me, in print, anything that prohibits players from using the LFM panel organize "Guild Raid Only" groups.

On to my next question, which the opponents of "Guild Only" grouping have failed to answer:

I do have a question for the people that don't like the Guild Only Raid LFMs. We can all accept that it is OK to limit interest in additional party members based upon the tools Turbine included in the LFM panel (class, quest, quest difficulty, and character level), so what is appropriate use of the comment field? It seems (yes, I'm going out on a limb and presuming - feel free to flame me for doing so if it makes you feel better) to me that the people who object to the Guild Only qualifier object to comments that unfairly limit or exclude their own participation in a group. So, what qualifiers can be used? Dwarves Only? Role-players Only? Casters Only? Mature players only? People I've played with before only? Ultimately, someone is going to be excluded - if for no other reason than the group eventually gets filled. I'd be willing to bet that where the line is drawn is very different for everyone.

Ultimately, this issue comes down to a person's freedom to play with people with whom they enjoy playing. How can anyone reasonably argue that any person who pays money to play a GAME should be prevented from playing with those people they like?

I'd really like to know where people think the line is drawn.

08-20-2007, 03:40 PM
Wow Oh Wow!!

I'm gone for 2 weeks and I miss all the Fun!!

Anyway--as long as the listing is 14-14 or 8 -9 It doesn't bother me.

I do have a rather unique in game problem where my LFM does NOT scroll most of the time--just another one of the weird issues that I have had, only this one has not been worked out yet.

Previous to merge I did see some LFMs that said,
" Caffeine Run" or "NSR Run"
And I do think that these are quite informative, because then people know what to expect like playing naked and drunk or hopped up on Ambien and Caffeine, or smoked out.

For reals, I still PUg from time to time because I like to meet new friends, I appreciate the effort to do 14 - 14.

I'm just glad that I guess my guild is small enough where I know my Guildies well enough to know who needs what most of the time. Heck I even know people in other Guilds well enough to know when they are Raid ready and which items they need--maybe I have a freaky good memory--but don't ask me to lead you through a quest!

Where is the Angelic Voices Report?

I shaka my E-Boobs

08-20-2007, 03:49 PM
I have compromised with the feelings of fellow Sarlonians and agreed to not post <Guild Name> Only, <Guild Name>, and now to <Private> in our LFM's. All that I can and at this point willing to do.


I saw one of the new LFMs yesterday (now 14-14 and just '<guildname>' in the message) and it seemed perfectly fine now, especially compared with the time I saw 'that first LFM' a week or so ago (which admittedly made my blood boil!)

Respect, and thanks, to those guild members who are taking notice of the forums and the views of other Sarlonians when organising their raids.


08-20-2007, 03:52 PM
I really dont see what the problem with this is. Its the easiest way to get a raid started, and the members of your guild can see who is organizing it without them spamming the guild chat that they are forming a group.

Also, I have found that even if it is "xyz guild raid only" if you send a tell with your stats saying you are raid ready, they will quite often pick you up if they need people to round out the group.

08-20-2007, 03:56 PM
First I'll say that I logged in the other day and I saw again the LFM for Guild Only... but it had the 14-14 tag... that was nice it was at the bottom and out of the way. So I tip my hat for that change. I still disagree with the LFM for guild only. And I'm sure that many other people on Sarlona do as well (we are all sarlona, so please quit with this Adar, Aerenal blah blah BS, maybe they should have changed the server name to dirt clods to alleviate all confusion).

BUT, One point that has been brought up is that it’s unneeded to use the LFM when you have guild invite buttons and so fourth. In your own post (see above) you state that you only use the LFM for raids and all other quests are done through guild chat... 12 people... 6 people... maybe there is a huge organizational hurdle that I am missing in the building of either group. I'm an officer in my own guild and I really don't have a harder time building a raid or a group.

It just may be possible to use guild means for putting a raid together too and not clutter the LFM. Maybe in the future their will be an internal guild LFM system so that larger guilds can or any guild for that matter can game even more efficiently.

Wow you guys all whine about hey stop the lfm ok dam.

1st that was my lfm i put the 14-14 to meet you guys half way but dam everyone of you people here whine like a housewife dude.

2nd If yah cant understand why we do what we do then STOP TRYING TO

3rd stop trying to change other people's views , or opions, on how they should run there guild, toon, game.

4th you dont pay for my account, therefor We all do what we want!!!

5th just end this drama now guys and find something new

08-20-2007, 04:00 PM
What part of free did you misunderstand? Use guildportal.com, an absolutely free guild website.

basically all your post suggests is that you're too lazy to be decent and prefer to do it your way out of laziness. The LFM system was not designed to be anyone's personal guild organizer, that's what the guild page is for.

Didn't misunderstand that or the part where you say it costs. You know, to get rid of Ads.

That is YOUR interperation. Again, very wrong as I have pointed out many times as to why I choose to use LFM in this fashion. I could easily, and wrongly, assume by your post you are to lazy to explore the benefits of LFM to manage party invites all in one easy to read window.

And here I thought LFM was to be used, ya know, to look for more for your group.

08-20-2007, 04:01 PM
I saw one of the new LFMs yesterday (now 14-14 and just '<guildname>' in the message) and it seemed perfectly fine now, especially compared with the time I saw 'that first LFM' a week or so ago (which admittedly made my blood boil!)

Respect, and thanks, to those guild members who are taking notice of the forums and the views of other Sarlonians when organising their raids.


I have tried to make it easier for those by posting it in the 14-14 range with only comment being "Mythical Guild Raid"

08-20-2007, 04:03 PM
I saw one of the new LFMs yesterday (now 14-14 and just '<guildname>' in the message) and it seemed perfectly fine now, especially compared with the time I saw 'that first LFM' a week or so ago (which admittedly made my blood boil!)

Respect, and thanks, to those guild members who are taking notice of the forums and the views of other Sarlonians when organising their raids.


Could very well have been one of ours. Yes, I do take notice of the Forums and concerns of my fellow players and act on them. However, I draw the line where people care to make false assumptions on my motives and assign labels and dictate playstyle upon me - unless it is from the DEV's.

Thank you Garth.


08-20-2007, 04:57 PM
Just quoting +Sparker from a closed thread:

Ghoste is pretty spot on, we won't ask someone to remove their LFM if it is advertising for their guild only, but, if someone has a LFM up that says "If you are in X guild, don't bother applying!" we will ask the player to remove it.

End of story folks, see ya in the next pointless thread :)

08-20-2007, 06:31 PM
Yay! Moops is back.
Moops, this thread is no fun. Just cranky people with bad attitudes, me included.

This thread starts with an innocent question. Then we threw in some incorrect conclusions and assumptions. We took elements from the stress caused by the server merger, mixed in feelings of insecurity, superiority, hubris and ignorance, sprinkled some flames and hate on top and cooked at 400 degrees for a solid week. Serve with a flurry of PMs and some classic internet forum arguments and misspelling. mmmm mmmm, delicious.

This thread was so tasty that they started a duplicate thread in the general forum.

08-20-2007, 06:46 PM
Wow you guys all whine about hey stop the lfm ok dam.

1st that was my lfm i put the 14-14 to meet you guys half way but dam everyone of you people here whine like a housewife dude.

2nd If yah cant understand why we do what we do then STOP TRYING TO

3rd stop trying to change other people's views , or opions, on how they should run there guild, toon, game.

4th you dont pay for my account, therefor We all do what we want!!!

5th just end this drama now guys and find something new

lol, you loose your cool anytime somebody disagree's with you. A tactiful post is put up and you start your rant. You should take notes from Hendrick at least he maintains his cool and responds with tact. Of course its probably too much to ask.
And seriously if I paid for your account you wouldn't change anything, and its absurd that anyone would. We all pay for our own accounts thats the lamest excuse to do ANYTHING in this game. The "I pay for it, so I can do what I want attitude is childish and absurb". And if you don't want to read about other people's opinions quit posting, and quit reading this thread. Thats an easy fix. There is a thread looking for RP'ers maybe you'd like to grace them with your presence.

Previous to merge I did see some LFMs that said,
" Caffeine Run" or "NSR Run"
And I do think that these are quite informative, because then people know what to expect like playing naked and drunk or hopped up on Ambien and Caffeine, or smoked out.

Moops I believe is refering to open invite runs with guild tag informing the 'pug' that the other players are mostly of one guild.

You do realize there are redundant sytems for invites, right? You know, more then just one way to do it? Should we get rid of ALL ways of inviting someone except for typing /invite <name>? I mean, the rest of the way are all unneeded because we can type /invite <name>. So, determining that using the LFM for a Guild to manage it's nights adventure is unneeded is way off. What you have come accustomed to doing might not be to me.

Until there is a more efficient way to manage a Guild adventure, I will have to stick with the LFM. See, for ME and our 96 members, this is what we use from time to time and it work like a charm.

I have compromised with the feelings of fellow Sarlonians and agreed to not post <Guild Name> Only, <Guild Name>, and now to <Private> in our LFM's. All that I can and at this point willing to do.


First para riddled with sarcasm lol. Funny, but I liked the ending. It shows willingness to comprimize with tact. As I said in my previous post, the 14-14 Guild name Private, looks good its out of the way. I myself, I don't think i'll need to comback to post here. *tips hat* /respect.

08-20-2007, 07:46 PM
I do have a question for the people that don't like the Guild Only Raid LFMs. We can all accept that it is OK to limit interest in additional party members based upon the tools Turbine included in the LFM panel (class, quest, quest difficulty, and character level), so what is appropriate use of the comment field? It seems (yes, I'm going out on a limb and presuming - feel free to flame me for doing so if it makes you feel better) to me that the people who object to the Guild Only qualifier object to comments that unfairly limit or exclude their own participation in a group. So, what qualifiers can be used? Dwarves Only? Role-players Only? Casters Only? Mature players only? People I've played with before only? Ultimately, someone is going to be excluded - if for no other reason than the group eventually gets filled. I'd be willing to bet that where the line is drawn is very different for everyone.
*hugs* I think I love you.

08-21-2007, 05:50 AM
*hugs* I think I love you.

Please don't feed the Gnome, his head is big enough already... :)

Now back to actually playing the game verus all this junk.

08-21-2007, 07:07 AM
And that just shows what type of person you are. To play the childish games.. Thanks for the laughs though and keep up the good work ..

Wow dude look sorry it bothers you but guess what it is gonna happen plain and simple sorry it offends you but this is the way are guild and plenty others have done it. Now we are not gonna stop just because some people cant handle looking at the lfm group to find something and realize they cant join. Sorry dude suck it up

For over a year of playing it has not EVER bothered anyone because of a server merge people are just gonna have to learn that other people have other ways of doing things. Who is to say what is wrong or right , but I for one have been playing since beta and i am not gonna change, its never been a problem before sorry man . But what is wrong is to sit there and attempt to mock people or guilds in the lfm . That is not right people just need to grow up and accept the change that has come before them ...

Well i looks like you are assuming becuase i have not moked anyone yet in a lfm .. By the way we all know what assuming makes you correct

I never said i dont care about anyone , I just stated that is how for over a year i have m ade lfm's for guild only grps deal with it dude ok

You may want drop this as it is boaring me now


great thanks for letting me know how you feel. I will file that info in the proper place

Lol what a joke there will be no curbing of me dude, there is nothing wrong i really dont care what you or anyone thinks. That is my opionon and know one will change it. Just like tonight i made my Mythical Guild only lfm's , and I will continue to do so, nothing you say or do can change that. So suck it up and find something else to complain about..Myself and fellow officers feel the same way as i do.

Now lets just put a end to all of this bs and enjoy the game.

I am a officer in Mythical and I set up many guild raids. I allways put Mythical Guild Only.. Nothing else no comments, on one occasion i did add "If this offends you sorry" and left it at that. I can at sometimes come off rude and jerky, but that is only when my buttons are pushed. I am here to raid and loot and have fun. I will continue to put up Mythical Guild only, but will even add in the level req. 14-14 when raiding since this seems to offend peeps. I am trying the best i can to make all well. We all have to try to get along...

lol, ok...

Has nothing to do with showboating. Where you or anyone else gets that info at i have no idea. It is a way we have done ( as well as other guilds) since beta. Now we have tried to meet you people half way, I have started putting in 14-14 so it would not bother the people while looking for grp. That is all I am gonna do. If you cant meet another person half way then you are the problem them. We have done what we can have you????
lol (you people), ok...

I find it funny that you think that we just started doing this whole guild lfm. Consider that you have had 3 of the biggest guilds on adar telling you since page 1 that we have been useing. Why would we just start, news flash we have been useing it think what yah want but this is all getting pointless now.Why dont you just reread some of the post in here and you will see, its been going on for a while.

Wow you guys all whine about hey stop the lfm ok dam.

1st that was my lfm i put the 14-14 to meet you guys half way but dam everyone of you people here whine like a housewife dude.

2nd If yah cant understand why we do what we do then STOP TRYING TO

3rd stop trying to change other people's views , or opions, on how they should run there guild, toon, game.

4th you dont pay for my account, therefor We all do what we want!!!

5th just end this drama now guys and find something new

I have tried to make it easier for those by posting it in the 14-14 range with only comment being "Mythical Guild Raid"

OK, you have finally changed my mind, I agree 100% with the guild only LFM's, please continue to post them so I know what groups not to join, LOL :)

08-21-2007, 10:42 AM
Sparker chimes in here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1305862&postcount=4).

08-22-2007, 06:24 AM
Normally I would stay out of a thread with as many immature posts as this one, but it would seem that people are to hostile to be polite with. Tonight while getting a group together for PoP a "Black Mantis Members PoP Elite" LFM went up. The reason was because I was busy mailing items running around town, others in the guild were switching in and out of alts to move some items and one person had an alt in another guild. Within 3 mins I got messages calling me "Tard" "Idiot" and other such derogatory terms. The first person I was nice to and explained why it was easier but their high school attitude led them to only respond "Whatever" The next person however was even more rude, used foul language and actually went onto an alt when I squelched him and even sent tells to other members of my party. Now even if there was some valid argument against guild only LFM's I would not argee with any point you could make because people who are opposed to them have shown very little maturity and have gone as far to harass people in game for their common practices. I think anyone who does that is a disgusting human being and needs to grow up a whole lot. So is anyone who puts up a <Server> only LFM, or any rude LFM excluding others. But we have our reasons for doing it, it doesn't clutter up the LFM list that much, and the point that there is a invite in the guild panel, well there is an invite button in the who but we use LFM's we have one in the friends list we use LFM's. Tell me that all your friends and guildmates never once joined through the LFM. This thread is pathetic and my attitude is justified by my experience last night. I can only hope that somehow I get infraction points for this post so my just feeling can be even more so resolved. Because any time I speak my mind and say how I really feel it always seems to be to much for "The Man" to handle. Or this this case "The Kobold" As for reputation the last thing in the world I care about is what anyone who I don't care about thinks of me.

08-22-2007, 11:22 AM
Normally I would stay out of a thread with as many immature posts as this one, but it would seem that people are to hostile to be polite with. Tonight while getting a group together for PoP a "Black Mantis Members PoP Elite" LFM went up. The reason was because I was busy mailing items running around town, others in the guild were switching in and out of alts to move some items and one person had an alt in another guild. Within 3 mins I got messages calling me "Tard" "Idiot" and other such derogatory terms. The first person I was nice to and explained why it was easier but their high school attitude led them to only respond "Whatever" The next person however was even more rude, used foul language and actually went onto an alt when I squelched him and even sent tells to other members of my party. Now even if there was some valid argument against guild only LFM's I would not argee with any point you could make because people who are opposed to them have shown very little maturity and have gone as far to harass people in game for their common practices. I think anyone who does that is a disgusting human being and needs to grow up a whole lot. So is anyone who puts up a <Server> only LFM, or any rude LFM excluding others. But we have our reasons for doing it, it doesn't clutter up the LFM list that much, and the point that there is a invite in the guild panel, well there is an invite button in the who but we use LFM's we have one in the friends list we use LFM's. Tell me that all your friends and guildmates never once joined through the LFM. This thread is pathetic and my attitude is justified by my experience last night. I can only hope that somehow I get infraction points for this post so my just feeling can be even more so resolved. Because any time I speak my mind and say how I really feel it always seems to be to much for "The Man" to handle. Or this this case "The Kobold" As for reputation the last thing in the world I care about is what anyone who I don't care about thinks of me.

Amen, now you can see what Mythical goes though whenever we get a raids going. I dont start many raids, only once a bluemoon, but if I do and I reviece tells like that they would defienately get reported for harrasment.

08-22-2007, 01:58 PM
I have thought long and hard about a solution to this dilemma and I believe that I have solved it !

From now on my LFM's will read PUG members only! No guild members please! Though, where I am not entirely sure if there will be a downside to this, my careful calculations tell me that the negative feedback in regards to handling the situation in this manner will be miniscule at best. The losses, as they say, should be acceptable. I will conduct multiple tests over a period of 1 year, analyze my findings, understanding that certain test subjects will receive a placebo instead of the real experience, and release the information to the general public when I've gathered enough hard facts. Your patience is appreciated. Now where did I leave that @#$% calculator? :D

08-22-2007, 02:17 PM
Normally I would stay out of a thread with as many immature posts as this one, but it would seem that people are to hostile to be polite with. Tonight while getting a group together for PoP a "Black Mantis Members PoP Elite" LFM went up. The reason was because I was busy mailing items running around town, others in the guild were switching in and out of alts to move some items and one person had an alt in another guild. Within 3 mins I got messages calling me "Tard" "Idiot" and other such derogatory terms. The first person I was nice to and explained why it was easier but their high school attitude led them to only respond "Whatever" The next person however was even more rude, used foul language and actually went onto an alt when I squelched him and even sent tells to other members of my party. Now even if there was some valid argument against guild only LFM's I would not argee with any point you could make because people who are opposed to them have shown very little maturity and have gone as far to harass people in game for their common practices. I think anyone who does that is a disgusting human being and needs to grow up a whole lot. So is anyone who puts up a <Server> only LFM, or any rude LFM excluding others. But we have our reasons for doing it, it doesn't clutter up the LFM list that much, and the point that there is a invite in the guild panel, well there is an invite button in the who but we use LFM's we have one in the friends list we use LFM's. Tell me that all your friends and guildmates never once joined through the LFM. This thread is pathetic and my attitude is justified by my experience last night. I can only hope that somehow I get infraction points for this post so my just feeling can be even more so resolved. Because any time I speak my mind and say how I really feel it always seems to be to much for "The Man" to handle. Or this this case "The Kobold" As for reputation the last thing in the world I care about is what anyone who I don't care about thinks of me.

Honestly thought that this post was kind of dead and half resolved. If you would have read the whole thing you would have seen that the last few posts were better than the starting ones. Yes this person is a butthead for sending you tells but wouldn't taking screenshots and reporting the idiot be much more of the better way to go then drudging up this post? It was really going to the bottom the screen for awhile. Well reoprt him and maybe you can get rid of the morons and we will never have to hear compliants from either side about the laziness of those that put them up and the ignorance of those that bother others.

08-24-2007, 01:37 PM
wow ive heard about this thread and i just now found it. my main is expermaintal for adar and i lmao reading half if not more of this thread. way to go icu and the other guilds standing and taking all this stuff on. im so sorry i wasnt thier to help yall. but im glad its started calming down at least it looks.

p.s. i pray to get nasty tells on my lfms ask anybody from adar what will happen lol its going to be funny.

08-28-2007, 11:37 AM
I got a personal message from a GM... a response to the Guild Only LFM's.

This is what that unnamed GM said:

I do understand your point of view about guild only LFMs excluding players, but it's just not the same as saying "Stormcleave Group, all are welcome except BlueLightBandit".

You are free to keep your own personal "list" of players you do not want to group with, but you can not publically list them (in a LFM, bio etc) as that is harassment.

Here's my thoughts...

"Stormcleave Group, all are welcome except {Insert Name Here}" = Not Allowed
"Stormcleave Group, all are welcome except {non-members of Guild Name Here} = Allowed

That doesn't make sense, but neither does half of the other things that has happened in this game.

My solution... Friends lists... anybody that uses the LFM tab to broadcast a guild group... added to my friends lists with an appropriate comment.

I don't know your reasons, I don't care about your reasons, you're excluding mass quantities of people, which is allowable. I'm excluding one person, which is allowable.

End of story.

Thanks for playing, see you all in game.

09-07-2007, 12:41 AM
Meh, to each his own.

Redemption doesn't do it and that's all that I have control of. I see both sides of the story, but would never post an LFM for our guild only. I use guild chat to the fullest and it works for a rather large guild like ours, so I'd venture to guess everyone could.

I understand extenuating circumstances, but it happens regularly enough that at this point it's probably just habit for the guilds that do use it.

Just preference really.

09-07-2007, 05:23 AM
[QUOTE=Canuckalhead;1299044]*Posts MOTD* Reaver Raid Friday 8pm. Doing 6 runs. 1st come, 1st served

/g Hey guys forming Raid 1, first 12 are in.

/g Hey guys, raid 2 is starting.


my exact arguement concerning why guild only lfm's for any quests are completely stupid.

09-07-2007, 03:58 PM
OMG thisthread is so awesome and informative. We must continue to debate this until we reach 10,000 hits. If you're reading this and see that the thread has died please reply with your own trivial comments.

A+++++ to all the posters and viewers involved as of this time. With some luck we can get a dev response on the matter.

09-07-2007, 10:22 PM
Sparker chimes in here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1305862&postcount=4).

OMG thisthread is so awesome and informative. We must continue to debate this until we reach 10,000 hits. If you're reading this and see that the thread has died please reply with your own trivial comments.

A+++++ to all the posters and viewers involved as of this time. With some luck we can get a dev response on the matter.

We already had a Dev. comment about it on another thread.

09-08-2007, 07:55 AM
We already had a Dev. comment about it on another thread.
This is the perfect example of rolling a 1 on your Spot (Sarcasm) check.

09-09-2007, 06:01 AM
after seeing how ridiculously long this thread has gotten and over such a trivial affair, i'm simply going to have to start doing this when i organize our guild raids. :D

07-12-2008, 06:02 AM
Just posting to say I'm thankful that the guild-only LFM short-lived trend has finally disappeared from Sarlona...happy joy;)

07-12-2008, 07:28 AM
If a raid officer of a guild makes an LFM going with 1-16 level range,
they are lazy and careless enough to bother other non-guild players.

If you are dragging your scroll wheel to the end of LFM page just to get annoyed by those LFMs with 16-16 level range,
you had better mind your own business.

...is what I'm thinking and will be thinking of, until they(Turbine) put some guild-LFM window seperately.
(Guild tab or chat are simply not doing their job now. You can't organize your guild-raid efficiently thru those.)

Please read other replies and think twice before you say
"It's STILL so annoying I can't understand why they are so lazy and elite-minded" or
"It's NONE of your business please mind your own".
Both comments are just evenly ignorant and VERY annoying to me :P

P.S. It is totally different than those 'Trade-AD's in the LFM
because it is there to make a group to do quest with.

07-12-2008, 07:40 AM
I really don't understand why this is such a big issue for people. If you are not in that guild, why do you care so much?

To explain the why... Instead of selecting names from a list, inviting each person one by one, it is easier and more efficient to put up a lfm and have those interested join on their own. People may be buying pots or scrolls or finishing a quest ect.. Maybe they want to switch characters and will join when they log back in. It is just more convenient to put an LFM up and allow interested guild members to join when they are ready. Additionally, a lot of guilds have more than 12 members who are ready to raid and its first come first serve.

I wonder why people feel compelled to send tells asking why an LFM is up.

Yea cause it is so hard to do this.

"Hey who wants to do The Shroud??"

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

"I Do." (right click select invite)

I guess that takes way longer than people saying

"I Do"

"Ok wait for the lfm then click on it"

Now you make an LFM and Now each person has to hit "O" find your group select it hit join and you hit accept.

Yea I can see the logic here on how it is much more efficient.


07-12-2008, 08:39 AM
Nice necro.