View Full Version : What should I shoot for for Intimidate

08-11-2007, 03:13 AM
Roughly what sort of numbers am I shooting for with Intimidate as I level up?

ie. at level 4, 8, 12, 14 - what ballpark value is good enough?

Paraphrasing Riott, "30 is OK at endgame, but some mobs need 40+ to never fail". Which are the mobs that need that 40+?

I've played a Rogue through to endgame - I am all about "never failing". I have spots in my build for Skill Focus and Bullheaded. I started with a 15 Cha. I've been plunking in the enhancements as they come up. I believe I should hit +20 by level 5, and should peak well past +40.


08-11-2007, 02:31 PM
As long as you keep putting the maximum ranks you can into Intimidate and keep filling out the enhancement line, you'll be fine with your Intimidate checks at each level. Grabbing an item to boost your Intim score along the way helps too.

Regarding the 40+ to never fail, I believe Riot is primarily talking about elite settings and mostly raid bosses. I believe he's mentioned in the past that Titan needs a 38ish to Intim, Velah needed a 35+, Demon Queen may have been 40ish. I'm not sure he ever posted numbers for the Stormreaver. Obviously, Gianthold giants on elite will be high 30s to low 40s needed since you're at a -4 size penalty.

08-11-2007, 08:02 PM
The reaver requires a modified roll of roughly 37 -- so ~44 skill to never fail, or ~48 if you're a halfling. Certainly within a couple points of there. I'll see if I can pin it down exactly next time I run that with my tank.

Generally, with max ranks and a level-appropriate item you won't have to worry about failing checks until you start fighting elite fire giants. So whenever you run threnal or tempest elite for the first time should be your first failed check. They also require low 40s skill.

I run with 42-44 intimidate depending on my gear at the time, and really the stormreaver is the only place I can remember failing checks. The titan can't be intimidated anymore.

I think 30 would be too low. That would fail regularly against anything giant-sized or larger. High 30s would do the trick except for elite end-game stuff -- I believe the pre-raid giants and dragons also require around 40 skill.

Hope that helps.


08-12-2007, 11:44 AM
The reaver requires a modified roll of roughly 37 -- so ~44 skill to never fail, or ~48 if you're a halfling. Certainly within a couple points of there. I'll see if I can pin it down exactly next time I run that with my tank.

Wow, I wasn't even close.

I have 43 skill, so a 35 modified check against the reaver. 39 against the elementals in there.

On elite, I fail on a 7 or worse. So it looks like 50 skill is the new goal.

If I only had a +15 intimidate item.

08-12-2007, 07:10 PM
Wow, I wasn't even close.

I have 43 skill, so a 35 modified check against the reaver. 39 against the elementals in there.

On elite, I fail on a 7 or worse. So it looks like 50 skill is the new goal.

If I only had a +15 intimidate item.

I don't agree that +50 should be looked at.

I have about 40 Intimidate with GH on (a bit more, but can't remember clearly), I have never failed, but i haven't done the Reaver elite with Borror. However, I have tested about everything in Gianthold countless times and never seen a failed score.

Like I said, I have a little bit over 40 with GH (will increase by 2 soon as I have looted the Head of Good Fortune, just need to rearange my slots accordingly). I had a 14 starting Cha, now 20 Cha, and use a +10 item. I also have taken Bullheaded. Seriously, I wouldn't even bother with taking both Intimidate feats, either one is fine, but both will be overkill.

08-13-2007, 09:13 AM
The Giant Skeleton that ends Gianthold Tor is the other "Bad boy" of Intimidating.

He's actually harder than the Storm Reaver I beleive.
He's the only one I get a failed check on occasion from.

But like has been already said. Just keep maxing your intimidate as you level.
That will suffice until you start peaking over level 12. And then on Elite runs you'll be really wanting to be peaking over 40, for definite successes.

08-13-2007, 10:44 AM

Well, I have plenty of feats available to me, so I'll take both Intimidate feats, even if some folks think it's overkill. I should peak in the mid-40s without GH I think (+5 Cha, +17 ranks, +4 enhancement, +5 feats, +13 item, +2 command = +46 -> at the absolute peak I could get an extra +2 Cha (+3 Tome, +6 item), +2 item (from a +15 if I found one), +4 GH, +2 luck = +56); although I don't have an item better than +7 in my possession yet, I have lots of time to find better (I'm leveling 4 non-capped toons, the Intim guy is the lowest level one).

08-14-2007, 12:38 AM
By the way, why didn't anyone ever tell me before how awesome Intimidate is? lol

Just did a Tangleroot run with my level 4 guy, intimidated everything in sight. It was SWEEEEEEEEET (yes, 7 extra Es - I counted).


08-14-2007, 10:41 AM
By the way, why didn't anyone ever tell me before how awesome Intimidate is? lol

Just did a Tangleroot run with my level 4 guy, intimidated everything in sight. It was SWEEEEEEEEET (yes, 7 extra Es - I counted).


Because only like 6 of us have actually experienced the awesomeness?

I used to have a guildie who used intimidate regularly. He doesn't play anymore... Other than that, I think I've had the pleasure of someone other than me using it maybe twice. I still get people asking me what those orange things over critters' heads are...

Heh. You're right though. Great fun. Especially at low levels. Nothing says "fight stuff over here" like intimidating and then running there.

And btw, command won't stack with an intimdate item -- both competence bonuses (command also doesn't stack with the cartouche).

08-14-2007, 11:11 AM
I think that all the pertinent information for this thread has already been provided, so this is more anecdotal information .. I guess that makes me player #7 to play with intimidate.. :D

When I unshelved my founding fighter (stalled out at lvl11 after mod3) in Mod4, I started dumping points into Intimidate, but didn't bother with any of the feats. The only time I've seen him fail an intimidation check was the end-guy on Prison of the Planes after I got feebleminded somewhere and my check dropped to a +27 (from a +38 w/ GH) and that only failed on a 6 or lower, iirc. I am thinking, however of dropping Power Critical for Bullheaded since a +92 crit confirm modifier is a bit over the top.. That would bump my Intimidate to 40 (he started with a 9 cha, so increasing it via cha items is a lost cause :D).

I haven't run the Reaver on elite yet, so I can't speak to that, but my poor little paladin with a paltry +12 modifier (no room for an intimidate item right now) can Intimidate the dragons in the Reaver pre-raid with a roll of ~15 (the only roll I remember).