View Full Version : Quest Suggestion?

08-10-2007, 09:03 AM
I have a 9th level cleric and had a question. Other then Threnal (which I have already done), what are some other quests that I can do at my level for decent XP. Also where are quests located? Thanks in advance for answers?

08-10-2007, 09:25 AM
I have a 9th level cleric and had a question. Other then Threnal (which I have already done), what are some other quests that I can do at my level for decent XP. Also where are quests located? Thanks in advance for answers?Threnal is one of the big XP ones (well, 1 mission out of each 3) and you can always go back to redo on Hard. But, also do the Vault of Night series (House K, Barrow d'Kundarak). Missions 3 and 4 are big XP. Also the Cult of Six chain (accessed in House D, Brother Mirashai) offers some good XP quests. Lastly don't forget about revisiting The Pit, Stormcleave (House D), Gwylan's, Tear of Dhakaan (House P), and Delera's (House J) all on Hard and/or Elite for good XP before you hit level 10.

08-10-2007, 09:42 AM
Thanks and you also answered another question I had, which was what VONS stood for now I know!

08-10-2007, 10:30 AM
if you haven't already done those on hard/elite re-visiting all that, and especially vons/dragon will get you lvl ten. i used to start abusing tempest spine at that point but the made tempest spine lame and no longer worth the xp :/ i'd head out to the desert, do all the demon queen pre-reqs and a demon queen raid, by then you should be close to 11 which means time to move on out to gianthold.