View Full Version : constructive criticism PLZ

08-10-2007, 12:19 AM
OK I would like to build a dwarven intimitank, I have some high end loot no +2 tomes :(, so i wanted to get max ac and a high intimidate along with good saves. please let me know if i am on the right track or if i should start again

I forgot to mention I have no dragonmarked toons and would really like to implement them on this one


str 16
dex 15
con 14
int 13
wis 8
cha 11

was gonna go 11 fighter 3 pally

with some of the following feats

all 3 dragonmarks
combat expertise
weapon focus slashing
greater weaponfocus slashing
sheild mastery

as far as loot i have the following on my bank toon
+5 dex boots
+5 cha cloak
+5 str bracers
+5 con ring
chaos guard
+5 mithral plate of command

I plan on maxing out

and for enhancments
dwarf tuff
dwarf con
fighter str
dwarven axe attack
dwarven armor mastery
extra dragonmarks

I know i have room for other stuff any help is appreciated.:D

08-10-2007, 07:42 AM
Honestly, I'm wondering why you want to take all three of the Dragonmark feats. Unfortunately, they don't really add anything to the build that you're going after (AC or Intimidate), unless you're hoping to get the attention of creatures initially by the Glyph/Fire Trap. Though Intimidate works better for that, since a Wizard with Firewall or Cone of Cold or the like will pull hate away from you pretty quickly.

08-10-2007, 07:58 AM
Since your going to be a defensive tank, I would try to work in some save feats there. With 8 starting wisdom and no save enhancements/feats, you're going to be held, feared, hypno'ed danced, etc. a LOT. Your healer isn't going to like it. I recommend dropping your offensive feats to work them in if possible.

I would also drop dex to 13 and up wis to 12 to help with the will save.

Dorf spell defense is always good.

08-10-2007, 09:43 AM
thanks for the input guys:)

With the dragonmarks, 1st I dont have any toons with it so really wanted to try and implement it on my last slot, as for tactical use drawing the initial agro was the original plan, sorry i didt mention it at first.

as far as saves go you're right I guess i will have to find some way to icrease them i had hoped getting +3 from my pally lvls and i have an xtra kardins eye forgot to mention also:o it was late when i posted.

Thanks again for the help and any additional help would be appreciated

08-10-2007, 04:06 PM
And if you want real constructive criticism, then you should be a warforged... Man, I'm horrible. Seriously, though, I felt the same way that you do about the Dragonmarks, so I decided to make a Halfling. They get the added benefit of +1 AC and their dragonmarks are actually useful (Who doesn't like healing?), especially when you can increase the power from Paladin enhancements. Additionally, you can increase saves with Halfling Luck (once Mod 5 comes out, you can pick more than just Reflex) and use enhancements to increase your Dex if you find some nice Mithril Full Plate. But, if you're set on Dwarven, then you could probably get by if you take the first two feats, leaving you an extra feat to play with.

08-10-2007, 05:26 PM
thanks for the input guys:)

With the dragonmarks, 1st I dont have any toons with it so really wanted to try and implement it on my last slot, as for tactical use drawing the initial agro was the original plan, sorry i didt mention it at first.

as far as saves go you're right I guess i will have to find some way to icrease them i had hoped getting +3 from my pally lvls and i have an xtra kardins eye forgot to mention also:o it was late when i posted.

Thanks again for the help and any additional help would be appreciated

So I know you started the thread with "I would like to build a dwarven intimitank", but...

Have you thought about going elf or human?

The dwarven dragonmarks seem pretty useless, particularly on this sort of build -- I imagine casting them drops you out of CE, although I haven't checked...

Elves get displacement; humans get shield of faith, protection from energy, and globe of invulnerability, along with 2 points in intimidate. Particularly with the upcoming change to human versatility, humans are compelling for this sort of build. Either way you lose a couple of possible points of AC, but only if your dex is over 22. Otherwise you're only spending more action points as an elf or human to get the AC of a dwarf.

By not being a dwarf, you also lose dwarven spell resistance, but you gain 2 charisma -- 1 to all saves, intimidate, and UMD. And you lose dwarven toughness. But really, if you have 55+ AC and 20+ saves most of the time, 200 hitpoints is plenty. More is gravy. Not worth making build sacrifices for. And you have to sink those action points into armor and tower mastery, anyway.

Speaking of saves, the way to get them higher isn't by raising wisdom, it's by raising charisma...

Whatever you do, I certainly recommend eating a +1 int tome at level 1 to raise your int to 14 so that you can max a 4th skill -- UMD. It's too powerful to ignore when you're building to end up with at least 18 or 20 charisma -- my 12f/2p can raise dead on a 9 or higher. I'd pull a point out of con if you can't scrounge up a tome...

Beyond that, it's worth noting that without any feats or enhancements in intimidate, you will fail checks. You'll likely be fine against trash stuff, but bosses will be problematic. For example, the Reaver requires a skill of 45 or 46 (iirc) to succeed on a 1. 49 or 50 if you're a halfling... Generally, low 30s won't cut it; mid- to high-30s will, so long as you don't mind failing high-end stuff once in a while. High 30s unbuffed (with an intimidate item) is a nice place to be.

Whatever you decide, good luck.
