View Full Version : confused

08-07-2007, 10:38 AM
For thing like reconstruction it says it increases the damage done by your repair spells. So if you cast repair on a enemy WF it will damage them I guess like a heal spell will damage undead? Now if the above is true does this also apply to wands of repair and if so do they work on iron/shrieking defenders?

08-07-2007, 11:17 AM
For thing like reconstruction it says it increases the damage done by your repair spells. So if you cast repair on a enemy WF it will damage them I guess like a heal spell will damage undead? Now if the above is true does this also apply to wands of repair and if so do they work on iron/shrieking defenders?1) Repairing does not do damage to enemy constructs. If you could hit them with a repair spell, it would increase their HP (but you can't hit enemy targets with repair spells).
2) Healing harms undead, Inflicting wounds heals them. This is why you can target undead with healing spells.
3) Note that the force/repair line of enhancements *do not* effect your wands or scrolls (only your spells). Only the "wand damage" enhancement increased their effectiveness.

08-07-2007, 11:40 AM
So then an item that had reconstruction V that increase the damagedone by your repair spells level 5 and lower by 50% is pretty much useless since repair spells heal not damage is it me or is the wording confusing in the explanation?

08-07-2007, 01:01 PM
it is purly poor wording, they copy and pasted the defalt text fro all the potency etc items so they all say damage still realyl it shoudl say increases the amount you heal(poor choice still) or repair by 50%.

08-07-2007, 03:28 PM
Thank you for clearing that up for me. Now is there a know spell of deconstruction. :)

08-07-2007, 04:23 PM
So then an item that had reconstruction V that increase the damage done by your repair spells level 5 and lower by 50% is pretty much useless since repair spells heal not damage is it me or is the wording confusing in the explanation?Confusing wording. Should have said that it increases the effectiveness of your repair spells.