View Full Version : Looking for a Guild

08-07-2007, 06:50 AM
Hello all,
This is my situation.
After a quite a break from DDO, I have returned to the game I have enjoyed playing the most.
My guild that I was in has folded and I am looking for another to join.
I live in Australia so the guild I would be joining would hopefully be playing at an Aussie friendly hours. (That’s a bit hard to judge I know, it’s not that important)
I’m an old married father of two who (trying to be candid here) loves the whole d and d ishness of the game while at the same time I’m not quite au fait with all the rules and mechanics of the game
In other words, I’m a bit slow :o
It would be great to join an active guild that’s in it to have fun without any drama and realizes kids and school and wife agro can reduce your playing hours somewhat..
Hope to hear from you’ all soon

08-07-2007, 11:32 AM
Visit the guild list redux thread. There is at least one huild there that appears to be comprised of Australian players. You can also use the links to visit guild websites and check out the culture of players yourself.