View Full Version : Idiocy knows no server bounds

08-07-2007, 02:33 AM
True story, just happened like an hour and some change ago. I got the screenies to prove it. I just had the great pleasure of grouping with a complete artard and I'm pretty sure he's from Xoriat as I do recall grouping with this guy BEFORE the merge. However I could be way off base and he could be from a different but who cares, either way I had a pretty good chuckle about it.

Getting ready to run VON 2-4 Elite, have one spot open for a healer type.

'tard: "Hey guys, I got a lvl 2 cleric that'll run with us if we run part 1 over again."

Me: "lvl 2?"

Party Member: "Yeah I'm not too comfortable with that one"

'tard: "*12"

Me: "Oh, well that makes a world of difference."

Party member: "Oh hell yeah, we'll redo part 1 again, it's fast anyway."

'tard: "No, screw you guys, nm. Find your own healer."

Rest of party: "What?!?"

'tard: "You guys were jerks so I'm not bringing him."

Me: "did I just miss something?"

Party member: "*** is going on?"

**About a minute of silence**

Party member: "let's just run it, and get a healer on the way"

Me: "bah, screw it"

'tard: "Yeah lets just go."

Me: "I still don't understand why you won't bring your cleric friend."

'tard: "b/c you were a d**k."

Party member: "What are you smoking dude?"

Me: "You do realize that I'm the only arcane here and you're a WF, right?"

**'tard drops group**

I get a /tell about 20 min later, same guy, and my new partners and I are now well into part III.

'tard: "You just can't handle my greatness."

Me: "That's why I'm 3 man'ing VoN on Elite and yer still LFG, dumb@**."


08-07-2007, 05:49 AM
PLEASE......PM me his name I want to run with him sooooo bad! :D

I love bringing in one stupid pugger, with 5 Legion guys..........
It's like feeding the wolves, lol.;)

08-07-2007, 06:46 AM
LOL, denial of repair attack kills 'tards dead. Don't mean to make light of that but it's pretty funny. Seems you handled it appropriately hehe

08-07-2007, 07:11 AM
I love bringing in one stupid pugger, with 5 Legion guys..........
It's like feeding the wolves, lol.;)

Feeding Frenzy! Nothing like perpetuating a little insanity and passing on the Xorian hate. Makes me so proud.


08-07-2007, 07:58 AM
thats awesome. i too request a Pm with the name of said individual.:D

08-07-2007, 10:10 AM
PM pls on this guy's name:D

08-07-2007, 10:16 AM
PM pls on this guy's name:D


08-07-2007, 10:22 AM
I'd like to ...shared squech list's are the bane players like that

08-07-2007, 10:48 AM
Forget his name, I'd like to see some screenies of the full chat. Seems like the guy was a meathead but we're only getting one side of the story and it seriously feels like something's missing...

08-07-2007, 11:15 AM
'tard: "You just can't handle my greatness."

Me: "That's why I'm 3 man'ing VoN on Elite and yer still LFG, dumb@**."


Over the weekend, I had a frighteningly similar experiences. Wonder if it's the same guy...? Doesn't matter, really...all it earned him was the honor of being added to my /squelch list.

08-07-2007, 11:24 AM
You know I kinda wonder if somehow folks thought that by having a 'merger' we would have forgotten how stupid they were on our 'home' servers, and that somehow, their antics are gonna be tolerated in the new merged server any more than before. :rolleyes:

Reputations are like random spawns - popping up when most inconvenient, without your control, and if you don't get em under control, you can't function.

08-07-2007, 11:43 AM
I'm curious to know who the 'tard is also. PM?

08-07-2007, 11:48 AM
I would also like a PM lol, I'm curious now

08-07-2007, 11:56 AM
Sometimes gossip is fun! :) I sent a PM too! LOL :p

08-07-2007, 12:13 PM
PM pls on this guy's name:D

plz do!

08-07-2007, 12:22 PM
You know I kinda wonder if somehow folks thought that by having a 'merger' we would have forgotten how stupid they were on our 'home' servers, and that somehow, their antics are gonna be tolerated in the new merged server any more than before. :rolleyes:

Reputations are like random spawns - popping up when most inconvenient, without your control, and if you don't get em under control, you can't function.


One of these days, Merlask, I just have to meet ya. :D

08-07-2007, 01:42 PM
pm please

08-07-2007, 02:31 PM
..uh XFracture... who da guy... we gettin curious:D

08-07-2007, 02:48 PM
Curious as well who this person is. As was stated by a member of Legion, we from Madborn love bringing in unexpecting pugs into our groups. They normally don't say much but in the end I hear alot of times that they had just experienced the best party they had ever been in (and not just meaning knowing what we are doing)

I do hope you will PM the name of the tard mentioned. Also if he/she was a member of a guild it might be wise that such transactiosn took place.


08-08-2007, 02:52 AM
Sorry, I don't hit the forums often. If it wasn't for someone sending me a message and thus in turn getting an email because of said message I woulda never known you guys responded to this thread.

I'll send a PM to those interested BUT only for the sake of, like Scarsgaard said, giving people a heads up on who's who in this new world of ours. In all fairness it WAS pretty late at night so I'm HOPING that he was just tired and cranky.

However, I sure as hell am not going to group with the son of a ***** ****sucker.

Anger rising... can't control....

:mad: DIE NEWBIE SCUM! :mad:

But that's just me, don't allow MY experience to affect your own objective opinion. If you group with him then give him an honest and fair shot. Like I said, he could be a cool guy that just had a bad night.

08-08-2007, 03:07 AM
PM's sent. As far as screenies go, if this is someone that you know and you have a problem with what I've said or do not believe the other two players then, and ONLY THEN will I spend the time to black out innocent names and cusses to post a screenie.

It's not some monumental event, just a funny story about how stupidity does not lie in the realm of but one server.

Also, the toon I was playing that night was Necrosis, lvl 12 Sorc. Feel free to PM me in game if you want to. However, as soon as my name change request goes through he'll be renamed either Epic or Kaine. Since I was able to score my names back with the merger.

Mmmmm... merger....

08-08-2007, 03:27 AM
"You just can't handle my greatness."

That sounds like derrek.....sounds like a buddy of mine that would say that if he were bored enough lol. i want a pm too thanks!