View Full Version : Thought about Communication Channels

08-06-2007, 01:22 PM
So with the server merge process in full swing and with the way guilds stand currently. I know that some guilds have formed "alliances". Now as I look around in-game, there is no way to represent this other than maybe in a bio for each of the characters you have within said guild and their alliance(s). The other alternative is to have the information about the alliances on the guild website (if one exists for your guild, which I'm sure not every one of them has).

Another thing that it lacks is an open communication method for those within the alliance(s) to converse instead of just through tells.

So here is a thought I had, while granted this comes directly from other MMORPGs that I've played, and have also used effectively. Allow players to create customizable communication channels that players can join or not based on their own personal preference.

Say for instance I want to have an alliance channel with another guild on the server. The leaders decide they want to create a channel in which members of both guilds within the alliance. So they create a channel and call it "Whosie-ma-dingers". Characters from both guilds can, at their own choosing, join said channel using a command line string something like "/channeljoin Whosie-ma-dingers". This could create an entire new tab that will have anything from that channel going across it. In light of this you can also have the same option to leave that channel with a command string "/channelquit Whosie-ma-dingers"

Thoughts? Ideas?

08-06-2007, 01:27 PM
I used to play text-based MUD's all the time before playing DDO.

The system that we had on the one I programmed, and most that I played had something similar, but went by numbers.

There were a hundred thousand (or more) chat channels, that you could just "join" and then chat on.

Think it's a great idea, and wouldn't mind seeing it :).

08-06-2007, 01:28 PM
Or you could use X-Fire (Ugh) Teamspeak or Ventrilo.

08-06-2007, 01:32 PM
Or you could use X-Fire (Ugh) Teamspeak or Ventrilo.

My thought was to make it easy for those within the "allied" guilds to be able to communicate in-game. While someone more experienced with games would know how to get stuff like X-Fire, Ventrillo, or Teamspeak up and running, some people might not be familiar with it, and at least this would be an easy option to keep them in the loop without needing additional software or knowhow.