View Full Version : My WF Cleric build

08-06-2007, 12:10 PM
Well this started out as a guild-driven idea of having a total WF party, and they needed a rezzer/off-tank, noone had made a cleric yet so I volunteered. So far Im L8 and I regularly nab #1-2 in kills in my pugs that I go on.

Took 1st level cleric to nab max sp, then a fighter level to get martial weps/tower shield. 1st feat was adam skellie.
All cleric levels after that (currently casting L4 spells)
I can buff myself like mad.


I have piecing focus, extend , and empower heal metas
had recently respec'd and took off shield mastery for the empowered heal ... still thinking about that tho ...

I have the fighter crit enh, all the healing mods, healing item mods. +5docent and shield, +3 dex item, false life clickies. Fully buffed Im looking at 34 AC, close to 130hp, DR4 (w/o shield) and +15 to hit with my shocking burst of good heavy pick. Have a Icy burst too that landed a 93pt crit on a Gr. fire mephit other day lol.

Almost wishing I had cleave, but Im still trying to balance most of my gear/feats/enh to accomodate the healing aspect I will be relied upon for. I do land pretty big heals so I usually smack everything around till someone drops to 1/2 then I heal em mid-melee, I find it so much easier to whack the mobs off a clothy then to drop like 7 spells in a row just to keep him up.

In order to maximise my enhancements i dropped healers friend, figure an arcane can take care of me and I will return the favor :D And with my DR and 2 sources of temp hps (well 3 with div favor) Im usually running on temp vs my own life-oil.

I did get alot of negative comments and such joining pugs, but I'll tell you I've only had one complaint AFTER one, and it was from a Pally who loved to run off and get 3x the aggro , vs. strategic pulls. Was trying to teach him a lesson, alas he prob wont ever learn it. For the most part I can just hear the jaws drop after I tank/heal/DPS the hell out of everything :P

Well thats my novel, Im Automated Disciple from Argonnessen. Peace out.

08-06-2007, 01:47 PM
I think you just gotta warn them ahead of time you dont got any turns so dont expect any fancy turning abilities like DV, DH, or DC.

03-31-2009, 07:38 PM
Well this started out as a guild-driven idea of having a total WF party, and they needed a rezzer/off-tank, noone had made a cleric yet so I volunteered. So far Im L8 and I regularly nab #1-2 in kills in my pugs that I go on.

Took 1st level cleric to nab max sp, then a fighter level to get martial weps/tower shield. 1st feat was adam skellie.
All cleric levels after that (currently casting L4 spells)
I can buff myself like mad.


I have piecing focus, extend , and empower heal metas
had recently respec'd and took off shield mastery for the empowered heal ... still thinking about that tho ...

I have the fighter crit enh, all the healing mods, healing item mods. +5docent and shield, +3 dex item, false life clickies. Fully buffed Im looking at 34 AC, close to 130hp, DR4 (w/o shield) and +15 to hit with my shocking burst of good heavy pick. Have a Icy burst too that landed a 93pt crit on a Gr. fire mephit other day lol.

Almost wishing I had cleave, but Im still trying to balance most of my gear/feats/enh to accomodate the healing aspect I will be relied upon for. I do land pretty big heals so I usually smack everything around till someone drops to 1/2 then I heal em mid-melee, I find it so much easier to whack the mobs off a clothy then to drop like 7 spells in a row just to keep him up.

In order to maximise my enhancements i dropped healers friend, figure an arcane can take care of me and I will return the favor :D And with my DR and 2 sources of temp hps (well 3 with div favor) Im usually running on temp vs my own life-oil.

I did get alot of negative comments and such joining pugs, but I'll tell you I've only had one complaint AFTER one, and it was from a Pally who loved to run off and get 3x the aggro , vs. strategic pulls. Was trying to teach him a lesson, alas he prob wont ever learn it. For the most part I can just hear the jaws drop after I tank/heal/DPS the hell out of everything :P

Well thats my novel, Im Automated Disciple from Argonnessen. Peace out.

I built something similar not to long ago, I fought up till level 10, heal bot'd till 16, and then finely start swinging again at 16 when green steels caught up with my general all around build. Cept, straight Cleric...

I find when you have 1640 sp, and 350 hp, the flesh lings can complain all they want, but you tend to not care, when you are immune to all the alements they suffer, and able to heal them. You are durable.

If I can offer a word of freindly construct hood...
Green Steel <weapon of Choice>
Acid 1d6, Wisdom +1 exc, Wisdom +2 exc.
The earth elementals, are supreame