View Full Version : Hate Time Is Here!!!!!

08-05-2007, 01:07 PM

Does anyone on this server know how to equip themselves????? How about 100% Fort? Spell Penetration and the LIKE?

I have seen and heard more direct critical hits on party members over the past few days then I have in over a year.

AND PLEASE VISIT THE ORE LOVING BAM DWARVES! Get yourselves some help for a little time.

If you have a 320 HP fighter three crits from a GH troll puts you in the dirt. Be good to your neighborhood Clerics and help us out.

08-06-2007, 10:09 PM
[ sarcasm ]

Heavy Fort?

What is this mythical thing you speak of?

And what do you mean by properly equip myself? I thought all I needed was a cleric and a masterwork dagger and I could take out the Stormreaver on elite!
[ /sarcasm ]

08-07-2007, 02:33 PM
[ sarcasm ]

Heavy Fort?

What is this mythical thing you speak of?

And what do you mean by properly equip myself? I thought all I needed was a cleric and a masterwork dagger and I could take out the Stormreaver on elite!
[ /sarcasm ]

Don't forget your masterwork fullplate and about 10 potions of cure light wounds. :D


08-07-2007, 02:42 PM
hey my WF barb doesnt need no heavy fort. He wears medium fort.:D

and why would he carry a spell penetration item? I mean that 1 level of wizard is only for shield/blur/and false life.(and the occasional DD/Teleport):cool:

08-07-2007, 06:04 PM
Got a couple of things to add to the list with the Heavy Fort Item

1) There are these things called potions. They sell all sorts of varieties and flavors. Stuff like lesser restoration, remove curse, etc. BUY SOME DAMMIT
2) If you are a Pallie or Ranger in Gianthold, take care of your own resists. Hell take care of the whole parties resists.
3) There are items out there of greater elemental resistance, think about picking them up from the auctionhouse instead of your crappy-weapon-of- greater-minor nuissance-bane.(This one of course hurts my own AH sales, but hey my cleric and wiz are crying out "Please Jebus make the hurting stop.")

Just some random hate for the burden to the party types out there.

08-07-2007, 06:18 PM
3) There are items out there of greater elemental resistance, think about picking them up from the auction house instead of your crappy-weapon-of- greater-minor nuissance-bane.(This one of course hurts my own AH sales, but hey my cleric and wiz are crying out "Please Jebus make the hurting stop.")


You phrase it so eloquently. Surely no one can fail to understand your pain now.

But one question? Are you sure these greater elemental resistance items aren't just as mythical as heavy fort?

I heard they're pretty hard to come by since I only have 2 toons with full compliments of cloaks, one with a full compliment of robes, and one that is only missing a greater lightning resist ring to have a full set of those. Like I said, they have to be mythical cause they're really hard to come by folks. [/sarcasm]

I am Xorian. Hate me.

08-07-2007, 06:23 PM
I was in this grp with the op playing my wizzy, I had a heavy fort item(again I was playing my drow wizzy) ...... 2 of the fighters asked what that was and where they could get one when we told them BAM they asked what was that.... I'm not kidding....but we did okay.....not the fasest run I've ever had but we did succed..... thank god for mind fog/dancing ball/maxed firewall combo's

08-07-2007, 06:40 PM
But one question? Are you sure these greater elemental resistance items aren't just as mythical as heavy fort?

I heard they're pretty hard to come by since I only have 2 toons with full compliments of cloaks, one with a full compliment of robes, and one that is only missing a greater lightning resist ring to have a full set of those. Like I said, they have to be mythical cause they're really hard to come by folks. [/sarcasm]

The oracles have spoken to me in my dreams and they tell me that the fabled Greater Elemental Resistance items are real. They are.

Now if only the oracles would not bother me in my sleep but the dumb*** tanks that don't bother with them. I can't count the number of times I have heard "But thats where my feather falling item goes."

Now with regard to the prophetic vision of a heavy fortification item that is available to all players, simply by crossing through the fabled Black Anvil Forest and entering the mythical land of BAM? Again I cannot count the number of manasponge wannabe bad***** that have earned a trip or three to the shrine in my cleric's backpack based on not wanting to juggle inventory a bit to get a heavy fort item. These of course are the same uber leet dudes who brag about being able to do 200 damage on a crit with there bursting heavy pick of greater something easy to kill bane.(and of course said mob seldom has more than 100 HP even on elite.

What is a poor cleric to say? Other than there is lots of room in my pack for yah.

08-07-2007, 06:48 PM
I think of all mine only two has a heavy fort item. That being said those that don't at least have at least a mod fort item (yes I can run BAM but necklace slot is taken by something else). All of my toons can use at least a cure light wand (actually I think all can use at bare minimum a cure mod), as well as keeping either potions or wands (mostly wands) of cure serious, remove fear, lesser restore, remove disease, remove curse and neutralize poison. All have on possesion an underwater action, poison proof, disease immunity and feather fall. It really isn't hard to gain these items or cost much to aquire them and everyone should have in their inventory. Of course this is the difference of being self sufficient and not. :rolleyes:


08-07-2007, 06:48 PM
if you are a fighter you must have heavy fort it's a must, hell I even have it on my mage's, cleric's, and rogues....can't understand not having heavy fort by lvl 14...... don't make sense

08-07-2007, 06:50 PM
Just some random hate for the burden to the party types out there.


Great list, love it.

08-07-2007, 06:55 PM
if you are a fighter you must have heavy fort it's a must, hell I even have it on my mage's, cleric's, and rogues....can't understand not having heavy fort by lvl 14...... don't make sense

It makes perfect sense if you are pursuing the useless ability-crappyweapon-of greater crappy mob bane weapon approach, where the cleric's blue bar obviously = your life, the wizards blue bar obviously = your buffs and the rest of the party merely exists to bask in the glory of your group wiping epeen.

To be honest when I see a high level fighter taking crit type damage I am usually pretty nice and ask the party to make sure they have there fort items on. If that does not stop the bleeding said fighter goes to the bottom of the heal list. No sense in pouring water in a bucket that has a hole after all.

08-07-2007, 06:57 PM
I think of all mine only two has a heavy fort item. That being said those that don't at least have at least a mod fort item (yes I can run BAM but necklace slot is taken by something else). All of my toons can use at least a cure light wand (actually I think all can use at bare minimum a cure mod), as well as keeping either potions or wands (mostly wands) of cure serious, remove fear, lesser restore, remove disease, remove curse and neutralize poison. All have on possesion an underwater action, poison proof, disease immunity and feather fall. It really isn't hard to gain these items or cost much to aquire them and everyone should have in their inventory. Of course this is the difference of being self sufficient and not. :rolleyes:


see your rogue can get away w/ that...awesome toon btw, problem is these guys were standing toe to toe with those trolls and just getting owned, at a could of the doors if we didn't get the balls up it would of been toast

08-07-2007, 07:17 PM
All have on possesion an underwater action, poison proof, disease immunity and feather fall.

What are these items you speak of? Leet dude hefting his useless ability-crappyweapon-of greater crappy mob bane certainly could not lower himself to carry such **** when it gets in the way of his full collection of useless ability-crappyweapon-of greater crappy mob bane weapons. After all the blue bars serve to enable his uber leet party wiping potential.

A little hate story here for yah.(Much to my rage and shame I must admit it occured on Tharashk before the lights went out.)

Was trying to get my pallie ready to run the DQ and I was on Saturday morning long before the guildies would dream of crawling out of bed. I needed the wizking and the preraid to be good to go on the next guild raid and was running out of time, so I hopped into a pug that happened to be running it. I join the group, pick up a couple of csw wands as a courtesy for the cleric and head out to the refuge making sure to pick up the quest. Once in the desert I(knowing that at least a couple of the party members could be hung over reminded everyone to get the quest. "Where do we pick that up?" from the arcane and the other tank. I explain using small words. Everyone gathers again in the desert. "We ready to go?" I say. Chorus of yups.

So I hit my haste clickie and sprint off. I get to the door and realize that the party is lagging behind. I pull up the big map and see that a couple of them are not moving. Run back pull the mobs off them and get everyone safely to the enterance. Ask who has done this before. I get one me. I go to set it to normal only to realize that one of the folks who had never done it had set the diff to elite. No big deal, its a group of 12-14s, we should be fine. Clear goes okay, a little too much healing needed but no biggie. We go right. Fight the guardian mummy and it goes okay. Again a bit too much healing needed. Then I hear that telltale sign. Ask everyone in the party to check for rot. Arcane says he has it. NP remove curse, remove disease, on we go. A minute passes I hear it again. Tank has it. Remove curse, remove disease. At this point I remind everyone to toss on there disease immunity items. "Okay" Bout a minute or so later the cleric drops dead. My head hits the wall, its gonna be a long run.

08-07-2007, 07:52 PM
It makes perfect sense if you are pursuing the useless ability-crappyweapon-of greater crappy mob bane weapon approach, where the cleric's blue bar obviously = your life, the wizards blue bar obviously = your buffs and the rest of the party merely exists to bask in the glory of your group wiping epeen.

To be honest when I see a high level fighter taking crit type damage I am usually pretty nice and ask the party to make sure they have there fort items on. If that does not stop the bleeding said fighter goes to the bottom of the heal list. No sense in pouring water in a bucket that has a hole after all.

yeah...the giant hold changed a lot in this game...you could away in the desert w/ 250 -300 hp with no fort item...not in the giant hold, all the AC monkies get chewed up.... best thing is 400+hp heavy fort and great dps or or 3 scory's w/ flesh to stone.....either works fine :cool:

08-07-2007, 08:31 PM
Self-sufficency is the name of the game now. You have to be self-sufficent in GH. God knows how many times I have told folks in the Reaver quest to make sure that you have healing pots cause you are gonna need them. You can tell the first time that anti-gravity hits who listened and who wanted to continue to be a resource sponge.

A cleric/arcane has better things to spend their SP on than things that folks can take care themselves. By casting one instakill spell or one CC spell a caster or cleric can preserve a huge amount of SP in healing. Of course that one destruction or FOD comes at about the same cost as a couple of extended resists or a couple of deathwards.

/rant on

I am so damned sick to death of everyone needing a deathward all the bloody time when I am on my cleric. Go run tangleroot and get a pair of these (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/CJGMURPG/DDOitems/VisoroftheFleshRenderGuards.jpg). Deathward is a 4th level spell, thats 25 SP. In many quests the clickie I jsut referenced is more than good enough. Unless of course you happen to be Mr. useless ability-crappyweapon-of greater crappy mob bane tank.

/rant off(sort of)

Be prepared, carry useful gear that makes you able to take care of yourself if you stub your toe.


08-07-2007, 09:39 PM
Good god- If someone is new fine maybe they don't understand how important a heavy fort item is for a fighter... Instead of your 8 paragraphs how about simply one line that says ... hey fighters make sure you use a heavy fort item so you don't kill your clerics... 16 words instead of 300.

08-07-2007, 09:55 PM

Does anyone on this server know how to equip themselves????? How about 100% Fort? Spell Penetration and the LIKE?

I have seen and heard more direct critical hits on party members over the past few days then I have in over a year.

AND PLEASE VISIT THE ORE LOVING BAM DWARVES! Get yourselves some help for a little time.

If you have a 320 HP fighter three crits from a GH troll puts you in the dirt. Be good to your neighborhood Clerics and help us out.

I think they should have merged Xoriat and Mabar... I think we would get along just fine :D

08-07-2007, 10:01 PM
The oracles have spoken to me in my dreams and they tell me that the fabled Greater Elemental Resistance items are real. They are.

Careful man, you're sounding awful close to a roll player here. Scary.

if you are a fighter you must have heavy fort it's a must, hell I even have it on my mage's, cleric's, and rogues....can't understand not having heavy fort by lvl 14...... don't make sense

Well you know, some people couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat. Or, if you prefer the middle-eastern approach, couldn't find sand if they fell off a camel... .

What are these items you speak of? Leet dude hefting his useless ability-crappyweapon-of greater crappy mob bane certainly could not lower himself to carry such **** when it gets in the way of his full collection of useless ability-crappyweapon-of greater crappy mob bane weapons. After all the blue bars serve to enable his uber leet party wiping potential.

Oh come on....everyone knows the best defense is a great offense. /laughing

08-07-2007, 10:21 PM
First thing I did upon reaching lvl 9 with my newest wiz: solo'd BAM ore run to get my fort up to 125%. Not as easy at lvl 9 as at lvl 14; died and recalled a few times, but very necessary.

08-07-2007, 11:09 PM
First thing I did upon reaching lvl 9 with my newest wiz: solo'd BAM ore run to get my fort up to 125%. Not as easy at lvl 9 as at lvl 14; died and recalled a few times, but very necessary.

There is fortitude of 125%? :eek:

08-07-2007, 11:21 PM
/Add to earlier post

I was in this grp with the op playing my wizzy, I had a heavy fort item(again I was playing my drow wizzy) ...... 2 of the fighters asked what that was and where they could get one when we told them BAM they asked what was that....

BAM! People....

It's either the sound of your squishy self hitting the floor after the hasted orge just knocked a home run shot with your head


It's the sound of your Cleric's boot connecting with your arse in an effort to dislodge your head.

Your choice really... .

08-08-2007, 12:42 AM
Good god- If someone is new fine maybe they don't understand how important a heavy fort item is for a fighter... Instead of your 8 paragraphs how about simply one line that says ... hey fighters make sure you use a heavy fort item so you don't kill your clerics... 16 words instead of 300.

I have in the past tried to be direct and to the point while ranting. It was not very satisfying. A rant IM(not so)HO has a certain rythmn and flow that is impossible to achieve in 16 words or less. Heck even 300 or so words was pushing it. I could rant about burden to the party characters for hours at a time when I am not ingame.

Further the new comment really doesn't hold water. Simply put by the time that you are running Gianthold content where the heavy fort item is required(IM(not so)HO) you can no longer be considered a new player. Noob yes. New player no.

Finally, the title of the thread says it all. You want me to be polite?

08-08-2007, 12:46 AM
/Add to earlier post
BAM! People....
It's either the sound of your squishy self hitting the floor after the hasted orge just knocked a home run shot with your head
It's the sound of your Cleric's boot connecting with your arse in an effort to dislodge your head.
Your choice really... .

You missed one. Its the sound of your stone being pitched at the shrine by your party members for the 15th time.


08-08-2007, 01:37 AM
There is fortitude of 125%? :eek:
The 100% nightforged gorget stacks with the wf 25%.

08-08-2007, 09:33 AM
You missed one. Its the sound of your stone being pitched at the shrine by your party members for the 15th time.


Yeah, thanks Nari. Forgot that cause we so rarely hear that version of BAM on Xoriat. Not the first one that comes to mind.

08-08-2007, 10:33 AM
The 100% nightforged gorget stacks with the wf 25%.
Tis why it was easy for me to find a mod fort ring.:D

Ive got 100%.

08-12-2007, 02:13 AM
I am so damned sick to death of everyone needing a deathward all the bloody time when I am on my cleric.

Come on now.....
That spell is a huge mana saver overall. A clicky has crappy durations and 1 charge per rest. If timed wrong, you're gonna need more than the 25 sp's. Not to mention that, that item is the only Deathward item in the entire game(I'm fairly certain). Thus very rare. I can understand other buffs like poison/disease/restore etc. can be a pain to dish out. I can't fathom why on earth you have a particular angst to giving out this spell of all things? And it is needed far less of the time than any other spell you have.

As to the task of nursing along players who are not sufficient and prepared for things as they arise....I have a ton of horror stories myself. And for some reason I love reading other's rants. Nobody told me I needed to get heavy fort. on my fighter. I searched for one the day I met those nasty ghouls and ghasts in the desert. I know we all have different learning curves, but these types of players should want to find a way NOT to be a burden to others..Especially the abused Cleric.

Honestly...why Deathward?

08-12-2007, 01:07 PM
/Add to earlier post

BAM! People....

It's either the sound of your squishy self hitting the floor after the hasted orge just knocked a home run shot with your head


It's the sound of your Cleric's boot connecting with your arse in an effort to dislodge your head.

Your choice really... .

I know I'm late but man was that funny

08-12-2007, 01:22 PM
Why deathward?

Because the clickie drops as an end reward, is available to level five characters(before deathward becomes available as a clerical spell) and running TR takes what about 45 minutes for a good group.

No angst with regard to that particular spell. None at all. Just another spell that does not have to be cast if the other folks in the party come to the table prepared. That is the angst. DW is just one of many of the symptoms of it.

I totally agree that the clickie has horrible duration at seven minutes, and also agree that DW is a huge mana saver for a cleric. That being said I cannot count the number of times that clickie has saved my butt. Its better for lowend characters but it never really loses its value. Its seven minutes less that the cleric has to worry about throwing down the deathward. In some quests that saves the mana entirely, in other cases its the difference between extending and not extending. Anyway you look at it it helps keep the clerics mana where it belongs: CC, Removal, and Pulling the party's butt out of the fire.

08-12-2007, 01:32 PM
Just my own thoughts - take them and leave them as you will ..

At high levels (again: read at HIGH levels) there is practically no need for a cleric to cast a buff. I can't remember the last time Mo had to buff anyone. And yes, maybe it's just the groups I run in. But Pallys have DW, pallys and rangers and casters all have resists. True seeing, freedom of movement, stone skin, bark skin, greater heroism, and the like are all buffs other classes can cast.

Doesn't it make more sense to have another class cast buffs and then dv them back up?

On the flip side, the few times I do have to cast buffs I have never really worried about the spell points. At level 14 my buffs last longer than it takes to get to a shrine and if I happen to use extend we're talking over 20 minutes. And at 1264 sp, I have never had to worry about running out of mana.

Just my 2 cp :)

08-12-2007, 01:49 PM
on my own cleric I don't mind handing out deathward, and I almost always pass out true seeing, spell resistance, and others ...... I don't mind buffing

08-12-2007, 06:03 PM
Why deathward?

Because the clickie drops as an end reward, is available to level five characters(before deathward becomes available as a clerical spell) and running TR takes what about 45 minutes for a good group.

It only takes 45 minutes with a "good group" if that good group consists of you and you alone.

Takes a lot less when you increase the numbers to greater than one and all those involved actually know who is the quest giver, where he is located, and how to get there in a timely fashion. :D

08-12-2007, 06:09 PM
Heavy Fort?

What is this mythical thing you speak of?

qft .. besides, I thought all forts were heavy and wouldn't fit in my pack..

08-13-2007, 01:17 AM
It only takes 45 minutes with a "good group" if that good group consists of you and you alone.

Takes a lot less when you increase the numbers to greater than one and all those involved actually know who is the quest giver, where he is located, and how to get there in a timely fashion. :D

Paint, see my edit notes on that post.


I guess in general my thoughts are that I like to arrive at the party as properly equiped as possible so that the clerics and other casters have as much mana as possible to do things that I cannot do myself, regardless of which character I am playing. If that means that I take a bit of time and find the items that do this, rather than finding a crappy ability crappy weapon of greater crappy mob bane so be it. I guess it all comes down to priorities. I put a priority on not being a burden to my party, via finding each and every item I can to help.

Maybe its just me, but based on a decent number of folks that I play with, I don't think so.


As to not minding buffing, two comments:

1) My main is a bard. Nuff said
2) Talk to the folks I roll with about me and buffs.

08-13-2007, 06:46 AM
All my characters have heavy fort cary pots or wands and each have 1-3 of the tangleroot clickies!!!:eek:
All are easy to come by and make life alot easier on clerics bards and the group in general.
My main is a Bard and have a LVL 14 Cleric and understand where this coming from so please make life easier on the party and get a lil more self suffecient!!

Yes my grammar sucks but do I care NO!! lol:D

08-13-2007, 07:35 AM
Maybe its just me, but based on a decent number of folks that I play with, I don't think so.

Hmmm... If you were talking about WF, would it then be, "a docent number of folks...."?? Just wondering.

08-13-2007, 08:35 PM
All my characters have heavy fort cary pots or wands and each have 1-3 of the tangleroot clickies!!!:eek:
All are easy to come by and make life alot easier on clerics bards and the group in general.
My main is a Bard and have a LVL 14 Cleric and understand where this coming from so please make life easier on the party and get a lil more self suffecient!!

Yes my grammar sucks but do I care NO!! lol:D

All I hear is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...:D Just for this post you know Rumail is doomed whenever in a party with you. :p


08-14-2007, 01:11 AM
All I hear is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...:D Just for this post you know Rumail is doomed whenever in a party with you. :p


Yep I like my pocket rogues right Pix!!LOL:D

08-14-2007, 02:22 AM
...all you need to be a good player is BEER.. thats why I won't party with kids:D

08-15-2007, 05:24 AM
...all you need to be a good player is BEER.. thats why I won't party with kids:D

ROFLMAO! You just got a spot in my sig :)

08-15-2007, 07:27 AM
Here's my fav quote Thelic:

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of threads suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Hehe that makes me laugh everytime, he was talking about the "forum maintenance" a.k.a. "The Great server Purge of 2007"

08-15-2007, 02:14 PM
Yep I like my pocket rogues right Pix!!LOL:D

Except you say I squarm too much for you. :D


08-15-2007, 05:19 PM
Except you say I squarm too much for you. :D


Thats not a complaint it's a compliment lol:D

08-15-2007, 05:22 PM
ROFLMAO! You just got a spot in my sig :)


Immortalized forever:)

08-15-2007, 06:36 PM
...all you need to be a good player is BEER.. thats why I won't party with kids:D


My Tigers (and most of my alliance brothers) won't let me play until I've consumed at least a 6-pack. If I screw up something, the first comment from their mouths (especially from Rayneless of AtD) is "Have you been drinking...? Because if not, you better get your a$$ to the store and buy some!".

08-15-2007, 06:48 PM
...all you need to be a good player is BEER.. thats why I won't party with kids:D

I never saw Velah sober until I got knocked up .. it's a whole different experience let me tell ya.

08-15-2007, 07:00 PM

My Tigers (and most of my alliance brothers) won't let me play until I've consumed at least a 6-pack. If I screw up something, the first comment from their mouths (especially from Rayneless of AtD) is "Have you been drinking...? Because if not, you better get your a$$ to the store and buy some!".


A sober Jundak is a surley SOB. Jun with a 6-pack in him is a helluva player.

08-17-2007, 08:32 PM
Here's my fav quote Thelic:

Hehe that makes me laugh everytime, he was talking about the "forum maintenance" a.k.a. "The Great server Purge of 2007"

Everyone brings happiness to DDO, some when they long in, other when they log out... One of my favs :)

08-17-2007, 08:41 PM

My Tigers (and most of my alliance brothers) won't let me play until I've consumed at least a 6-pack. If I screw up something, the first comment from their mouths (especially from Rayneless of AtD) is "Have you been drinking...? Because if not, you better get your a$$ to the store and buy some!".
case in point .. titan elite last night. Jun had a headache, so decided to be sober. We had more deaths in that one run than i've counted in the last week..
I blame jundak, of course.. or maybe coldin, but i'm having trouble creating an argument for how coldin can be responsible for jundaks sobriety..:confused:

08-19-2007, 02:16 AM
You don't need a logical reason or wellfounded arguement to blame Coldin, just do it!!! :D