View Full Version : 3 Days......Still Waiting

08-05-2007, 09:51 AM

08-05-2007, 04:03 PM
I looked at your ticket, and saw that a GM requested more information from you as to what was lost which you did not mention in your ticket. Please update your ticket as soon as you can so that we may research it further. Thank you.

08-07-2007, 11:47 AM

08-07-2007, 01:28 PM

08-07-2007, 01:42 PM
wow, I can barely believe this.. I for one know that no warning was mentioned about the mail being affected. I do not remember the mail system being brought down like the auctions or any safeguard attempts at forseeing this issue.

WIll someone please spawn the loot for this guy or mail it to him.,.. Geez just spawn a chest if u can :mad:

08-07-2007, 01:45 PM
wow, I can barely believe this.. I for one know that no warning was mentioned about the mail being affected. I do not remember the mail system being brought down like the auctions or any safeguard attempts at forseeing this issue.

WIll someone please spawn the loot for this guy or mail it to him.,.. Geez just spawn a chest if u can :mad:

Umm... his characters name is Squire-thelanis, why would anyone think that mail being sent to Squire would get to Squire-thelanis?


08-07-2007, 02:00 PM
But do you know your character has been renamed before you log them in? I do not know, since none of my names were duplicated by anyone but me. I had an alt on another server I created using the same name just to try things out and they came back when I called them up as -Adar. I do not recall if I saw that name on my list before opening up the character.

I can think of many different Database ways in which character ID's are stored, and it would not have been unreasonable for EVERY character to have a unique numeric ID which would go to a look up table for displaying the ingame name information in Parties and over their heads. Obviously this was not the way things were implemented and the names carry the core of the ID with the toon.

08-07-2007, 02:09 PM
But do you know your character has been renamed before you log them in? I do not know, since none of my names were duplicated by anyone but me. I had an alt on another server I created using the same name just to try things out and they came back when I called them up as -Adar. I do not recall if I saw that name on my list before opening up the character.

I can think of many different Database ways in which character ID's are stored, and it would not have been unreasonable for EVERY character to have a unique numeric ID which would go to a look up table for displaying the ingame name information in Parties and over their heads. Obviously this was not the way things were implemented and the names carry the core of the ID with the toon.

yes, you can see all characters that have been renamed the first time you go to your login screen after the merge, there is no need to log in to find out

this is not a bug, not a game issue, and is simply noones fault, the character had been renamed during the merge, and the owner of the character failed to notice his NEW name before mailing items to his OLD name, which he no longer owns

while this is unfortunate, and has happened to many other people, it simply is not turbines fault, no they did not specifically come out and say that "you will not be able to mail items to your OLD character name, and recieve them on your NEW characters name", its not necessary for them to say, and it should be very obvious that if your name changed, and someone else has your old name, that if you mail items to them, they are not going to go to you

sorry you didnt notice or werent cautious enough, but please stop blamig everyone else for it, because as much as it sucks, it's your fault, and im 99% sure they arent going to do anything about it, by taking the items away from the character that recieved them, and giving them back to you

08-07-2007, 02:28 PM

08-07-2007, 02:30 PM
Cross your FIngers that "Squire" is no longer playing the game. The Items will be returned to you in 30days.

Why anyone would use the Mail system for those High end items is another question.... You trust Turbine with that stuff over a Guildy/Friend for a few minutes?

08-07-2007, 02:35 PM
Why would anyone assume that mail being sent as it had been scores of times prior to this not arrive as desired? Its the old saying assumptions make a fool out of both of us so dont make them. You assume one means of coding used to mail items post-merger I assumed the other variable who is to say which opinion is correct when no clarification was issued on what amounted to a huge unchecked gray area in this merger. You think I am the only one out some huge items because they made one assumption over the other?

Your characters name became "Squire-Thelanis". He was No Longer Named "Squire" Nothing changed in how you mail items from one person to another. You simply need to enter the correct name. Your "Squire" was renamed because..........................

Someone Already had the name before you.

ANd now hes got yer stuff too.

08-07-2007, 02:40 PM
Cross your FIngers that "Squire" is no longer playing the game.Squire played recently... or else he woulda lost his name.

I wouldn't count on getting that stuff back.

08-07-2007, 02:40 PM

08-07-2007, 03:20 PM
While I'll stear clear of the question of who is responcible here, I will say this;

If this player refuses to return your items, then they're an ass. I would shout to the heavens to make sure everyone in server knows exactly what occured. You don't know the person, but it's a safe bet that alot of others do. If he/she's part of a guild, word will eventually reach the ears of the leader/officers. Weather or not they intervene, is a measure of their integrity as an organization. But, if enough of a public outcry is created, it could destroy their guild reputation, so it is an issue that must be considered.

I would post this issue in the server forums as well bro. And I hope all works out for the best.


08-07-2007, 03:24 PM
Squire played recently... or else he woulda lost his name.

I wouldn't count on getting that stuff back.

THat just means he played in the last 60 Days.... There was a Welcome back weekend in that time frame if you recall...

08-07-2007, 03:43 PM
While I'll stear clear of the question of who is responcible here, I will say this;

If this player refuses to return your items, then they're an ass. I would shout to the heavens to make sure everyone in server knows exactly what occured. You don't know the person, but it's a safe bet that alot of others do. If he/she's part of a guild, word will eventually reach the ears of the leader/officers. Weather or not they intervene, is a measure of their integrity as an organization. But, if enough of a public outcry is created, it could destroy their guild reputation, so it is an issue that must be considered.

I would post this issue in the server forums as well bro. And I hope all works out for the best.


I would agree man.

And I can garauntee if I see another squire on he will get telled to death by me to give back you stuff.

I think Turbine should just step up and replace the items. They can just mail that stuff to you from one of their NPC's (+sir, etc).

Squire as a friend I don't want to see you go man, so I have some of those items you can have (or atleast use until you get your stuff back or replaced).

08-07-2007, 03:52 PM
As I have told you Squier, your report is being researched. These things do take time.

When more information is available you will be contacted.

The item names were included within the original ticket as well as relevant time parameters. Various follow-up portions of information have followed to assist in outlining the entirety of the situation. It has been another two days since I was told this was being investigated and still no word. Is there a name I am missing to contact as pointman on this situation because the person whom I think is handling the ticket has a PM outlining every detail. Please advise its been since Thursday.....Just give me a name of someone whom I can speak with and get this situation sorted out.

08-07-2007, 07:21 PM
As I have told you Squier, your report is being researched. These things do take time.

When more information is available you will be contacted.

Why is his lost items ticket being researched, when I get a response from every single GM I try to get that they cannot reimburse lost items?????

Please PM me Sparker.