08-04-2007, 12:11 PM
This is the concise list, for the full list, pls visit:
Section (1) : STUFF I WANT (rr:drow ok) - If u have wat I want pls proceed to Sec (2) below :)
Superior Devotion/Potency IV/V Helm ( <= the design I desire
+2 Wis tome
+5 Holy/Elemental (except thundering) Burst Scimitar/Longsword/Warhammer (with suffixes preferred)
+5 Fearsome Full Plate/Breastplate
Transmuting/Cursespewing/Str Sapping/Wounding Scimitar/Longsword of vertigo >= +8
Elemental (except flaming & thundering) or other interesting prefixed offhand slash/blunt weapon of vertigo +10
+5 Resist Cloak (exists?)
Ring of the Ancestors
Planar Girds
Great looking +5 Mithral Full Plates/Breastplates/Tower Shields (I'm vain! :P)
Section (2) : STUFF I HAVE
+5 Elven Chainmail ( *** (NEW) - Nakata
+5 Elven Chainmail of Lesser Lightning Resist ( - Nakata
+5 Mithral Breastplate of Lesser Cold Resist ( - Nakata
+5 Mithral Breastplate ( (rr:dwarf) (1 tick of dmg) - Nakata
+5 Mithral Breastplate ( (2 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt (
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt ( Nakata
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt ( (2 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Feather Fall (3 chg/day) ( Nakata
+5 Mithral Full Plate of Stability ( Nakata
+5 Mithral Full Plate ( Alexius
+4 Twilight Mithral Full Plate ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Heavy Shield ( of Bashing ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Heavy Shield ( - Aleqxius
+5 Mithral Light Shield ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Buckler ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Tower Shield ( - Nakata
+5 Mithral Tower Shield ( ***
+1 Acid Adamantine Longsword of Disruption ***- Aleksius
+1 Ghost Touch Scimitar of Disruption *** - Nakata
+2 Dagger of Disruption - Nakata
+1 Thundering Bastard Sword of Disruption (NEW) - Aleksius
+1 Thundering Light Mace of Disruption ***
+1 Ghost Touch Battleaxe of Smiting *** (1 tick of dmg)- Aleksius
+1 Longsword of Smiting ***
+1 Thundering Light Hammer of Smiting
+2 Keen Heavy Crossbow of Smiting (rr:warforged)- aleqxius
+1 Returning Throwing Hammer of Smiting - Nakata
+2 Paralyzing Dwarven Axe of Backstabbing (+1) - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Bastard Sword - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Battleaxe of Tendon Slice (2%) *** - Nakata
+1 Paralyzing Greatsword of Shatter (+2) - Aleqsius
+1 Paralyzing Greatsword of Lesser Orc Bane - Aleqsius
+1 Paralyzing Kama of Vertigo (+2) - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Kama of Maiming
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace of Lesser Giant Bane ***
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace - Aleqsius
+1 Paralyzing Morningstar of Backstabbing (+1) *** (1 tick of dmg) - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Warhammer of Weighted (1%) ***
+1 Paralyzing Quarterstaff of Weighted (1%) x 2 - Aleqsius
+2 Paralyzing Densewood Longbow of Power I- Nakata
+2 Paralyzing Light Crossbow - Nakata
+1 Paralyzing Composite Shortbow of Backstabbing (+1) - Aleksius
+1 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Shatter (+2) - Aleqsius
+1 Vorpal Kukri *** (1 tick of dmg)
+1 Vorpal Longsword ***- Aleksius
+1 Vorpal Scimitar *** (3 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
+1 Vorpal Scimitar of Shatter (+2) ***
+2 Banishing Light Mace of Pure Good ***- Nakata
+1 Banishing Heavy Mace - Nakata
+1 Banishing Quarterstaff of Deception (+3) - Aleksius
+1 Banishing Warhammer of Deception *** - Nakata
+1 Banishing Dagger
OTHERs - Stats items
Charismatic Cloak (Cha +6) *** - Aleksius
Health Necklace (Con +6) ***
Ogre Power Gloves (Str +6) *** (3 ticks of dmg)
Wise Ring (Wis +6) *** - Aleksius
Charismatic Ring (Cha +1) of Protection +5 *** (2 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
Striding Boots (30%) ***
Bloodstone ***(NEW)
Cape of the Roc - Aleqxius
Chaosgarde ***
Daggertooth's Belt - Aleksius
Death's Locket x 2- Aleqxius
Dream Cloak - Aleqsius
Dream Visor x 2 - Aleksius/Nakata
Dusk - Aleqsius
Fragment of the Silver Flame (2 ticks of dmg) - Aleqsius
Globe of Imperial Blood - Nakata
Gloves of the Forgotten Craft - Aleqxius
Golden Greaves ***
Helm of Freewill ***
Helm of the Black Dragon *** (NEW) - Aleksius
Helm of the White Dragon ***
Helm of the Flame
Intricate Field Optics ***
Iron Beads - Alekxis
Jogundal's Collar *** x 3 (two on Aleqxius)
Kardin's Eye ***
Mantle of the Dragonfriend - Aleksius
Pearl of Power VI - Nakata
Pearl of Power X - Nakata
Ring of Spell Storing - Aleqsius
Ring of the Stormreaver Prophecy - Aleksius
Robe of Fire
Spiked Boots *** - Nakata
+2 Cha Tome (traded) - Aleqsius
+2 Con Tome - Aleksius
Thx to VICTOREE for not minding my adapting of his format
Thx to Craythegray for his time & advice on the trade list
Section (1) : STUFF I WANT (rr:drow ok) - If u have wat I want pls proceed to Sec (2) below :)
Superior Devotion/Potency IV/V Helm ( <= the design I desire
+2 Wis tome
+5 Holy/Elemental (except thundering) Burst Scimitar/Longsword/Warhammer (with suffixes preferred)
+5 Fearsome Full Plate/Breastplate
Transmuting/Cursespewing/Str Sapping/Wounding Scimitar/Longsword of vertigo >= +8
Elemental (except flaming & thundering) or other interesting prefixed offhand slash/blunt weapon of vertigo +10
+5 Resist Cloak (exists?)
Ring of the Ancestors
Planar Girds
Great looking +5 Mithral Full Plates/Breastplates/Tower Shields (I'm vain! :P)
Section (2) : STUFF I HAVE
+5 Elven Chainmail ( *** (NEW) - Nakata
+5 Elven Chainmail of Lesser Lightning Resist ( - Nakata
+5 Mithral Breastplate of Lesser Cold Resist ( - Nakata
+5 Mithral Breastplate ( (rr:dwarf) (1 tick of dmg) - Nakata
+5 Mithral Breastplate ( (2 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt (
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt ( Nakata
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt ( (2 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Feather Fall (3 chg/day) ( Nakata
+5 Mithral Full Plate of Stability ( Nakata
+5 Mithral Full Plate ( Alexius
+4 Twilight Mithral Full Plate ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Heavy Shield ( of Bashing ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Heavy Shield ( - Aleqxius
+5 Mithral Light Shield ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Buckler ( - Aleksius
+5 Mithral Tower Shield ( - Nakata
+5 Mithral Tower Shield ( ***
+1 Acid Adamantine Longsword of Disruption ***- Aleksius
+1 Ghost Touch Scimitar of Disruption *** - Nakata
+2 Dagger of Disruption - Nakata
+1 Thundering Bastard Sword of Disruption (NEW) - Aleksius
+1 Thundering Light Mace of Disruption ***
+1 Ghost Touch Battleaxe of Smiting *** (1 tick of dmg)- Aleksius
+1 Longsword of Smiting ***
+1 Thundering Light Hammer of Smiting
+2 Keen Heavy Crossbow of Smiting (rr:warforged)- aleqxius
+1 Returning Throwing Hammer of Smiting - Nakata
+2 Paralyzing Dwarven Axe of Backstabbing (+1) - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Bastard Sword - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Battleaxe of Tendon Slice (2%) *** - Nakata
+1 Paralyzing Greatsword of Shatter (+2) - Aleqsius
+1 Paralyzing Greatsword of Lesser Orc Bane - Aleqsius
+1 Paralyzing Kama of Vertigo (+2) - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Kama of Maiming
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace of Lesser Giant Bane ***
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace - Aleqsius
+1 Paralyzing Morningstar of Backstabbing (+1) *** (1 tick of dmg) - Aleksius
+1 Paralyzing Warhammer of Weighted (1%) ***
+1 Paralyzing Quarterstaff of Weighted (1%) x 2 - Aleqsius
+2 Paralyzing Densewood Longbow of Power I- Nakata
+2 Paralyzing Light Crossbow - Nakata
+1 Paralyzing Composite Shortbow of Backstabbing (+1) - Aleksius
+1 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Shatter (+2) - Aleqsius
+1 Vorpal Kukri *** (1 tick of dmg)
+1 Vorpal Longsword ***- Aleksius
+1 Vorpal Scimitar *** (3 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
+1 Vorpal Scimitar of Shatter (+2) ***
+2 Banishing Light Mace of Pure Good ***- Nakata
+1 Banishing Heavy Mace - Nakata
+1 Banishing Quarterstaff of Deception (+3) - Aleksius
+1 Banishing Warhammer of Deception *** - Nakata
+1 Banishing Dagger
OTHERs - Stats items
Charismatic Cloak (Cha +6) *** - Aleksius
Health Necklace (Con +6) ***
Ogre Power Gloves (Str +6) *** (3 ticks of dmg)
Wise Ring (Wis +6) *** - Aleksius
Charismatic Ring (Cha +1) of Protection +5 *** (2 ticks of dmg) - Nakata
Striding Boots (30%) ***
Bloodstone ***(NEW)
Cape of the Roc - Aleqxius
Chaosgarde ***
Daggertooth's Belt - Aleksius
Death's Locket x 2- Aleqxius
Dream Cloak - Aleqsius
Dream Visor x 2 - Aleksius/Nakata
Dusk - Aleqsius
Fragment of the Silver Flame (2 ticks of dmg) - Aleqsius
Globe of Imperial Blood - Nakata
Gloves of the Forgotten Craft - Aleqxius
Golden Greaves ***
Helm of Freewill ***
Helm of the Black Dragon *** (NEW) - Aleksius
Helm of the White Dragon ***
Helm of the Flame
Intricate Field Optics ***
Iron Beads - Alekxis
Jogundal's Collar *** x 3 (two on Aleqxius)
Kardin's Eye ***
Mantle of the Dragonfriend - Aleksius
Pearl of Power VI - Nakata
Pearl of Power X - Nakata
Ring of Spell Storing - Aleqsius
Ring of the Stormreaver Prophecy - Aleksius
Robe of Fire
Spiked Boots *** - Nakata
+2 Cha Tome (traded) - Aleqsius
+2 Con Tome - Aleksius
Thx to VICTOREE for not minding my adapting of his format
Thx to Craythegray for his time & advice on the trade list