View Full Version : Still a bit confused

08-03-2007, 06:13 PM
I've been playing for a few weeks now and love the game. I have an 8th lvl Pally H.A. build but feel I am missing some important playing information to best help the group. I was with 6 lvl 8 toons last night and consistently had the lowest kill count, not that that is everything but it gives something to measure. I read the forms and have followed the advice on how to build a Pally. I seem to get overwhelmed by all the intricacies of character development, such as all the feats, enhancements, skills, favor, what weapon is best against certain mobs, when to use certain feats, what armor/weapons are best for my toon, ect... I'm sure much of it will come with play but some mentorship/guidlines would be awesome. I'm in a guild but have not tapped them for info yet because I dont want to bother them while in game. I also don't want to bother my quest group with character questions while gaming. I am a bit of a perfectionist but mostly I want my character to play at its highest level and if I'm missing some important info on how to do that I would love to know.

BTW everyone I have pugged with has been great. The game is fun and the other players have been helpful and funny. Thanks for the great times so far.:D

08-03-2007, 06:40 PM
a pally is a low DPS class

08-03-2007, 08:22 PM

Well, expand on what jaitee said, paladin have lower DPS than most melee fighters. They bring to the group other assets than pure DPS.

Lay on Hands - This increases their survability. It is perfect for the "Oh ****, I'm (or the cleric) about to die!!" Also great to raise the incap cleric.

Resist Energy - Incredibly useful spell. Of course Clerics, Wizards and Sorcerers can cast it too, but they can do other things withj their precious SPs. Save them some SP and cast the right resist at least on yourself, and on the Tanks of you can afford it. Take into consideration you'll probably cast Divine Favor at each fight. :) If you don't know what resist(s) are needed, ask the rest of the group "What kind of resist is needed here?" Most players know the answer and will answer. If no one knows, simply wait until you fight a few mobs before casting it.

Smite Evil - This is the tool of DPS for paladins, it is perfect for Red Named where quick DPS is all that matters.

Divine Grace - Paladins have high saving throws. It comes from their aura and Divine Grace (which gives them beter saving throws the highr their Cha is). Those high saving throws means that they will be hit less often by Spells.

Ability to self heal with wands- Paladins can use healing wands, it can be a good idea to help in the healing between fights (or even sometimes DURING hard fights if you're in a bas PuG:D)

As you se, the key to paladin isn't DPS, but survability. know how to use your tools well, and you will be an asset to all parties. You won't be the winner in kill count, but you'll be useful to the group. Don't let the kill counts bring you down, that barbarian with twice as much kills as you costed twice much SP to the cleric. :) To each class their use. :)

Also don't forget that other players aren't all newcomers. Most of them have richer main toons that they use to mail some stuff to their lowbies, you can't compete with that.

Hopes this help!

08-03-2007, 08:28 PM
Also, I'd like to add: if you got questions, ask your guildies. If they're busy, they finish their fight and answer you back. Guildies are there to help each other out, if they don't want to help you, leave them.

I'm a guild leader, and I like my guildy to know what they are doing. Don't be shy and ask. :)

Regarding the best type of weapon, this might help you a bit: http://ddo.enterwiki.net/page/Monster_DR_and_weaknesses

It might be incomplete, but it should help you. :)

08-03-2007, 08:37 PM

Well, expand on what jaitee said, paladin have lower DPS than most melee fighters. They bring to the group other assets than pure DPS.

Lay on Hands - This increases their survability. It is perfect for the "Oh ****, I'm (or the cleric) about to die!!" Also great to raise the incap cleric.

Resist Energy - Incredibly useful spell. Of course Clerics, Wizards and Sorcerers can cast it too, but they can do other things withj their precious SPs. Save them some SP and cast the right resist at least on yourself, and on the Tanks of you can afford it. Take into consideration you'll probably cast Divine Favor at each fight. :) If you don't know what resist(s) are needed, ask the rest of the group "What kind of resist is needed here?" Most players know the answer and will answer. If no one knows, simply wait until you fight a few mobs before casting it.

Smite Evil - This is the tool of DPS for paladins, it is perfect for Red Named where quick DPS is all that matters.

Divine Grace - Paladins have high saving throws. It comes from their aura and Divine Grace (which gives them beter saving throws the highr their Cha is). Those high saving throws means that they will be hit less often by Spells.

Ability to self heal with wands- Paladins can use healing wands, it can be a good idea to help in the healing between fights (or even sometimes DURING hard fights if you're in a bas PuG:D)

As you se, the key to paladin isn't DPS, but survability. know how to use your tools well, and you will be an asset to all parties. You won't be the winner in kill count, but you'll be useful to the group. Don't let the kill counts bring you down, that barbarian with twice as much kills as you costed twice much SP to the cleric. :) To each class their use. :)

Also. on't forget that other players aren't all newcomers. Most of them have richer main toons that they use to mail some stuff to their lowbies, you can't compete with that.

Hopes this help!

the highlighted line here is probably the most important, many of the people youre grouping with probably have the absolute BEST possible items for their characters current level, which makes a huge difference, another thing that goes along with the experience factor is if theyve been around a while they may have done all the quests youre running many many times, so they may know exactly what to expect around every corner and behind every doory, which helps to some degree as well

im sure youre doing fine, just dont put too much value on the kill counter as it gives credit to the character who deals the killing blow, not the most damage

and as some of the others said, not many paladins are going to keep up with fighters, barbarians, or dps ranger types in kills, but they may be outdoing you in the damage TAKEN category too, so it evens out. besides, youre granting them extra ac and saves so im sure they appreciate having you around:)

08-03-2007, 11:30 PM
Thanks for all the great info and support.