View Full Version : Value Check on Rez Ring!

08-03-2007, 02:44 PM
So, what do people put the value of a rez ring at for trade vs. say paralyzers, vorpals, +2 tomes, etc...

Any helpful insight is welcomed. I have a rez ring and I'm considering trading it but I want to understand what it's really worth.

08-03-2007, 03:45 PM
well first off there really is not standard "value", it's all about who wants it, how bad they want it, what they have to offer, and how THEY compare the things they have in value to your ring they want

if youre thinking of trading it you really need to just put up a list of things you want and see what people will offer you from it, if you dont get offered enough, just keep it

yes, some people will trade you a vorpal for it, maybe not some of the more highly valued vorpals such as finessible ones, and same with smiters, banishers, etc. you probably wont get a smiting or banishing rapier for it, but you never know, again it depends on the person and how much stuff they have, to some people a vorpal is nothing, to others its everything

last but not least, id have a hard time believing someone would trade a +2 tome for it, but hey you never really know around here

the rings are not THAT hard to get, i own 6 of them myself, anyone can get one if they want to put the time in and loot the chest, but some people will be happy to just trade well for it and get it NOW

sorry to turn this into a novel but hope this helps a little

08-03-2007, 07:56 PM
i agree with ghost here. about 500k plat value witch is the same value as low end big 5 type weapons. i doubt anyone would trade a +2 tome for it but you never know. anyway gl trading it man and i hope this info helps

08-03-2007, 11:40 PM
i'm looking for rez rings... check my trade list to see if there's anything you're interested in :)

i mean um... rez rings are worth um... about as much as a muckbace :D

lol jk

08-04-2007, 12:39 PM
well to be honest if they are lootabl from a single chest and you know where and how to run that chest it isnt worth much to me why trade anything when u could put some time into running it and get one for ourself....to me it alot more gratifying too

08-04-2007, 12:54 PM
well to be honest if they are lootabl from a single chest and you know where and how to run that chest it isnt worth much to me why trade anything when u could put some time into running it and get one for ourself....to me it alot more gratifying too

i personally do both