View Full Version : They had to kick me off!

08-02-2007, 01:07 AM
Goodbye Xoriat, our home of hatred will always live in our souls. I would not go quietly with one last curse to the Devs I was forced from my home. Onward though to conquer new lands.

08-02-2007, 01:12 AM

08-02-2007, 01:19 AM
**** right.
As I said in the other thread - I was there when Xoriat went live, and I had to be booted off at the end.

Xoriat forever. Hate never dies.

08-02-2007, 02:15 AM
i can almost hear the bagpipes play taps in the background

08-02-2007, 03:32 AM
So what were YOU doing when you got booted?

We decided we wanted to go out fighting, so we went to run Invaders (seemed fitting), but we finished it too quick lol
So we rushed up to Prison of the Planes, started with the Xoriat room (:D ) managed to squeeze a chest out of the Marilith room, and were commencing to melt the ice in the Risia room when we were mercilessly shut out.

08-02-2007, 03:56 AM
So what were YOU doing when you got booted?

We decided we wanted to go out fighting, so we went to run Invaders (seemed fitting), but we finished it too quick lol
So we rushed up to Prison of the Planes, started with the Xoriat room (:D ) managed to squeeze a chest out of the Marilith room, and were commencing to melt the ice in the Risia room when we were mercilessly shut out.

Ha - Nice, very similar to what I was doing.

My brother and I decided to hang out in the Xoriat room until they booted us, we took out all the mobs, killed the beholder and mind flayers (got a chest, but was all ****) and sat there until they booted us.

RIP Xoriat.

Xorian for Life,


08-02-2007, 06:03 AM
I decided to take my Paly into the Reaver's Fate and beat on him for a little while. Once the first wave of Eles hit though it was essentially over.

08-02-2007, 08:49 AM
Has anyone noticed the chain of links to the thread up top?

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE™: Stormreach™ Forums > Servers > Thelanis > Xoriat > They had to kick me off!

Oooohhhhh.....the hate is just boiling over already....

08-02-2007, 10:12 AM
Bah... I couldn't stand the notion of playing with a bunch of no-good Xoriat punks to the end... so I drank a beer (more than a few actually) and watched movies about skinning people and condensing their skin in fat to make perfume... :eek:

...all in preparation for the Inevitable take-over of Thelanis....:D